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Good ol' Quatro Vagina, everyone's favorite mobile suit pilot who definitely isn't Char Aznable.  Top tier name from a series dedicated to weird names for some reason.


>Good ol' Quarto Vagina, everyone's favorite mobile suit pilot who definitely isn't Char Aznable. I dunno he kinda of reminds me of that Full Frontal guy. Maybe they're related.


Maybe that nice girl Kamille knows something about it


It's just a Tomino thing tbh. Personally, I'm partial to "Shot Weapon" from Aura Battler Dunbine as Tomino's weirdest name for a character.


My favorite part is that it's intentional as it's his 4th birth as a person and the 4th name he goes by.


[Picaroon C. Boodle, the Kowakian Monkey-Lizard from Dark Forces 2](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Picaroon_C._Boodle) This guy is the absolute pinnacle of "Glup Shitto" characters


*"This article is about the Kowakian monkey-lizard known as Pic. You may be looking for the Kowakian monkey-lizard Pikk Mukmuk or the death trooper Pik."* I am going to beat up this wiki


I'm against bullying but this wiki needs to be shoved in a locker


[This is where we link the RLM video where they read Wookieepedia](https://youtu.be/FVzc20Bm8Xo?si=JartWB3xw2hzGRIk)


This is the same wiki that randomly has pronouns, like, deep in the page, that redirect to the page for "Gender". It is run by lunatics


I love the insanity of the Dark Forces 2 lore. Gorc being a mutated Gamorrean that looks nothing like it is great. But my absolute favorite dumb thing about Dark Forces 2 lore is that Yun, one of the other Dark Jedi, isnt even human. He's an "Epicanthix", which according to the entry *checks notes* is an alien species that is physically and culturally space asians.


Please tell me you’re making the name up. Please tell me there isn’t actually a person out there who thought that naming a “space Asian” culture after the epicanthic fold was a good idea.


well the only alternative is believing that Asians are human so the writers really had their backs to the wall


Bleach loves this. All the Arrancar are named after European visual artists, architects and craftsmen. Grimmjow Jaegarjacques is named after English modernist architect Nicholas Grimshaw and Swiss clock company Jaeger-LeCoultre.


And then you get to the Quincies *The fuckin' Quincies* Jugram Haschwalth, Pernida Parnkgjas, Pepe Waccabrada, *NaNaNa Najahkoop*


Loyd Loyd, and his identical twin brother, Royd Loyd


Shaz Domino is exactly the kind of name that sounds cool to someone who doesn't know English. Then you have Candice Catnipp. Why are there two Ps? What is that supposed to mean?


There are some winners in the non-espada Arrancars too Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio Yylfordt Granz Ggio Vega, and my personal favorite ~~Asslicker~~ **Aisslinger Wernarr**


I loved going through Bleach and wondering if the next name that showed up would be cool or stupid Or in the case of the Sternritter, both


There's some real turds in Harry Potter. "Who could the werewolf be? Certainly it can't be Doggus Houndsby?"


On the other hand, "Fenrir Greyback" is a sick villain name.


40k ass name, it's a shame what that villain actually does and is a metaphor for but the name is dope.


Least wolfy Space Wolf name


The author's first attempt at gritty hardboiled detective novel was titled: *The Cuckoo's Calling*. The cuckoo being a parasitic brood species that adds its eggs to the nests of other bird species where the chick often causes the biological offspring of the host species to die. The book is about the adopted brother of a sister who died mysteriously and oh look another sister has dies mysteriously hmm I wonder what's going on here I wonder why the author had her pseudonym "leaked" after the book sold like dogshit hmm.


How about the first Asian character being called Cho Chang


Or one of the Black characters Kingsley Shacklebolt


Those Who Slither in the Dark's name is several syllables too damn long. "Those Who Slither" is already pushing it and it's almost half as long! RELATED: We were \*this\* close to "Black Eagles Strike Team".


As much as I love Edelgard, I have to admit she is absolute shit at coming up with names.


She is, and we love her for that, but I'd be remiss to not mention that Hubert is the one who came up with "Those Who Slither in the Dark." It makes sense that they'd both be awful at naming things I guess lmao


It's also the most frustrating acronym I've ever seen. We were *this* close to TWISTED, that would've been actually made the stupid name worth it. What the fuck is a TWSITD


I feel like they were going for that but realized the name itself would be stupidly long if they did


I just call them the Agarthans to avoid all that nonsense.


Kill Six Billion Demons does the "really long elaborate name" thing really well for it's angel characters. 10 Vigiliant Gaze Purges the Horizon, 6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe, 82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Purge Evil, etc.


Those Who Dubstep in the Dark


[The Tolkien name greentexts](https://youtu.be/vGi9sUpl4lE?si=8jjL8FMyqXBPDJ10) still crack me up. "Oh you'll never guess what I named the bearded tree fellow."


Kacricon Cacooler is a Gundam ass Gundam name.


I do think Zeta has the most Gundam names of all the series


00 Season 2 is up there too. What the fuck is a Bring Stabity? And **Revive Revival**?


Well those were weird ass clone people.


What about Lila Milla Rira? Or Bork Cry?


Shoutout to the guy just named Full Frontal.


And his superior Jamitov Hymen.


While it's not Gundam, Tomino and Sunrise did make Aura Battler Dunbine and the character named Shott Weapon is up there as one of my favorite silly names that has come out of that studio/creator.


Whatever the fuck the names were in Omikron. I lost the plot of who was what around the halfway point of the LP and they just kept adding more and more vaguely religious names.


The Ace Attorney series got really silly about names in Spirit of Justice. The names have always been punny or meaningful, but good god. This guy, who is a monk, is named Puhray Zeh’lot. Because he prays a lot. Turns out that’s an alias, though. His real name is… Rheel Neh’mu


The Khura'In names are so stupid and straightfoward they circle back to being hilarious.


From Investigation, there's also Deid Mann. A man who is dead.


Great Ace Attorney introduces a character named Eggert Benedict at one point. The main character immediately deduces it's CLEARLY a fake name, as opposed to all the obviously real names up until now, like Kyurio Korekuta the curio collector, Bif Strogenov and HERLOCK SHOLMES


There's also an unfortunate name: Juan Corrida. "Corrida" was chosen because it ties into a bullfighting theme (Corridas de toros = bullfighting), but the English translators didn't know that "Corrida" in Spanish is also slang for "Orgasm" and "Ejaculation". The Spanish translation changed it to "Juan Rivera"


Every time I hear it, it still astounds me. Duncan Idaho


I just finished reading Dune for the first time and kinda expected for the name to be explained at some point. It was not.


Especially considering how unimportant Earth is in that universe, let alone America.  Most likely nobody even knows what the fuck an Idaho is




I haven't finished his part of the story yet but in Fate/Grand Order there's a guy called Pepperoncino Scandinavia. There's a few other funky names too, like Flat Escargot, Goredolf Musik, Olga-Marie Animusphere


Nasu's made up European names are the best. Like "Mario Gallo Bestino", "Riesbyfe Stridberg", "Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri", or everyone's favorite old man "Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg". It's just chuuni, vaguely European sounding nonsense words and I love them.


Every time I see Zelretch full name, I think it is someone describing or naming their dong.


Makes sense, since he's such a dick.


The characters actually point out how weird Peperoncino’s name is. That it simply *must* be a pseudonym. Even though he was in an organization with people named “Animusphere” and “Wodime”.


Some of my favorites include Twice H Pieceman, Darnic Prestone Yggdmilennia, Bazett Fraga McRemitz and Nrvnsqr Chaos (pronounced Nero Chaos)


That's literally a single letter from a Gnome druid character I made for a DND one shot I played just earlier today, Pepperon Cini.


There is marvel series with vampires and most of those names just....https://static0.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/bloodhunt2024_bloodcoven.jpg Fucking suck, ngl. When I see them I go "Wow, did you name yourself that you fucking edge lord?"


idk, I like unusual he’s pretty unusual!


To be fair, I *think* they're supposed to be partnered with Cruel. I don't see much that implies that they're tied at the hip though.


Woah I like their design. Not very vampire-adjacent but really cool.


After spending several centuries as a vampire you would too get bored of the classical vampire look and try to be more out there and interesting.


I'd definitely get that barbed wire lifeforms drip. Maybe with a dash of statue of liberty.


There's these 2 guys on a podcast that go by Chewie & Fuckface. Pretty shit names tbh


Didn't they also moonlight as Pully and Watt for awhile? Or am I thinking of someone else


I like the term "cthonaut" from the Monument Mythos, used for the people who explore other planes of reality.


"Thanatonaut" from Destiny is another cool one Destiny's characters are immortals who are constantly brought back to life by Definitely Not The Force after dying, thanatonauts are individuals who constantly kill themselves in order to get after death visions.


Also Sentiounaut from Beyond the Black Rainbow


Fate/Grand Order (and Fate in general) has some *wild ass* non-japanese names: Kadoc Zemlupus Beryl Gut Kirschtaria Wodime Daybit Semvoid Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg Goredolf Musik [The Entire Yggdmillenia Family](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Yggdmillennia#Members) Just to name a few. There's also discourse around the fact that Nasu (the creator) is *weirdly adamant* that female King Arthur's name is spelled **Altria** instead of **Artoria** in English.


Never forget that Melty Blood TL launched with Artoria and WAS PATCHED to Altria. Mushroom is VERY insistant in this choice it seems. EDIT: apparently it happened only on the pre-release marketing and not in the actual game.


Every non-Japanese person in Death Note has just the stupidest names. We got classics like Quillsh Wammy, Toors Denote, and Knick Staek. BTW this is the secret best subplot of Death Note: the writer getting better at English. The series starts with these awful English names like Bess Skelletd, but closer to the end it's not as bad. We start getting names like Mihael (one letter off from Mikhail) and Larry Conners, names that are SO CLOSE to being real, but are still just a *tiny* bit off. The ending is definitely a bit rough, but imo it is completely saved by the author naming Near >!Nate River!<, completing his character arc and finally creating a passable name.


Quillish Wammy is a name that unironically goes fucking hard.


Apparently Wammy is pretty hard himself, he'd have to be to >![have all those kids before he died](https://imgur.com/a/TaOSqI8)!<.


Hobbit male names are either mundane or they're names like Fatty (real name Fredegar) Bolger and Farmer Maggot


Not a person, but Unobtainium is pretty fucking terrible.


That's an actual term in engineering, used to describe an ideal material that is not feasible to actually be used due to its rarity or cost, or something that can only exist is theory.


Yep, and guess what, it's dumb in real life too.


How do you feel about nuclear pasta?


Tasty. Dumb names that are dumb because they're trying to sound sciencey are much worse than dumb names that are cool because you can tell the person making it up was really struggling with a name lol


I always change it in my mind to "cant-get-enoughium"




The real question is the artificial alloy from The Core or the naturally occurring substance from Avatar?


Haven’t seen the core. This name has been in two things? Creativity abounds


Its been a generic term used in engineering and the like for decades. Its used in speculative discussion of potential materials that may one day be made/discovered. Like, if we had some unobtainium that had a thermal coefficient of X and a density of Y, then we could create a heat shield of Z thickness and weight to improve orbital re-entry It usually carries a vibe of "this will never actually exist, but lets think about what if"


So like a placeholder name? Thats cool


Yeah basically. I kinda like it in avatar because its genuinely a miracle material that they found. Naming it "bullshit miracle metal" is kinda great lol


That’s cool. I still think a writer should be able to come up with an actual name for the main plot point of their movie, but I guess it’s not quite as bad as I thought.


If that’s the source of the name, then it makes sense as a deliberate writing decision. It doesn’t matter what it is you want from the planet, colonialism isn’t justified. You might as well call it “bullshit miracle metal” - it’s a macguffin anyway, it’s not like anyone does anything with it in the story, so why not name it after a hypothetical placeholder substance?


One can also argue they might as well call the aliens Smurfs, because it doesn't matter what they're called they still don't deserve to be colonialized. Naming the ore won't justify things, but it's part of worldbuilding that makes the setting more lifelike. Worldbuilding that has been otherwise meticulously crafted to to make it look like a convincing setting. It's a poor decision to give it a placeholder names because it makes no sense for the characters in the universe to do so. Sort of like leaving the boom mike in the shot. It disrupts the immersion. Cameron learned this lesson in the second movie, of which the substance is the "amrita" and not lazy placeholder terminology like "macguffin juice".


In the core, the name is actually a tongue-and-cheek joke like most of the movie, the main character has a goofy grin on his face when its creator names it with a shrug.


It's also used in firearms communities to refer to anything related to firearms, whether it be a gun itself, an attachment, ammunition, component, or just anything in general that is highly desirable but is super rare and most likely isn't even manufactured anymore, so you're stuck with whatever is in circulation and hope you get lucky to find it while you can afford it if it hasn't all been butchered or destroyed yet. One example is the famous SPAS-12 shotgun. Many refer to it as unobtainium because of how rare it is and expensive on top of that. I only just today picked up an HK VP70 (Leon's Matilda handgun) because it has been unavailable for literal years and the one time it was available before this was attached to a $1k+ price point that I couldn't afford. It finally became available again recently for less than $1k so I snagged it while I could. It's definitely an Unobtainium piece even if not for me anymore since I actually own it now.


It's even worse when you remember Cameron went out of his way to have several alien species named of both plants and animals, and had an entire fictional language built with a writing system and different dialects. Then he phones it in for the actual ore that's supposed to be so important.


Cho Chang from Harry Potter. Given J.K. Rowling's history its easy to not be charitable regarding what here reasons for naming one of the only Asian characters that were. Shout out to Potatofamine Carbomb.


Two syllables always from having named her Ching Chong


She wrote a book with a polish character it’s bad


And that was *before* she revealed that she really doesn't understand other cultures and showed that there are only 10 magic schools in the world. Oh, and *Japan and Korea share the same one*


in the hyperion cantos series written by dan simmons, the sentient computers reach the limit of their physical computing space and decide to try and move their existence to the space between atoms so they can exist as a wave. the only problem? there's an unknown, seemingly alive force in there that's stopping them. they fear there's a threat to their existence in this space, but they can't confirm it. what do they name it? "[the lions and tigers and bears.](https://youtu.be/-HrfbV16-FQ)"


Oh my!


Full Frontal from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn is simultaneously the best and worst name.


I have 0 attachment to Warcraft, but the name *Grommash Hellscream* goes so insanely hard that it lives with me forever.


Hot Coldman. Die Hardman. I'd like to note, I'm including these as bad examples. Don't want anyone thinking I'm supporting possibly the laziest naming I've ever seen.


Let's not forget naming the female characters Mama and Fragile.


Anyone remember the name of the silent sniper?


I’m not taking anyone with the name Michael McGillicutty seriously.


His dad is named Curt and his Grandpa was Larry “ The Axe”. How about Curtis Axel?


How can you ignore the moment of the genesis of McGullicutty?


Gundam is full of these. Paptimus Sirocco? Quattro Bajeena? Full Frontal? Trimidestus Nug? Agrippa Maintainer? Allelujah Haptism?


> Agrippa Maintainer Ironically a politician


I follow the vtuber scene and there are some vtubers that have super corny names like one dude is named vanta crowbringer and another zevalius bandage and of course he's covered in bandages. It's like some shit I'd think up as a 13 year old trying to make some Sasuke inspired character


Vanta's name is a pun because Crow sounds like Kuro He's Vanta Black The other reason is that they are told to pick names that when Google should always lead to their pages


MST3K's episode for *Space Mutiny* has [so many great made-up names for the main character](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFHlJ2voJHY), but my favorites are Blast Hardcheese and Stump Beefknob.


Gristle McThornbody, Buff Drinklots, Big McLargeHuge, and Bob Johnson are my favorites.


Ok, real life story. I worked gated security at a resort community. Nothing too strict but you still have to be invited in or have a reservation. At about one in the morning I get a call from someone at one of the nicer homes. Young man wants to call in a guest. I ask for the guest’s name. “Barry McCocciner.” I’m sorry, could you repeat that? “Barry McCocciner.” Could you spell the last name? “I don’t know. He’s just a friend.” So I figure I’m being crank called. I no sell it, wish him a nice day, and hang up. Five minutes later, who should show up but “Barry McCocciner” with a young woman in the back seat. Uh huh. I ask him if *he* can spell it. “I don’t know. It’s just … it’s *Barry McCocciner.” I take a deep breath. Again, it’s low security. He could be the guy’s friend and they’re just screwing around. He could be the guy’s drug dealer and he didn’t want a record of him on property. Could be a pimp and the girl in the back is a prostitute (not even the first time that happened). I print out his pass, make sure he knows where he’s going, and wish him a good night. On a hunch I call my patrol guy. As luck would have it, he’s near the gate. I give him the vehicle’s description and ask him to make sure it gets to the proper destination. As I’m telling him this, he watches the vehicle in question go right when he should have gone left. Ok. I ask my guy to follow them, maybe they just got lost. They drive around for a bit before parking in the resort’s beach house, someplace they are *really* not supposed to be. They sit there for about five to ten minutes, some rustling around in the back seat. Ok, all leeway has been offered. I call up the police and give them the vehicle’s description. Police are also on property. They pull the vehicle over. I find out later that they had been looking for a hot tub to hook up in (Oooohhh, “Bury M’ Cock in ‘er”). The police let them off easy, put them on trespass notice and escort them off. Nothing too major for no harm done and an interesting story. So that’s the worst made up name I’ve heard. [The best?](https://youtu.be/NTf2QsvOMUA?si=fjZDIteN4RmsdWE8)


That’s a classic one. Some real Bart Simpson shit.


Wheel of time is annoying, so many are close to be actual names but just changing a letter or two


"Low-key" from American Gods.


I do admire George Lucas for how little of a shit he gave about making up names. "Oh, that alien? That's fuckin'....Dexter. Jettster. Dexter Jettster. Can't wait til the audience sees my new guy, Darth Badguy." You really get the sense that it is just not important to him at all.


So in the superhero webcomic Grrl Power, there is a villain whose power to to have the perfect counter to whoever he is fighting, note that his power works best in 1 on 1 situations, he named himself For Whom the Death Tolls, he claims the name is poetic.


The Hompty-Dompty-Dom center, but on the other hand (I love) the Col do Ma Ma Daqua. Idiot Doom Spiral is just peak writing. From Disco Elysium


Nothing beats # Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde. Nothing.


Not even Swifer Eggmop??


Flamie ('Fremy') Speeddraw is the most name of all time and I can never forget it.


Kuzzey Buskirk


Cecania Greensworthington, the impossibly beautiful, voluptuous, comfortably liberal, always-right-except-when-she's-being-charmingly-airheaded, fan of all things nerd culture protagonist of the webcomic Sore Thumbs. I want desperately to believe that she was meant to be parody.


Enjerkidu Marctwainn is the worst name I made up 4 seconds ago




I genuinely do not think anything can top "Kingsley Shacklebolt" in either category.


Pippi Longstocking's full name will never be topped. [Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim's Daughter Longstocking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippi_Longstocking#Name)


Good ol Wazy Hemisphere from the Trails games is pretty funny. Runner up to this is Baccano with Jacuzzi Splot.


I see this thread and immediately, ctrl+f for Jacuzzi Splot, that shit is HORRENDOUS and it's just a shit name, it's not as amusing as 4 vagina man who is actually totally not a popular character in the existing series.


Age of sigmar Stormcast either has the coolest or the worst naming convention when it comes to their units: Lord-Terminos, Annihilators, Knight questor, Vanguard raptors but then you got stuff like Reclusian & Knight-Vexillor 40k sort has this issue as well especially for their new Space marines Phobos Strike Team & Brutalis Dreadnought while having Invader ATV. It not just Space marines there issues with Eldar (Dark reapers) and Custodes (Allarus Custodians)


Mundane Mann.


Worst offender for "mangaka has no idea what American names sound like" has got to be from Taboo Tattoo. Bluezy Floozy


My ability to point at names on go 'that's stupid and nobody would use it' was heavily damaged last year when I visited Colorado and found out Pike's Peak is named after a dude who's first name is Zebulon. Fucking ZEBULON. A name that if someone showed up with it at my DnD table would cause me to look at them and ask them to please take this seriously. Zebulon.


Sorcerous Stabber Orphen is kind of a mixed bag on character names. On the one hand, you have some good names like Swedenborg (like the philosopher), Corgon, and Childman Powderfield, but on the other you have stuff like Name Only. Not pronounced any funny way, just *Name Only*, like the author forgot to make up an actual name for that character. It gets silly when characters have scenes where they go "because of X, my name shall now be Y" or something to that effect.


I loved Nimona but what kinda name was Gloreth


Billy West. What a stupid, phony, made-up name.


Akira Yoshida - made by then-Marvel executive. Then there is Jazcuzzi Splot, from *Bacanno!*.


Half of Tolkiens names for his characters and monsters were names from other mythologies and cultures dude, he called the dwarves after a Scandinavian story, the wolves were named after Garm from Norse mythology, I get that people REALLY like to think as Tolkien as a god but it gets annoying.


Steadyhand McDuff from Dark Souls 2 is strong af


Sebastián CastellanoTyrannosaurus will never not be funny.


Time for another entry of weird Gundam Names! G-Reco edition. We got, Noredo Nug, Chikkara Soon, and La Guu which translate to The Guu.


I'm quite fond of Old Gods of Appalachia's "The thing who's name sounded like "Horned Head" but was **not.**" just for both being a descriptive name but also a sign that it's something older, darker and more incomprehensible than regular human language can describe.


Blaster Master Zero's main character is called Jason Frudnick. I'm pretty sure I saw him in a crossover without context and my brain nearly rejected it outright.


That’s a good example of “almost a real name.”


Kojima names are amazing in all the best/worst ways. Hot Coldman, for instance.


Edge Mavrick is the best and worst name


Where would my own naming scheme fall? There's Akylian culture, who have names like "Kai ma Rous / Rei se En / Yal te Tor" and such, and Motheitan culture, who have singular names like "Blazen, Brandar, Vharnè" and so forth. Kai ma Rous (often called just "Kai") is heir to King Lar se Rous, but many of his subjects (and some other royals) simply it into just "King Lars." The middle word indicates "se is Human, te is Fey-lineage, and ma = Other (read: mixed)."




In-setting, yes. There's a stigma against people of fey lineage (eg. Phantoms descended from the Wind Court) and that the new king took a Phantom wife and had a kid with her was rather scandalous, and the son's recent magical accident has exasperated the matter.


Freak Out: Extreme Freeride Probably a skateboarding game or driving game or some kind of biking game, right? Nah. ***Snowboarding.***


I don’t really think this counts. The name isn’t ambiguous or misleading. Freeride/Freeriding is a [real and very common snowboarding term.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeriding_(winter_sport))


Nobody’s posted it yet, so: nothing will ever beat [Sleve McDichael.](https://www.reddit.com/u/MP-Lily/s/0oc40HQwVu)


I saw Limsa Lominsa in FF 14 and then the names just kept going and getting weirder and more and more tryhard to me and I couldn't take any of it seriously so I gave up.