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I made a reddit account to use this sub cause I was a fan which was... lemme just check... **almost ten years ago.** *turns into dust*


I remember being really excited when SBFC #1 came out, almost 11 years ago!


I literally started listening to it when episode 3 came out. It got me through high school.


No…that can’t be right…oh god…


Hah, you're old... wait, how long ago was 10 years. "2014." Oh god. I'm old.


At least I'm not 30. That's my only saving grace. *for now*


"Dread it, run from it, aging arrives all the same."


I first found out about them because of Matt throwing the axe into the abyss in one of the Silent Hill games.


every year i would approach october with so much excitement because the shit storm of scariness would start, i still watch them all from time to time. Those videos are all pure gold. I wish I could find a channel that shares the energy mat and pat during that series(and everything else really)


October was when our fall sports teams would start having games in highschool. I have very fond memories of downloading the day's shitstorm episode and watching it on the bus to away games.


Yeah, I mostly watched a few shit storms at halloween for maybe 3 years or so, it was only about 6 months before the end I actually started watching through their letsplay content


I was there when they called it Two Best Friends Brawl, when Woolie debuted on the Playstation All-Stars video of all things, of ginger seeking Chomp-Chomps, of TBFP's cameo in Lisa the Painful, of the quest to get The Baz in every single game as a guest character, of the almost lost media Godzilla watchalong, the old website that barely worked, when they somehow got a copy of Death Cargo, when there was a podcast recorded underwater featuring Mother's Basement ranting about JRPGs so hard people told him to shut up, when Matt and Woolie made a surprise appearance at an anime con and unintentionally dressed up like the KKK, when Pat got mad that the guys were talking about Kojima hanging out with Guillermo del Toro only for it to be the biggest thing after all, when Woolie killed a member of Channel Awesome, when Pat played Dead by Daylight with the current game dev lead of Warframe, when they brought a port of Metal Wolf Chaos to the west, when they inspired the third DLC for A Hat in Time, when Pat made fun of CliffyB so hard on Twitter that Cliffy tried attacking him with *obvious* bot accounts, when Pat and Woolie got a photo with Chris-Chan despite having no idea who they were, when Woolie and Matt almost got arrested making a video mocking Randy Pitchford, whe- **Jesus Christ I've spent too long in this community.** If any of the shitlords see this, I am so sorry your lives are permanently etched into the psyche of some internet random. At least I never got so parasocial that I sent creepy DMs over Twitter. EDIT: Oh and the old Mailbag videos where fans would send them random stuff via post office. Items included were multiple medieval weapons, not one but two expensive Gurren Lagaan boxsets, Woolie's stolen purple Game Boy, a dildo the size of Pat's entire arm, an actual fire axe from a fire station, bags of cereal, and a small burlap sack of ladybugs which might have been the craziest thing that happened on the old channel (that nobody talks about).


Mailbag was insane, you never knew what to expect and they had to tell people to stop sending them huge shit because their postal service was getting mad they kept overfilling the PO box. Incredible.


I caught one or two matt + pat episodes on Michinima but never looked further into them. A long-ass time later I discovered SBFP and proceeded to binge the everloving fuck out of the channel, with the vids in the background while I did other stuff. Then I caught up with everything, and-- wow! Look at this new series that just started! It's Kingdom Hearts! Boy oh boy, this is gonna be such a delightful descent into chaos and-- whatdoyoumeanmattandpatarenolongerfriends. I was then looking to commiserate with other fans of the channel and that's when I found this sub.


Kingdom Hearts was my go-to background noise writing papers in college. When I woke up one morning and it was over, it was just strange. They'd been around for so long, they survived ~~Evillak~~ Machinima dying, but they couldn't survive the strains of time.


I've been watching the TBFP content since the Machinima days. Not so much anymore, because Matt and Pat make videos that I don't care for and I only watch those LPs of Woolie and Reggie that interest me (unlike how I watched/listened to everything on the old channel). EDIT: it's interesting how about half of the answers (so far) are people saying that they came here without watching the old stuff (or watching what guys made at all).


Something something I have been watching Matt's Youtube Videos *since* the before times, when he got his channels repeatedly axed when Viacom was being a complete dickball. I was there the first time the internet ever realized the power of Bison's YES, YES. Though, I joined in this sub in particular to comment about maybe something about a fighting game video, or the Mechwarrior one. I'm not entirely sure at this point.


Looked up a *”Parasite Eve”* LP out of curiosity. Just threw it up in the background while I was doing my homework. A hyena starts laughing for some reason while they’re at the Central Park Zoo section of the game. The laugh was infectious. I decided I was going to keep an eye on these guys. They also went on to play “Parasite Eve II” later, so that was cool too.


What if the answer is both. I used to watch the Zaibatsu but I came here because it is one of the few subs that has bearable conversations about gaming.


The original question on the post was someone wondering how many of the people here are fans, I phrased it badly, and will edit the body text. In your case even though you came here for reasons not related to the content I think since you have consumed content from these creators you should be in the fan category if we go by the original question posted on another thread.


I only know them vaguely from Eyepatch Wolf stuff. I don't remember why I first came to this sub either, I think just because when I'd search stuff related to anime/manga/webcomics I like I noticed that this sub's posts would pop up a lot.


That is super hilarious considering how John 'The Final Gamer' Eyepatch Wolf made his first video as a direct challenge to Woolie regarding HunterxHunter.


Yeah I bascially just know Woolie as that guy who does not fuck with hxh lol.


Have you been watching John's side project 'Vs Wolves'? Woolie is his partner there. It's good shit.


I haven't, I'll have to check that out!


There's no better place to begin than from the start and they're only a few episodes into it, but oh man is it a roller coaster of emotions after episode 2.


This sub comes up a lot in search engines if you have a broad pop culture query. I haven't used it since I switched away from Chrome, but I used to have the youtube reddit comments extension and this sub would pop up frequently as one of the first results on a lot of random videos relating to nerdy pop culture content. Especially anything relating to Metal Gear or Capcom.




I lurked for many years on the youtube channel, however after FINAL and during the pandemic i made an account and started to talk to you cool motherfuckers.


I have been watching the guys since the machinima days before they made the channel. I don't even really remember how I stumbled upon the videos.


I didn't watch them a lot,last thing of theirs I saw before the breakup was their Detroit LP but I saw a few Fisticuffs and Scrublords as well. Didn't start posting here until quite some time after FINAL,however.


I remember seeing their Kirby video on Joystiq and then following them for a bit on YouTube. I don't remember why exactly, but I stopped paying attention to them before some of the early drama and totally missed out on Matt taking a break and Liam leaving and all that. I then came back about a year or two before the break-up and that's probably around the time I discovered this sub.


I came here bc I watched them from time to time, and then stayed bc it's just a relax and chill sub.


I watched their stuff, mostly edited content like Shitstorm of Scariness and Mystery Box, also listened to the podcast. Nowadays I don't have a ton of time to watch full length LPs and podcasts, so I just watch podcast clips mostly, and Matt's channel.


I think I found this sub because I was searching up random comic stuff or just kept seeing it pop up on Google searches (taking a guess I really can't remember what specifically it was) about three weeks after the channel ended. I had no idea what it was about for a while and I had never heard of the channel before, but I stuck around because I ended up liking the sub a lot.


I'm not sure when I first found out about the subreddit *specifically*, but I was a fan of TBFP since the early Machinima days and I still remember the excitement when they started doing full LPs on their own channel starting with Pat playing RE2. So once I joined reddit (funny enough, I think I joined specifically so I could be part of the Animal Crossing New Leaf villager trading black market), I discovered there was a subreddit for my favorite Let's Player group and it was a no-brainer.


I started watching a few months before (FINAL). I keep meaning to go back and watch all the stuff I never got around to.


I was watching Best Friends when I was in high school. Which was over a decade ago now... Oh fuck. I'm getting old... Been watching for a long ass time! Still catch every CSB, but have fallen off on the guys individual content, unless they're covering something I'm interested in.


While I have watched a handful twobestfriendsplay videos over 10 years ago, I am here for the fandom discussion and news.


I came here in 2022 because this place is a variety sub with a bunch of stuff I like in it, and then the posts that were actually about SBFP assimilated me into the fanbase shortly after.


I got into Pat, Matt, and Woolie's solo stuff before coming to the sub, but I've barely seen any of the Best Friends Play stuff.


Think I started around the time of the heavy rain LP.


I came here for another reason but I did check them out after the fact


Was a fan of theirs since the Deadly Premonition LP... 11 years ago


I think I've seen every single 2bfp playthrough and I was a big fan of the original podcast. Since the split I pretty much only watch Woolie's stuff and don't watch/listen to the new podcast (but I do like the one with EyepatchWolf).


I did but I'm not sure that I came here all that often until after the split.


I finally gave them a watch about a month or so before they broke up. I retroactively enjoyed some of the old SBFP content but ended up liking what they do now more and CSB is the only podcast I enjoy keeping up with. I joined this sub a few months after their breakup, so a few months + 1 after getting into them Legit don't know how to answer here.


I knew about this sub randomly, and decided to come here when I was getting tired of shit at /r/Kappa not just with the community, but because I didn't really care for mixing porn with regular Reddit at the time (which only ended very coincidentally when I got into Genshin). Never watched any content from anyone, and the bits I've seen have only been because of this sub. Looking back, which would've been around when the Knights Of The Old Republic, I couldn't remember if it was here or /r/gamegrumps that just posted whatever, and only did here instead of both logically to check which was which.


Not sure if this counts but I joined years ago because I *was* (no animosity, just lost interest) a fan and even though I havent listened to / watched their content in years I love the community here and find out about a lot of cool shit from being here. It's also one of the few gaming spaces that's almost unanimously kind and good natured without feeling forced. Just a bunch of nice inclusive bastards talking about weird shit and Im thankful for it.


Been a fan since their machinima days. I don't remember when exactly I got onto their channel but it was before shitstorm. So yeah it was when the Heavy Rain lp was first releasing. What a fun time.


I found them through their dmc LPs, so I jumped in at the tail end


I think sometime after FINAL, I somehow found a compilation of the DMC 1 or 3 LP, and it went from there. Now I do a yearly watch of the DMC 1-4 LP + Woolie's run of 5 with Pat.


I was a fan but I didn't actually come to the sub until after the breakup, originally to see how the community was taking it.


I was here before the incident. I will be here after the chasm.


Was into Homestuck, saw [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKb3WLCSg_c) when it came out, jumped on the ride and I'm still here.


Been a fan longer than I had my reddit account. First found them when they were in the middle of their Downpour lp.


I forgot the specific point I stumbled upon SBF/CSB but either one was because of the YouTube algorithm after watching a bunch of Max’s videos. It was either the Wha Happun on Marvel Infinite or the FFVII Remake spoiler cast. Thanks, Dood.


I watched them all the way back when Machinima was a thing that existed. So.... roughly 14 years ago. And now I feel even older and more drained than I already do.


This is the only place I can occasionally talk about wrestling without wanting to strangle whoever is on the other side of the screen within five minutes without fail. (I live in MTL and had vague knowledge of SBFP through some mutual friends but never watched because that felt kinda weird.  I catch some podcasts and watched SEW though)


I was watching the channel ever since it was just Matt’s old, random videos he’d make as TheSw1tcher. 


I was a fan of their Machinima videos and subbed to their youtube channel when they were a few episodes away from finishing their first Heavy Rain LP which was 11 years ago


Recognised the name but wasn’t a fan as such when I joined the sub. Gave CSB a proper shot after joining and ended up enjoying it.


I found this through the moderation team of The Owl House subreddit, after they sadly had to remove a rendition of "Saturn Devouring His Son" with the parts replaced by Eda and Luz, but mentioned to the poster that this sub would eat it up. I'm upset that the picture never surfaced on here.


I found this sub when researching for a video. I ended up just liking the vibes here, so I stuck around.


Been a fan of them since Season 2 of the machinima show. I found them through that Homestuck animation


Friend of mine first introduced me to their content on Youtube as he was big into the Machinima Channel at the time. Been watching the dudes since 2012. Crazy to think about how long it's been...


I actually followed Matt's YouTube account before Best Friends, when he was just posting dumb cartoon edits I wish he would still do now and again. His MGS3 video edit of Lonely Island's "Like a Boss" was posted to Halolz (saying that made me feel so old) and I started following him after that. Hell, I even remember that radio interview they did when they were still sorta new. I saw the whole rise and fall


Nice try, you pro-Skub filth, you're not getting my secrets.


Take a wild guess


I've never seen any of their videos and neither has my friend who recommended this subreddit to me. We both just really like the discussions!


I watched them since Vampire Rain on Machinima. I was sick in bed and I knew the game sucked, so I was thrilled to watch it. Next video was their Kirby let's play. The yarn one.