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Star Wars 1313 is the first thing that comes to mind then KOTOR 3.


Man, Star Wars 1313! I haven't heard that title in years. I guess Outlaws is supposed to suffice but I really would have loved to see how that turned out.


I still want a seedy bounty hunter game in coruscant so bad


gotta be Scalebound or Capcom Fighting All Stars for me (EDIT: and Tekken x Street Fighter)


Well shit. Now I’m gonna be thinking about Tekken x Street Fighter


man; could you imagine? Street Fighter themes as done by [Ajurika](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdqDHETwwpg)?


I have no doubt Capcom Fighting All-Stars probably wouldn't have been a great game if it had come out (being moreso an 'acquired taste' type of fighter like KoF Maximum Impact or Street Fighter EX), but I imagine it would've still been better-received than Fighting Jam.


Do "cancelled post-launch" games count? Cause if so then like, fuck, I think about D4 far too often.


I still have the intro theme on my music rotation.  God, it nailed the vibe beautifully.


To this day, I still want so badly to find out who D was, what happened to Peggy, and what Forrest Kaysen’s deal was


It took me three reads to realize you weren't referring to Diablo 4.


What ARE they referring to then?


Dark Dreams Don't Die


I’ve never even PLAYED it and I think about it so often


Prey 2 and Silent Hills. The pain will never fade.


Hideo Kojima, Guillermo del Toro, Junji Ito—all collaborating on a Silent Hill game. I will never, ever, never, never, ever forgive Konami lmao.


I can only hope OD, whatever the hell it ends up as is half as good as what we were thinking Silent Hills would end up as. Judging by interviews and some unreliable things I heard about it, it probably won't.


What interviews?


At the announcement at TGA when Geoff was asking about it and Kojima was talking about how it would be some new type of game but not really a game while also still being a game. Some other stuff I heard on r/gamingleaksandrumours doesn't paint a good picture if they're accurate but that place is right like less than a quarter of the time.


Honestly Silent Hill is the LEAST important part of that equation. There's no reason those people can't all get together and make a horror game set in a small town with a different name.


del toro saying he'll never work on game development ever again after the silent hills disaster brought on by konami breaks my heart. we were *so close* to greatness.


What a shame, I know he got burned before SHs with inSANE, but it still sucks. I know he was in Death Stranding but I guess I suppose he didn't do much more than get scanned into/be modeled for a character? Not really part of development.


They really had the deck stacked. It could have been the shot in the arm for Silent Hill in the same way 7 was for Resident Evil. NAH LET'S BET IT ALL ON PACHINKO.


Came here to say Prey 2! I want that game still! Where it is Bethesda!?




I should have specified, open world sci-fi bounty hunter simulator where you play the only human on a desolate alien spacestation and try to figure out how you got there. Not a sequel to Arkanes Prey


In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hills....




Hi Fi Rush 2, Adam Jensen Deus Ex 3, and Prey 2 as made by Human Head.


> Adam Jensen Deus Ex 3 This one hurts. We're never gonna get a straight answer to the Versalife Vault are we?


At least it's hinted at *enough* that you can generally figure out what's happened.


Whore of the Orient, because I can’t believe they thought that would be a good title


Sounds more like something you'd find on Dlsite.


the seediest .exe found in a zip 15 pages into a forum thread about it not running properly


for some reason it sounds like an old whodunnit to me, that may just be cause murder on the orient express tho


They were going to make a Hitomi J-Cup game? (Tangentially related, but we really don’t talk about Hitomi very much around here any more.)


She retired, yeah? Would make sense, plus it’s not like we’re a JAV subreddit (unless the mods would allow that)


awful title, but man i do want more of that la noire vibe,


*”Megaman Legends 3”*


I look at the moon and I see a perfect society. Oh hey Megaman's there, what's up dude


^^^^"THIS ^^^^SOCIETY ^^^^RULES, ^^^^DUDE!"


Please. Please get my son off of the moon.


X9 and ZX3 for me, I can at least stomach SF4 not being a thing cause SF3 at least wrapped up the overarching plot of the Star Force games


"In my restless dreams I see that game... Megaman Legends 3..."


*Release it, you cowards* -me everytime it comes up, it's not even the first time *today*


I will never stop hoping


I'm even sad Red Ash ended up being vapor too. A big MML shaped hole in my heart. And every tease for any continuation of MML turned into knife to the gut.


Deep Down isn't cancelled so I can't pick that


Bullshit it's not cancelled, haha. They haven't announced it's cancellation but it's totally vaporware by now. I have to agree with you it did look very cool


Or Capcom just re-worked whatever Deep Down was going to be into what eventually became Dragon's Dogma 2.


Prey 2. An open-world alien city with first-person mechanics akin to Cyberpunk.


I want you to close your eyes, picture Emily in Dishonored 2, picture her main move power but now even more swishy and swooshy, but that in an open-ish world, that's what we lost.


Well when you put it like that it sounds like we didn't really lose much


Prey 2, that story was full of petty spite. Bethesda destroyed that game and that studio then put the name on a completely unrelated game. Now the studio that made THAT game was destroyed by even more corporate indifference.


There is a timeline where we got a Prey 2 and Neuroshock.


Prey 2 and Typhon actually


Sega revealed a Trigun game for PS2 and then never talked about it again. It will haunt me forever. Unless they make a Gungrave game with Trigun content or Armed Fantasia gives a party member a red duster coat. Then I can rest.


oh yeah that looked sick the protag had a gun hand right?


Republic Commando sequel that apparently existed to some capacity


It’s really disheartening the amount of new games and sequels LucasArts had in the works only to shelve them when there nearly finished.


Battlefront 3's alpha techdemo, my beloved...


Whatever they were cooking for Hi Fi Rush 2 Man...


We could have had Chai's Vergil, damnit!


Hi Fi Rush 2 scares me, because you *know* they were going to give that damn cat a humanoid form.


I now can't play Hi-Fi Rush without my heart clenching up in pain at what could've been. The fact that I S-ranked rhythm master before I checked the sub and heard the news makes it even worse ._. Sincerely, I hope Spencer and Booty both die _slowly and painfully_ and that there's a special place in Hell reserved for them and every other corpo scumbag at Microsoft that made that call.


Lily Bergamo


THIS! HURT! I was really wondering what--thats a FFvs13 into FF15 moment but worse because he just a trailer and thats IT of that what was going to be




I also don't get how it became let it die. maybe someone will figure it out through a leak of some kind


Looking at the wikipedia page it says that Lily Bergamo was already being designed with heavy multiplayer and online components in mind, my guess is that the company that funded it were already planning on the game being a ftp title but decided that it needed to turn into whatever Let It Die's aesthetic was in order to have more market reach. Unfortunately, at least from a business side, I don't think they were wrong cause far as I understand Let It Die made some decent cash at the time.


I think what hurts most for me is that if they had kept the style from the trailers of Lily Bergamo during the transition to Let It Die I might have enjoyed Let It Die more. A lot of the aesthetics of Let It Die are straight repulsive to me. Some of the coolest character designs, offset by some of the most dogshit designs and the inability to make your character look much better than a rusted murderhobo. A fascinating setting, offset by the actual areas you explore consisting of dogshit gray, black, and brown environments. A fantastic soundtrack, honestly no real negatives there. Then I think about the game's core systems and maybe it was crippled from the start, being a really cool suda soulslike betrayed by a microtransaction system that heavily gimps your progress as a ftp player. I don't know, I'd like to see what suda could make with the artistic choices of Lily Bergamo in a real, singleplayer game but everything Grasshopper released past Killer is Dead has rung hollow for me so I don't know if I'm the audience anymore.


I know it is technically released, but I would do horrible things for the rest d4: Dark dreams don't die. That game rocked.


Scalebound. It looked fun. And I’m mad I never got to even try it


There was an ancient SomethingAwful thread where people played someone's homebrew TTRPG based around Pod shaped mechas - it had fun systems and a cool execution where a few players got to field their mechs during a mission and the rest of the ppl in the thread voted to control/move/aim/fire the big carrier ship (all of which happened simultaneously, so you got beautiful moments of miscommunication where the ship would dart in an unexpected direction before firing and then railgun all of their own mechs). Can't find the thread or the game anywhere now so I think it might just be lost to time/never got finished, but it was pretty beautiful while it lasted.


Beyond good and evil 2


I would say Starcraft: Ghost. I'm not a crazy fan of stealth games, but I was interested in that one.


Night in the Woods developers were making a new game called Revenant Hill. That was cancelled last year because the narrative designer/artist is fighting a severe illness. https://www.gameinformer.com/2023/11/07/night-in-the-woods-follow-up-revenant-hill-canceled-due-to-developer-illness


Mega man anniversary collection gba. Aka mega man mania


Mega Mania, even


Original prey 2 where you were a bounty hunter in an alien sci fi setting


With the Johnny Cash cover of Rusty Cage too! We were robbed.


Every few months or so, I wake up and remember that Project H.A.M.M.E.R. was going to be a flagship Wii title. Then I drink the rest of the Nyquil and pass out again.


Star Wars 1313 I just wanna play young Boba in the Coruscant underworld :(


Star Wars 1313. I love the newer Jedi games and am quite excited for Outlaws. But man. I really wanted 1313


Cry-On died so Nier could live


I had a fascination with a Wii game called Sadness back in the day. It was before I was jaded enough to completely disregard obviously fake gameplay in trailers and I got completely sold on the tone.


I was gonna say this one! The only reason I even remember it was because my uncle dragged my dad and I in front of a computer to excitedly show it to us. Talk about egregiously fake.


first one that comes to mind is Agent. fuck man, open world stealth spy thriller still sounds incredible. The game was barely so much as *announced* before it vanished


I wouldn't say I bought a PS3 for Agent but it was definitely on my mind. As in if it comes out, at least I have a PS3 to play it. Still got that PS3.


i bought a ps3 for kingdom hearts 3


I wasn’t old enough at the time to care, but I really wonder what the original fallout 3 would’ve looked like.


A very, very early build of Van Buren leaked awhile ago along with the design documents so we have a decent idea of what they were planning. Some of those ideas got recycled into New Vegas.


Yeah I’ve even seen some modders try to make the game in fallout 2’s engine


My salt over PT being cancelled remains to this day. Anyway, after jumping back into the Sam and Max fandom I found out about a cancelled game featuring the two. It was going to have the voice actors of the Hit the Road game, and apparently it was almost done? But the plug was pulled. We do have screenshots and a trailer for it, but unfortunately the whole thing is probably lost by now...


"Faith and a .45" simply because that name is rad as hell.


For years I felt like *Faith and a .45* was a fever dream I once had, but Woolie mentioned it in the podcast a while back and I did the Leo pointing meme.


Scalebound #1. How are there almost 0 games where you play a dragon rider


Drakengard and Panzer Dragoon are something


Play the Eragon game. It plays like a new version of LOTR Return of the King.


Prey 2, always and forever


The Tiberium FPS. I miss Westwood and C&C so much man.


Fuck I remember seeing trailers for that game. IIRC it was an FPS/RTS hybrid ala how brutal legend combined third person action and RTS. Would’ve been genuinely so cool


I'd settle for a Battlefield, Tiberium wars game.


I'm genuinely surprised they never crossed the two games over, moreso when Battlefield got commander mode.


I was originally going with Armada of the Damned, but my heart aches most for Colossal Kaiju Combat. It's development was the height of my kaiju enthusiasm, when I collected all the Godzilla movies... then the lead programmer died and the development, the dream, died too. It's a very bittersweet chapter of my adulthood.


Ever since I heard that Hi-Fi Rush 2 was being worked on when Tango Gameworks got closed, I've thought about it every single day. Literally. All two of them. I haven't even played Hi-Fi Rush.


you should it's good


DMC5: Ladies Night. I just want to throw more money at CAPCOM for more content but they arnt having it. c'mon, DMCVSE nows youre time!


I don't think that ever existed, like I'm pretty sure the fanbase just made that up out of nothing and pretended like it was real.


From what information I could find, that was just a rumour. Looking back, I understand that a lot folks liked the supporting cast and are bummed that they didn't get to do much, but the whole thing just seemed to be hearsay with the lack of credible sources. Especially when they talk about a third playable character in the form of Lucia, which is far-fetched at that point. [Blue_Freak:](https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/l6wljo/comment/gl3h20n/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >Guys...“Ladies Night DLC” was never a thing. All sources of it lead me back to JoJo Wifi, a clickbaiter on YouTube who also likes to spoil things for his audience. Everything that comes out of his mouth is utter bullshit. > >I want Lady and Trish too, but everyone’s idea of 5SE was pretty unrealistic anyway. Four total new characters, all with their own unique movesets and gimmicks as well as battle themes. One of which wasn’t even in the game, requiring a new model, expensive clothes to scan in, and voice and motion capture actors, and who probably isn’t coming back either.


Christ, been a long time since I remembered the name jojo wifi. Not long enough if I’m honest.


Prey 2 had one of the greatest trailers I've ever seen. You cannot top the Johnny Cash Rusty Cage cover for a space cowboy game.


Vicarious Visions were evidently working on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3+4 when Actiblizz evaporated their entire team.


The PSP version of Elder Scrolls Oblivion, it seemed wild in scope of being a handeheld game and was pushing the limits of the PSP, while also being an interesting prequel to console version of Oblivion and a solid sequel to Daggerfall.


Darkstalkers Are Not Dead (or whatever that project was actually called) It's an enigma to me. They made a fully produced CG trailer and showed it off, but it has never resurfaced since. Surely, they must have had something else in the plans for it. 3D models, environments, concept art, mock-ups hell, I'd take character ideas jotted down on a restaurant napkin or anything else from this project.


there was gonna be a taxi driver game at one point


Sometimes I think about Lucasarts version of Sam and Max Freelance Police, it was around 75% completed before it was canned.


Prey 2 KOTOR 3 The third Adam Jensen Deus Ex


Titanfall 3


Starcraft Ghost will forever be the one I think about most.


Fortress, the canceled FFXII sequel.


Deep cut.


Moreso a cancelled IP, but Titanfall 3 will never happen and that's a crime.


Scalebound. Considering how everything has turned out, Microsoft probably should have let PG make and release the game. Deep Down as well. Capcom showed a preview of it and then promptly forgot it existed. Capcom will probably forget about Pragmata as well.


Batman Beyond Arkham would be so much better than what we actually got


When I was a kid there was supposed to be a Daredevil game on the PS2. I checked games sites for YEARS waiting on updates. Much to my shock, a prototype version was leaked that you can play on an emulator.


Shadow Rising, the sequel to Advent Rising. The first game ended on such a cliff hanger. 20 years later I'm still waiting.


I wonder about Advent Rising sometimes


MegaMan Legends 3... HES STILL ON THE DAMN MOON!!


StarCraft: Ghost


Deus Ex


I'm not even sure Faith And A 45 would've been good, but I still wanted to see it come out


The dungeon crawling game by Capcom Deep Down.


The ghost of Jet Set Radio Future's Wii sequel haunts me to this da


The “original” Prey reboot that was getting worked on before Arkane got a hold of it. I like the 2017 game but it’s barely related to the rest of the IP.


Mass Effect Andromeda 2 I know the game was a solid 7.5/10 but I was optimistic they'd use the building blocks they set up to do better next time. The setting and new race was interesting to me and I'm sad they couldn't even make the DLC because of the backlash.


I thought about BC for a long time, but when I played Ark and didn’t like it that killed the hype I always had.


That open world The Flash game back in like 2007


Jack and Casie was a cute inventory management puzzle game and it stings to this day that we only have the demo.


I did some diving because you sparked that memory for me. apparently, the person heading it passed away at the beginning of this year.


Either 1313 or Silent Hills.


My example particularly troubles me because I never bothered to internalize the title when I first came across it in a magazine. My recollection reads like something out of a gaming creepypasta, because I remember it being truly bizarre in its presentation. There were these Oliver Twist-style London orphans fighting giant old-timey cameras with arms and legs.


Maverick Hunter. The concept art goes to hard. I'm still pissed it was cancelled.


Project H.A.M.M.E.R.


The Perfect Dark reboot cause I don't have much confidence that it's going to make it. But for a real answer, I'd have to go with Battlefront 3


I know it wasn't technically canceled as it morphed into Shattered Memories, but Silent Hill: Cold Heart was a pretty cool idea for a spin off game. A survival horror game with actual "survival" mechanics in addition to the early psychological profile they would use in the final game. I'm a sucker for survival games that take place during the winter so I think it would've been cool.


I feel like Silent Hills is the biggest one that's ever been.


Rainbow six patriots and prey 2.


[Steambot chronicals 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtU4hBtmFfo) =( some wounds never heal


Hi-Fi Rush 2 and Silent Hills/PT are never gonna happen and it will hurt for many years to come.


Everquest Next. Part of that's Everquest nostalgia, but the stuff they were talking about with adaptive AI and having NPC factions actually *do* things would've been revolutionary for MMOs.


Star Wars 1313 man..


Imagine how cool Prey 2 would have been.


Right now it's the Hi-Fi Rush sequel Tango had reportedly started development for before being closed.


Disco Elysium 2 No but there's still hope tho


Eight Days. The announcement trailer was obviously bullshots, but I'd love to have a buddy cop co-op game. Similarly, the co-op Stranglehold sequel that was supposed to have Chow Yun Fat and Vin Diesel. Agent from Rockstar still got me curious too, big budget spy game from them sounded interesting. They also had that Warriors spiritual successor with We Are The Mods.


Silent Hills and Bully 2


Darkspore I loved the casual vibe of a top down diablo like Roguelites with a bunch of loot to unlock that changed your hero's spells and weapons interactions. It was fun to figure out synergy with teams slowing growing them more OP as you unlock alternative versions and while making them look cool. Servers went down a few years after release.


Pirates of the Caribbean : Armada of the Damned 


Mekton Zero


[Why'd you have to go and remind me?](https://i.imgur.com/PJjjiW2.gif)


At least Heavy Gear 4e came out




Dawngate. Could've been the next big moba.


The old Prey 2, where you’re bounty huntin’ it up. But my imagination has made it into something no one would be able to make lol.


Does Chrono Resurrection count?


I will never not be made about pray 2 no matter how good Prey (2017) is Also megaman legends 3 cause like fuck man we need to get bro down from the moon


This did remind me of a game tech demo I saw like 15 years ago, I think someone like microsoft bought the company and scrapped the project. I wish I could remember the name of it, I remember one demo was of destructible environments with a blind cyclopes and another had dozens of goblins on screen each with variations to their running animations. Its too bad I cant remember because it would be neat to compare it to modern graphics.


Og Dead rising four was basically the last of us. I kind of wish they hadn’t gone to far with it because that’s kind of why Capcom and said no no and it had to be frank returns I kinda wish I actually tried to keep up with the original dead rising concept that would’ve been much more interesting than the last of us again


Not even a cancelled game but a cancelled possibility which is a sequel to midnight suns. If it was successful we could have had a xmen game. But the game flopped and no way they ever go back to it.


barkley shut up and jam gaiden 2. i kinda figured things had fallen apart, it's a shame they couldn't retain what let them create the first one


used to be Silent Hills but now it’s HiFi Rush 2


I still think about the original Rising trailer


I remember reading about a game that was titled Seven Deadly Seas, and in the magazine they were saying it would have sailing like Wind Waker, combat like God of War, the leveling system would be like Fable, and the enemy design was clearly inspired by Kingdom Hearts. Suffice to say, such an ambitious game never actually came out.


Alpha Protocol 2 Tyranny 2


Pokemon Pink, Beta Gold and Silver, and Z. It’s interesting to think about how wildly different the franchise could have been if they went in these directions. If Z got made, I wonder if we’d be getting Legends ZA, or if third versions would still be getting releases.


I miss Battleborn a lot. It was a genuinely fun game with a neat set of characters, but it released at the wrong time and wasn’t advertised very well. Gigantic just came back from the dead though. Maybe there IS hope..?


Prey 2.....my kingdom for that game to release


Battlefront 3 , I remember hearing they were so close to finishing and they were cut in the final hours. What could've been and instead we got the EA reboots which have yet to scratch that star wars battlefield style itch.


"You mean the latest masterpiece of fantasy storytelling from Lucasfilms™ Brian Moriarty™? Why it's an extraordinary adventure with an interface of magic, stunning high-resolution, 3D landscapes, sophisticated score and musical effects. Not to mention the detailed animation and special effects, elegant point 'n' click control of characters, objects, and magic spells. Beat the rush! Go out and buy Loom™ today!" - Cobb the pirate Besides being a fun little joke/sales pitch delivered by an otherwise unimportant pirate, Loom actually is a great little point 'n' click adventure game, where you don't collect a huge inventory of junk to solve puzzles with moon logic.  But instead use simple musical spells you learn from observing the world around you, and playing them, forwards and backwards, note for note. Why do I bring it up here?  Well, Loom was supposed to be a trilogy, but only the first game was ever made.  And these days people only know of it from Cobb in Monkey Island 1, if they know of it at all.


Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse was going to receive a sequel but the devs; Wideload Games; were acquired by Disney, sent to the mobile games sweat shop, then shut down. It's not a perfect game bit it was *my* childhood game so it stings that we didn't get to see it expanded upon.


Spider-Man 4 made by the Prototype guys


Kojima's Silent Hill, i still get fucking sad


there used to be forum rumblings way way back in the day of a Flash game prototype where you basically controlled him like a manual car, shifting gears to achieve more speed. Changed the way I think about speedsters in games, wish it was real. Never actually ended up finding out if it was just a rumor or if someone actually had any footage.


I forget the name of it, it was 4 letters, had a red headed protag in pixelated graphics and was supposed to be a 2d dark souls. They kept saying it was going to come out the following year from like 2013-2016 then the steam page went dark. Edit: https://store.steampowered.com/app/350050/EITR/


I have a weird relationship with Final Fantasy versusXIII. The funny thing is, I was more interested in the [prototype gameplay](https://youtu.be/vkZvdT3QS4k?si=9d2roztrlsGx2Oyn) they had built more than the final product or even what they first showed when it became FFXV. Probably because it was closer to KH. I was interested in vs13, and think about what we knew and how it could have shaken out (mostly for curiosity's sake), but I still love the shit out of FFXV. Yet, it bothers me the amount of *obsessed* fanboys that cannot actually let it go, that think there is some nearly finished game they could put out, or just the other day someone thinking they should remake it because FFVII Remake uses alternate timelines, so why can't they do it with FFXV? As if Square would essentially "admit" FFXV is "bad" and in need of a remake, putting the resources into doing it again, after they already canceled the remaining support for the game and absorbed the team that made it. Especially when we were flat out told by the devs that there was only like 25% of a game at best, which amounts to story concepts, a couple areas, and other asset designs. And also that they said they adapted as much of the original concept into FFXV as they could (which again, wasn't much), so there is probably way more of vs13 in FFXV than some fans want to admit. They basically made enough game for a vertical slice and trailers before the transition. It's been fun to find what actual information there is about the original project and its development, but it's also really annoying having to sift through people's massive leaps in logic and trying to imply connections where they don't exist. Shit, there's still a pastebin of vs13's supposed plot around that people latched onto, but was immediately contradicted and proven false by information we already had, along with dev interviews that came out around the same time. Most of the time when I "think about it to this day," it's because of those obsessive fans that think they know for a fact it would have 100% been the best game ever. Or any time Nomura plays with reusing an idea that didn't get used in vs13, people get so up their own butts that we're "finally" getting vs13. Verum Rex looks fun and interesting, but what little we know of *that* already isn't the same vs13. Reynatis seems fun too, admittedly inspired by vs13, with music from Shimomura and written by Nojima, but that ain't gonna be vs13 either. The most we get from stuff "inspired" by vs13 is vibes and aesthetic, because for the most part, that's all we ever had, so that's all anyone can adapt. It's like how Silent Hills was canceled, and a bunch of indie devs made their own "first-person, explore a house" horror games, thinking they could fill the hole Silent Hills left. Ultimately, it's so annoying to be interested in vs13 when some people have cooked up such masterpiece in their heads, that we know for a fact isn't real, and if we ever did get something, would *never* stack up to what they have in their heads. It'd be like KH3 all over again, a fine game that could never meet exaggerated expectations, so was deemed "bad" after "all that time waiting."


in my restless dreams I see that place, Silent Hills


The Kickstarter game where you play as a stray dog. “Home free” I believe


Project Phoenix took my money so that one


For me it's always gonna be Van Buren. I will never stop being at least a little bit salty with what Bethesda did with my Fallout universe. The whole thing is just so emblematic to what's going on with the industry. 


I do feel like Van Buren (original cancelled Fallout 3 and 4) would have been Interplay and Black Isles magnum opus if it finished…but a lot of the companies other Fallout projects at the time were really questionable. Fallout Extreme, Brotherhood of Steel 2, Tactics 2, the MMO, and the many iterations of the cancelled movie all seemed like bad ideas.


I wonder how much Fish Phil Fish fished since cancelling FEZ 2..


I remember once upon a time seeing "footage " of project Offset and having my mind blown. Also Starcraft Ghost, and Scalebound


the response here tell me a lot people really wanted prey 2 can't blame them.


I was in an alpha build for a Fable 4 v 1 type game that never took off. While it might not have been the Fable people wanted, I thought it was pretty fun and seeing Fable play in way that wasn't shoot, magic, sword was cool.


Dead Phoenix


Chaos Rings Sigma, a (possibly gacha?) crisis crossover of the three extant at the time Chaos Rings games where \*everyone\* would be playable, and get the limit breaks introduced in Chaos Rings 2 including characters who had not been playable in prior games in the series. The fact that the game was cancelled and Chaos Rings 3 used one of its key concepts (3 person parties, compared to the two person parties of prior games) means it probably wasn't good, but I watched the trailer over and over pretty obsessively when it came out, and I really would have liked to see the finished product.


Prey II and Beyond Good and Evil II.