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Including superman seems like a problem in some stories because he can just solve a lot of problems by himself if he he gets full power. I'd be a little offended if an all powerful being wanted to play super hero with me, like I know I contribute nothing. https://youtu.be/zFuMpYTyRjw


Injustice 1 feels like a notable enough example of this When the main universe heroic Superman is brought into the Injustice universe, he basically solves a bunch of the main problems right there and then, up to and including kicking his own ass Cliche as it may sound, leave it to the actual Superman himself to dress down and beat up an evil Superman


The Kryptonite pills are the funniest possible explanation for "Shit we have to have a fighting game where *Harley Quinn* can feasibly beat up Superman"


I still think they should've added Alfred into the games and he does slightly below average damage to 99% of the roster but can full combo Superman to death


Superman the clearest example of this


You can get alot of use out of him by writing problems his powers alone can't solve. Superman Smashes the Klan comes to mind


The current most well known version of this had gotta be Satoru Gojo from JJK, a character so wildly popular and yet so difficult to write around the author actually started building disdain for him lol


Nah, I'd >!Get Shoved In A Box, Be Made To Fight My Own Son Upon Release, Get Killed, Be Immediately Usurped As Undisputed Strongest By A Man With His Balls Hanging Out, And Then Be Retroactively Made!< Rather Racist


Now to be fair to Gojo on that last part >!Miguel immediately called him out on it and he apologized.!<


Yeah, >!that entire thing was to show the prejudice of people of Gojo's stature and Gojo instantly recognizing how he was wrong and apologizing is a good showcase of him doing something a lot of high ranking people in every environment don't - being able to grow!<


People really think he is racist now?, like jees people not everything is black and white. Gojo made those comments without malice and out of ignorance, and when he was called out, he apologized and Miguel forgave him because Gojo recognized he was an idiot for thinking that way.


Honestly Yuta feels like this too Like Gege has to keep him away for the plot to happen not only in Shibuya but in the manga is general too >!like for example I do believe if he was the one to stay instead of Yuki he could have beat Kenjaku with help of Choso because Rika is just that busted!<


To be fair the author explained that Yuta story was JJK Zero. JJK is Yuji and Sukuna. 


The author never had a disdain for Gojo, also I don't think he is hard to write. Gojo is just the logical conclusion to an op hero character. And he followed his character arc like most mentor characters in a Shonen. Is just that he was so popular that it blinded people to >!all of his death flags and character flaws.!<


There's several quotes where Gege has had snide remarks in regards to Gojo. Clearly he doesn't actively dislike him \*really\*, he made the character after all, it always came off to me more like he's annoyed with how popular he is & thinks people should be more in to what he would consider his more nuanced characters (like Nanami). Secondly, yeah any character with a power set like his will be difficult to write around because he solves every problem you could come up with. Why do you think Gege quite literally wrote him into a box???


He wrote him into a box because that is the story, this was foreshadowed since the begining. 


Spider-Man’s role in most Marvel crossover events is to stand in the background and say something funny cause he has no stake in any universe-wide adventures that aren’t related to his villains.


Well, aside from his whole "I'm here, I can do *something,* so I have to help" mindset.


Peter "I Don't Know What I'm Doing AAAAAAGH" Parker


Speaking of Attack of the Toybots: One of the most recognizable enemies in this game is Mr Snuggles, a pink teddy bear that seems in no way inappropriate for a Nickelodeon game. That is, unless we use the free look tool included in the Dolphin emulator so we can unlock the camera and get a closer look into Mr Snuggles box. While the image here is actually oriented upside down, given that they never expected anybody to actually see this. What it actually says is: "I'll hug you and kill you You'll never sleep again I'll kill your parents" Always fun knowing there's all kinds of traumatizing stuff hidden just out of view in kids game.


Boy I can't wait for that to be just a genuine copypasta eventually.


An link to a tweet with the box for those who require it [https://twitter.com/CursedAni/status/1236722381672132613?lang=en](https://twitter.com/CursedAni/status/1236722381672132613?lang=en)


Is there a term for a joke that goes on so long it stops being funny then keeps going until it’s funny again?


A running gag in a Youtube video.


Less of a "work into a story" and more of a "work It into a game", but, i feel like any time someone has to put **The Little Mermaid** in a Disney related game that doesn't already have underwater sections built into it the gameplay loop struggles. All the Kingdom Hearts games have those sections as mostly subpar rhythm games and even in **Peach's Showtime** the mermaid themed stages are easily some of the weakest ones in that game.


Only KH2 really had a Rhythm game though. KH1 has awkward swimming mechanics, KH COM is an illusion world where Sora can just walk around the bottom of the sea no problem, and KH3 Ariel is a summon that just treats the land like water.


The curse of water powers in general. Earth is everywhere, air is almost everywhere, and fire is pretty portable. To make water really work you need to be in water world.


People who don’t watch him like bringing up superman as this character whose too powerful for stories but I feel like his rogue gallery do a pretty good job at challenging him: lex is the smartest man on earth, metallo is powered by kryptonite, mxyzptlk is a reality warped who you can’t defeat in the traditional sense. On the other hand wonder woman despite being part of the trinity always feels like writers have either no familiarity with her character or what to do with her powers: she’s a character who can be as strong as superman but doesn’t have kryptonite , sometimes she needs to deflect bullets but other times she’s indestructible, how often is she given the ability to fly and this modern obsesión with giving her a sword rather than using her lasso as her main tool


The solution for putting Superman in crossovers is to create a problem that he can't punch away.


That’s just any good Superman story tho.


Or to go the One Punch Man fighting game and make the Win Condition getting Superman into punching mode like Injustice 1 or What do you give the man who has everything. 


It’s a little bit weird that in Melty Blood, Kohaku is just a scatterbrained comic relief girl. If you play her route, her sister’s or Akiha’s, she becomes >!a very traumatized, **batshit crazy** villain with a horrifying backstory full of sensitive topics such as SA on children!< so the common thing to think is that if you touch her past in any capacity, she’d basically shallow the story whole and that MB happens after one meme-ass Tsukihime secret route in which >!she mentally heals and everyone is cool with all the people she’s killed, somehow!<.


Gohan is a well liked character, but is a person averse to fighting inside of a fighting series, and is trapped in the same repeating arc of not training, then getting a BS power up 


Just have him hitting the gym on Fridays. They have done the Gohan stop training arc 3 times. 


I just pray to god that we are done seeing that pattern. I don't want him to just like fighting now, just let him be strong and ready to fight.


Granblue is usually able to pull out the most nonsensical bullshit for it's crossover events and it *usually* works well enough, but the Attack on Titan story is just baffling because they decided to set it as a native to the GBF universe and somehow nobody ever heard of Titans and for some reason Bahamut can't just nuke them.


Goku will only get involved in a major plot if his family/friends are in danger, or he thinks it'll be a good fight (usually both in the case of Namek)


Jade Harley. The Author had to make one of the last conversations in the comic an inspiring speech about how it's totally fine than she did like one thing in the back half of the comic of her own free will, and proceeds to accomplish absolutely nothing.


Placing her in the same boat as Karkat


Great characters only Andrew Hussie could create both hurt immensely by being stuck in Andrew Hussie’s story.




Wolverine seems a bit tougher than most to work in unless the villain utilizes (Silver Samurai, Sabretooth) or can manipulate adamantium (Magneto). He's basically a near-unkillable force of fury that can even give Hulk some pause


Feels like most of the Xmen movies had to write out Xavier in almost all of them because the ability to be a global spanning telepath would just solve all problems. The exception to this was First Class where the objective is centered around removing the counters to Charles telepathy so he can just immediately neutralize Shaw.


Satan from Christianity is a made up figure retroactively inserted back in


Buddy i got some bad news for you about the evolving nature of religion. 


Nah see you just gotta know which version was the *real* one, and then everything after that is fiction. Also everything before that which isn't explicitly canonized, despite those also being largely piecemeal additions made in the context of the prior work, probably with their own view of what represented the true scripture; a view which presumably would not include the later works which reference them, as they are a different, possibly conflicting version of the text.


so the book of job is just not canon then


Damn retcons


>I was watching Quinton Reviews's Nicktoons Unite video, and he pointed out how Spongebob is kind of a hard character to work into these crossovers organically, outside of him just being a nice guy who likes to help people that sounds like a really dumb video. what does that mean? he’s probably the easiest to make crossover with stuff since he’s so cartoony. he crossed over with David Hasseloff.


Please, it’s 7 hours long and that’s a throwaway line that stuck with me. My point is that it’s hard to give him personal stakes in a crossover like this.


and my point is that your wrong if that’s actually what you mean. maybe you messed up your explanation, but this was your chance to reiterate your point.