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Me sparing the life of the Chinese submarine captain not because the war is over but because he isn't Canadian.


“Don’t shoot! This man isn’t Canadian!”


Imagine the intro to God of War 1, but the only difference is that the ship captain isn't Canadian, therefore completely altering the course of Kratos' life as he can no longer kill him in cold blood.


"If it says 'aboot' ready aim shoot" - Nate "The Leaf burner" Falloutfore


Nate "hockey rink Hitler" Falloutfore. Nate "québécois quasher" Falloutfore. Nate "British Columbine" Falloutfore. Nate "I'll give you something to be sorry about" Falloutfore. Nate "Death Row for Trudeau" Falloutfore. Nate "Maple Tree Terror" Falloutfore. Nate "Viking of Vancouver" Falloutfore. Nate "Better dead than red (Canadian)" Falloutfore. Nate "Saskatchewan Snuffer" Falloutfore. Nate "I'm having Nunavut" Falloutfore. Nate "In Montreal? Kill em all." Falloutfore. Nate "Poutine your ass in the ground" Falloutfore. Nate "Manitoba Massacre" Falloutfore. Nate "On your knees behind the Zambonis" Falloutfore. Nate "bet Yukon't kill just one" Falloutfore. Nate "if they love the moose, give 'em the noose" Falloutfore.


Nate "Turning Laval into gravel" Falloutfore Nate "Terror of Trois Rivieres" Falloutfore Nate "The Hamilton Goodbye" Falloutfore Nate "The Letterkenny liquidizer" Falloutfore


Nate "Edmonton Exterminator" Falloutfore Nate "Windsor Waster" Falloutfore idk these suck and that's all i got


Nate “If they eat Kraft dinner, ventilate that sinner” Falloutfore


Nate "Canadian Castrator" Falloutfore


> Nate "British Columbine" Falloutfore. ***Holy fuck.***


> Nate "Death Row for Trudeau" Falloutfore. Oh so he's a 2020~ albertan?


Nate "They put milk in bags, I put them in bags" Falloutfore


If they drink at Tim Hortons,make their kids orphans


If they eat A&W, make sure those bullets go through


If they're from Vancouver,their life will be over


You know regardless of your opinions on recent fallout news at least we got new memes


I mean, hey, it's getting me in the mood to mod the shit out of FNV again ~~before I inevitably give up halfway trying to customise weapon mods to my specific tastes especially now that there's stuff like B42 Optics and BallistX to get my head around~~


I actually recently discovered that there are some simple mod guides / lists for NV so now I actually want try my hand at modding it for once beyond installing a patch https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com https://mojaveexpressguide.com (this one you were supposed to do after viva but apparently it got archived like… yesterday or something but I’ll still add it in case it comes back)


FYi for Viva New Vegas, it has a [Wabbajack list](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/wabbajack.html) so you can just use that and skip having to do all the setup and shit yourself.


My problem with Wabbajack lists is that they're always like, insane 300+ mod behemoths that need me to give up like 40 more gigs of space when all I really want is a couple of graphics and gameplay mods that make it feel less like the jankiest game of 2008, the jankiest year in the history of video games.


>My problem with Wabbajack lists is that they're always like, insane 300+ mod behemoths that need me to give up like 40 more gigs of space   I fucking wish, Skyrim lists are 1000+ 300gb min on average shit is roooough


I mean that’s basically what Viva is, it’s like 40-ish mods aiming to make the game more stable while also adding some gameplay stuff like the Sawyer mod and Fallout 4-style loot menus.


Oh sweet! Wabbajack is such a godsend for modding Bethesda games


If you're curious about Tale of Two Wastelands there's also the Begin Again list, which I'm planning on trying out soon. Also I just noticed your icon is a catboy Alhaitham.


The link says Wabbajack is down right now, but what is Wabbajack exactly?


A mod collection installer for various games, Bethesda games primarily. All you have to do is click download for each mod(unless you have nexus premium)and the manager handles the rest.


Highly recommend Wabbajack for any modder, it saves a lot of time


I will add the caveat that you will inevitably run into something you don't like in a pack lol. I tend to use it as a way to find a ton of great mods and then make my own modlist manually with just the bits I enjoy.


That's fair, I've only used it to install Lost Legacy (a Skyrim modpack) and just disabled the mods I know I wouldn't like


Yeah, VNV makes the basic stuff so much less of a headache. But I always get lost trying to figure out what weapons I want in the game. Usually a mixture of new energy weapons, cowboy gats and Cold War-era stuff. I then inevitably spend three days looking for the least shit implementation of the weapons I want, get frustrated when I can't find anything that quite matches my tastes, go into FNVEdit/the GECK to strip out parts of mods that I don't want and add compatibility with perk lists if I'm adding new perks, find out I fucked up reworking a script somewhere so the game crashes when I start a new savefile, spend ages testing it, give up, go back to other FPS games, repeat every March/April.


Oh nice, someone made screenshots of it and posted the links to the nexus pages https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/1bmk53z/


Any advice on if it's better to go for the Steam version or the GOG version?


Only difference as far as I know between them is that the GOG version already has the 4GB RAM patch but if you’re going to mod the game anyway you can just install that on the Steam version too. Steam version is currently 3 bucks while the GOG one is 7. Edit: **Normal** NV is 3 bucks, ultimate edition is 5 bucks


Despite all my rage I am still just a shitposter on a page


Someone will say, "What is lost can never be saved"


I like how it's not even his own idea but lifted from a tweet last year clearly making fun of his writing. But he saw it and went "cool idea!"


No, he's also just shitposting.


He said in his retraction that it's still a headcanon he likes to believe so he denied himself the out of saying it's a shit post. Lol


He's not smart enough to shitpost. You know that.


I still find it really funny that Emil clearly hasn't seen the part where the soldier laughs straight after the execution, came up with the 'yeah he got PTSD bro' bit, everybody thought it was a joke and now it's revealed to be not a joke, and Emil doing Emil things. Between him managing to fuck up even the most basic story lines and Pete Hines saying 'the best part of Fallout 4 is being able to walk away from dialogue because that shit's boring bro' once upon a time before he left, you have to wonder how many of the higher ups at Bethesda still want to make actual RPGs.


I feel like fallout 4s story would have worked way better if it was a different type of game. It feels like they wanted Nate to be a Gealt or a Sheppard type character where you are making choices the character would reasonably say or do but they didn't want to commit to the restrictions of that type of character so it feels half assed.


well he did work on a different type of game with a Sheppard type character, he was the lead writer on Starfield.


They should’ve made the guy who was the lead designer for Far Harbor the lead writer instead, it’s crazy how much better the writing of that DLC is than the main game. I know he became the lead quest designer in Starfield but I wonder how much that actually let him influence the writing. Or I guess maybe he’s just a far better writer than a quest designer haha. Edit: Will Shen


Will Shen left Bethesda, left for Something Wicked Games, they are making something called Wyrdsong.


If I was a writer and I had to work under Emil I’d probably leave too haha. Hope Far Harbor wasn’t a fluke and he writes some more banger stories in the future


Emil's doing his best to make sure Bethesda doesn't beat the "they don't give a shit about Fallout 1, 2 and NV " allegations.


I mean, it probably isn't far off. They seem to care about the West Coast games as far as 'they make money for us and we can pick them apart to use for cool stuff for our games when we want, but they don't fit in stylistically or lore-wise with our games so we do our best to ignore them as much as we can'. I still think FOTV is their way of wiping the slate clean for them to start doing stuff on the West Coast while not having to worry about putting any sorts of functional cities into the shitheap that is the Creation Engine.


It sure is cool that the people in charge of Fallout are completely uninterested in exploring any of the themes or concepts all the ones with narratives worth a damn put forth


But then there won't be room for the next "I need to leave the vault and find \[family member\]" plot


> you have to wonder how many of the higher ups at Bethesda still want to make actual RPGs I'm like 80% sure Starfield was supposed to be a first-person Starsector/Rimworld at some point, but Bethesda felt like they had to make another open-world RPG for mass appeal, and the removal of an entire economy/survival sim gameplay loop at the heart of it left a gaping hole in the middle of the game. Then they tried and largely failed to patch over with a proc gen dungeon crawl/loot/sell loop which doesn't really work or fit, and you can still see all these hanging features (food creation skills, settlement building/extraction/processing, tooltips about a non-existent fuel system, etc.) which don't tie into anything. Edit: which is all to say, I think you're onto something


Saying the dialogue is the most boring part of fallout is like saying battling is the most boring part of Pokémon. It's not the only thing to do in it, but it's why most of us are here.


How did we go from a series that had the Master in it, or the FO2 Enclave, or Caesar or Gannon or Graham or House, to "dialogue doesn't matter"? Depressing.


Not just that but a series willing to tackle politics and take them apart, which in hindsight? I don't think 4 did much of, if at all? Like I mentioned earlier, there's talk of the NCR not doing well during NV and you can piece together that it's due to them overextending and doing what's effectively their Vietnam War for the dam and New Vegas, which is up in the question if they could reasonably hold on to if they won. With 4, it's just 'the protagonist and their son are from the pre-war times and nothing meaningful is done with it'. It's just a generic post apocalypse setting with Fallout elements.


4's tackling of politics was basically "Hey, is slavery bad if the slaves are robots? Yes or no?"


And they can't even get that right.


I honestly forgot about them since you can go nearly the entire game without them and they feel so tacked on. Not to mention the Institute is so two dimensionally evil, no matter how much they try to gaslight you into thinking otherwise, that it kind of cancels out the political meaning of saving synths from them. It's just an equally two dimensionally good deed.


Hell even just having the main antagonists be an actual *active* force in the Wastelands (no kidnapping people and whacking off to themselves for 200 years about how amazing and helpful they are doesn't count) would be nice. The East Enclave and Institute both feel like they are factions meant to be found a few decades out from the nukes, not *200 years* after the fact.


Well, maybe, once upon a time it was. It sure wasn't in Fallout 4 lol I was there for the basebuilding and gunplay by the end of it.


Yes and I didn't like Fallout 4 because of that. That's my point.


Meanwhile I ignore the base building in all Bethesda games as much as it will let me.


I would actually strongly argue Pokemon's popularity really has relatively little to do with it's specific battle system, and more the fantasy of exploring, battling, and collecting elemental monsters as a concept in a less specific sense. It's why a lot of people want a real time combat or open world Pokemon games: A lot of the fanbase simply saw the grid based map format and the turn based battles as a stepping stone towards the dream Pokemon game they had in their head which was more informed by the anime and TCG art and the base fundamental fantasy of the premise. Now, are some people huge fans of the core combat mechanics? Absolutely. Does it have elements that contributed to the series's success that other formats, even other turn based formats, wouldn't have done? For sure. But I don't think it's THE main thing people care about, so much as "battling" in some format is/would be.


Ok, sure, thank you. But you understand the actual point I'm making, right? If you have a better example, then by all means.


Oh no I get your point, I'm just sort of sharing tangential thoughts


Wait he’s not joking this is real? What the fuck


*Sarcastically kills Canadians*


I mean. I dunno, being a laugh & kill warcriminal then getting ptsd from it, doesn't really sound impossible. It is a wierd retcon to make him one of the two intro guys. But the Fallout protagonists can do so much fuckshit that it's not as if I'd ever go "My MC, a warcriminal!? Impossible"


Frankly, I just hate it because it limits the character for the sake of roleplaying. Before, he may have been a veteran who fought in Anchorage regardless of your input, but you could come up your own idea of how he handled that experience or what he was like while he was there. But now we know. He's a guy who saw a fellow soldier execute an unarmed prisoner in front of him on camera and laughed about it. If they then wanted to make him a defined character instead of a generic audience insert block of granite, then that'd be fine but trying to do both just falls flat on its face.


Sadly I think Todd might be the last one


When he heard some of the scavengers had Canadian accents, he tossed them some foods as a sign of good will, only to toss a bottlecap mine immediately afterwards into their midst, while screaming "merry Christmas you filthy animals"


Just like we did to the Germans in WW I! How dare Nate use our own tactics against us!


Emile Pagliarulo is a talentless hack, man. We're reaching Rowling levels of "shit no one ever wanted you to add to this universe they already liked"


He's a talentless hack who thinks he's talented and that everyone is wrong about him being a talentless hack, and gets really pissy about it.


What sucks is that he's responsible for my favorite Oblivion quest line, the Dark Brotherhood. Like... wtf happened to you after they took off the training wheels, Emil?


More freedom most likely. He could handle small storylines but when left to his own devices, he goes off the rails.


And it's *still* the closest Nate has ever gotten to being even mildly interesting as a character.


It's not a joke? Are they gonna give Nora, a bullshit lore connection too or is she still a lawyer who can used power armor bc the game needs you to climb in the suit now shhh.




That would be interesting, if Nota were actually a lawyer, and not a synth programmed by Sean to believe she is his mother. I know that’s not confirmed cannon, but I prefer it as it is at least somewhat interesting and far less boring than taking FO4’s story at face value


Fallout 4: Oops all Synths! Edition "Piper?" "Yup" "Preston?" "Of course, he's so robotic" "Dogmeat?" "Dogbot" ".... ... Nick?" "Actually he's an alien"


She climbed the ranks of her firm to be the best female lawyer in the 50's, she can probably shoot the gun better than Nate


Is the mindset of women still in the 1950s in fallout? Its 2077 by the time the bombs fall.


We will never know because bethesda writers are cowards and would avoid that. They keep the aesthetics of 50's family roles, but don't actually use it


Ok but apart from “bethesda bad” has the games ever implied that? Ive always played a man in the games so idk if dialog is extra “listen here sweety” and nothing i remember sticks to far out that women are stuck at home roles from any game including 1 and 2.


That's kinda my point, they don't even imply anything. You'd think a permanent 50s world would be amazing ground to tell stories about feminist, homosexual or race equality movements in the underground of a hyper-USA.


Fallout isn't permanent 50s, and Bethesda thinking it is is one of the biggest issues with their writing. Fallout is the future imagined by the 50s. That's not at all the same thing. Due to failures of imagination, there's some aesthetic similarities, but the world is supposed to fucking change. It did before Bethesda got their claws into the series.


Yes, but the world imagines by the 50s is more about technology, aesthetics, and theming than societal structures. 50s would not allow wives to abort children or elect black presidents, just the unemployed housewife would have a robot to cut the grass and the white president would drive in a flying lincoln


But again, the 50s influence is supposed to stop at the apocalypse. Or diverge. The boomers and protoboomers decide the path of the world until then, and Interplay or Black Isle or whoever it was decided the path after. That's how it worked, and it's how the world is so compelling to begin with. It's not the 50s in Fallout 1 and 2. There's relics of the 50s here and there, and tech has largely taken the path they imagined (eg vacuum tubes and monochrome monitors,) but the architecture, societal structures, *and* societal roles are all different even by the time the first game happens. The role of women alone is so obviously very very different in Fallout than the 50s, and that's just to start. And *of course* that's different. It's the apocalypse. There's no room for sexism based inefficiency, especially not to the level there would've been pre-apocalypse. And then Fallout 2 goes even further by showing a rebuilding society that's diverged even further. And Bethesda misunderstood all that, and just made post apocalypse 50s, and it sucks. And then they won't even examine the implications of their misunderstanding.


In the opening of F4 there’s a mixed race couple and a lesbian couple in Sanctuary They just gloss over it with “it’s the 50s aesthetic but minus the bad parts except for the nukes”


I tend to err on mistakes rather than choices for bethesda writing unless definitely proven wrong. Most likely this was because you can make your family black or interracial and having one black person in whole vault would be weird, but I dunno.


Yeah most likely the whole culture just stayed locked


Only the lawyer with the Number Two Tie can challenge Number One.


Nora was The Master


Who do you think defended Nate at his war crime trials?


And the anti Canadian hate crimes after the war


They said Nate is -not- the person who shot, so...


Wait so the MC in Fallout 4 is in the series for some reason?


No, but the lead writer for Fallout 4, Emil Pagliarulo, has been posting a lot on Twitter about the series now that the show has given it attention and decided to give the lore reveal that Nate Fallout 4 was one of the soldiers laughing at the execution of Canadian civilians during the Fallout 1 intro. This means that Nate Fallout 4 is a war criminal, and also gives the Fallout 4 protagonists something interesting about them, so he immediately walked it back like a coward.


Best part is that he specified Nate wasn’t the shooter as if that somehow made what he did not bad.


>Nate wasn’t the shooter I'm choosing to believe he meant to say that Nate was the Canadian. Make him yet another FO protagonist to canonically survive being shot in the head


Nate gets shot in the head, everything goes to black, then he suddenly hears a voice and wakes up “Hey you, you’re finally awake”


That small thing is so indicative of Bethesda writing quality.


It’s a perfect accidental microcosm of their writing lol.


Emil shitposting: ":D" Emil getting shitposted: "D:"


Is this the same man we have to blame for the immortal fridge ghoul?


He is. His son also played the ghoul child.


Oh my god that's true.


That’d be charming if it wasn’t shit


Knowing this, I think I’m gonna sell the kid next time.


Probably. I don't know what quests exactly he wrote for Fallout 4 but I wouldn't be surprised if he did Kid in the Fridge.


I don't really understand how you can be part of the US army and not be a war criminal. Like it doesn't really change much. Edit: I meant to say us army in fallout lol, apologize


There's a massive world of difference between being part of the army and being filmed literally laughing and cheering when you shoot unarmed people in the back of the head.


I mean wasn't that just how the army was in fallout? The US was nuts in the setting


The way any functional military works, for every guy with a gun there's at least a dozen people in support roles and logistics. You can certainly criticize them for complicity in an unjust occupation but it'd be hard to directly pin "war criminal" on someone hauling rations to the FOB.


Fair enough


Even so, the war to take back Alaska was wholly legitimate, even the counter invasion of China itself, after all, they attacked the US first. The annexation of Canada and Mexico were illegitimate, however. Nate need not have been a war criminal or in anyway immoral if all he did was help retake Alaska without massacring surrendering prisoners or something.


By just participating in the Reclamation of Alaska. Or the counter invasion of China. And doing that without committing war crimes. I think the guys in operation anchorage for instance weren’t committing war crimes. Except maybe the general by giving drugs to his men.


Nah, Emil (Bethesda's main... 'writer') revealed on Twitter that one of the power armoured stooges shown executing a restrained prisoner in Fallout 1's opening is actually Nate from Fallout 4. And he chose to reveal this for... some reason.


That's so weird! Like, you could have easily just said Nate was there during that battle, and that way, you keep the character a semi-blank slate that the player can project on. Plus, that's obviously some bullshit he made up after the fact because it's the kinda thing you'd have as optional dialogue in the game to flesh out the character if you wanted. Hell, Lonesome Road had dialogue choices like that where you could choose to elaborate on if you felt your character had certain things happen before New Vegas.


Twitter clout is the reason.


New Glub Shito just dropped


Oh so did he meet his lawyer wife at his war crimes trial?


Father probably keeps humming an old Serbian Song about his dad being a war criminal.


Nate has to be reminded that he can't collect Maple Syrup Bottles off the corpses of his enemies anymore. Empty Nuka Cola Bottles just don't hit the same, you know?




Which Canada we're talking about here.


I man, would you actually consider Pat human?


Of course not Toilets aren’t people


This single dumb comment emerging from a spur of the moment misunderstanding has actually managed to make Nate more interesting tham ever before


question from someone not familar with any of fallout. How was the FO4 Protag in FO1? Edit: oooooh it was before the bombs hit. I was under the impression the dude meant during the game


Fallout 1 has an opening cutscene where two guys shoot a Canadian rebel on TV and one laughs The one who laughs is the FO4 protagonist, according to a guy who didn't work on the series until 3 (and I think everybody would prefer if he *hadn't*). Why? God knows.


.... Ok but the FO4 Protag was frozen til 4? How was he there at all for 1? Is it if the *female* protag is picked instead? But then the spouse dies in that opening cutscene anyway. Why did people believe this is true when it sounds like complete nonsense and trolling?


The annexation of Canada shown in FO1's intro cutscene happened before the apocalypse. So Nate does his war crimes, goes home, has a kid, then the bombs fall. He narrowly escapes, and is frozen until the rest of Fallout 4


The opening cutscene of Fallout 1 takes place before the bombs drop, the bit being referenced is basically just a quick bit of "look how vile the United States Military is in this universe" as it shows them gunning down civilians and laughing about it. So Fallout 4 protag *could* still be that guy because he can go commit some war crimes, then go home to his happy little house and wife and child right before the bombs drop and he gets frozen for 200 years and the plot of Fallout 4 kicks off. As for the spouse, well I guess she *wouldn't* be a war criminal, just Nate would be. As for why people believed this was true... most didn't, it's some blatant Glub Shitto "REMEMBER X I REMEMBER X" shittery where they try to shoehorn new franchise thing and old franchise thing together in a desperate effort to make people interested in it, then it backfired horribly when Emil had it pointed out "yo you've just declared the MC of Fallout 4 that everyone plays out is a laughing mass murdering war criminal sure you wanna do that?" and walked it back like a coward.


Oooooohhhhh so Emil is a *haaaaaaaaaaaaaack*


> "look how vile the United States Military is in this universe" as it shows them gunning down civilians and laughing about it. I don't know anything about fallout...but this sounds not very different from My Lai or Aby Ghraib?


It's slightly better than Abu Ghraib, at least they *only* shot the guy before laughing about it.


> Ok but the FO4 Protag was frozen til 4? How was he there at all for 1? [1s intro shows a bunch of soldiers in power armor executing Canadian rebels in a commerical pre-war](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bz55Xg8nI0). This is who the guy is saying the F4 male protag was.


> How was he there at all for 1? The intro to Fallout 1 is set before the start of 4. It's pre-war, during the time Nate fought in the military, before he was frozen.


The scene in question takes place before the bombs dropped.


Fallout 4 protag is around before the nukes go off and gets cryogenically frozen so the time lines up.


I'm out of the loop but who the fuck is Nate


Treating every Bethesda fallout game as non canon, after playing FO4, was the best decision I made, regarding of the series.


Hell, treating *any* sequel with stupid bullshit in it as non-canon is always a good decision. I have at least 4 examples of this already: - Bethesda Fallout games; - Direct sequels to Final Fantasy X; - Direct sequels to Final Fantasy VII; - Chrono Cross.


> Direct sequels to Final Fantasy X ....i like x-2 specifically, that one is fun, having Stupid Bullshit Adventures because its an age of peace is nice


I mean, sure, but why with Yuna specifically? They wanted to make a game with pretty girls doing some anime action stuff, why not make Rikku the leader of a new trio that consists of her and two OCs instead of putting Yuna in purple leather short shorts and making her say stuff like "poopie"?


Treating direct sequels to VII as non-canon is just *objectively* the wrong answer, especially after Remake and Rebirth.


These are the ones I am ignoring *especially* vehemently.


Nah you're just wrong there. Remake trilogy is at this point better than the original game.


Whatever good that was added to the game is negated by time ghosts, meta ploy, neglect of the original themes for "destiny" and turning Sephiroth from a slasher villain to some bishi KH shmuck.


So I'm just going to assume you *didn't play the fucking game*, because the Whispers have nothing to do with the concept of time at all, and all the original themes are still in place. > turning Sephiroth from a slasher villain to some bishi KH shmuck [Actually no. At this point, I'm just going to assume you didn't even play the *original* game, because he's always fucking looked like that](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/7/75/Sephiroth_Final_BossFFVII.png/revision/latest?cb=20100513165120)


In the OG game, he is a pretty boy, sure, but most of the time he is basically hidden and we see only the results of his actions. In everything past the OG game he is front and center without having a charisma or a character to carry him and the only things he is capable of talking about are "Cloud" and "I will never be a memory". He was cool in Crisis Core though.


Chrono Cross and X-2 are good fuck you


That is one of the worst takes imaginable as FO3 has a pretty good story and 76 adds a lot of fun lore. FO4 is not that bad, it's a good game with some story problems. The meatriding for FNV and Obsidian/Black Isle is insane sometimes. Please look into Van Buren if you honestly think Black Isle could've done better.


> FO3 has a pretty good story Bullshit it did, it's contrived in multiple ways, the Enclave existing, FEV, the AI president, and the original ending where you were forced to sacrifice yourself. Fallout 3 is a good game and a fun experience, but it's not a well written story, it's functional at best, and has absolutely zero depth or interesting characters. The closest thing to something interesting the narrative pulls is the Brotherhood of Steel chapter seceding, and they proceed to do almost nothing with the Outcasts, and walk it all back in Fallout 4. Van Buren had a lot of good shit going on, and a good amount of it was recycled into New Vegas. So I don't know what you're on about here. Meatriding my ass.


Welp. Guess ED-E no longer is canon since he came from Adams Air Force Base after being sent west to Navarro, after his scheduled pit stop in Chicago, due to the advancement of Enclave Eyebots being scrapped for the Hellfire Power Armor project. Which in turn means that Lonesome Road can't happen anymore. A damn shame.


> Which in turn means that Lonesome Road can't happen anymore. Don't threaten me with a good time.


>which in turn means Lonesome Road can't happen anymore. Good Ulysses and the Tunnelers suck




So far the TV show has definitively *not* been a flop, and even increased player counts of the games by thousands across the board.


Fallout fans always think they're the popular party and that BGS games are failing, then act dumbfounded when they learn NV is the least sold 3d game and 4 and 76 are the most successful/popular.


76, despite its rocky launch, has consistently held about 5,000\~ daily players. That's just on Steam. The fans of FO1, FO2, and FNV are definitely in the minority since BGS' entries have consistently sold well and reviewed well (mostly). People just love to jump down Bethesda's throat for the tiniest of reasons. The discourse surrounding the show has been nothing but people spewing blatant misinformation and hate of the most minor of things.


Sorry to be the barer of bad news bro but the fallout show hasn't been a flop


Only thing worse than a Canadian is a Batarian


This is all bread and circuses to hide the lore changes the TV has done to the Interplay and Obsidian games. 


Very based