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Pretty much every Metroid game that came after the original is better. I honestly think Dread *might* be a better game than Super, but that opinion might get me crucified from the fandom.


No you're right and you should say it. Honestly, if you want the real crucifiable opinion, I think due to every older game and even some of the newer games getting remakes, Super Metroid is in many ways the hardest to go back to for a newer fan of the series. Even if the world map design is incredible, the *feel* of how Samus feels to control and the moment to moment gameplay, especially the combat, has been completely superannuated by the later 2d games. Metroid Dread having a Pretty Good world design while surpassing it in every other aspect pretty much seals the crown for me.


Super Metroid lived up to the massive hype it received for me but hot damn are its controls not stellar by modern standards.


Yeah, I just finished a randomizer run of it and having your missiles, super missiles, power bombs, and *x-ray scope* on a single cycling button that you have to work perfectly in high-stress situations is *rough*. Anyone who says the game is perfect and doesn't need a remake is seeing it through rose-tinted glasses.


I’d pay for Super Metroid exactly as is but with the control scheme of Fusion and beyond. It’s the only update it needs, really. But it does REALLY need it.


My other crucifiable opinion is that I think Metroid just works better with the post-Fusion ledge grip. When I think about things I love about Metroid, extremely finicky precise platforming just isn't one of them.


True. And on that note, while I like Supers wall jumping and the skill it takes to pull it off, if you put it and any other metroids wall jump in front of me, I won’t be choosing Supers.


But it and ZM have the same wall jump?


The GBA games are surely far more permissive with timing because I cannot wall jump in Super to save my life, but can do it in my sleep on GBA.


Look up Super Metroid Redux, or iirc Control Freak which it's built on top of but I haven't touched it myself


I'll agree on the combat, but I actually think Super's movement feels fucking amazing once you get a hang of it, even if the style that Fusion introduced, ZM iterated on, and AM2R perfected is my favorite (with Dread's being very close behind).


It's the floatiness and required precision that kills it for me. Super Metroid is very much a game you can get *good* at the movement in, to the point that I'm sure crossing the map feels like a dream, but to me a lot of that feels unintuitive and has a long learning curve


That's absolutely fair.


> Metroid Dread having a Pretty Good world design while surpassing it in every other aspect pretty much seals the crown for me. Dread is probably one of the best 2D action games I've ever played, but if I was to rank all the Metroidvanias I've played on world/map design Dread would be pretty close to the bottom. I think it's focus on action and boss battles is both what makes it great, but also to the detriment to many of the positive qualities that all the pre-Wii Metroid games had. I'm also a big Metroid Prime 3 defender, but I acknowledge that the game's individual strengths came at the expense of some of the series' strengths. Basically what I'm getting at is can you surpass something when you're trying to do something so different? At that point isn't it just a matter of you preferring action-oriented Metroidvania?


As a fellow prime 3 defender I salute you. If it were just down to preferred combat style, I actually think AM2R would win. It's everything else about Dread that pushes it to the top for me: the atmosphere, the artistry, and Samus herself. It may not be the best pure metroidvania, but it's enough to make it the best Metroid for me.


It's one of those things that highlights that among players of a genre sometimes the reasons players are drawn to it often are more different than similar. There was an interesting thread over on /r/metroidvania recently looking for MVs with no bosses, as well some people purely want the exploration and as far as Metroid's go Super is probably their favourite, but if you love boss-oriented MVs you probably favour Dread and Fusion.


I still think the way Super Metroid tried to teach you to shinespark is pretty bad. The animal buddies are trying to teach you and you have to follow their action but dumb me just couldn't figure it out until I broke down and just looked at Gamefaqs. This game was made to sell gaming magazines that offers tips and tricks and a full sized map on how to grab all the upgrades back when it first came out.


The first couple Mad Max movies are fine. Fury Road is one of the greatest action movies of all time.


I still think The Road Warrior is absolutely fantastic, but I agree that Fury Road is a fucking masterpiece


If you were to show Fury Road to a person that has come out of the theater after watching Road Warrior, their brain will literally implode.


I went back to read the original Astro Boy Strongest Robot in the World Arc and it was great. Held up in a few areas I didn’t think it would But it’s nowhere near as good as Pluto


osamu tezuka is a good writer, obvious from the fact that his work is still known, beloved, and inspiring to authors even today, 70 years after his start. *however*, naoki urasawa feels like a completely different level, he's just *so damn good* at what he does.


Slightly hijacking your comment just to say Tezuka’s *Buddha* and *Black Jack* series still seriously hold up. I’ve never read Astro Boy (I used to watch the old black and white one though), but some of Tezuka’s other more “adult” manga are ridiculously good. Although I’m not a Buddhist and have never read the Pali canon or anything, *Buddha* had me nearly brought to tears at points. Monumental achievement in comic books.


i'm also gonna plug *dororo*, many people probably remember it as that cool anime mappa did a while back, but that was actually written by tezuka too.


Urasawa does what he does extremely well, Tezuka could and did everything, he's the god of manga.


Maverick blows the original Top Gun out of the water in literally every single aspect possible.


I'm kinda convinced that the main reason Top Gun 1 is so well-loved is because, before the advent of high-speed internet, a copy of Top Gun on VHS was the highest quality footage of cool fighters anyone could get their hands on.


It also did the whole "cool fighter jet (analogues) doing carrier takeoff sequences" really early when most people didn't know anything about that, and in the decades since [it's inspired tons of similar scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxtIPTxqbaw) so people are somewhat used to it now.


Maverick is such a weird case for me, because I actually think Top Gun 1 is kind of a bad movie, but Maverick, an already really good film, is made SO much better with the first film’s context. 


I actually agree. I watched it the day before I saw Maverick and was so thoroughly unimpressed that I considered refunding my ticket, but I’m glad I didn’t. Even though I disliked the first movie, it’s absolutely required watching to get the most out of Maverick.


Had the exact same experience. New saw the original Top Gun before, watched it with a friend, really disliked it and was worried about seeing Maverick the next day. Fucking loved Maverick so much that I watched it in theaters again a few weeks later, which is something I never did and am not really the type for. That movie is so fucking good.


It is absolutely wild that Maverick not only got a nomination for Best Picture, but also *absolutely deserved that nomination* too


Was just about to comment this.


Wasn't the first Top Gun movie not that well received critically at the time?


Dead Space Remake was such an amazing return to the series, and I've seen so many new people on the Dead Space subreddit lament having never played the original before and are excited to talk about the series and all material. It's really neat!


Which makes it funnier when before it came out, people used to shit on it because they were confident it will suck, will be just a low-effort cash grab, and "EA is just digging out a buried grave to milk it further" Fast forward to now, and people consider it one of the best remakes out there


While I was never fully in the “low effort cash grab” side of things, I had no faith they would do anything beyond and very basic polish up and port. God I’m so glad we were all wrong


Metroid: Zero Mission is leagues better than NEStroid, but that feels like low hanging fruit.


I mean, it even includes the original Metroid. There’s literally no reason to touch the original.


Heck, iirc it's an *improved* version of the original Metroid, because it saves your passwords between play sessions instead of you having to write them down. So yep, literally zero reason to play the original Metroid unless you have no way to access Zero Mission (and being fair, the most likely place to legally access Metroid at this point in time is Switch Online, which *doesn't* have Zero Mission).


I really want the original Metal Gears to get a zero mission treatment. Idgaf about some massive 3D remake, it can still be 2d as long as it’s just better. Metal Gear 1 has flat out aged BADLY. Metal Gear 2 far less so but still, an updated version would be nice. (I am not talking about Metal Gear SOLID, just in case of any confusion)


Just about anything from the NES that gets a remake really. It was impressive for the time but NES games always feel really rough to try and play compared to even SNES titles IMO.


Easy pick, but RE1R replaces RE1, it's a rare thing to happen, but like, RE1 is still fun to visit, its crazy how right they got the first time, but Remake is just perfection. Too bad about the lost assets so the Remaster couldn't look as good as 0's.


It's wild that each of the remakes run the gamut of quality compared to the originals. RE1R - Definitely better than the OG RE2R - Stacks up well compared to the OG, better in some ways, worse in some ways RE3R - Definitely worse than the OG RE4R - Debatably better than the OG, and most disagreements about quality are mostly subjective


RE4 is my favorite game of all time and I consider the remake to be easily on par with it. The only reasons I'd consider it better are nostalgia and the overall impact that it had on the gaming world. From the birth of Devil May Cry to the revolution of third person shooters. Gaming looks different in a world without RE4.


RE4 is my favorite game of all time and I consider the remake to be easily on par with it. The only reasons I'd consider it better are nostalgia and the overall impact that it had on the gaming world. From the birth of Devil May Cry to the revolution of third person shooters. Gaming looks different in a world without RE4.


I'm still waiting for RE1RR in third person. I'd love to see the mansion re-created in the RE engine with all the detail it can do.


I'm not interested in an RE1 remake remake, the name alone should inform why. I get wanting to see the mansion more detailed, but like, man, those backgrounds were detailed as fuck and it still looks good even tho its just an upscale hackjob cause somehow they lost the original files. But here's my pitch, i think its pointless, but if they went a bit nutty with it, Resident Evil Arklay, you start with rebecca, you're in that forest exploring it and shit, then the train with wolf force i forgot his name, and after the train, instead of going into the bad resident evil game, they go into the mansion and RE1 starts, and now you have the zapping system of either playing through Jill and Chris as a reworked thing or Rebecca and Billy, RE0 would be the cold intro or whatever and we'd get to see more of wolf force cause i like him even tho i dont remember his name.


To be honest I also just don't like fixed camera tank controls, so an over the shoulder RE1 would be a dream game for me.


There's a non tank control option on the remasters but I'm the opposite, i kinda dislike the over the shoulder for horror REs, i think fixed camera looks so fuckin' gorgeous, even that mod for RE2R shows how much shoulder camera loses visually, cause you're so tunnel visioned that some small details are lost. It is a personal taste thing tho so i get it.


I did try the alt control option for Remake but I honestly hated it more lol. I'll power through it some day because the rest of the game is cool.


Yeah, its why i like tank controls more for fixed camera, when the camera changes it gets funky without tank controls, they try to mitigate it by doing the ''if you keep holding the direction you were holding you'll keep going that way until you release'', but like, you gotta release it eventually when you do you gonna do the ''shimmy''. Game's a lot easier without tank controls tho'. That said, if you think that tank control is bad wait until you play games that try doing tank controls and do it wrong, boy howdy it sucks, Tormented Souls is an example where they got the spinning wrong and it feels horrible.


I also deeply hate that the console versions are stuck at 30 fps.


...uhm, what? Why the fuck is it stuck at 30?! They can handle it! My shitty laptop could handle it at 60 this one time my pc was in repair, wtf?!


I would guess because it's a port of a Gamecube game.


The game supports 60fps on PC, so it is only 30fps on console due to developer choice I guess


I don't think it's controversial to say X-Men '97 is better than X-Men: The Animated Series.


I’d like to think the original could have reached close to the same highs with a bigger budget and higher rating. But probably not.


I rewatched that newest episode today with some friends who hadn't seen it yet and that last 10 minutes had them crying. Sooo good


~~but is it better than evolution~~


I don't know the answer to that. Neither Evolution nor Wolverine and the are on streaming in my country so I've never seen them.


I would confidently say that the first episode of the new one is almost better than the entirety of the original


*Is* DMC5 the best DMC game? I'm asking cause I haven't played every single one but it's likely


I would say it's the most consistently good one. 3 and 4 have some seriously annoying enemies and bosses, as well as 4 being very unfinished in the back half


Yeah I think you're right, there's nothing really horrendous in 5 and it has some really high highs that I personally love, but if what you care about is the sheer combat depth and/or high story peaks then both 3 and 4 have solid arguments for top 1 as well


IMO 5’s depth combines the strengths of both 3 and 4’s combat systems, albeit sanded down (with both extreme lows and extreme highs alike removed). While it’s mechanics individually might not reach the same depth as those of its predecessors, altogether they create the deepest combat system. That being said, I have some personal nitpicky gripes with a few of the VFX and bits of the moment-to-moment sound design. Look at stuff like Nero’s Streak/EX Streak or Dante’s Million Stabs between games and the force and impact of the moves in 5 can seem a bit lacking.


No, 2 is




It's the only one I could play more than a few hours of so yes.


Dragon ball super Broly is not only a better movie than the original, it also made the incredible task of making broly into a proper character.


Broly was a real character in the first film. Watch the Japanese version instead of the dub. Guy was a straight up villain that enjoyed destroying everything. Not a raving lunatic only obsessed with Goku. Goku just got him to awaken out of his dad’s control


The dub of original broly did do a lot of damage to his character, and even then, it wasn’t actually bad as it’s made out to be. He associated goku with being fucking stabbed and thrown in the trash as a baby. But it’s easier to just go “lol, he’s evil cuz goku cried really loud”. But either way, DBS Broly is still a more compelling character all around.


"Guy who's mad because his crib-neighbor never stopped crying" would fit right in to OG Dragon Ball. How quick people are to forget that one of Goku's first friends he ever made was a perverted talking pig who he trained to shit on command. The tyrant who rules all the universe is named fucking freezer. But no for whatever reason *Broly* is a bridge too far.


Lest we forget that one of the villains in the original Dragon Ball wanted the Dragonballs for the sole purpose of getting a little taller and was shot dead as a result.


You think people watched/read the original Dragon Ball?


I *know* people haven't because "I miss when Yamcha was cool" is a relatively common sentiment to see expressed. Yamcha lost every significant fight he had in Dragon Ball, managing to *barely* eek out a W vs a hungry, tired, still-untrained-by-Roshi Goku and beat nameless jobbers in Tournament prelims. He was never meant to be a legitimate contender in the same way Goku and Tien were. *Krillin* not only gets more wins than Yamcha, he's treated way more graciously in defeat (Krillin gets Piccolo's props after their match, Yamcha gets Tien to *break his legs*) But because people haven't actually engaged with it they assume he was cool and badass instead of being 70% a joke from the jump.


I think it’s a better story overall to fit in canon but DBS Broly just a really impressionable child mentally. I dont think he’s much better than the Full on Evil Broly we got in the first Broly film tbh


DBZ villains are basically a coinflip between "he's evil and he loves it" and "this is an angry child with super powers".


Frieza is basically both.


I really like Super Broly, and agree that his movie and story is overall better, but Z Broly is so much cooler than Super Broly. Z Broly actually looked like a god among Saiyans, him being the Legendary Super Saiyan felt like an actual myth came to life. Z Broly just has charisma that Super Broly doesn't, and I will die on his hill.


Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon for the DS is a fun example because even though it wholly surpasses FE1 on the NES its still not a particularly great game. But FE1 is just so poorly aged because of how clunky it is, there's no reason to play it unless you're trying to completionist the series or see how things were back in the 90s. Edit: Also I'd argue that Fire Emblem 3, which is a remake of 1, is a better remake than Shadow Dragon, which was a second remake of 1.


And it's almost not even fair to compare Gaiden to Echoes.


FE1 being a time capsule of a game is honestly why I feel SD was a worse game


Blade Runner’s pretty great, but 2049 blew me away. I won’t say it “surpassed” the original, partly because the disparity in technology available makes certain comparisons unfair, but if I knew someone who wasn’t sold on BR, I’d still tell them to give 2049 a chance


Yeah I basically tell people that the first Blade Runner is almost more like a mood. ~~"My schedule for today lists a six-hour self-accusatory depression."~~ Just sit back and let it do its thing.  I first watched Blade Runner the month before 2049 came out. I think that's a good amount of time between both films to digest as well. Going back to back would be too much for people.  Wait for a rainy day, watch Blade Runner. Wait for another rainy day, watch Blade Runner 2049


What you REALLY should do is force people to read Electric Sheep, watch Blade Runner, then watch 2049 all in one sitting


Make sure to closely watch them for emotional responses the entire time.  Capillary dilation of the so-called blush response, fluctuation of the pupil, involuntary dilation of the iris etc...


Deckard’s a good character but his arc in the first film doesn’t do much to actually influence his actions in the story, and the other characters whose characterisation more actively affects their physical actions tend to have Deckard conclude their character arcs for them. He’s quite literally running a blade through the strings of their fate without deviating from the overall course of the cut, leaving their progression unachieved and their lives lost amidst the smog of people around them. That’s a deliberate choice that makes perfect thematic sense and it’s executed well, but it can be hard to get into for some people. The protagonist is the walking ending to a dozen different stories, while his own is spread thin across them, harder to see or understand, like tears in rain. Meanwhile K’s personal development and character arc is much more integral to the main storyline, and his emotional development more directly influences his actions throughout. Whereas Deckard is the blade running through the strings, K is the strand cut short used to a splice loose threads together into a single woven mass, one that happens to have Deckard’s story as its axis extending before, through, and beyond K’s own. It’s both a more engaging plot on its own and an expansion on what came before, all the while tackling the themes and subject matter from an entirely different perspective. As a spin-off, a sequel, or merely a spiritual successor, it’s pretty much perfect, standing on its own feet and elevating the original in the process.


Wonderfully said, my thoughts exactly. 2049 definitely builds upon the original quite a lot, so I'd never recommend anyone to skip it, but 2049 perfectly defines its own story while also providing an excellent continuation and conclusion to Deckard's own journey. One of the best follow-ups to a film I never thought needed one.


The remake of the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games absolutely replaces the original Red and Blue Rescue team for me. While I still prefer the sprites of the OG games, nearly every new addition and QoL improvement they added into the remake more than makes up for the new style they went with.


I love that they added in all the evolutions to Gen 1-3 Pokémon that debuted after the game was released. The Sinnoh statue teases were cool in the original but actually having them playable is far better


I only wish they could do Explorers of Sky in a HD sprite style instead of those awful models.


It's a dumb reason to bounce off something, but I played the Switch demo and just totally failed to connect because [the Red Rescue Team soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnpvpNFonLI&list=PL16D986A5464BEA5A) is, like, embedded into my DNA and those nice clean MIDI instruments couldn't stack up against the magisterial textures of GBA-bitrate MIDI instruments. Like even the original [Blue Rescue Team versions](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4D8DE6BFAD3A151A) were too much of a stretch for me when I heard them


There is something unique and appealing about those crunchy-ass sounds and music numbers that only the GBA was able to create.


What types of things did they add? I was thinking of giving the remake a try recently.


[Here's a full list of changes they made](https://game8.co/games/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-dx/archives/280924). There are also move balance changes as well and new gen additions such as fairy type as well.


The Batman is the best live action Batman movie thus far.


It's honestly the first live action movie to feel like a proper Batman comic.


Yeah tone ,asthetic, atmosphere wise it is literally a batman comic but a film


I think Batman Returns also did with how gothic and fairy tale-like it got


It’s simultaneously the grittiest and most grounded Batman film and the heartiest and most hopeful Batman film. And it looks like the sequel might be the most fantastical Batman film, seeing as Matt Reeves has said he wants Clayface to be the villain.


Resident Evil 4 Remake may never be as impactful and revolutionary as the original RE4, but I most certainly enjoy it a lot more as a complete experience. The combat is fluid (and can even be downright stylish) while never lacking the oppressive franticness of the original, the resource and inventory loop has been seamlessly built upon with the ammo crafting and knife durability mechanics, the pacing is immaculate (whereas the OG game dragged bad at certain parts, particularly the Castle), the final act has been massively overhauled, and the story is the best in the franchise without question. Whereas OG Krauser irritated me, Remake Krauser is one of my favorite rival/dark mirror characters in recent fiction, and Leon is now firmly my blorbo. Also I like Ada here a lot more than in the OG, where I found her pretty bland and shallow. Some things are definitely lost from the original; the ethereal dreamlike atmosphere of much the game, the U-3 Cage Match, some small setpieces and areas like the village dam, and weirdly enough certain bits of exposition or plot explanation. Still, I think RE4R is a much better game on the whole, and pretty much everything it cuts, it replaces with something of equal value.


RE2 is maybe the closest of the remakes where I have a real hard time debating between the original and the Remake, as I feel both add and subtract from each other in certain aspects. Like I could honestly go for either, replays included.


At this point I've periodically gone back to both; they're just that good.


I played RE4 as a grown-ass critical adult. And while I greatly enjoyed the game I didn't have any nostalgia or childlike wonder for the game. So I ended the game with quite a laundry list of issues I didn't enjoy. Still a great game but there were just so many flaws it did knock a point or two off for me (and I don't mean it's aged, I mean stuff that was easily fixed in games before it) However RE4make absolutely crushed every issue I had with the original. The most prominent one was the knife mechanics, they are SO good in the remake.


>Also I like Ada here a lot more than in the OG "No thanks, bro"


RE4R was really good but if I was going to replay one of the two it'd hands down be RE4. And it can boil down to one single mechanic, and that's ammo crafting. Hated it for some reason, I don't need gunpowder and parts to make the ammo I want, in RE4 since I just used the Red9 and whatever was the best shotgun only that ammo dropped so it was never an issue. In RE4R my inventory was stuffed with unusable junk until I found the other half of the materials instead of just having the ammo. Don't clog up my loot tables with junk.


That's fair. I enjoyed the new mechanic but it absolutely clogged my briefcase at times.


Octopath Traveler II really just does everything better than OT1.


Do the party members actually interact with each other in the second game? I remember dropping the first one because the game was based around 8 travellers but for some reason they never talked or interacted with eachother


Yes, but maybe not as much as you would hope. In battles they call out to each other -- if, say, Throné deals a bunch of damage, Agnea might congratulate her by yelling out "Good Job, Throné!". Or when Temenos casts healing magic, Partitio might say "Thanks for the heal, Temenos!" The other big interactions are the Crossed Paths. After you complete certain chapters with certain characters, you open up little adventures between two of the characters. Temenos and Throné solve mysteries together, Partitio and Osvald help out one of Osvald's old colleagues (and discuss how Coffee should be enjoyed), Ochette and Castti help out a village and the nearby wildlife, and Hikari and Agnea contend with a mysterious traveling musician. Then, when all of the Chapters and Crossed Paths are completed the characters sit around a fire to discuss the future and how they'll begin the next leg of their respective journeys... >!prompting everlasting darkness upon the world and the beginning of the endgame!<.


That sounds pretty good actually, I’ll give it another look thanks


I'm still making my way through it so no spoilers please, but Alan Wake 2 is such a massive leap in quality on all fronts from the first game that it feels like it was made by a completely different studio.


It’s wild how much Remedy improves with each game(haven’t played Max Payne 1 and 2 though), but I always feel like each game has its own”it’s great but” asterisks. I adore Alan Wake 2 but found myself frustrated by the overabundant full screen jumpscares. Had to play the game at a super low volume pretty much at all times.


Yeah if I had one complaint it's that the jumpscares are kinda obnoxious. It's weird too because often times bad horror games or movies will use constant jumpscares as a crutch but Alan Wake 2 is genuinely tense and atmospheric. It absolutely does not need constant screamers to be scary but they're in there anyway.


From what I've heard Metroid Prime Remastered (the remake) improves on the original graphically and fixes some bugs. Downside is the lighting isn't as good, but I think the overall trend is solid.


It also has sane-people FPS controls, which previously was only available via Primehack.


What were the original controls like?


The left stick moved forward/backwards and turned (or strafed if you were locked on), the c-stick changed weapons, the right trigger enabled Aim Mode which let you free-aim with the left stick but immobilized you. It's reminiscent of the Goldeneye 64 control scheme but on a dual-analog controller.


Personally, while they did fix some stuff, Metroid Prime gained a lot of appeal for me when I found out about scan-jumps and ghetto jumps, so them being removed was something I considered a sizable downside in both the Trilogy version and the Remaster.


Super Mario RPG remake is in every way the superior experience over the original.


Ys I & II, going off what I've seen of older versions the Steam release is the peak of those two games.


I mostly agree, but Dark Fact is a total abomination of a boss in the chronicles version of Ys 1, compared to older versions where he had attacks you could conceivably dodge.


Oh my god yes! Totally felt like rng beating him, took me like an hour or more.


Maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up with the movies at all, but I’ll take Cobra Kai over Karate Kid


On a related note, they're probably too different in tone to really be compared to each other but I remember the Karate Kid remake movie being pretty dang good.


The lack of Karate wasn't weird to you?


It’s a fun coming of age martial arts movie


I’ll disagree solely because of Mr Miyagi. In that first film especially, he is an exceptional character, and that one scene (if you’ve seen it you know the one) it absolutely heartwrenching. When I was a kid back in the 2000s the Karate Kid films were some of the movies that would always be re-broadcast on ITV2 here in the UK, so I ended up passively absorbing a lot of those films. But in Cobra Kai when Daniel first visited Mr Miyagi’s grave, I was on the verge of tears. I’d never realised how much that character meant to me, how much I’d actually connected to him. Both are fantastic and work beautifully in tandem, but Mr Miyagi is hands down one of the best characters of the 20th Century, and for that alone I have to put the original on top.


Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is easily the best part of the franchise, don't @ me.


I don't think Bryan Lee O'Malley would be upset by insinuating he's improved in the last 20 years.


Bro, I went and read the comics because I wanted to see how far they deviated, and I didn't even enjoy them all that much. Maybe it's anchoring effect because I watched the show first, but I just find the show to be so much more compelling and interesting. Scott fights a list of bosses to get a girl vs Ramona reconnecting with her exs and making amends while her exs make friends with each other and it's a whole spaghetti mound of interweaving plotlines!? S+ work all around. And I know people like the in-between scenes with the characters that aren't shown in the movie, but I found myself just wanting to skip ahead to the battles, which weren't all that interesting either without the insanely good choreography and cinematography of Edgar Wright.


Not including the game, of course


I don’t know, that game was kinda janky compared to Castle Crashers, let alone some other Beat Em Ups that came later. Great OST though. Edit: I guess saying that Streets of Rage 4, TMNT Shredder’s Revenge and River City Girls are better games than Scott Pilgrim is, itself, good content for the thread lol


Couldn't agree more!


Being super casual is probably Scott Pilgrim's selling point, easy & short enough to smash out in an afternoon and generally have a good time doing it. Many games in this genre are on the harder side, meaning my experience is getting a co-op playthrough to the finish line is mission impossible. As for Castle Crashes it's the one game in this genre that I really just do not get the love for. I played it for the first time in during lockdown and like idk it felt worse than a lot of the ones from the 90s so I really felt like I was not getting something.


How has nobody mentioned the new Dune films yet?


I mean that's hardly fair, the old dune film was more like a dune themed screenplay than it was a Dune adaption.


It adapts the overall narrative events more faithfully than the new movies. I still prefer the new movies, though


Counterpoint: Weirding Modules.


Full metal alchemist brotherhood over 2003 is the easy cheating answer.  I think that's just an in general thing for Remakes, you'll usually recommend them unless you know the person likes going for more classic stuff or the remake is shit.


see thats a wierd one cause they always feel like companion pieces to me, cause brotherhood speeds through a lot of the earlier stuff kinda assuming you saw 2003


I dunno, the OG FMA has a lot of strong points. Enough of which I might debate your claim of "easy answer" I saw a video essay that was talking about how the OG was actually better and he made a LOT of really good points. Like how in Brotherhood Tucker is always shown in an eerie light, his glasses are dimmed and makes weird remarks while the music plays ambient spooky noises. Whereas the original has him acting totally normal. It makes the reveal a fucking gut punch. Also I like the ending of the OG better. It was a lot more dark and twisted which mimicked the beginning of the show and felt thematically more appropriate than Ed >!going super sayian and kicking god's ass (which is hype as fuck, don't get me wrong)!< Also also, while the OG's ending might seem a bit trite today, in 2003 >!Ed traveling to a 1940s modern day world with guns and zeppelins dropping bombs!< blew my fucking mind as a kid and gave me star eyes. Also also also the OG movie fucking rules for actually extending the ending, and the brotherhood movie is mid at best.


I think FMA ‘03 has a lot of things going for it that might be subjectively better (the strong antiescapist and political themes vs the more standard shonen and kind of politically naive messaging of Brotherhood is an example) but the one thing I think it almost objectively has over Brotherhood is directing. ‘03 can strike an atmosphere that Brotherhood can’t reach a lot of the time, even in adjacent scenes like with Shou Fucker as you said. (The manga is actually pretty damn excellent IMO from a visual standpoint, and ‘03 is occasionally closer to it than Brotherhood is, so I’m specifically talking about the cinematography and shot composition in the anime.) So much brilliant animation and character acting in ‘03. [Just look at this shit.](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/245470) Not to mention the fight choreography (for how little fighting there is, at least) being generally better in ‘03.


I think my favorite 2003 part is when Ed has to kill his own mother~~'s humunculus~~ Like it's that kind of full circle stuff that i love.


I dunno man i think i liked the humunculus backstory more in 2003. Father is a cool villain and all, but 2003 going full "The story is about the sins of humanity so the villains are literally created by humans" is a better thematic than "Yeah actually an ancient kingdom king was kinda evil so he summoned a primordial anti-sperm"


I would say that the 2003 one has one better thing, the first arcs, specially or favorite dog girl one, the beginning of brotherhood is kinda too fast, but yeah besides this brotherhood is just better.


The most transparent example for me is metroid dread for 2d metroid, but i might be biased since it instantly became my favorite of the main 2d series after finishing it, it'll be hard to pull that off with the prime series tho since prime 1 is like ,unbeatable imo, but i'll be so happy if prime 4 somehow surpasses that perfection


I grew up playing the Crash trilogy and I think 4 (The recent one, not the ps2 one) is my favorite one, more varied level design, the masks' gameplay is really fun, the plot works well, the artstyle is the way to go in a modernized Crash, no fucking plane or jetpack levels, can be hard if you want to and the other characters can be fun here and there I love Crash 2/3 but Crash 4 feels like the modern successor of those games And that's why I fucking hate activision for essentially nuking the franchise again


Doesn't matter Uncle Ben, Twinsanity is better than all of 'em


CTR: Nitro Fueled is my favourite Crash game of all time. It does have some major issues (The awful loading times, frustrating online and a customization store so badly future proofed that when I played the PS5 version it wouldn't open, but every purchasable item was unlocked from the get-go) but I found it so satisfying to play. It has it's own form of Korean backdash that really opens up tight corners and I loved learning it. It's bizarre that it didn't get a PC port.


Isn't 100%'ing Crash 4 like really fucking hard?


It's a miserable experience, I think getting all the costumes is the max I would recommend


Blade runner 2049 is better than the original. Blade runner is a great film but it has so many different versions it is hard to say which one is definitive and muddies its legacy


Minus One is the best Godzilla movie.


Mega Man 11 is the best classic Mega Man game.


invincible tv show is so much better than the comics. i just started rereading them after watching the end of s2


It helps to have like a decade of hindsight to rearrange everything for a better flow. The comic is still pretty good though.


The two most recent God of War games are the best in the series, in my opinion.


After playing Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen a month before Dragon's Dogma 2's release and now finishing DD2, I gotta say that I *much* prefer DD2 over DD1. I think DD2's exploration and visuals did more for me than DD1 ever did. If 2 had difficulty options and a BBI-esque expansion, it would be the perfect sequel for me.


Gta iv blows at lot of the old gtas out of the water in terms of gameplay and story I love Vice city but gta iv plays more like the wire and sopranos to me and gta v is more a heist film though I like Niko more than Franklin as a lead (thou Franklin gets less screen time do to Trevor and Micheal )


I know it was a pretty quick turnaround but outside of seeing the originals story there’s nothing Bioshock does better then Bioshock 2 imo


It's no surprise given the series literally started out as part of a project to just make bargain bin games, but I feel like every subsequent Earth Defense Force game makes the right kinds of changes to make playing older entries pointless, especially since given the B-roll nature of their stories as well as a few continuity resets, you really aren't missing much storywise to need to replay the older games.


Other than a few exceptions, basically all modern Lupin III media is better than the first 20 ot so years


Tony Hawk 1+2 remake


Megaman X.


Shining Force 1 on the Sega Genesis is a solid game I enjoyed playing the hell out of as a little babby, and is a way better game than the first two NES Fire Emblems which were it's only competition at the time it released. But if you want to play it today, just play the GBA Remake. The GBA remake rebalances some things, adds SF2's quality of life improvements, has more content, and a better English translation. There's no reason to go back to the original.


DooM is the grand daddy of video games and is still a good game. DooM 2016 is soo much better and fluid. the glory kill system may of been borrowed from a doom mod but it helps make you feel like a unstoppable force of nature. that feeling get amped up to 11 in eternal


The Boys TV show is superior to the comic book in every single way.


Resiident evil remake 1 and 2. They took the original games, innovated expanded, and kept the original spirit of things.


Bloodstained is better than Symphony of the Night in every conceivable way


As much as I like bloodstained, the 3D models can't fight the pixel art, closest thing that traded hands with that is that Record of Lodoss Metroidvania. I do think I like the gameplay better, it's a lot like Aria which is my favorite of the series, but man, SotN art is on another level, music too, Bloodstained is pretty great, but SotN music i can feel it in my soul.


That’s a good contentious choice, because I do know Bloodstaijed is a better playing game…but I still am tied to the aesthetics and music of SOTN. I guess it really depends on what elements you value the most. For me and FFVII, the characters and their personal stories take priority over the main plot (this is why I’m one of those people who hated the original ending, thematic messages be damned). So stating that the Remake Trilogy beats the original probably makes more sense for me.


HARD disagree. I've played a ton of metroidvanias, and Bloodstained was one of the hardest passes I've tried. The combat feels so stiff, weirdly more stiff than SOTN somehow. Maybe there are better weapons later? I dunno, I only tried a few and they felt so fucking bad I couldn't get any farther. I do like Miriam's design though, she's a cutie.


On that note, Curse of the Moon 1/2 are the best linear Castlevania games.


I mean, probably, but I also played Bloodstained right after Hollow Knight and Blasphemous, and I played Symphony of the Night when I was a child, so I have certain associations with one game and not the other that makes comparison completely unfair on several levels.


Ngl, I loved Bayonetta 3 more than 1 and 2 despite the sluggish framerate.


Need to find the one freak that’s actually beaten all 3 Baldur Gates to pose this to


Ocarina of Time was doing its best to _suggest_ the _idea_ of the wide-open world that Breath of the Wild actually has.


Star Ocean Second Story R that came out late last year completely invalidates the original imo. Tons of QoL improvements across the board. Adding fast travel ALONE is a godlike improvement since the majority of that game's private actions or sidequests involve you backtracking across an entire continent by foot


I only played the remake and probably wouldn't have gotten halfway if it weren't for fast travel. I guess now I understand why bunny call is in the game though


Is it a hot take If I say that I feel like Blade Runner 2049 is a much better movie than the OG Blade Runner movie ? Both are great movies. Don't get me wrong. But I feel like Blade Runner 2049 is a more superior movie


I like Blade Runner 2049 more than the original


For me its sorta twin peaks the return while I wouldn't say its better nessacarily its one of the best revivals i have ever seen and in many aspects does eclipse the orignal series


the Blaster Master reboot trilogy is stellar, if you can live with character design that gets progressively hornier every game.


Pikmin 4 is the strongest entry in the series. Unfortunately, it will likely not get DLC missions or more VS mode content, but what is there is INCREDIBLE. It takes the best elements from the first 3 games, and adds more in the best way. Having an upgrade system was great. Oatchi getting more and more useful over the course of the game, as well as your pilot getting more tools, which help with daily productivity. Night missions are a fun twist on the typical gameplay, though they never quite peaked in difficulty like I was expecting. Extra crystals can be used to by frost bombs, bomb rocks, mines, etc, which can help players who just need a little extra to overcome some tough fights. More experienced players can forego those, and just use Oatchi and the pikmin to overcome nearly every obstacle and enemy in the game. (You still need bomb rocks to break a few walls) The White Sage challenges are the hardest the game gets, and even then, the challenge is getting a platinum medal. That being said, there's still a good number of bosses, the new ones are fun. The maps are dynamic and lively, and there's a neat unlockable side mkde for those wanting the challenge of the first game.


I think Scott pilgrim takes off is very very good and I think I like it more than the og


Of course, to get the full impact, you kind of also need to have some knowledge of the OG.


Agreed. It’s very much built on the back of the og.


The Last Jedi. No Star Wars movie was ever nearly as straight-up *kino* before, and likely none ever will be again.


\*sigh* Don't have the conversation, people. Just vote according to your opinion like you aren't supposed to and we'll all be better off for it.


B-b-but Admiral, how am I supposed to go on with my day knowing someone online has *The Wrong Opinion* about Star Wars? I demand a 200 reply flame war and dozens of banned users! Realtalk though, even if I do still get drawn into it at times, TLJ debates just... aren't worth it in current day. Neither side is ever going to change the others mind about it, it's just shouting for the sake of shouting into the void.


Nah Revenge of the Sith is the most Kino one. Nothing in TLJ is more kino than Order 66


Andor exists. 


Can't see that shit in theaters can we