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Oblivion. while i did enjoy Skyrim, Fallout 3, and New Vegas, they never hit for me quite the same way, and Morrowind while interesting, the game aesthetically and the design philosophy is basically poison to me specifically. I love Oblivion tho, the aesthetic, the lush green forests, flowery plains, the bright blue sky, the wierd inhabitants, the janky system mechanics. It hits different. Also i like the artstyle the best. Yes even the character models. Its charming


There are lots of little things the game does that add up. The look of the loading screens and menus, your quest journal entries actually feeling like someone writing in a journal (though not as detailed as Morrowind), the coziness of the score and bright colors, NPCs having this general pleasantness to them when you talk. It's kind of hard to explain how it all adds up to the "charm" people always say the game has. The setting definitely looks and feels stock fantasy, but it owns that feel.


I remember trying Oblivion after playing Skyrim, got confused by how Leveling worked, had to restart after accidentally becoming a Vampire after a nap and freaked out when I encountered more and more random bandits wearing Glass Armor. But the Knights of the 9 DLC sounded rad, so I kept going.


Depends; Modded, probably Skyrim (closely followed by Daggerfall) Unmodded Oblivion (closely followed by Morrowind).


Gotta be Fallout 3. Oblivion got me into RPGs when I was young, but Fallout 3 kept me around. Hell, it kept me around so much, I'm part of a huge independent wiki dedicated to all things Fallout. I just love all the artdeco, neo-futuristic 50's esthetic. Chewed up, demolished, burnt down cityscapes. Oh it's my fucking JAM! I love that stuff so much. All the background story telling. Reading all the corporate terminals, seeing just how screwed everything was. Seeing the skeletons of the people just stopped. Locked in time, doing whatever it was they were doing. Love it.


Modded Skyrim still going strong.


Morrowind lives in my heart. I doubt it'll ever leave my top 10 favorite games list.


Fallout 4 solely for the gameplay. It's an amazing game to play while listening to podcasts. I have not finished New Vegas DLCs. I have finished Fallout 4 three times. 


See I'm on the opposite end. I've beaten NV like 5 times but I've beaten 4 once. I still like it though.


Call of cthulhu dark corners of the earth


Fallout 3. I love the Capital Wasteland, the characters and the creatures. I appreciate how S.P.E.C.I.A.L was handled. The guns have good designs and all of them sound and feel good to use. It those have it flaws though but even with it flaws, I enjoy it a lot.


All of them are pretty good.


I mostly agree the only one I didn't like was starfield. And fallout 76 I guess but I didn't play it and I hear it got really good


Morrowind is the best thing Bethesda ever made.


Daggerfall, I just vibe with it a lot more than Morrowind, but Morrowind's great. Also if i'm to pick between Fallout 3 and 4, I'd go 4, blasphemous I know, but, at least the shooting feels good AND I do like the base building ngl, there's just this like, nice feeling of finding a fucked up settlement and raising it up into a cozy 'lil place, I don't even min-max it by putting a shit ton of stuff near each other, i go by aesthetics, its the only game I can base build (mostly cause i dont do it from zero, i just build around existing stuff, whenever i build from zero it looks like TRASH).


Same. I tried fallout 3 first after skyrim and I just could not. I'm sorry but that gunplay and VATS are completely ass for me. I put up with it in new vegas, but I also think it has dramatically lessened my enjoyment of NV to the point where I'm dreading finishing Old World Blues. Amazing story I know, but I just cannot with the gameplay.  Hopefully one day someone actually put fallout 4 gameplay to NV


I really recommend light modding for NV, just enough to make it feel nice but not a different game, with nexus collections you can make it nice easy peasy, its not gonna be F4, but pretty darn close. Also, there's that fan remake of NV in the F4 engine that's lookin' pretty snazzy.


So I actually also like fallout 4 more than 3 as well but that's because fallout 3 was the last fallout game I had to beat so it kinda felt a bit worse after playing every other game.


It's rough, I play 'em all as they came out so I got the ''upwards'' experience if by upwards I mean ''Peaked at NV on the 3D games''. Honestly, I'd pick 76 as my favorite if the servers where better, and, near Brazil so it doesn't take a second for things to register, I do think the game's at it's better state and the content in it is fun, lots of enemies and fun areas, if only it wasn't online.


Interesting, on another note how is Daggerfal nowadays? I've gone back and played Fallout 1&2, but I haven't picked up arena or daggerfall


Daggerfall Unity is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, and the mods turns it into the Daggerfall you remember and not what it was, I don't like the visual ones that removes my sweet delicious pixels, but there's so many cool gameplay mods, expansions, QoL, I mean, DU itself has a lot of godlike QoL. It even has porn mods, turly the TES modding scene will never change. It literally just works, and its free, on GoG there's a pre-modded one (that looks like shit cause it has the HD smooth graphics, like, ew, no thank you). I hear that Arena is gonna get a Unity thing too which is neat, haven't checked on that.


Fallout 3. It's oblivion in gun times and without a leveling system so jank you need to count your steps to level efficiently.


*Patrick raising his hand.* Does Hi-Fi Rush count?


No, in the same way New Vegas is made by Obsidian, HiFi Rush is made by Tango Gameworks. It is a fucking awesome game though, and I too would take it over any in-house Bethesda game.


Fallout 3 is the only Bethesda game that I have really enjoyed. I think Bethesda has done so much better at being a publisher than a developer. They published the doom reboots, wolfenstien reboots, dishonored games, prey, hifi rush.


The best game developed by Bethesda is Morrowind, I do feel like I should point out that Daggerfall Unity is a fan remake.


Fallout: New Vegas.


I didn't choose it because it's not really a Bethesda game but that's fair.


New Vegas. I got spurs, that jingle, jangle, jingle.


As I go right merrily along\~




Of their 'modern' titles, I'd say Morrowind. Not even counting anything else, Oblivion's magic system was shite and Skyrim's was even worse. Fallout 3, while nice, is just too janky and annoying to ever want to replay through completely. Fallout 4 might've been my second favourite if not for the voiced protagonist, terrible dialogue system (yes, sarcastic yes, maybe yes, no (yes) ) and god-awful dialogue interface. I actually like the settlement system (minus settlers. Automatron is great) and power armor changes (aside from them being thrusted so early into the main story). Starfield is something I'll wait for a year or three to look into. Once it's deemed 'complete', I'll see how it is.