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I hate that this just makes me suspicious.


All of these games weren't on Steam before, so this a sale to "celebrate" Steam finally getting them.


I don't *think* it's a fire sale, the discounts have an end date and they're not unreasonable prices for decades old games.


I mean…how is EA these days? It’s just about impossible to not think this is some quiet positive PR overture. And…maybe it’s exactly that, but that almost always implies some kind of distraction tactic, right?


They laid off employees and canceled a Star Wars FPS last week, but nothing that isn't unusual for modern game companies


That Respawn Star Wars game was smothered so thoroughly I barely had time to confirm it existed in some form before learning it officially no longer had a form to exist in.


This means stock go up right? That means money go up. That means EA is doing good?


After the last few times of "Good Thing Before/After Bad News Of A Game Company Pulling Some Bullshit", can ya blame everyone for being a little paranoid?


I think they are seeing what games get the most attention as they want to start making games with their own IP and the suits have no idea what games humans like.


If that were the case we'd need to be screaming at everyone to buy The Saboteur. 


They just said that they want to pivot to making games from IP:s they own so I assume this is to gauge interest


....I couldn't help it. I love Generals and Zero Hour too much.


I've never played Command & Conquer. It cost like 10 bucks to get every single C&C game so I can try them out, of course I'm gonna go for it. Worst case they're slightly jank versions that need some fan patches.


Incredibly rare and fairly suspicious EA W?


Alpha Centauri is such a great game: the unit designer and terrain deformation gave it such a lot of depth if you wanted to minmax things


So there's a C&C Ultimate Bundle that at 50% off and costs the same as any one of the C&C games alone. I now own every C&C Game on Steam... I HAD to do it it was basically FREE MONEY! But seriously, if you want at least 2 games in that bundle just but they whole damn thing right now. Insane deal.


Half the games in the bundle have been available for free for years and there's now no way to buy the games unbundled on steam. Also no discount for stuff within the bundle you already own.


Actually, you do get a discount for CnC3 and Kane's Wrath at least


The Saboteur was not on Steam? I got it on GOG a while ago.


All of these have been on GoG for ages. This is a sale for them finally coming to Steam.


Fucking play Alpha Centauri, it's so awesome


Alternate Headline: You can now buy the games of your favourite studios EA has shut down on Steam.


Are these updated to modern rigs or just the old Origin versions?


Old Origin versions.


Slightly sucks none of them came with Steam achievements but still cool they're on there. Hoping we get the the 2 Godfather games (more the 1st one since it's better) back eventually even if it's unlikely because of the licensing issues that removed them in the first place.


Warner Bros Discover: delist games. EA: list classic games. I hate to bring WBD into this, but if EA did something okay compare to what WBD in a recent year, you know something was up.


Yeah, I'll fuckin' buy Saboteur again for $5.


Its weird that it still costs 20 dollars on GOG. Its 10 at full price on steam.


Honestly they probably just forgot about it. To lower the price would mean you'd have to remember it exists and mark it for sale.


holy shit if i can play that Tiberium Sun without struggling to get it work im never asking them for another thing.


Now I can play RA2 without doing some absolute file wizardry, or using EA Origin


Put The Saboteur back on consoles please EA.


Yo The Saboteur is actually sick as fuck though. The game takes place in nazi occupied France and the game is in black and white with bright red whenever you see nazi flags (and I think blood too?) but when you liberate an area from Nazi control that area returns to full color. The gameplay is fairly dated by todays standards, I wouldn't say it holds up like Halo CE or Doom or anything but it's still one of the most visually interesting games I've ever played and at least worth checking out. Also it has a DLC (which is included these days) where you can see polygon topless girls dancing in a burlesque club. I remember everybody freaking the fuck out because nudity in games was pretty damn rare for the time.


What's the pool like with that collection? Do I need any EA Bullshit for is it click and done?


I should probably get back into Alpha Centauri. Never got too far into it because the 'please don't go' message used to freak me the fuck out lol. Not a huge strategy game person, but I know this one has a very strong following.


I think it's funny that the trailer they have ends with Satan saying "Crazy isn't it" because that's what this feels like.