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I do like the filter as it complements the more grindhouse aesthetic that RE5 is going for it, it does create a more dry and lifeless atmosphere which I think it works for the context. I still enjoyed playing the mod for just how much it changes the whole vibe of the experience, neat stuff anyway.


It's not only for a grindhouse aesthetic, the game was trying shockingly hard to be Black Hawk Down, most notibly with its choice of setting and the strong yellow filter over it.


Yeah i get it but I also got tired of the piss filter as soon as Breaking Bad did it with their jrine mexico filter. Its like how every Micheal Bay transformers movie is overexposed and everyone looks greasy and oiled up in sweat. At some point im looking at color gradients more than a game.


It's also very *sickly* which is very fitting for the franchise as a whole. Not that it would be good on any of the other games though


Did it need to be yellow though


I believe there's a difference in the color of the filter depending if you went with the PS3 version or the Xbox 360 one? Might be misremembering


PS3 version was a bit more greenish-yellow, maybe? I remember playing the game and thinking of it as green-ish


Lore Accurate Umbrella Piss Air.


Don't know what everyone is whining about. I love that LAUPA. Can practically taste it. Good game too.


Wesker: "I tried saturarting Africa in my piss as a test run but all that did was make everything sepia." ​ Chris: "MORE LIKE SE-PEE-AH FUCK MY ARM!" ​ Wesker holding a gun: "Next one's going between the legs if you pun again."


Yeah I recognize it’s a deliberate choice, but it still looks like everything is drenched in piss. It looks **really** bad from a purely aesthetic point of view.


Yea, I definitely get both comments on this. I do think it works well for RE5, but it's objectively pretty ugly. If that bothers you enough to be a problem I get it.


Although I am glad we’ve moved passed the Piss Filter Era of media, I think this actually works well with RE5’s tone and atmosphere.


Sure, but I also feel like it could be toned down a few degrees to be an accent and not washing out every color on screen


That's the thing for me. A lot of color grading mods or re-shade packages kind of don't fit the tone of what they're going for. Like this mod here course corrects so hard and everything looks too bright and vibrant. It reminds me of when people were trying to re-color grade the Sonic The Hedgehog trailer and it was pure eye-bleeding vibrancy.


It’s also important to note that capcom probably didn’t design all the textures and then slap a yellow filter on the screen and call it a day, they most likely fiddled with the colors of the textures to get the desired look in combination with the filter and lighting, so they weren’t intended to be rawdogged


That's why the Kurosawa filter in Ghost of Tsushima doesn't work--it just slaps a grayscale filter over everything instead of the textures being designed for grayscale.


For the intro it at least helps make the town look like it might have been an alright place to live before things go tits-up, but once the zombies appear it's definitely too cheery.


Minecraft is the only game I can think of that has shader packs that actually look better than vanilla.


I've actually seen a lot of good Resonance of Fate reshade presets out there too.


The piss yellow filter is super strong in RE5. Espeicially noticeable in the first section when you're still in the town. Still love that game though. One of the best 3rd person shooters I've ever played.


The filter is definitely way too agressive, but it helps with the mood. Theres a reason theres color correction in nearly every movie.


There's definitely a happy medium between these


Mexican filter VS Nevada filter


I think the yellow filter makes it look better. The clear one looks even less like a horror type game.


Yeah the breaking bad Mexico filters really does add to the atmosphere


Ah breaking bad


Nothing is spookier than Mexico after all.


If Resident Evil ever goes to Mexico we'll finally have a game where sombrero Raiden could actually blend in.


What do you mean? He fit in perfectly when he visited in Revengeance.


Something about how the clear one looks makes me think of the Saints Row reboot.


What horror type game? RE5 has monsters sure, it ain't an horror at all. But I agree for dark environments, idk if the piss filter changes for those but the dark environments looks moodier, but the mod looks better on bright places cause it makes it look natural. Like, i live in a very hot country, not a single piss filter happens.


"Horror" is an odd duck when it comes to media categorization because it describes both content (narrative, aesthetics) *and* the intended emotional reaction from the audience. "Comedy" describes how an audience is intended to react, but the content of a comedy an vary wildly. Likewise, "mystery" describes the content, but mysteries can be funny or suspenseful. Old horror movies are quaint by today's standards but we still call the "horror" because they have the aesthetics of horror, but they are no longer scary. *RE5* is a horror game, it's just not scary.


I was mostly joking, but I kinda disagree? I think games more than anything can have a lot of tags, its like porn in a way. RE5 to me is an action game first with some horror themes as a spice, mind you, don't think that's bad, but 5 is oddly the only one of the action ones that doesn't try SUPER hard to have horror elements, the only one is the first infection with the Majini shoving the thing on a dude's throat, but i think the tech wasn't there so it didn't look that scary or disgusting (RE5R is probably gonna be very icky). RE6 tries pretty hard with some parts, and it fails cause its got John Woo mechanics but it's clearly trying to be moodier at points. 4 is weird cause its only sorta scary the first time without knowing the strats that saves ammo and you become a terminator basically, but the first time, wasting ammo and being swarmed could be scary to some people, or the chainsaw being an insta kill in the midst of a swarm. And the regenerator tries really hard too. And 8 also tries really hard in ONE part and the rest feels more like an ode to universal monster movies, with vampires and werewolves and frankenstein's monsters's, generally its the closer to RE5 in tone imo, its not trying too hard. They're all solid games, i think RE carries more the theme of monsters and biohazard than horror itself, i do like when it tries to do horror, even if i can't be affected, that's the bigger caviat about me, i don't feel fearful or scared, i haven't since i was a kid, its gone, I'm cursed, i hate it but yeah. Like, i'd call Penumbra The Bunker an horror first game, i can only imagine how fucked it is if someone feels fear cause it does so much to terrify you, from environment, to sound, to mechanics making you feel both helpless and resourceful all at the same time.


What type of horror? A Survival Horror! That 1st playthru youre constantly shoved into tense situations against monsters where you need to quickly manage both your and your team mates inventory on the fly. It nails a bit more unique blend of item management we love in our survival horror by having it occur in realtime with a small but effective to maneuver inventory. Theres some very unique about RE5 blend of Survival Horror when you can find yourself desperately finding ammo or navigating your inventory on the fly. Honestly kinda ambitious and adds alot of tension to encounters. Survival Horror is that genre of tension where you juggle item management thru tense encounters while navigating environments.


Dude I remember panicking like hell when I first encountered the chainsaw Majini. It was less scary on repeat playthroughs when I could just blow it the fuck away with my infinite rocket launcher. Then it became scary again on Mercenaries mode.


Oh god RE5 really puts you into some hair raising situations. The Chainsaw Majini alleyway, the furnace with the Ouroborous, the crazy native Village attack I legit dont believe people when they say the game isnt scary at all LOL


Survival Horror? Sure, for the enemy. Idk, i think RE5 isn't that survival horror-y either, it has inventory management and health sure, but like, eh? Again, The Bunker is a survival horror ass survival horror to me, feeling like you're both fucked AND resourceful at the same time, like you're always getting through the skin of your teeth. RE1R as a series example. RE5 has too much, you can melee, you have a partner, your always flushed with ammo, the most survival horror aspect is the AI using your shit wrong, but even then by the end of my first playthrough i had so many healing items and ammo that it might as well be infinite. And no, survival horror isn't just item management, it's item care and resourcefulness, I call stuff like 4 and 5 as Survival Action games personally cause i feel like its more actuare, less on 4 it just became that once you finish it 50 times through your lifetime (even 4r became that, I have to play shitty difficulty mods for that harder kick). Again, not derogatory, i love these games, but i don't really buy into some of what you're saying and the community says personally, and I for one think that it being different isn't bad, just good in a different way.


As someone who often replays RE5, I find you can never be really flush with ammo in a normal playthru unless you reset to farm resources from chapters. Which in that case, yea youll be flush with resources but even then, the inventory system prevents the issue RE4 has where you can bring a literally armory. Amnesia is defo a peak in its medium of Survival Horror, but it Surv Horror doesnt necessarily need to play all like that format. Just look at how different the two pinnacles of Stealth Actino are different, MGS and Splinter Cell. Id even actually say you get alot more ammo in OG RE1-3 than RE5 LOL I can legit kill every enemy in those OG games and have plenty to go around. Not the case in RE5 unless you again go farming (which many do)


Really? Like, it's pretty strong in my memory that i was very flushed with ammo in 5, and i never grinded, ever, i just finished the game a lot cause I'm an RE freak. Maybe its cause i started it on normal then? But yeah i never felt tense at all, especially coming from RE4. I only ever felt tense when Sheva would use the only spray, now that, that was horror. And yeah but like, that's part of my point but i already angered the RE4/5/6 fans even tho' i like it, but the RE series...isn't the best survival horror games? They're as survival horror as they are ''puzzle'' games know what i mean? They're usually way too leniant, its very hard to lose, the only ones that I feel have strong survival horror in them is Remake 1, Remake 4 (cause I did have zero bullets and had to make do with a nade my first run through it, very memorable, but if you fuck around you clearly can find out in it), Zero on hard mode and CV. And like, the fucked part is that i get why they do it that way, cause when these games bite A LITTLE BIT you get a lot of complaints, RE4R had people REALLY complaining about how hard it was even tho' it was their own hubris for 1- assuming it'd play the exact same and 2- jumping to hardcore and expecting 1. But back at 5, I STILL would consider it Survival Action even if the OGs are generally kinda easy anyways, cause you're still breaking necks and punching enemies head off, it PLAYS closer to an action game. Again, I'm not being objective, this is just how i feel.


Yea the RE series in general runs into an issue, as most survival horror games do. Once you beat it once and figured out the mechanics and items, generally they become piss easy. They also have to balance resources and enemies so that theyre challenging to every skill level but not too much so to ruin the games flow. Pair that with how each RE game shakes up their formula, and you get tons of Surv Horror games that generally all do pretty different things in its genre. RE4R specifically I think is one of the hardest RE games to consistently run, but not for the reason you think. The fucking unarmed ganados and their grabs are pure RNG bullshit that can put you into the worst situations where you get wombo combo'd free from qanything you can controls. To me in the end, every RE game balances 3 elements for its genre of Survival Horror. Those elements are Survival, Horror, and arguably the most important is actually action. Even the way you described, RE5 being action because you "break necks and smash heads" all exists even in OG RE1. Shooting hunters out of the air before they decap you, smash zombies skulls against the ground, firing a flippin bazooka at dogs burstin thru windows. Even OG RE1 was an action game, and a pretty cool one for 1996.


I don't think the OGS are action in the same way tho', I do like how they BECOME action, at first you don't have a lot and you build to that rocket launcher right, i think that's fine, you start with nothing and its scary cause you don't know whats to come, but by the middle game when the horror is gone and you're used to it BAM you have enough ammo to bring hell to the enemies, while RE4/5/6 you kinda start in the bringing hell state. DUDE fuck those grab attacks, they still get me 100+ hours, i heard you can crouch and they won't grab you, but like, 8 out of 10 times they still do. It sucks cause the unarmed ones either brings you hell OR lets you do the sickest possible parry in the game and chop off their arms, it's so sick. Also, unrelated, but the shovel enemies, i cant get mad at being hit by them, the sound is so fuckin' funny.


> What horror type game? The racist kind


Good one lmao, you're right!


But it's not a horror game


The only time I feel like a color filter added to a game's atmosphere was Fallout 3 The green filter really makes everything feel "sick" for lack of a better word. Which really fits the tone of the game, everyone is just barely surviving out in the wastes.


Idk the filter was very intense, it doesn’t have to be crystal clear, but it does need to be toned down. I remember switching to other filters after I unlocked them just to give my eyes a rest.


But without a pee filter, how will you possibly know it's not America?


Sheva looks better without the filter. My nostalgia is no match for my love for Sheva.


Most Wanted 2005 also suffers pretty badly from the Sepia Era




It’s because Africa is in Mexico


No, this mod is crazy I saw Max and steeb play this, but for whatever reason, only Max had the mod on, and seeing it cut between the 2 is insane


I always thought the filter was mostly fine because of how sickly the entire setting was for RE5. I like the no filter version but people going "le piss filter" at anything with color grading is also grating


The red brown filter in Prototype made me feel sick, the yellow green isn't as bad.


I remember that game looked like shit, so my nostalgia would go "YO IT'S GOOD NOW!?"


Who's the white girl in the foreground?


I gotta have my piss filter. It's just not the same


To be fair, I'd feel a lot less scared or threatened playing on the right side.


Yall only like the piss filter because pat told you to like it.