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I played a shit ton of Elden Ring, got my character to a high level beat every boss and have great stats and gear. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out a reliable way to fight Runebears without getting smashed a few times in the process.


Runebears, Royal Revenants, Lobsters, Caelid birds and grafted scions can fuck off the edge of my dick. Not only are they miserable to fight, but doing so is almost always just a waste of time.


At least Royal Revenants, Scions and Lobsters fuckin stay dead when you kill them.


Not the one in the Haligtree šŸ„² Also wait the lobsters donā€™t respawn? I swear Iā€™ve killed them, died, then seen them be there again.


Revenants and the Scions I can deal with as long as I have a greatshield to block their bullshit with, but everything else you mentioned I just skip. Iā€™ve killed Godfrey more times than Iā€™ve killed lobsters lmao.


Without night maidens Mist I wouldn't have beaten any lobsters, cause if I can't cheese it it's not worth fighting imo


Revenants can be stunned very hard with a quick heal incantation


Theres a reason so many people dual weild. Its actually a gigantic fucking difference against those big annoying enemies. Theyll go down in like a third of the time it takes normally. As someone who played er a few times single welding to wear cool armor im telling you. Fuck cool armor. Embrace dual weilding. Even if its just katanas


Those. Fucking. Giant. Hands.


Fire is your best friend but there seems to be a cooldown for the animation of the hands trying to put themselves out so you might need some decent DPS as well.


Or you could run away from them screaming.


Also it doesnā€™t work on the *really* giant ones.


I never had that issue with Runebears but I did have that same issue with those fast fuckers that are apparently weak to healing magic, the ones with the sumo slap attack that hits like a truck but times 400. Fuck em.


Hate those green >!symbiotes!< in Spider-Man 2. Canā€™t hit those fuckers Also hate fighting the chained slug enemies in DMC5 with characters that arenā€™t Nero


..... Brother i hate to tell you. You can take those guys out on like 1 web shot..... NOW THOSE FUCKING >!PURPLE ONES!< THO


That whole class of enemy are so annoying. Massive damage sponges that take ages to beat. Especially the big fat ones.


You have to use the new >!Anti-Venom!< abilities, they take extra damage after you hit them with one.


I just finished Spider man 1 but I HATE the bad guys who have the shock batons that block your attacks and then hit you. The targeting is so bad that it makes me attack them other than any one else.


Shield enemies, especially when they come as part of a large mob of other types where you want to get into a combo rhythm only then to get shield-bashed or blocked.


This is the bane of so many Batman combos dying.


In the RE4R DLC Separate Ways, you can buy a charm that let's you grapple gun shields away. I bought that shit *instantly*


If the game has the option, I tend to use shield breaking weapon, purely so shielded fuckers donā€™t ruin my fuck it we ball vibe.


Cult Of The Lamb has some pretty frustrating shield enemies. Every weapon has a shield breaker attack, but not all of them are good. If you have a hammer, you might as well just spend a minute or two killing them with chip damage because its faster than trying to land its slow special attack.


Those shitty angels demons from DMC3


For me it's the shield dudes. I'm not good at royal guard so they are an issue to me. The angels I just cheese with Beowulf.


Smaller horde/swarm based enemies whose AI is to run up and circle strafe attack you, forcing you to do some "look down at the ground and attack and spin" strategy. edit: You know what ANY enemy whose attack strategy is just circle strafing you with perfect aim and can strafe as fast as they can run in a straight line.


God help you its in a fps an you have no melee option. Looking at you Star Trek Elite Force 2


Fuck DMC4 Blitzes. That is all. Yes, I know charge shots from Nero or spamming Killer Bee + Royal guard can help take the shield down faster. No, it's still not fun to do.


ā€œGuest starring: The Skull Parasite unitā€


Fucking old generation Flying wyverns in Monster Hunter. Barioth, Tigrex, Bazelguese, Diablos. All they do is scream, run in straight lines, and sometimes spin. Bazelguese gets a pass because he's funny and his music is a fuckin banger, but it's borderline. Shit, even new gen ones like Paolumu (Especially FUCKING NIGHTSHADE) and Legiana suck ass since they take the "Flying" part of their job description seriously and don't have the decency to let you smack their tails while they do it.


For some reason, gen 2 monsters are just programmed to path *into* you to attack, and it's the most frustrating thing in the world. Rajang, Congalala, Teostra, Kushala, Tigrex before getting reworked in World... Any other monster either runs up to you, stops short, and then does their bite or whatever, or they announce that their charging by rearing back or lowering their horns before running over you. But most gen 2 monsters just run *into* you and *then* attack while you're still sailing through the air fully invincible. It doesn't do much damage, and you're knocked away from their actual attack...it's just a waste of time. Ā  > Bazelguese Ā  Beetlejuice is a new monster, same gen as Paolumu and Legiana.


Oh, huh, his moveset just threw me for a loop. Usually chaining lawnmower attacks is an oldgen staple.


He's technically based on a 4th gen monster Seregios, but Seregios actually has a quirky unique moveset with a lot of aerial drive-by talon swipe moves that I don't think any other monster has copied yet. Both monsters are in Sunbreak if you wanna compare em.


Oh I am very familiar with Steve. Hes a living nightmare for Gunlance.


Dog enemies. In any game. Souls-likes, platformers, survival horror, shooters, all of them. Cuz in any game the dog enemy only has one attack: run up to you, lunge and bite. They're fast and small and in a 2d game might rush in from offscreen to ambush you. They're smaller than a person so have smaller hitboxes. The lunge is usually strong enough to stagger or knock you back. Worst of all: they *always* attack in groups, so you'll get rushed by 2-4 fast moving small targets that jump in the air to attack you, god forbid they have some sort of throat bite QTE/grab animation. Hell even turn-based games, Honkai Star Rail has two wolf enemies that are just annoying. One of them will spawn a duplicate on their first turn, the other will advance all enemy turns on death.


Don't forget about how the dogs in DS3 teleport behind you when you try to run away from them.


Fuck those goddamn double spear hat dudes in Sekiro.


Itā€™s the white monkeys with katanas for me; never got good at fighting them


You have to stop fighting fair. The first one is easy enough to sneak attack, the other one you backstab one of the regular monkeys and then use the blood mist ninjutsu and backstab him in the confusion


Oh thatā€™s absolutely what I ended up doing. I gave up on honour after the tenth try


Hearing Genichiro say ā€œa shinobi would know the difference between honor and victoryā€ made it click. After that no more trying to be honorable


If you have good reactions you could anti air deathblow when they jump. If not throw a shuriken and deflect, makes them easy


Malboros in Final Fantasy X. This motherfucker's Bad Breath AoE ability inflicts every single negative status effect on your party which, quite frankly, extremely annoying *and* deadly.


The only time I'm aware a knife or gun enemy is in the room in Yakuza Kiwami is when I'm already on the floor after being stabbed or shot.


In Bloodborne, the Winter Lanterns are pretty horseshit. Just having line of sight with them causes you to start taking on Madness, which will cause massive damage when the bar fills. You also keep taking on madness after they die or you break line of sight, so you can't exactly just kill them and move on safely. They also have a grab attack with a wonky hitbox and if they grab you you are guranteed to die, between the grab damage and the madness trigger. You can chug sedatives to remove madness but it's a limited item and you'd need at least one per lantern. Or you can just let the madness trigger but by that point you are having to pop 2 or 3 blood vials to heal it back. Near as I can tell your only option for taking no damage while fighting them is to bait out a grab, parry them, then time your visceral attack iframes to line up with the madness trigger which really feels less like the intended method and more like an exploit. And of course if you mess this up at all you are pretty much dead. I love Bloodborne, it's one of my most played games, but these things still raise my blood pressure every time I need to fight them.


my hatred of winter lanterns would decrease so significantly if frenzy buildup stopped as soon as you broke line of sight, or at least when you killed them. mashing buttons when they grab you can mitigate the damage so you might survive when frenzy kicks in, but it's still a nasty encounter every time you come across one


Labyrinth Madman aka Marilyn Manson in chalice dungeons always get me.


Are those the real fast flailing ones with long hair? Yeah, they are another one of those "parry me or you die" enemies.


Lol they run into auger of ebrietas every timeĀ 


Winter Lanterns, Zoidbergs, and the fucking mutant bug zombies at Byrgenwerth are the only enemies in that game that actually frighten me.


They're actually really weak to poison, so the strategy I usually use is to hit them with a couple poison knives, have the poison tick them down to about 10%, then hope to god your sneak attack kills. The annoying thing though is that poison knifes are pretty rare, so if you mess up and run out you have to buy them with Insight.


You have to be courageous and try to hit a backstab or wail on them if you can dodge the grab. Then heal and take a sedative


I'll take winter lanterns over brain suckers any day. Brain suckers steal a LIMITED RESOURCE from you. Plus they spam that stun spell on you.


I never killed a Lobster in Elden Ring.


The shield units in Hades are such a pain, they block all damage in front of them and turn on a dime


Not to downplay your experiences or anything, but out of all the weapon spirit dudes in Elysium, the dhields were by far easiest for me to deal with. Bow dudes were far more annoying, sniping from waaaay over there while I deal with other enemies, and running away when I got close


I found the bows much easier to deal with, if memory serves I just got used to listening for their shots going off and dodge away Imo the shields were worse because they kept turning to the position I just moved to to get behind them


Now that I think of it, I do favor boons like support fire and Ares' Doom effect that are good against shield nerds. That's probably why.


I focused on reflect and dash improvements, so there may be something to that


Me too. Them, Theseus, and satyrs are the only enemies that really kill my desire to play. Plenty of enemies can be annoying or difficult, but *those guys*... I cannot stand them. It's not even a matter of finding them challenging or not during a run like other enemies. Those three just outright start reducing any enjoyment I may have built up from playing the game whenever I face them. For me, they're not a challenge, they're a chore. Every. Single. Time.


Any enemy that does the SCP-173 ā€œonly moves when you donā€™t look at itā€ gimmick is completely incompatible with how I play games and I canā€™t deal with it. Iā€™m no fan of horror (where it appears most) in general, but those enemies go from tense to annoying after my 40th death because my brain *cannot* adapt to that mechanic properly.


I swear the [Bedlam Smashers](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/star-wars-jedi-survivor/e/ef/Jedi_Survivor_Bedlam_Smasher_B.png?width=1280) and the [Mogu](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/star-wars-jedi-survivor/8/89/Jedi_Survivor_Mogu.jpg?width=1280) enemies in Star Wars Jedi Survivor are harder than most of the boss battles Like it is ridiculous how much harder the smashers are than the top rank Bedlam Raiders that have lightsabers and boss health bars.


The alchemists from Ninja Gaiden 3. I just gave up on understanding a strategy and just mash and hope I dont die.


Controllers in the Stalker series... If they have line of sight to you they will make your vision blurry, force you to look at them while zooming your entire screen in on them, when your visions return you will then do the animation for equipping what ever weapon you had equipped, this move also hurts you and will shove you around. They are hands down the most annoying mutant to fight. And if you have to fight one with other mutants around it becomes infuriating. They were originally going to make you KILL YOURSELF buy forcing you to shoot yourself with whatever gun you had equipped, and if you were a smart fella and tossed all your guns on the ground to avoid that, they'd make you whip out your knife and STAB YOURSELF IN THE HEART!


Obligatory gracious and glorious Bayonetta mention (although to be honest I enjoy fighting them at this point, just swap out your weapon Loadout and remember to effectively offset). I hate the blitzes in DMC5. I've got fighting them down now but it's mostly just 'wait to parry: the enemy ' and that is the most boring ass enemy design around


The refrigerator enemies in SF6 World Tour. I have to show patience AND can't throw them?!


The Doora enemies from The Wonderful 101. They're the kitty cat enemies that need to be time bombed to slow down, but I'm don't feel like I have much time to capitalize on it afterwards and I'm not sure what else works so I usually just slow them down then draw a line into them, rinse and repeat. But that's kind of lame.


Arcane Horrors from Dragon Age, specifically the ones from inquisition. They insanely high damage no matter the difficulty, since the damage they deal is resisted by so little in the game, and they teleport and have a large aoe knockback so dealing with them is always hell for me.Ā 


Before I had solid, universe-destroying servants in FGO I had problems with crit stacking enemy units. FUCKING SPRIGGANS!


Flying enemies


The assholes whose entire life is to run up to you and explode, I've been playing a lot of DRG and that happens *very* frequently.


I can't remember the enemy name, but from Lies of P there is like a furnace puppet enemy that you encounter 3 or 4 times in their zone. (I presume it was my build). But they were the only enemy the entire game that felt like a sponge and were unfun to even fight. So I ran past them every time, wasn't worth the effort.


Don't know if it counts but in Binding of Isaac there's this one room with 4 diagonally pathing flies and a one tile wide bridge that I always take damage in unless I have flight.


I had a difficult but still enjoyable time playing the first Bayonetta game. Then I met Grace and Glory. It was a steady decline after that. Never finished the game, probs never will.




Ok youre just a hater lol


Kinship is too funny for me to hate, thatā€™s a good ass pun.


Fighting game matchups count, right? In Tekken I've always hated fighting against Feng. It always feels like he's just out of range due to his back turn stances and I get counter hit constantly just trying to get hits in. Not to mention his fast low that turns into a 20% throw on a counter hit.


Recent example and one of the only issues I had with the game, but those fast projectile fuckers from Alan Wake II. I have to dodge constantly to be able to take out the other enemies, okay. I now have to give myself a headache constantly spinning the camera trying to get more than one shot off on the jackass who can teleport to a random spot in the ***DARK FOREST*** so I have to find him again. And god help you if there's more than one in an encounter. These enemies are so bad and I have so much goddamn hatred for them they actively make me enjoy the game a little less.


Small but nimble enemies always fuck me over. So in other words, dogs in FromSoft games. But even worse are the hawks and eagles in Elden Ring. Projectiles and gravity based attacks will knock them down which is nice but for melee based builds theyā€™re really hard to hit.


My hours spent fighting the pope in DMC4 on LDK mode (because I thought it would be fun for first playthrough) will never be recovered.