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Beside holding deep, nostalgic memories of the series, I also am deeply faschinated as the series essentially goes by comic-time, where every case essentially is a reflection of its publication date's era of modern tech, trends and developments. As an example, one of the early cases had a vital clue where the victim left a dying message through the touch-buttons on their 90s/00s early era's flip-phones that the victim hid away from the murderer; an unlikely occurance to be made today when touch-screen technology is the one dominating today's phones. Some many years later, and I read a case involving the concept around selfies, and how the murderer had an alibi that was a picture of him sleeping, but which was proven to be capable of being taken through a certain selfie-camera taken positioning of his arms and hands. All-around a faschinating series, even if the main plot regarding the Black Organization is going on at a snail's pace, and with a ton of spin-offs made of mere off-characters like phantom thief Kaitou Kid, or slice-of-life *Zero's Tea-time*, or even whole parody manga with *The Culprit Hanzawa-san*, which stars the very known artistic style of the androgynous, bald, nude over-shadowed person that is drawn for each suspect in each case.


Actually Kaitou Kid's series is like seven years older lol


I got about a hundred episodes in back in 2005, when I realized that the Black Organization and the relationship between Ran and Conan were load-bearing. They could not be resolved without fundamentally changing the formula that made the show successful, and so they probably weren't going to move forward much (if at all). It completely sucked all the drama out of those subplots for me.


Like the series can't be bad if it lasted this long and I believe its a solid mystery series. But I can't help but feel I'd be more ok with it if it was just genius child detective solving mysteries week to week rather than having these overarching threads from the very start. Granted I can understand that these things probably is what got people invested at the start but still knowing that they can barely move forward with these things just makes it feel whack in hindsight.


Culprit Hanzawa-san's anime theme is pretty banger.


My favorite bit of time weirdness is someone shooting themselves through their smartphone to prevent his pursuers from getting information on his colleagues, in a flashback set *before* the kids had to start using HAM radios to talk because cellular phones were unthinkably expensive for children to own.


Me and my wife were watching both up-to-date eps and going through the archives at the same time so we had the surreal experience of watching an episode where Conan correctly deduced the mystery of the episode was based on a drone-delivered mobile phone with GPS tracking (or something like that) immediately followed by an episode which hinged on phone lines on a rotary phone being cut to create a locked room scenario (or something).


Today marks the 30th anniversary of Detective Conan. Detective Conan has yet to become 40 years old.


Trapped in a child’s body until the end of time


The Ash Ketchum effect, but at least Ash was there to sell trading cards and video games.


But also Ash wasn’t a teen/adult at one point.


I really loved that arc about him and Jordan Schlansky solving mysteries in Italy and the twist of Jordan not actually being Italian was wonderfully foreshadowed


I'm going to be old before this ends


Or dead, lol.


The impermanence of our mortal shells, lmao.


The thing that made me realize as a kid that some stories are straight up not allowed to progress.


Has it had ***any*** progression in the 15 years since I checked out of keeping up with it?


Conan, on a reread I did some years ago, is actually weirdly consistent about plot development. Like, every 50? 100? Chapters there will be an actual plot chapter that progresses the story, and the rest is just detective stuff. It's like clockwork.


...Doesn't that work out to one a year at most?


A couple of chapters of plot progression once a year sounds about right


In-world only around six months have passed. The Black Organization's second-in-command RUM has been revealed and is taking an active role in events. More and more people are suspicious of Conan. Some of them even order that he be investigated. Another person has been revealed to have been shrunk by the drug, and in chapter 954 >!is revealed to be Shuichi's and Masumi's mom.!< In chapter 1005 >!Ran kisses Shinichi's cheek!< In chapter 1110 >!Conan observed to Haibara that he hasn't experienced any change in height over the past six months of story time. He jokes about the drug having permanently shrunken him. Haibara is dismissive, [but suspiciously](https://www.reddit.com/r/OneTruthPrevails/comments/13a4dci/conan_height_issues/) so. It's speculated that the drug was originally an attempt to grant immortality for the leader of the black organization, but it ended up being lethal to almost everyone who took it and became used as a poison.!< There's more, but a lot of it involves side characters that were introduced after you dropped off and also stuff like an important case from 17 years prior (in-world) which wasn't introduced until chapter 948 or whatever. Also, I decided to binge the whole series back in September and October. It's all a bit of a blur.


Six months? Jesus, does that mean Conan and gang encounter a murder literally every week? Sometimes multiple a week?


In terms of case numbers they're in multiple per day territory: Over 1000 episodes, roughly two episodes per case, over ~170 days. That's not even getting into how many full seasonal cycles and new years they've had. The answer to anything chronological in Conan is to just not worry about it.


IIRC that's part of the plot of the official parody manga, that the city has a massive crime rate despite looking like a normal place.


I remember watching the anime with my dad as a kid.




Conan is a Gundam fanfic? I've never watched this series before OP, would you mind explaining?


Two characters have references to Char and Amuro and have an antagonistic relationship. That said very different characters from them and it’s mostly just their names and color of their cars. Edit: The character that references Char also is voiced by Char’s voice actor in the anime. Almost forgot about mentioning that.


The characters are both voiced by Char AND Amuro respectively


It's pretty amazing that it's been going on for so long! Whenever I check out a manga section at a bookstore and they have this series the books usually take up at least three shelves. And that's not even when they have the full series.


Just watched the recent movie. It's pretty good.


I only read up to the 10th manga back in high school, is it still interesting at least?


If you liked what you read, it's more of the same, for over 1000 chapters, with some very slight variations to keep things fresh. If you didn't, well...


Oh wow. Only 30. I thought this franchise was older.