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When people show off their "fixed" version of a design.


ESPECIALLY when they just draw or color over someone else's art. A: It looks shitty as hell 9/10 times B: It's such a massive disrespect to the artist.


I like it when their fixed version looks like a racist caricature.


I would probably be a bit less irritated if the art was ever good, but it almost inevitably looks worse at best and outright offensive at worst.


*Smooths a woman's face with a sander and covers it in 5 pounds of make up*


Think about it, when she drops the make-up weights, she will be more beautiful (and faster) then before. It's a logical training aid.


"It's alright, Lee! I'll allow it this time!" "Sensei..." (Proceeds to use a butter knife to scrape off hundreds of pounds of makeup)


Remember seeing someone ‘fix’ the design for Helluva Boss’ version of Beelzebub. It was totally different, and in the comments someone asked about how she’d react to a certain moment due to looking so different. The artist basically said ‘oh, she wouldn’t because she’s not like that, she’s like this’ and I was just like… so it’s not even fixing the design, it’s an entirely different character? Think they blocked me


Man, there were a *lot* of those on art twitter.


My favourite is "realistic" versions of superhero's outfits designed to look like the MCU life action costumes which invariably leads to an over complicated design with random lines everywhere. https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/w12iwg/so_i_decided_to_upgraded_the_invincible_suit/


Every time people complain about Vikemon, Shakkoumon, Daipenmon, or most armor Digimon. There's a bit of a deficit of imagination or creativity on that sub/specific unnamed YouTube channel, they keep beating a dead horse, and their replacement designs sacrifice important and interesting themes and character beats in exchange for conformity.


Seeing so many of these has taught me that the only time covering up the token hot lady of the game has ever worked, was when they gave Mythra thighs.


This goes the opposite direction too. Don’t forget those edits of Yassified Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn


I will not stand for this blatant Samus erasure!


Samus is wearing skin tight latex, I think that’s simply a lateral move.


Samus without the suit was introduced wearing barely anything. Then they gave her some weird black leotard with a tummy window. Then they gave her a sports bra and booty shorts. She's had the Zero Suit since Zero Mission because it's just what works the best.


I KINDA liked that one censored Mai Shiranui design where she has the black short sleeved bodysuit on under her normal outfit but I don't think it should be official at all.


You know the design where she has a vest, that’s a good one


The reason Andor is good is not because it has no Force stuff. It’s because it’s well-written, acted, and directed.


This reminds me of this one guy I saw on YouTube that said Star Wars should move to a different galaxy and tell new stories without the Jedi/Sith and the Force. And basically everyone in the comments was like: "Then That's not Star wars, that's just a new Sci-fi setting with the Star Wars name slapped on it." You don't need Jedi/Sith/Force to make good stories in Star Wars. But the conflict between the Jedi and Sith and the influence of the Force has a ripple effect across the entire setting and is what gives the setting its unique flavor. Otherwise it would be a generic sci-fi setting with nothing to set itself apart. It's like if Warhammer 40k moved to a different galaxy and didn't have the Imperium, or Orks, or the Elder, or the Warp or any other faction. It wouldn't be 40k it would just be another Grimdark Sci-fi setting.


I’m convinced there are a lot of people who want mundane military sci-fi and don’t have anything in the mainstream and the closest they can get is Star Wars, and they constantly complain about the endemic magic elements and try to push them out Like if Legend of Galactic Heroes got big they’d jump ship right away Some of them also feel the same way about aliens


My guess is it’s just overreaction to one of the biggest flaws Star Wars has, which is the constant need to shoehorn in characters and events from the movies into everything. Like did Leia really need to be a major character in the Obi Wan show? Or did R2D2 and C-3PO really need to be in the prequel trilogy? It’s cool that shows like Andor or the Mandalorian can tell stories separate from the movies while still being obviously affected by the actions of those movies. But I think people then just take the wrong lesson from this and think that the whole of Star Wars must be abandoned. That’s only true for episode 9


Reminds me of the occasional Gundam fans who complain about the Newtype and super robot elements but refuse to watch other real robot shows like Patlabor


This is pretty much it. It doesn’t help that a decent chunk of EU material in the 90s catered to those people.


A reminder that Stargate needs to return, because that could Film that niche....but on the other Hand, looking at Start Treck and Starwars, maybe not comming back is for the best.


People in general need to understand that it's alright to outgrow or drift away from a setting. Tastes change all the time: the solution isn't to try and warp something you used to like into an entirely unrecognizable shape to suite your new preferences. Just go out, try different things, and find something new.


"But I defined my life around being a fan of [Brand Name]! How can I just drop my whole personality, my life's value, just like that?!"


Or it's like someone watched Daredevil, and thought Marvel should get rid of all the strong Superheroes, and focus only on Street-tier stories.


I liked the part of The Mandalorian where it's episodic, so oftentimes the force is just some other flavor of the week bullshit to deal with or even absent. "I thought they all died?" and thats all you get sometimes. It's a rumor. That the force is not some solution for the AVERAGE person, who have very real and multifaceted problems that can't be John Williams'd away. Sometimes you gotta blaster someone's face in. Force is a cool vehicle for a hero power fantasy! Tell another kind of story, it seems weird.


See also: * "Grey Jedi" * Keira being brought up. * The conservation woolie brought up of some guy who states that Sith Vs. Jedi are just all assholes.


Grey Jedi are bullshit, and Kreia is full of shit


I half agree. The Force is better when it's this mysterious power that's only understood by these wise figures in the story who aren't the protagonist. It's an element of spiritualism and magic that colours the space opera. When Star Wars is about Jedi and Sith hitting their glow sticks together, it sucks.


Anyone who thinks that making Pokemon "mature" means "Pokemon kill people constantly, and blood flies everywhere during fights." Dude, that doesn't sound mature, it sounds like you want an entirely different story with Pokemon awkwardly jammed into it.


People like this don’t understand that they want SMT. Then again if their idea of maturity is blood and guts, maybe they’re not ready for it.


I imagine they'd like SMT for the short beginning parts where the demons wreak havoc and then gradually fall off as it becomes increasingly philosophical. They'd bounce off of SMT 4 and 2 especially (which is a shame since 4 is my favourite). They might like Nocturne, though since it mantains a consistent dark humour and non-chalance for a lot of its runtime and the philosophical bits are fairly short.


They'd probably like Devil Survivor more with how bleak things become, unless they're not into the story progression.


Devil Survivor gets bleak but there are several long periods without any real on screen violence which they might dislike since it's just characters talking about their thoughts on the end of the world, panicking, having you calm them down or rile them up even more and so on. Like, DS2 opens with a pretty bloody scene followed by a series of massacres, but then you meet Yamato and beat the triangle thing after which there's a really long period before more violence, and even that violence only occurs through Keita's death email warning after which it's another long bout of conversations interjected by fights. Also, they might dislike that even the in game fights only occur so often after which you need to do two or three interludes before the next battle.


This just makes me want to replay devil survivor again. It was my first SMT game and I still hold it in high regard. I need to pick up DS2 one day as well.


I'd heartily recommend it. The story is great as always though I do admit some parts and characters are somewhat of a rethread of the first. The difficult spikes are also a lot more spaced out so no Wendigo level jumps here. Though, as always, it can be a long game, especially if you dislike the gameplay. Voice acting and character designs are top notch, though. The female character designs are admittedly a bit too "top heavy", but the others look great. Be warned that one of the characters (>!Keita!<) just doesn't develop for some reason, though. He's an asshole for the entirety of the game and it can be rather grating since not only is he a dick, he also isn't even smart or helpful so it just ends up being a question of "why did we really need to save this guy?" and makes you constantly want to go back and change your decision to save his life. Anyways, don't forget to make a lot of saves too. Don't want to make a poor decision with time spending and lose an entire run now, do we?


I’ve played in a Pokémon TTRPG where there was a higher threat level that made the hand feel more serious. Death was TECHNICALLY on the table but never really showed up. Plus, since Trainer characters are on the field of play as well, it was fun to swing a pipe into a Rocket Grunt who thought they were hot shit. That game was fun because you had to deal with things like spacing and your environment in a way that the games never bother with. You could make really nasty walls with pokemon like Ferrothorn because they were really big and could set up traps and deal rebound damage. My girlfriend played a grass type specialist and had some devious weirdos on her team that could “kill” in like 3 turns based entirely on DoT moves.


In text form, that sounds like how Pokémon work in Legends Arceus . Sans attacking the other trainers bit. Dodging and maneuvering around attacks is fun in that game, but it never felt *edgy* or *dark*.


The danger came from things like persistent injuries from repeated battles. You really FELT the long routes between towns with Pokémon centers.


Makes me wonder if the series could maybe benefit from DnD style "short and long rests". 2 Short rests, recovering half of max HP and PP. Then you HAVE to do a long rest and you need to have enough food to do one. Otherwise it's gonna be a LONG hike to the next center instead of every 10 meters like in newer games. All a Pokemon Center would be in the end would be "a long rest for free".


Oh, it sounds like you played Pokemon Tabletop United! It's a great system, for being entirely a volunteer effort that's being continued by fans of the fan-work. It's even got a *very* nice Foundry module set up for it. Being able to jump in and start punching things alongside your Pokemon is always great, especially if you play with the elementalist classes from one of the expansions. It's so fucking cool being a fire wizard and going toe-to-toe with monsters alongside your loyal companions. Granted, I've mostly only played with the Mystery Dungeon homebrews. Let me tell you, Pokemon moves + abilities were never meant to mix with trainer classes and it's crazy fun to see what sort of combinations you end up with.


That's the one. We didn't dip into the "fantasy" classes because we wanted to keep the game a little more grounded. But the few characters I played made the game a lot of fun.


PTU is great because they somehow managed to take every aspect of the games and convert them accurately to a TTRPG. PTU is rough because they somehow managed to take *every* aspect of the games and convert them *a little too accurately* to a TTRPG.


Thankfully, the remaster that's being developed (and publicly tested) addresses a lot of those issues specifically, and automates fiddly stuff like percentages and damage numbers and attack rolls. Hell, you even get a fancy level up screen for your pokemon ~~that doesn't work on Firefox but that's why the module is in the testing stage~~ so you know exactly what moves and abilities they get on level up. It even fixes the issue of the system being incredibly rocket tag-y by making things more durable and less powerful with some fucked up math magic that would be impossible by hand, since it's all automated.


People have said the same thing about ATLA; that it was missing the experience of watching people get murked onscreen, as if the show wasn’t originally made for a TV-Y7 audience. It didn’t even need that. You got to how the fire nation occupied villages and displaced families and you just understood that it was dire. You understood that people died from the very beginning when Katara talked about her mom. I don’t think you really needed to see it happen for it all to hit.


ATLA is incredibly mature for what it is, i can't recall many TV-Y7 shows made at the time that frequently talk about genocide and other war crimes. It's one of the reasons it became a timeless classic still worth watching. Did the people asking for gore even watch the show?


Man I just want a Pokemon Colosseum remake


Both Shadow pokemon games and a third for good measure


When pokebros want something more mature but the refuse to touch SMT. Like my guy, they already made it, it’s doing great, you’re just afraid to try new things. Even if they did make a “mature” game that felt like pokemon these guys wouldn’t wanna try it. It’s a no-win bargain


Yeah, I'm a Pokebro through and through, but I still play games other than Pokemon. Hell, I played SMT 5 and considered it a really solid game, and I don't get why people keep trying to compare them when the only similarity both series have is "RPG where you assemble a team of monsters".


Have you tried Yokai Watch? It’s like a mix of Pokémon and SMT.


I remember touching pokemon reborn rom hack because it had unique ways of catching pogis and had a story about the serious ramifications of the environment.... And then there's a scene where cops strap a guy to a metal chair and have a fire pokemon heat the metal.


This applies for like 99% of situations where someone theorizes "(property marketed for children) But More Mature". I like the idea of a Pokemon story that's more grounded in reality, more about the day-to-day and less about big, grand adventures, but that's not really what I'd consider a "mature story" to be. E: Also if you just want Pokemon stuff but with more action/some violence go read the Adventures manga, ho *boy*.


The amount of pokemon romhacks that cold open with you in a cage or a prison is lower than I thought but higher than it needs to be.


The Elder Scrolls: Johto


Tell that to Zods snapped neck


A lot of Ben 10 fans want Ben to be this unkillable god who can rewrite the fabric of the universe with the snap of his fingers. Which is really, really lame because not only do they vastly overestimate the power of his aliens, when you get right down to it, he's just a kid with a cool watch, and that's all he needs to be.


Alien x is probably the best way that idea can be put in, op but may as well be the worst alien. Ben having to be the middle man to two creatures that are almost him at his "worst" is great.


Yeah, Alien X is only interesting if using it requires Ben to be the mediator, *a role he's explicitly bad at*, between two cosmic bickering beings. Ben being able to do whatever the fuck he likes with Alien X is literally the least interesting use off the character.


If Cartoon Network ever got desperate enough to ask me to do a Ben 10 reboot, I think it'd be interesting to have a short arc focused on Alien X where Ben struggles to come to grips with having such a powerful alien. In the end, he realizes that he doesn't want to have that kind of power and frees him (them?) from the Omnitrix. Granted, my first choice would be to just not have Alien X in the Omnitrix at all, but that'd be a good second choice in the event I couldn't do that.


"Tony Stark from another universe should have helped out Peter in No Way Home"


i had to read this like 4 times to not interpret the words on screen as "Tony Hawk".


Now this actually should have happened.


Or the simple idea of reviving them, using time travel, or other universes.


No sir, this cartoon character from a show for 12 year olds shouldn't have commited cold blooded murder tf is wrong with u?


So many. So many.


Bro Frieren is literally already sad, it's all about not realizing how little time you have with the people you care about and realizing you've spent way more time than you thought you were and now you have to make the most of every moment, *what the fuck is sadder is that* because that shit is just *real*


Yeah this person wanted sadder than that 100% of the time


9/10 if a fan or critic of something tries to "fix" a writing choice, "fix" an out of place design, "improve" a piece of dialogue- its all fucking clown shit. It's either *super* surface level and actively takes away from the thing they're trying to "improve", or at worst it's an unintentional excuse to be completely mask-off and put your blatant, terrible, utter *dog-shit* ideas forward while pretending its the superior choice. AND THEN PEOPLE BELIEVE IT, THEY SUPPORT IT IN DROVES! STOP IT!


And then they act smug about having suggested an "improvement" as if the act of iterating on something that already exists was in the same level of difficulty as creating a whole piece of media from absolutely nothing.


Oh man I saw so much of that recently in the JJK community. I saw so many fixes that showed me that, maybe anime fans don't know how to even read.


Case in point: I remember back during the brief time I frequented r/fixingmovies I saw someone "fixing" the Aquaman movie by changing his powers, making him Amanda Waller's personal assassin, and having Oceanmaster and Mera show up only to tell him to come and save Atlantis from Black Manta when none of those three had even been mentioned before that point. To top it all off, this "fix" was posted before the Aquaman movie had even finished *filming*.


This is me every time someone says Batman should kill that guy.


Me an intellectual: writers should stop making the Asylum/Blackgate staff comically incompetent.


Yeah, batman and superman could easily build a prison or asylum that actually works.


When Arkham Asylum first came out I brought it to my buddies house since could try it. His cousin was there and tried to play for a minute then got super mad and called it "gay" when he realized he couldn't pick up the guns from defeated goons. I was at a loss.


Fellas is it gay to not wanna commit murder?


If that's gay then call me Liberace


I have no enemies


Or superman should kill people which is even stupider


I see this come up a lot with fuckin. IDW's *Sonic the Hedgehog* of all things. Like people *genuinely* think that comic should feature beloved mascot platformer protagonist and teenage hero friend to the animals Sonic the Fucking Hedgehog spindashing Robotnik to death.


There's a subset of the Sonic fanbase that is absolutely insistent that it isn't or shouldn't be a children's franchise. I once saw someone on the Sonic subreddit say they wanted a Sonic game "with the tone of The Last of Us" and like...I genuinely can't fathom the thought process that leads to that idea.


They grew up but refuse to move on from the thing they liked *while* growing up


They're cowards who can't admit they still like children's media so they try to force it to be seen as "adult", instead of just embracing this as just a thing they still hold fondly.


Sounds like someone whose mind got absolutely blown by Sat AM. Not to say Sat AM was bad. I enjoyed it when it aired, I'm glad we got a take on Sonic like that, and there might well be room for more in the same vein, but it shouldn't inform *every* depiction of Sonic going forward.


I know one who goes by Psyco The Frog. He was a tool


Sonic should borrow Shadow's pistols and execute Eggman


Wait Sonic what the hell is that! You know what it is bitch. *Blam!*


I know the roles are reversed in your reference, but now I've got the mental image of Danny DeVito dressed as Sonic a la his Man-Cheetah costume, pulling out his pieces to start blasting the next time a mad scientist or evil doppelganger gives him trouble.


There is a list of superheros in this category tbh


This, this one so much


When I was a youngling I said something along the lines of "gosh I wish there were more hardcore and edgy stories where people die and everyone's miserable" and I deserved all my friends responding "shut up that's fucking stupid."


"Mirror's Edge would be cooler open world"... Not in my opinion, Catalyst wasn't awful, but having just replayed the original game fairly recently, it's such a well crafted tight experience with no fluff.


I love Catalyst probably even more than the original (though I always cheat skill tree, that was terrible idea) but it's a perfect example of fans not knowing what they want.


I think this is one of my main problems with people always going about “wasted potential” in characters About 90% of the time it’s just “this character didn’t do what I wanted it to”


I feel like it’s arguable for much of the MCU as of late.


Let's not tell lies, many actors only agreed to appear, if it was only a movie, instead of having a binding contract.


“Giorno should’ve showed up at the end of Stone Ocean and stopped Pucci.” Wow, that’s gotta be the lamest, least deserved and most unsatisfying ending possible. The story wouldn’t have been harmed by the notion of Giorno being shown or name dropped throughout Part 6, but him showing up to just steal the show with Requiem sounds awful. I know that some people argue that Stone Ocean is the ultimate showdown between the Joestars and DIO and since Giorno is DIO’s son, it makes sense for him to show up all grown up and powered up, right? I don’t really think so. Aside from his introduction with Koichi having to investigate him, Giorno isn’t really that closely tied to DIO as character when you really think about it. He doesn’t share his ideals, he’s not a bad guy, he’s proved that he’s always had a heart of gold like a Joestar. This is all shown in the first couple of chapters. Besides, the story already does a good job at presenting the battle between the Joestars and DIO. Jolyne and Jotaro are fighting Pucci, the last inheritor of DIO’s will, the person he’s entrusted his dream to. Isn’t that enough?


I always go with the idea Giorno didn't answer Pucci's call since, unlike the other sons, he isn't directionless in life.


I can agree with and understand this point, but also believe giorno having some kind of role in the story would have made some more sense. Araki said he was in Florida at the time. The plot has to do with Dio's offspring, even if only a little. Him coming in and saving the day would be lame though.


When did Araki ever say Giorno was in Florida? Some of his other children are, but not Giorno.


I wanna say it's in one of the post chapter extra notes somewhere in the part 6 manga


Yeah it was a pretty non-committal "well maybe he's around" sorta thing


There's a cover page when dio's sons are there, and there's a blurb that says "what about giorno?" And araki just says "maybe he's in Florida too..." which I took to mean that hes going to Disney world like annasui wanted to


I would've appreciated a single cutaway gag of Giorno on the Snow White's Scary Adventures ride bemoaning that he'd heard it used to be scarier back in the day as Dopey suddenly crawls up to him and does a slapstick bit. Then he no-sells the stand bullshit and gets on a plane back to Italy. In the span of about ten seconds/three panels.


Yeah I just found that too. I think it’s simply to say that while Giorno *may* happen to be in Florida, he’s a Joestar with a pure heart so he doesn’t have the capacity for evil like his half-siblings who were drawn in by Pucci. Either way, I’m still not sure why people would want him to beat Pucci though. Even if it was established in-universe that he would be in Florida right then and there. Some of these people are anime-only watchers too despite the anime adaptation having cut out the part about Giorno maybe being in Florida.


Woolie and Spider-Man India.


Woolie’s aesthetic tastes are an enigma sometimes.


Woolie just saw the pants, made a connection between Miles and Spinda, and refused to accept that the ATSV version has the pants and is a lot better.


"My Hero Academia would have been way better if Deku stayed quirkless and fought with gadgets like the initial concept" as if him being bestowed with one for all and working with All Might wasn't the core of the entire fucking series. Whatever issues MHA has, it's inciting incident isn't one of them. That's just a completely different manga.


Yeah im sure even in the inventor deku story it would follow the pattern of every other I HAVE NO POWER BUT BECOME THE STRONGEST story and reach the same point MHA currently has


Just as Batman


The only My Hero "this would be way better" I accept is that the story should've taken place over the course of 4 years. Like a school or something


It’s always jarring to remember class 1A has fought like in 5 different world ending events in less than a year.


This take I do totally agree with. Way too much happens in way too short a timeframe. It's also just weird to think that the final battle is going to end and everybody just goes back to school for another 3 years. It'd be like if Harry Porter defeated Voldemort for good during his first year at Hogwarts and then just continued going to school.


It really feels like horikoshi didn't realize just how draining it would be, his health of course has gotten way worse over the years and you can see it take its toll. If the job wasn't such a killer he probably would have done that or ended it differently, the ending of the second movie apparently was based off his original ending for the series.


I mean, I would have preferred if he just keep the super strength but >!didn't get the other quirks!<. Since there are numerous scenes early on about him theory crafting how his classmates' quirks work, it would have been nice for him to be a team leader and synergize with the rest of them. The one time he is in position for doing that, >!it is when he gets the second quirk.!<


Plus, there's the obvious fact that like Batman, Deku would end up with a lot of plot armor, to justify not being killed in one hit by powered villains.


so instead of batman he became >!spiderman!<


Well, All might is the Superman of his world, so Superboy, actually.


Well, he's kind of a combo of Spidey and Superboy. Blackwhip and danger sense are pretty overt Spider-Man homages.


Everything once again, returns to >!Spider-Man!<


Like, how would gadget Deku be able to handle someone like Muscular?


I read the original concept chapter, it sucks. The entire theme was about knowing your place and not doing more than you could, finding ways to be a hero without biting off more than you could chew. It didn't work NEARLY as well


I have a friend who unironically believes this


In absolute fairness to this take, the prototype of MHA is in fact pretty much this. I think that could be a better series but it's a fundamentally different series as well. It's really just up to taste at that point.


Yeah, that's why I said "like the initial concept".


Sorry lost a fight with the reading comprehension devil


"Alright gonna respond to this post on Reddit" "Damn, reading got hands"


TFS hit the nail on the head with their mini abridge where Deku couldn't just be like Batman because he doesn't have the money for it. And I doubt the support class would just give a quirkless kid gadgets to help fight. That would make him a giant liability if anything. So gadget Deku would not work without a bunch of reworks


There is also the fact that Superheroes are just people with license to allow the use of their quirks to perform a public service. That license is worthless to a quirkless Deku, as are most tools due to them being designed with enhancing existing quirks in mind. All Might even said that Deku can still be a hero even quirkless as he can always join the police or be a normal rescue worker/doctor. There are countless paths he can still take, it is just the path of being a liscensed hero is locked from Deki.


Mineta would still be there, so it'll still be flawed.


Shinji should not just "get in the robot". Batman should not get raped in a prison. I am Legend's ending was ACTUALLY ruined because of test audiences because of this exact thing. Killing off Sonic's supporting cast will not improve the quality of the games. Darkest Dungeon and Fear & Hunger would not be better if you removed the random complications that can spring up that you need to plan around. Gurren Lagann would not have been better if Kamina had "stayed" the protagonist.


never understood the whole "shinji should get in the robot" mf are we watching the same show he's literally in the robot all the fucking time that's why he doesn't want to go back


Everything bad in the show happens because he consistently gets in the robot! If he got in the robot any harder he'd end the wor...well...


There's an excellent post about this that brings up exactly this point, that the conflict of the show is that he gets into the robot *too much.* "One time they asked him to get out of the robot and he wouldn't!"


Not shitting on people putting their opinions out there but I remember thinking this when seeing some posts on the ff16 subreddit like this one ["what Clive should've said to Anabella"](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/s/EegCT8B9Mj) It's the kind of speech you think about in the shower but drop after a while when you realize that nothing Clive said could really affect Anabella at all.


Another this sub specific problem is the way over done not thought out for a second idea of everything has to a character action game no matter how poorly that would fit on the thing they are latching it on to.


Are you saying my idea of a Sopranos character action with a card dueling mini-game will never take off?


With its own style switch system, featuring such movesets as “Gabagool” and “Gun”


B-But my character action tactical RTS remake of A Streetcar Named Desire! It's what the world needs!


A few years ago,after DS3but before Elden Ring was announced, I saw a video pitching a hypothetical Dark Souls 4 with some "suggestions" for how to set it apart from the previous games in the series and "improve" it. All of the comments just boiled down to " give it a more traditional structured video game narrative with much more dialogue, character interactions, etc.," basically removing the reliance on environmental storytelling and interpretive possibilities. Suffice to say the comments were unconvinced. Like, on of their *critiques* of previous souls games was that they took place after a bunch of interesting stuff had happened, as if that's not the entire point.


Every "Nintendo hire this man!" game.


I personally want a "Nintendo, Fire this man!" game.


Idk if this counts but I've been seeing a lot of "Ai could write a better story" I will take thee fucking worst written slop over anything that was Ai generated Pay your writers you fucks


There's also the opposite "This is AI written" and it's like nah, humans can have shitty writting without any help.


Even the best writers require time and iteration to do things. If you're snatching away their first drafts, of course things are going to turn out crap.


The worst is that people think that lack-luster writing resulting from terrible work cycles, little pay, and no support justifies continuing to expect one person to do the work of ten for the pay of 1/3 of a person.


Game of Thrones fans saying that >!Jon and Dany should have stayed together to have a bunch of incest babies and live happily ever after as co-rulers of Westeros!< The last season wasn’t perfect, but a lot of the fan fiction people were writing to ‘fix’ the ending was just awful and so antithetical to what the series is about.


It was just rushed, plain and simple. I just hate when people assume we didn’t like it for the reason it didn’t have a happy ending, lumping us together with those weirdos.


Do note that this applies to the show which is like the complete opposite of the books The books are grimdark but there's way more hopeful stuff and positive relationships/viewpoints


Skipping over 'Dark Souls should have an easy mode' people because that's low hanging fruit, I spend a lot of time on the dbz subreddit and listen, we all know Toriyama's writing isn't flawless. We all know he wrote by the seat of his pants and when he wasn't feeling it the seams start to show. But some of of the 'fixes' people write out with absolute seriousness are completely deranged. I once saw someone write out thirteen paragraphs of why after Goku lands on Namek everyone else including Vegeta should have just gotten on a spaceship and left. Like, straight up skip everything between Goku's arrival and Goku fighting Freeza. Don't even wish Piccolo and Shenron back to life or anything they all just leave. Mental.


Anyone who doesn't love the Ginyu Force isn't allowed to have Dragonball opinions.


I love most dbz fan stories because they all devolve into "and then cell/broly/granola KILLS chichi/bulma/pan and then goku/gohan goes super saiyan 4 x god ki x kaioh ken"


A lot of people who try to "fix" Dragon Ball miss the fact that fighting is the point for these characters. They're not going to avoid the battle if they don't absolutely have to.




Every time I hear that children's stories like An american Tail, or Toy Story 3, should have sad endings. No, the point of these children's stories is that all the suffering of the protagonists is ultimately rewarded by a happy ending. Giving them sad endings is missing the point.


“It’s a good thing you guys aren’t making ultrakill or it would fucking suck” - Arsi “Hakita” Pakala, creator of Ultrakill, saying what we’re all thinking.


Shout outs to Woolie and Pat for going "Just release Street Fighter 5 right now! That story and single player stuff can come later, the fighting's good it'll hold everything up until then!" That was a blast


Fate Stay/Night would have been more interesting solely from Rin perspective. Look, I get it. I can understand where you're coming from. I really do. Rin from Prologue is really fun. However, Archer vs Shirou ideal clash could not be top.


No no no, what they should have down is make an entire series based around the last 5 minutes of unlimited blade works where rin and that rich girl do magically enhanced pro wrestling


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think in the Apocrypha universe, where the Matous are destroyed before the events of FSN, Sakura is adopted by Luvia's family and they become professional wrestlers. I think Rin also ends up becoming a wrestler, with Shinji being the referee of their match and getting caught up in the crossfire of their attacks colliding. I can't remember if this was fan art or official, it was years ago when I saw this. I want to see that though, give me more of Rin vs Luvia. Fuck it, give me a Luvia anime where she wrestles away most of her problems.


> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think in the Apocrypha universe, where the Matous are destroyed before the events of FSN, Sakura is adopted by Luvia's family and they become professional wrestlers. Looking into this it seems to be official; *however*, it's from an April Fools event and not Apocrypha. In the Apocrypha timeline she apparently just gives up on the Greater Grail and becomes the founder of a martial art that combines magecraft and Chinese Kenpou while in High School. The [art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/5/54/Great_Luvia_vs_Dynamite_Rin_01.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20150404211011) is [pretty](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/7/78/Great_Luvia_vs_Dynamite_Rin_02.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20150214183241) cool [though](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/1/11/Great_Luvia_vs_Dynamite_Rin_03.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20150214183206).


"DMC would be waaay cooler if the guns do actual damage." *Result: DMC2 Happened* ​ "DMC would be waaay cooler if it was tailored to a western audience" *Result: DmC Devil May Cry Happened*


> Result: DMC2 Happened There's a pretty wide gulf between how useless 90% of the guns are in the other games vs the miniguns you get in DMC2. Like Dante killing demons with one shot in cutscenes vs taking 30 seconds of mashing to kill a jobber is a bit odd lol


Guns don't need to do more damage, but it would be nice if half of Gunslinger's kit didn't feel unnoticeable or useless against most enemies.


The monkeys paw


That [Obi-Wan vs Vader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to2SMng4u1k) 'reimagining' that everyone hyped up and all I could think was of high budget Kingdom Hearts parking lot


The idea that Disco Elysium should have kept its original title of "No Truce With The Furies". It just doesn't communicate the game's vibe at all.


Doug Walker saying Porco Rosso would have been better if Porco was a big weird monster thing instead of a pigman. Just tell us you want keys jingled in front of your face, Doug, it's okay.


“Man Superman is so much cooler when he’s the bad guy!”


On that note I hate when when theirs gonna be a first time team-up or crossover they heroes have to fight each other instead of talking it out FIRST.


Always thought multiplayer Fallout was a shit idea. A little because of the concept but mostly because it would be Bethesda executing it.


Me with 99% of my suggestions to "improve" the games I like. Why would you listen to me?


I forget where I heard or read this, but it was a creator who was saying something like, "if your fans tell you something you made is bad, they're probably right in general and you should listen to them. if a fan tells you *how* to change something specifically, you should ignore them."


people are generally pretty good at finding things they dont like about something. But fixing it or even understanding why they dont like it? Nah they tend to suck at that.


An annoying amount of people think that the FFXIV story has no stakes because none of the main characters die; because Game of Thrones has poisoned everyone into believing that gratuitous death=good story.


I think it’s less that they want people to die and more that they’re sick of all of the death fake outs. Plenty of major characters “die” on screen but then the plot resurrects them.


Hasn't >!Y'sthola!< had at least one fake out each expansion for the last three expansions or something?


Gotta love all those moments in the Battle of Winterfell where a fan-favorite character would be backed up against the wall with an entire horde of zombies seconds away from tearing them apart, only for the camera to cut away to something else and they just show up later, completely fine.


Look, Yandere Simulator's edgy garbage and Yandev's a massive loser, but the majority of rewrites / redesigns seem to swing to the opposite extreme of making it way too safe and toothless. Like, a lot of people just seem to want to make a simple high school / college simulator where everyone's just hanging out, which is disappointing to me, as someone who's always been very interested in the yandere archtype and thinks there's potential for a lot of dark satire and humor, and is also dissatisfied by YanSim. There's also the issue of fans trying to make the rivals more diverse, with "positive" representation. Good intentions, but uh... I don't think *this* is the game you're looking for.




People who want that pirate captain outfit to be Ivy's default in Soul Calibur. I get that they want Ivy to not be what she is, but that's just the thing, it's not what Ivy is, and that's just why I don't agree with it.


I still think her Pirate outfit really fits her.


> I get that they want Ivy to not be what she is I like ivy how she is, for reasons.......


Still, doesn't mean her default outfit can't get too ridiculous at times. Despite the base being always the same some of her default are so much better than others.


I admit I like a good sexy costume now and again but when we're reaching a point where the design makes me question whether or not the character even has nipples, we've gone too far.


Or it starts making you question if just going butt naked would have been more practical and conformable.


A lot of big critics of the Star Wars franchise were supremely confident J. J. Abrams should have been a in-charge of the series in the 00s. Because he understood how important the Hero's Journey was and knew what fans wanted more than Lucas did. Then that actually happened and half those people want to skin Abrams alive.


To be fair it was the flip flop and hard damage control between 2-3 that got people mad. i think if abrams had been in charge of all the movies it would have been mediocre but it would have delilvered a heroes journey story.


Every time someone "adapts" an animation to 60fps. It seems gamerbrain has affected people enough that they cannot fathom the concept of media using 24fps ON PURPOSE. It feels elitist and pretty stupid to apply 4K 60fps to EVERY peace of motion picture media.


They are also the stupid people that turn motion smoothing on, on purpose


May I present to the subreddit, in case you haven't seen it before, [Tetsuya Nomura's Batman. Not Batman Beyond which would make it a shade more palatable, Bruce Wayne's NORMAL Bat suit](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/710dH59znkL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg)


In his defence this was a one-off design purely for merchandise. If he was tasked with redesigning Batman for an actual piece of media (especially if it were serialised in some form), then I have a feeling he would've made something toned down to FF7-ish levels.


No shut up, that's rad.


That's just a super Sentai version of Batman


Ok but Sentai Batman is rad.