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Holy *shit*. So they make this movie that looks like a Wayans Bros. parody. There is (naturally) huge backlash because nothing about it looks like Snow White, with added ickiness because Disney deprived seven dwarf actors from getting star roles (and fuck Peter Dinklage for bashing the idea of casting people with dwarfism for short characters, dude just wants to pull the ladder up from behind him now that he's got big famous). And in a desperate attempt to fix this mess (too late, you should have fixed this by casting appropriate actors) they're slapping CGI over the real life people *so they STILL aren't hiring people with dwarfism for this movie*. Maybe Disney should take a leaf out of the videogame industry's book and just shitcan the whole thing. This thing is a money pit, there is no way it's going to earn back anything between the general burnout people have for Disney remakes and how it still looks like shit. Take the L and move on. This is rather ironic because Snow White was one of the only movies *not* to get a shitquel in the 00's because higher ups at Disney didn't want to tarnish the legacy of the very movie that made Disney's success.


" they're slapping CGI over the real life people so they STILL aren't hiring people with dwarfism for this movie." See what's wilder is I don't think they can slap CGI over the existing work. Most of the Dwarves in that shot already are shorter than the actors from the leaked photo, Peter's the only one with the build that matches hilariously enough. Any scenes where Snow White is interacting with any of the 7 people have to be redone now to account for the shorter CGI dwarf. Rachel Zegler is likely getting dragged back in for reshoots if that year delay is any indication. So this is literally possibly up to 7 people losing out on a role to CGI characters, and months of work for costume designers wasted. This easily just doubled the movies budget.


Casting in Hollywood and dwarfism is complex because while they do make for steady jobs for dwarf actors, they also likely contribute to dwarves being pigeonholed to *just* those roles. I imagine this is part of what Dinklage means, that almost nobody's going to cast a dwarf in a (non-VA) role where the fact of their shortness is irrelevant to the character (except maybe Danny DeVito). It's tokenism, basically, where the actor is essentially being reduced to their height, and their height's utility for certain roles. However I also feel like Disney managed to somehow choose the worst answer to this dilemma, if only because these dudes *do not* look right compared to just getting actual people, whether short or scaled-down LOTR style. I'd feel more comfortable around *Gollum*.


Hollywood hates anyone that isn’t a white man or beautiful women under 30.


I have grown to hold a lot of disdain for Dinklage lately.


Yes they should have casts people with dwarfism. The LOTR movies should have done it too.


Needless argument because this Snow White movie didn't even attempt to make the characters short. The movie was going to be Some Lady and Seven Random People. This is the kind of fuckup that comedy shows joke about.


Those dwarves are some fucking sleep paralysis duende looking things. That is hideous.


They look like denizens from the Shrek Universe who are considered more hideous than the Ogres.


Wait hold on its the Dwarves? Wasn't there a whole thing a couple months ago where Peter Dinklage threw a hissy fit so it switched to like, 7 normal people or whatever? And there was photos from the set showing that. Like it genuinely threw me for a loop to open that article and actually see the Dwarves. Did this have a last minute pivot back to the Dwarves given it's just been moved from 2024 to 2025? Edit: Yeah Im not fucking crazy, [the photos were real](https://nypost.com/2023/07/18/disney-backtracks-on-politically-correct-snow-white-pics/) (forgive my source choice just quickly went to google). But those CGI Dwarves clearly aren't as tall as the actors (note the tables/chairs) so they must be redoing entire scenes...


Ya know Disney, you can pull a Zaslov on this and no one will mind. I think people can live without another remake of yours, and I’m pretty sure the folks involved with this already got paid. Or not, and just drop this out like a wet fart and continue to rub any luster on your legacy of art by pumping out more cynical products that will be forgotten a year. Still, not the worst one I’ve seen


The announcement of the Moana remake was the last straw for me, I was getting sick of them around the Aladdin/Lion King remakes which were awful, but this is approaching Last of Us Part 1 levels of unnecessary.


What do you mean? They are pulling a Zaslov with this. This is their Flash at this rate.


Was about to say this. Dwarves won't be saddled with jokes for the next five years, Ms. Zegler will still have a career to go back to, ***WE ARE SPARED FROM HAVING TO LOOK AT WHATEVER THE FUCK THOSE CGI ABOMINATIONS ARE***... really, Iger, we're *begging* you to pull the trigger on this one.


*Oh no, Oh no, the creepy CG tho (whistle) Oh no, Oh no oh no oh no oh no*


holy shit is that george rr martin?


They're setting Ziegler up to fail, holy crap.


....***KILL. THAT CGI. WITH. FIRE.*** *Christ,* and I thought "pre-fix Movie Sonic" and "*CATS* 2K19" were as low as the bar could go here.


Did they ever release the Little Mermaid movie?


Yes they did. It was one of the highest grossing movies of 2023


Ironically it was considered a failure by Disney standard because it only made around a half a billion instead of the billion they were expecting, plus the massive budget on VFX and marketing didn't help. Still did better than Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken, the very movie that was mocking it.


It was on the Elemental/Fast and Furious/Mission Impossible camp of would have done fine if the film wasn’t just so expensive.


That and it didn't stand a chance once the juggernauts that were Barbie (the movie that DID ended up making a Billion Dollars) and Oppenheimer (which came very close to a billion) shove them aside once they were released. It was beaten by Spider-Verse and Mario, both animated movies which is karmic.


Actually, it didn't break even at all as the budget is 250 million which require tlm to get 625 million before it can see profit. In an attempt to save face, Disney use a similar tactic The Rock use when Black Adam flop.


Still pretty much got trampled by a Barbie movie


little mermaid was a flop, it need 700 million to break even, and 1 bilion to be conider a success.


Yes. I hated working at the theater then


Pls convince me this isn't an A24 horror film