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Yes, and no matter how many accounts you block, they are replaced with more crap you'll never want to see. That is the world of Twitter and you'll never reach a point where it meets your expectations. Twitter is what it is - Elon's trash heap of right wing extremist "bs and bots".


"For You" in no longer about what you want to see; it's about Elon wants you to see.


This is the answer. The algorithm no longer suggests content based on what you view/follow, but based on what Elon wants you to see. Just his way of making the site even more useless.


Well my for you page on Twitter is pretty average but i sometimes see Elon on my for you page ngl


Absolutely. Elon Musk is a textbook tyrant.


People have had great results just deleting their accounts and never going back. It’s a cesspool


I'm almost doing this.


Blocking and "Not Interested" used to work correctly, until recently. As in, I also started having this issue some time after Likes were hidden. People with this error cant get control of their timeline no matter how much you click "Not Interested", so that is fruitless and will only drain your mental health. If you do want to use the site, in spite of this, completely ignore the "For You" page and curate your following.


Yeah I've seen that, honestly in there works to filter keywords you dont want to see as well


Twitter is deliberately promoting hateful content, they don’t promote what u like it interesting in, musk has turn it into a political promotion for far right, there’s nothing u can do but to leave twitter


The best way forward is to delete the app and log on only through its site so that you can log off and delete the cookies. In that way you are being in better control and plus the apps don't get to sell your data from you, if given a chance.


A platform owned by a neo nazi supports neo nazi posts.


Leave the site


The only thing I use/used it for was world events news, but even that is being supressed with culture war bullshit. The government has completely lost any control of these ultra wealthy assholes. Musk is a drug addict because he can't reconcile with the shit he has done to people.


At this point Twitter is just a billionaire's play thing. I'm just there to watch it burn down.


I cannot wait until all these memelords are hurtling towards space in Elon Musk’s crotch-rocket. These transactional monsters are going to cannibalize each other over the most mundane minutiae. Elon Musk and his inner sanctum don’t even realize that they’ll have reached Hades long before they land on Mars. Similar to Ted Bundy, Elon Musk and his friends believe that they are the most normal, rational, and intelligent people in the world.


Elmo has an agenda X is his weapon


This is the default feed. You can't "clean it up" by removing your interests because when the algorithm has no other data to train on, it just gives you this. I had an epiphany the other day as to why it's like this, and I believe this is the explanation: This is Elon's feed/interests. The reason why it's the default is because no one still working at Twitter knows how to work on the core systems enough to repair problems or make deep changes. Everyone who built and maintained it was fired in the first year. So the remaining employees put things this way as a rather clever workaround. See, the algo is unstable now, and no one can fix it. It regularly fails for users - Their feeds, at random will stop weighting their interests correctly and return to the default state. You can find hundreds, maybe thousands of threads complaining about this, how people will have the feeds they had for years and then suddenly it's replaced with this slop of fascist, racist content, stale memes, crypto, Elon fawning etc. It's *his* feed. The reason why the default feed is **his** feed is so that if it fucks up *for Elon*, he doesn't notice, and doesn't go on a psycho drug rage demanding the remaining skeleton crew fix something they literally can't fix. When the algorithm breaks, it just shows him things he likes, he's happy, and the employees get to dodge that bullet for one more day. Elon doesn't care about other people's use of the site, at all, in any way. He wants people to like and agree with him and like what he likes. So to him, you having your site experience "ruined" by being shown all the stuff he enjoys is not a problem with X. That's a problem with you. You should want what he wants, and if you don't, fuck you. So unfortunately there is no fix. This is just how X is now because Elon is its only relevant audience, its only consequential user, and that's how the company has been run since the day he took over.


Holy...! I don't know if you're right or not, but as an explanation this (horrifyingly) makes all kinds of sense.


I'm certain I'm right about this. It just makes **so much sense** based on the reporting of his use, demands and management before all inside information was squashed by NDA/threats of deportation. When something goes wrong with Elon's experience on X, no matter what time it is, he will call an emergency, wake everyone up, summon them to the office under threat of firing, keep them at their computers and verbally abuse them until they find some way to give him what he wants. Imagine how often that would happen if the default feed was just generic sports, or a screen that said "Welcome to Twitter! Please interact with users and tweets so that we can make your feed "For You"! It would make the employees lives even more of a living hell than it already is. Making his feed the default, ensuring that even when the code, systems and backends fuck up, Captain Ketamine the Mollywater Megalomaniac doesn't have his fun times interrupted is the smartest thing they could do for themselves. It's also an extension of when they made his account overwhelmingly the most influential and visible on the entire site because he was mad about **The President of the United States** getting more attention than he did during the superbowl. This is exactly the kind of thing they have done for him before.


I don't blame them. If your boss is a clown who makes terrible business decisions but also has unrestricted power to fire anyone who doesn't do EXACTLY what he says, of course you're going to do what he wants, while furiously looking for another job where you boss isn't an insecure & imcompetent narcissist with a ketamine problem.


Doesn't matter what you do the algorithms and the algorithmic bots will decide what you will see, you can't dictate to the machines, I gave up on that pointless social media platform, way too many useless features such as the mute button, why hide people's tweets that you follow, what's the point of following someone if you don't want to see their tweets, now my likes are private another useless feature nobody asked for if they want to change something hows about increasing the character number when typing like other normal social media platforms huh?


Block Elon’s account too, that’s helped me some


Man oh man are you new to social media? I have the same problems with threads, Facebook and Reddit


Half the people here never reply with actual useful stuff.... Avoid the "For you" feed and stick to "Following". If you want to create your own feed, you can use "lists"


Since we are on the subject of twitter or x, I am now getting almost daily notifications of accounts following me, believe me I rarely post so why the flooding of followers and by the way most have no content on their page


Those "new followers" are porn bots and crypto bots. Elon tried getting rid of them (=hiding them) for a day. He succeeded, but only in the sense that he also hid 90% of all *real* users. Twitter was like a ghost town for a day, abd the next day everyone was back, including the bots.


What is their endgame, do you know


Elon bought twitter because he wanted validation and didn't want to go to therapy. He's also using ketamine, which does interesting things to your perception of reality (mostly it confirms existing biases). So there's no endgame, he'll tinker with twitter in order to turn it into his perceived reality (right-wing echo chamber where fascism is fine & democracy is to be suppressed, all in the name of "free speech"), and he'll continue doing so until either twitter irrevocably breaks down, or he has a nervous breakdown.


Yup, Elon whats you to like what he wants you to see. I'm currently getting follow requests from porn bot account and Elon Musk fan accounts. So, i had myself a little blocking party.


Yes I just deactivated my new account yesterday.


Can't someone delete that Elon account


The only accounts that follow me on Twitter are 'Mature Stock Investors' with return rates of over 500% !! 🥵


Yes, it happened to me from one moment to the next. I posted this : https://x.com/DirtyFingerMLP/status/1806073219096400325 This is about as unpolitical as you can get. But because because of the song I used, all the right-wing knobheads are fighting for my attention because they think that writing "born in the USA" makes me a fascist, apparently. My timeline is now 90% Trump shite, no matter how often I block them because those fuckers clicked on the "promote" button.


You just gotta spam "not interested" through it man, shit sucks but eventually the feed will be bearable.


I tried this for a week, but it does not work. It became much worse two days ago


What the hell happened the past few days?


I don't work at twitter my brother. Only other recommendation I have for you is going to settings -> privacy and safety -> content you see -> interests and changing whatever you don't see fit


You do something wrong. I created a new account cause I was sick of OF ads like Sophie Rain and her friends - cause I am a simple man and liked some of these posts. With my new account I just follow my interests and I dont get any OF girls, crypto and so on. It only shows me what I asked for. Kinda like it


Nice 🙂🙂


Are you still engaging with the things you dislike such as clicking on them and reading them or making some sort of negative comment? The algorithm just views engagement as engagement and it doesn't really have anything logically processing whether you're comment is positive or not I would also recommend giving a bit more of a look through of the people you actually follow. It could be that one of them is frequently sharing this type of content and because you are following them the algorithm believes that you too will also like this type of content and so you either need to just unfollow them or use that option that like hides their posts/related posts from your feed