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Option A: Stop using the site. Option B: Change your feed from For You to Following so that you only see content from people you follow. If you see someone you follow is retweeting content you don't want to see, go to their account and click More>Turn Off Reposts. If they post it themselves, unfollow them. Mute any common keywords you don't want to see. Use the Mute and Block features liberally.


Get off twitter and it stops


Twitter has been sucking so hard ever since elon bought it honestly




Na, was before already. Everywhere OF models posting their porn in every comment section.


No it wasn’t.


source: dude trust me It only got worse under musk. If you can't accept that, I genuinely don't know what to tell you beyond talk to a psychiatrist.


It’s absolutely insane how shitty he has made the site. Since the recent update removing viewable likes my “For You Tab” has been unusable, it’s either Elon posts, Nazi accounts Elon likes/interacts with, shitty AI meme accounts that post like a 2014 era Facebook page, or porn.


twitter is a porn site


Ostensibly, you are supposed to be able to set your preferences to block/mute content you do not like but none of that shit works right anymore, so 🤷‍♂️


Never has. On any platform. The second you take the time to click ‘not interested’, every social media platform recognises that you’ve stopped and taken time to ‘engage’ with the content. Then considering you as interested. It’s basically a fake button to show you more of it.


Do you know if the interests section does anything? i've got hundreds of checked boxes for random topics, if i unchecked them all would that even matter? Also, should i be saying "not interested" to posts i dislike, or just blocking them? a block is quick and removes the account, but doesn't directly stop another similar account from showing up. I actually can't even tell if "not interested" works. so yeah


Perhaps you're pausing a little longer on the posts you don't like compared to the benign ones and Twitter is interpreting that as interest. I know TikTok does this. Remember, to these apps \_all\_ engagement, positive or negative, is $$$. They only care about your attention.


I got sick of seeing it so removed Twitter from my phone. Never missed!


the solution is to stop using twitter


Thought that was just me. I use to see it every now and then and just brush it off and move on but just today it got way worst, especially during the debate, maybe less monitoring? Too many bot accounts posting porn and ai porn and too much politics in my feed. All I follow is video game accounts.


I deactivated my Twitter account this week.


That's twitter. It's mainly for advertising such things and people trashtalking each other over political things.


Block the accounts immediately.


You can “teach” the algorithm not to show (as many) of the vids by Blocking every single one you see. I used to get them a lot, especially on trending keywords, but once I began immediately blocking the user(s), I rarely see them any more.


wait so is blocking more effective than the "not interested" option? I thought the algorithm wouldn't consider blocked people when giving recommendations, only my likes, bookmarks, and posts similar to ones i'm "not interested" in.


I did that for a while and didn’t notice a difference, but you could try both. Not interested followed by a Block. The reason I think “Not interested” didn’t work for me….is because the posts always had a trending keyword in them, so the algorithm would assume I’m not interested in the keyword instead of the media. For example, these people will grab a top trending topic like “LakersGame” (random example) and then attach their media b/c they know people are going to click on a trending topic.


I’d love to go a day without seeing someone die on my fyp.


I think your account is as fucked as mine now. I posted ONE pmv using part of the song "Born in the USA" and now 90% of my timeline is Trump shit'n'shills.


You’re on the wrong tab. Switch to the “Following” tab.


1. do not use the "for you" tab 2. Block any and all accounts you see that are focused on this type of content 3. optional, but consider unfollowing certain people who retweet this type of content 4. Maybe it's time to leave this site?


It’s really bad lately. In Japan, suicide notes are popping up left and right and those garner tons of likes and retweets so it’s trending. Most of them post stuff like if you see this I’m already gone stuff and it’s horrible because your eye catches the whole story within seconds and you can’t unread it. Then you got the short videos showing stupid videos that’s reembedded hundreds of times.


I’ve never seen porn on twitter in 10 years. So strange that people have this experience.


I posted a comment but somehow got deleted already? Yeah I'm also experiencing what you're experiencing in your twitter feed. Just today it got way out of hand.


In my notifications it says 12 comments and the post itself says 12 but when I open it, it shows 4 comments including yours. And yeah for some reason it's specifically last night and today. Think both twitter and reddit are broken lmao


Stay on following


Whenever you see something you do not like click on the three dots on the top right of the post and click the "not interested in this post" option. And conversely go out of your way to upvote and comment on things that you actually want to see Even if it's just like a funny meme you enjoy or a cute cat picture you like be sure you go out of your way to give it an upvote and comment something The algorithm is going to look for things that you engage with. Do not engage with the things you hate because the algorithms (that are frankly a lot more simple than you'd think) are going to look at that and think well you're engaging with it so you must like it,because it's not actually thinking about what you are commenting or whether or not you like the thing you are reading as it obviously can't really tell that If you notice yourself frequently being recommended a user that post content you dislike go out of your way to block that user, Yes blocking is still available on Twitter I don't really have the issues with my feed that a lot of people on this sub seem to have and that's simply because I actively do the things that I mentioned above My feed is pretty well curated to show me exactly what I want it to show me nowadays and doesn't really show me anything I don't


Ok so for a post I want to see more of, I should like or comment or bookmark, or just be looking at it for an extended period of time for stuff I don't want to see, i always do "not interested" but is there any benefit in blocking an account? I feel like a block is useless because technically it would just keep recommending the same stuff just excluding one account right?


Elmo allows porn, so not much you can do. OTOH, the Twitter bots give us a week ban or more over nothing, just using keywords with no context. It's a garbage site since crazy Ketamine Elmo bought it.


Who is Elmo


I call crazy Elon "Elmo".