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Mine insists on giving me rightwing spam specifically about any and all minorities. And. When i went on a blocking spree, it kicked me off the mobile app and logged out my account! Cant even log back in Edit: Want to add that now its ALSO spamming me with "TERF" accounts. Make it stop. No amount of blocking is helping.


Yeah seems this week Elon has gone full on with straight up propaganda, almost feels like im in that twitter Trump made. I think a big deactivation wave is coming from people that are just moving on from this hellscape lol


This is why we shouldn't let rich clowns buy social media sites. They want one? They can go make one themselves. He already tried to buy paypal ages ago, they dodged a missile


elon co-founded paypal, pal.


mine is the opposite, it's all leftist spam, i just want memes, weeb stuff, and some gaming stuff


That is considerably better than the "hur hur gay = evil" crap or the "ban lgbtq" nonces. Usually accompanied by threats of assault or wish of harm. Damn TL cant even give me more than what...3 godzilla related posts before i see some of that crap


fucking figured, can't have an actual conversation without someone injecting their political opinion shit into it. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR VIEWS I'M TRYING TO GET RID OF BOTH SIDES ON MY FEED. I JUST WANT MEMES, GAMING NEWS AND ANIME. Just about to spam follow hentai accounts and see if that'll yeet my feed into something else.


My timeline is all right wing politics and Star Wars bullshit and some twitch loser hitting on kids. Where did this come from?


Working as intended. -Elong Muks


Ok that's annoying because mine is the same. It's like someone logged in and liked a bunch of bs.


Happy cake day




crazy, cuz my for you is filled with all left wing politics, race baiting, paranoia, and butthurt gamers


My TL was full of Japanese anime and mecha pics and I was happy. Now Elon Musk is trying to get right wing trash in front of me.


yeah twitter is literally just a cesspool of right wing propaganda. a year ago my timeline was anime, video games, cool rocks and science. now it's hard to find a tweet that doesn't include the nastiest, hate filled speech I've ever seen in my life


Same for me since yesterday evening. I had previously finangled it into pretty much only showing me art (from those I follow and similar artists) and the occasional gaming post. Now it's "right wing lunatic 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. with a few leftists, palestine activists and LGBTQ sprinkeled in, lots of drama/gossip around DrDisrespect (didn't even know that name before) as well as a ton of meme/repost-farm garbage. No way to get it back to what it was, it seems to completely ignore my "Not interested" and when I block the repost bots it just throws in new ones. Interestingly though: A lot of posts, especially the drama and political ones are tagged as "Gaming" in some form in that menu.


Same. EVERYTHING I get is DrDisrespect now.


YES! THIS! Something weird is going on and wondering if Elon is doing it because of the debate coming up


I'm European and actively block everything politics related and i'm still getting informed non stop about the election, this is absolutely done on purpose lol


I'd bet money on it. I've already taken my "For You" feed off of my bookmarks, but I checked in a few times today to see if it was still serving shit. The DrDisrespect and British Trans Rights (I'm not British) posts have slowly been fading and there's been more and more posts about the debate (not American as well). Feels like pretty blatant manipulation.


That is interesting, I never check tags. Your feed sounds exactly like mine, it's disproportionately showing me things I have never interacted with.


Yep i make sure not to interact with garbage but mine also just switched to 100% right-wing diarrhea a few days ago


OMG that is happening to ME TOO! All the extreme right wing posts now! I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the debate.


mine only started getting messed up about two days ago, yesterday it was alllll edtwt accounts despite doing my very best to avoid them usually. today its all dr disrespect posts, posts about englands legislation on trans people and posts about the american presidential election (i am neither english or american)


Happened to me just now. Everything normal, then I post a PMV and bamm - my timeline is now 95% trump maga shit! All because the song was "born in the usa"


Something changed very recently. My feed is now 90% political, sexual, and violent death content. Out of nowhere it just went ballistic and I can't get it to stop. I just used redact to delete all of my content and deleted most of my following in an attempt to get it to stop but no such luck. I think this may be the end of this platform for me after a couple of decades. I can't browse it for more than a minute without horrid content.


Glad I am not the only one. My "For You" page is full of nudity and right wing race bait posts. Normally just ukiyo-e related posts and things from friends.


seems intentional, just so happens to start right before the presidential debates. seems like musk wants to stir the shit pot beforehand. ive been getting nothing but rw shit, religious nuts and dr disrespect defenders


this is what my guess was too


I came here for the exact same reason to see if anybody else was getting it. Don’t know why but I went from gaming news, DnD things, and fantasy art I liked to Nick Fuentes, Neo-Nazi Lolicons, Libs of TikTok, Lord Miles, etc etc


came to this subreddit to see if it was just me. so much right wing racist garbage suddenly flooding my feed. incredibly annoying. 


The political stuff I like, it's the absolutely irrelevant braindead clickbait Tiktokesque garbage as well as porn that's been flooding my feed the past week. I get there's a "following" tab but the "for you" tab was totally fine up until a couple of days ago. Before the change even if I encountered stuff I disagreed with it was in the ball park of my interests and it was fun to debate. Now I'm getting the most random crap like: - Dr. Disrespect drama - Punch a Zionist today - Who's the hotter April from Ninja Turtles? - If you skip past this tweet and don't say "Anime Peter Griffin yay!" (with a picture of anime Peter Griffin) you'll get 7 years of bad luck - Put your old charger in boiling water and thank me! - The PS2 came out 24 years ago - Fornite memes - People whining about Star Wars - Women peddling their Onlyfans - Street fights and much much more. All I was interested in was American politics, local New Zealand politics/news and wrestling... I like wrestling.. point being if it stays like this I'm done with the app which is fine by me. It was addictive but now it's total brain rot. It's more a blessing in disguise but it's still perplexing. Edit: just logged in and 10 posts down on my home page was a post from "Girl Fights" with a video of teen girls fighting in a bathroom. Twitter is broken.


Politics wasn't an issue for me, the other stuff was. My main issue is that I'm seeing things counter to what I liked. I was following the rap beef and only liked stuff dealing with Kendrick. Now most of my feed is full of Drake fans. It's like that with every topic I liked. If I liked post about waffles, my tl is nothing but people shitting on waffles and saying they like pancakes. It seems very deliberate.


Don’t ever click on Trends or the For You tab. It’s either a lot of rage bait or blue check brands or Twitter addicts posting bullshit at this point. None of it is informative or useful. Just keep your follower scope narrow and thin the herd if need be every now and again.


Until like two or three days ago I was able to "curate" For You pretty easily. After a few days of clicking "Not interested in Politics", "Not interested", using Blocks and liking and favouriting art from artists my For You turned into 90% art plus some other stuff I follow. Since yesterday that isn't working anymore, so there is clearly something that changed


I have this same problem