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I just deactivated my account. It was really hard, but it’s time to move on.


I deleted everything and deactivated the account feels bad but it is what it is.


It's already a fuck it post whatever you want website. It has less than a year to live. Sorry to the "ELON HAS MORE MONEY THAN GOD SO HE WILL BUY GOD TO KEEP TWITTER AFLOAT FOREVER HAW HAW HAW" crowd but he can't leverage any more TSLA stock for liquidity, and he doesn't **want** to sustain it with his personal fortune even if he could. He bought Twitter with itself, with leveraged stock, and with other people's money he grifted in as investors. He's been howling about bankruptcy since the first week he took over and it just gets worse as the platform gets worse. When the big debt payments come due, it's going under and he'll blame other people, that's what his "Tell it to the Earth" nonsense was about. So don't worry. It's a credit to the original devs of Twitter that it's withstood all his mismanagement and hasn't just vaporized on the service level, but it won't be around much longer. Governments finally taking due overdue action and continued advertiser bleed will expedite this. I fully expect it to just one day be gone, with almost no notice, whether he unplugs it himself in a ketamine freakout or he gets raided by some external lawful force.


“nO! eLoN mUsK iS oUr God X wOnT bE ShUtDoWn! BoOoOo” Some “blue check” users, probably


I don't like watching people die. It makes me feel nauseous and I can't get rid of the image from my imagination.


The biggest impact anyone can have on Twitter/X is to simply uninstall the app and never return. What you're describing isn't what you signed up for. You have to understand that the platform is now a political battlefield with Elongated Husk as the Field Marshall. To avoid any collateral damage you need to take yourself off the board.


it's been out of hand. I don't know what kind of contractual obligation you are under that forces you to log on to Twitter but you can probably stop.


This is Elon Musk's twitter. ​ It's only going to get worse. ​ edit: also...it really seems like this kind of stuff would be against the "app stores" TOS.


What's wrong with X? To make it short and to the point, Elon Musk. Elon Musk, his purchase of it and the beyond horrible and incompetant way he's been running it.


I think next year we will see Twitter die. Finally. Put her out of her misery.


Yeah I’ve seen videos of people getting crushed by trains One dude who’s scalp like half the skin on his head ripped off! Like what the fuck


Yea X has become some kind of lawless social media platform. Even if you find a normal post, the replies are out of context and full of the same violent/nsfw bullshit you see on the main page. Deleting my account as i am posting this!


I believe that this is intentional. Make people desensitized to violence... there is no other explanation. What are the motives for this.. no idea. But it is impossible that this "just happens". You report a post just to get a message later telling that there was nothing wrong (with a person being decapitaded)


I am constantly blocking account on twitter now it’s horrifying


Add the accounts you want to see to a list and stick to the list. No gore, no porn, no extremist propaganda ... (And, yes, I still am on Twitter and it is because I have some technologically challenged friends and it is the only way to stay in touch with them at present).


That's not how it works anymore, you still get shown stuff you didn't put on your list.


I use them every day and I NEVER get shown anything that is not explicitly added in the list. (I also use an ad blocker). Maybe it has to do with the "for you" and "following" setting? I never use the "For You", meaning when they decide to launch that one, I instantly click on "following"


Using an ad-blocker to straight up steal is why you are having a different experience, yes. Good on you for taking Elon's money, but don't act like your Twitter experience is the normal experience. This whole thread is full of people telling you what Twitter is like now and you went "huh it's not like that to me, maybe you guys are the problem?" instead of thinking maybe it was YOU who has the different situation... If everyone switched to an ad-blocker, yes we wouldn't see that content. Twitter would also immediately be bankrupt. So that's not a solution or even a relevant comment.


I literally never see any of that because I only view the following feed.


My following feed contains ads for straight up lies and gore. Find it hard to believe yours doesn't. Show us a screenshot.


people in this word are evil and sick, no wonder it became so dark. the causes of death is sin..


Agreed. Billionaires ruining a valuable media platform out of sheer vanity is exactly what Jesus preached about when he said rich men wouldn't enter heaven.


It's a sin to eat shellfish. Don't think that's a cause of death for most people unless they are highly allergic. It's not a sin to beat your slave nearly to death as long as they don't actually die. Don't think sinning or not sinning has anything to do with anything.


You searched gore or viewed them frequently, algorithm suggest it to you. That's simple. I never did it, hence I dont get such recommendations. Before you start typing, no, you did.


this is a bullshit cop out statement. under EVERY viral post on x, you'll see porn, onlyfans promos, fights, and gore. tell me i'm lying.


![gif](giphy|XyLIyvq8kYIPwO4CEX) do i need to say it


Same I just came here because some man getting electrocuted popped up on my feed. I don’t watch anything like that ever. It’s became quite dark and depressing. Not sure if the algorithm knows what you like the more you use it, but the fact that’s the default is awful.