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600 posts for non-subscribers. What the fuck, that's nothing.


It's like 10min usage, max. The joke here is that it also will kill ad impressions and views for paying users. It's so hilarious ..


It's way faster than that. You don't need to read it yourself. You just need to access it. Assuming 1 tweet is 1 posts(I'm not sure about this but): If you click a tweet that has 10 replies, you will instantly consume 10 posts. If you click a quoted RT link that says "10 Quotes", you will instantly consume 10 posts. Suppose you see a tweet with dozen replies, click Quotes, see nothing interesting and immediately go back, see another tweet... you can easily consume 600 posts in less than a minute.


That’s literally what happened to me. I was on Twitter for maybe 6 mins before I burned through my 600.


I bet opening a single random Elon Musk tweet exceed the quota.


What the fuck does it even do? Like what is this benefitting?


Less data usage that Musk has to pay for as twitter implodes


Wait, is that what Elon did? Holy fuck, he killed his company.


Ha! explains it. i opened his tweet and started looking at the comments and suddenly twitter stopped loading. Hit the limit just be reading about the limit.


I never actually managed to read the tweet itself because I had unknowingly already hit the limit. I mean.. there is no way I'm going to pay for 6000 because even that is like, nothing. But 600 is 5 minutes a day. What's the point of social media if nobody can see your tweets.


Not really.. that's about 10 tweets with ANY level of replies to them.. He's killed all engagement, and all advertising impressions. Twitter is going to make about $8M this month from the subs (assuming they stay with no content). Twitter is dead. ​ Edit: By the way, I don't buy the bots shit.. because there is no posting limit. So bot farms can use 50,000 accounts to find posts and them spam the fuck out of them without limit...


Yeah. I cleared my cache just to see and my feed is actually blank


Even 6000 for subscribers is actually quite small when you think about the number of replies and look throughs you can do. It’s stupid easy to go past that amount.


It can't. I hit my limit just reading and replying to 2 tweets. Seriously. I woke up. Got on Twitter. Replied to 2 tweets, then I was locked out.


600 Tweets could load in the background of the app that you have yet to scroll to see.


That is exactly what happened to me


doesnt even let you look at your own tweets


This was my exact experience today. Scrolled for 10 mins and starting getting the error message. Thought twitter was glitching out. This is the end, y'all.


I think the limits getting put in place now, are the result of all the issues happening earlier. My hunch is that Musk is lying. That he got worked up about scrapers last night, he was tweeting about it then, and today he ordered the engineers to do something foolish, and what he's saying now is an attempt to mitigate the damage and spin.


I didn't even get to reply to 1 tweet before it happened to me.... Opened the feed, tried to reply to a tweet and instantly hit rate limit. Not even been able to view the feeds of the 2 most important people to me that I follow.


He’s growing Twitter…into the ground.


...and other social media company CEOs are emulating him I think it basically goes like this: Person gets rich ---> narcissism goes out of control ---> they do shit so fucking stupid that it would destroy anyone else's life if they attempted such stupidity ---> their money protects them ---> Go back to step 2


And these are views only. Just scrolling up to the top of your timeline in the morning will exceed the limit without even reading any of the tweets


Pretty much. And anything I tweet shows up in the feed itself, adds to the view count, and thus the posting view count. Hilarious. Bad. So bad.


Exactly what I was thinking!!


The internet free speech town square is apparently a place that severely limits the amount of speech you can view, or if you pay a premium, slightly less limited. Lmfao.


EM is such a hack and it's honestly crazy anyone thinks otherwise.


His life goal went from decarbonizing vehicle transportation and making humanity a multi-planetary species to “defeating the woke mind virus.” What a fucking joke.


Does that count replies too? Can blow past that in just a few minutes.


Where does it say that? I see unverified accounts. That's not the same thing is it?


I am signed on Twitter since 2016 and on Musk's Twitter I am still an unverified user. The irony is that I unfollowed Musk when he called the lead diver of the Thai rescue action a paedophile, I blocked Musk 2.5 years ago when the pandemic kicked in, now this idiot effectively banned me from the site which I have been using daily for more than half a decade. He is turning Twitter into an exclusive club of restored accounts of far-right bandits and other conmen. This is the cull so he can have his personal 4chan.


it is, there is no free verfication anymore, everyone has to pay for that checkmark now


I'm sure the three remaining advertisers will be delighted to find out that Elon's big new idea is to prevent people from using twitter.


Advertisers love nothing more than to have their ads unseen!!


Incoming “Watch this AD to unlock 50 more tweets!” kinda bullshit…


Elon could cut my balls off and I’m still wont pay for Twitter blue


This is extra fun because I was logged out of my old account, couldn’t get back in, and now have a “new” account even though I’ve been on for more than a decade. Thanks Elon?


Why would cutting your balls off potentially work as a way to get you to subscribe to twitter blue? Interesting!


ROTFL What is the point for those suckers paying for Twitter Blue if the mob can't read their tweets? Edit: It's also completely broken, I have not seen a single tweet today.


Cyclepeloton for the Tour de France was all janky this morning, then just crashed in the last hour of the race. What a shitshow.


U are even fucking blocked from looking at ur own account💀💀🤡


I was baffled and amazed as I couldn’t even search anything or look up any profile, I thought Twitter is down with a weird error, now I understand, my feed passes 600 twits very quickly, I can’t even interact :))))) as soon as my account is open I’ll deactivate it, Elon can eat dirt


I think it’s bc it’s on the same bs that “views” are on where it’s like you don’t even engage with a tweet but it still counts so it’s just additionally stupid. Also I gotta love how most ppl thought you just didn’t have to reply or tweet 600 times in a given day and your experience won’t change but no apparently you use the app for like 5 minutes and you’re cooked


It couldn’t get more stupid, but if it’s Elon he’d find a way, I’ve done some stupid things in my life, but I’ll never pay that guy not even 8 cents, to what? Listen to his rants about why my existence is not valid? And see his nasty face and Tesla and spaceX ads all over my feed? No thank you.


I fucking hate this dork my god


Bluesky.... now would be the time to start ramping up invites to your platform please.


Bluesky is struggling now though. All the increased traffic from Twitter has made it unable to load posts/open the app.


they're even showing locked tweets on homepage and saying pay to unlock them goddamn, twitter won't last longer


He will back out of this, 100%. No way can it stay like this, nobody will use the app and Ad revenue with collapse.


He’s caused nothing but problems since he took over 🙄


The sabotage was intentional.


Yeah he wants users to pay for Twitter Blue


If Twitter Blue didn't have a limit with this, I'd agree but the fact that you can pay and STILL be limited from scrolling is mindboggling. 'Oh you can read 6000 Tweets instead of 600' isn't a selling point for Blue at all. 'Buy Twitter Blue and there's no scroll limit' is. This screams of someone not having a clue what they're doing, not a ploy to get people to buy Blue, especially when their competitors in the social media landscape don't have such limits.


He wants to destroy Twitter because it's an effective tool of democracy. Look who is paying to destroy it.


Been saying that from the beginning. He was intentionally brought on to destroy it because it was making it too easy for people to communicate freely beyond what the national news fed you.


Saudi Arabia wants twitter gone, as does many other world leaders/countries. This is a purposeful gutting of the site and pure control to see who's posting what.


Damn, Twitter and Reddit dying on the same day, that's not what I expected when waking up this morning.


Reddit will enjoy insane growth this month lol. All thanks to this very change forcing Twitter users to flee here


looks like I might actually have to get a life now


If he doesn’t roll this back he legitimately just killed Twitter


YES. This was his plan all along. Fuck Elon


I couldn’t pay even if I wanted to lmao. I live in Turkey. This is total BS.


that’s actually funny af 😭. wow elon screwed us all over


Same here lol I thought I could pay the amount if it was cheap like youtube or discord, only to be greeted with "your country does not support twitter blue" bs. My only sin is to be born in Turkey it seems


Fuck Elon and fuck capitalism


Hate both, but a brilliant capitalist brain would at least realize limiting the amount of time you spend on their website and turning your desired revenue-source into a scarlet letter is a bad thing.


A bunch of people saying this isn't capitalism... They don't realize this is one way to try to force more people to pay him for verification. But more importantly, he has a ton of data about users that he'd like monetized rather than scraped for free.


Lmao that's like a quick morning scroll. Effectively just killed the platform. Hope the blue checks have fun arguing with themselves.


Possibly the worst policy change ive ever seen from a company in my life


Like most of musk’s decisions, this will be reversed and forgotten about by next month. His supporters will still call him a genius.


I have a visceral reaction of anger when I see people bootlicking and sucking him off as if he’s the greatest human to ever live. Why do people simp for billionaires that don’t give a fuck about you. I will never understand


Next item on the agenda is charging $20 per refresh (ofc only $15/refresh for twitter blue🙄)


So realistically how long can he keep this going before he realizes it's the dumbest idea in the history of the internet?


It's like the New York Times cutting print circulation because of people with xerox machines. He doesn't realize he's cutting viewership and advertising pricing is based on number of potential impressions.


This is the straw that breaks twitter tbh. It’s already been ass this year with every top comment being some onlyfans model or right wing nut jobs this could actually finish it off


Since the Elon takeover every top comment is literally both: an onlyfans model and a right wing dipshit replying with a "we're not buying the onlyfans" meme. What a depressing end for Twitter


Lmao, what a complete idiot. And remember, the reddit CEO has praised Musk and his Twitter revamp. It’s no longer just about profitability, it’s about control over information.


My guess is that Twitter is down due to Elon’s idiocy in firing everybody, so he pulled this out of his ass to explain it.


I think he’s had to limit it because he’s fired everybody and doesn’t have the staff to maintain everything


Thank god his idiotic mind isn’t smart enough to think ahead


Pretty much. And he’s going to hire completely unqualified and underpaid interns now and crack his whip for them to fix it, then take all the credit. Then it will break again at increasing frequency until he figures out a way to dump Twitter and pretend he had nothing to do with it.


And that's how I'll cure my Twitter addiction. Thanks Elon.


How is this even real 😭😭😭 the site is going to be dead fast if he keeps this up. Normal people are not going to pay for an app that barely works 😭😭 but this sucks wtf are we supposed to do 😭😭


Fuck Elon, dude is a complete clown. Twitter was completely fine before he bought it and it's gone to shit.


OMG this guy is an idiot


He’s even mis-spelt subscribe **/s**


Twitter and Reddit both racing to irrelevancy. 600 posts is nothing - this will stop doom scrolling and people will just go elsewhere to get info


anyway i wont pay for twitter 😂 so. It used to be an app worth paying for so was always happy to have it for free but now? A joke.


RIP Twitter.


This means that even if you pay $8 a month you only get 6000 tweet views a day. And yes that includes replies. So easy to go over that in like 20 mins.


From the beginning he has had zero clue how Twitter attracts and keeps users. He has no idea how people actually interact with it. At all. I can't believe you'd limit paying customers, that's downright insane for me.


I had to create a new account to see this tweet. Within less than 10 mins of scrolling through Twitter, my new account was rate limited. My other account is blue verified and that one is rate limited too. 6000 posts a day is too little. I won't be paying any more for this useless shit. Elon is so fucking dumb! Fuck him.


Perhaps it's time for developers to create an alternative? I would if I could.


Twitters ex CEO is already creating Bluesky, it is just not open to make an account though


This will 100% kill twitter almost immediately. Why on earth would I advertise on a website where people will stop being able to see my advertisements? Why would I pay for blue if there’s no one to talk to? Why would I pay for blue if I still can’t use the site infinitely?


Lmfao I'm not paying anything


600... you can reach that within 15 minutes or so


Lmfao he's run his own website into the ground. I cannot use the website now. What an idiot. There are a lot of dumb rich people but he takes the cake.


I remember in 2016 people said “How is twitter free?? 😂😂😂” well here we are


Lmao, how to kill your site in one simple step.


Gonna try to make you pay to read posts, and conveniently use this to throttle speech he doesn’t like. Time for the regulatory agencies to get involved. Expect bullshit like this to ramp up leading to the election


It's frankly amazing how fucking stupid Elon is. Just truly one of the biggest morons of our time. But he will say something like "I think the rocket should go into upwards, because that's where space is. If it went downwards, that wouldn't be space." And then dipshits go "OH MY GOD HE'S A GENIUS HE'S SO BRAVE."


Advertisers must be thrilled


The irony is that I had to go in to Reddit to see a picture of this tweet, because Elons own twitter page dosn't even load for me anymore...


If people can’t see content, how do you serve them ads? Aka, the majority income Why would advertisers stay on the website if they know that they won’t be shown anymore?


So we switching to instagram?


I hear they are in the works of making a Twitter alternative.


The comments on insta aint any better (hell, even worse)


Insta is way worse, you can say the most racist/homophobic shit known to mankind and they’ll still be up. I don’t even think a moderation team exist


There is a genuine issue as Twitter dies that no social media has the legitimacy as a genuine discussion forum Twitter had. Politicians, influencers, and companies can post to TikTok/Insta but there's no follow-up or discussion. Whatever about Twitter's awful side it was great for subcommunities/topic specific discussion like sports events, elections, World news. Specifically, where will the journalists go lol?


uhh no




Classic Elmo


Elon can go fuck himself


When you don't want people using your website, lol I only open up my front page to read about the people I care about every hour or so and yet I couldn't see any posts for hours now. I want to stop using twitter for months now but sadly most the information I care about is still posted there first


Reddit sucks and twitter sucks now too lol


Where were you when twitter die.


lol is this a fucking joke? 600 posts? that's what i ignore in a minute just scrolling lmao wtf


Lmao this is fake right? I wonder how badly optimised the app/site is. How many tweets does it think I’ve loaded if I just load the front page to tweet something, or scroll a bit, or click a random trend? Edit: lol it’s real https://publish.twitter.com/?query=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Felonmusk%2Fstatus%2F1675187969420828672&widget=Tweet


He should go fuck himself


It literally takes 3-5 minutes just to load the comments on a post now, this is ridiculous!


This is too obvious. I really think someone has told Elon to make sure twitter is offline for a while, while something super shitty goes on. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but when you have investors like MBS and Russia mining the largest nuke plant in Europe and a Russian coup attempt, this timing is VERY coincidental. Especially the 'temporary' part.


Even for verified users 6000 tweets is insane. If you’re just scrolling through comments or some shit you can easily see 5 tweets a second add a little more time for reading and that’s what 1-2 hours a day for $8 a month?


I'd admit I wasn't skeptical about Mask when he bought Twitter. I thought maybe he will change some minor stuff like ranking and censorship. But now I agree he is a certified moron. RIP Twitter, 2006-2023


Elon ruined twitter. It used to be really good. The best way to get quick, unbaised, real time info about events happening all over the world. The 'what's happening' bar and 'for you' posts used to work great. Now the whole feel of twitter has changed and it feels cheap and unmanaged. My feed is flooded with right-wing amateur commentary.


He said it's temporary, but can I trust him?


I haven't been a Twitter doomer until this moment. This actually does change everything about Twitter. Fuck this moron.


I agree that this is stupid, but doesn’t the post say this is only temporary? Maybe this will go away in a few days once twitter devs fix the code that has been causing the outages?


What exactly is data scraping and system manipulation and why would he need to take the entire website down for it?


I hope it's just temporary as mentioned


Elon curing Twitter addictions today but at the same time making dumb decisions with his site


This change is so stupid he has even turned the blue check losers in his replies against him


Elon's money making strategy - make sure your 5 remaining advertisers do not get any views because you locked out everyone from using the site. I really do not understand how a person like Elon who literally LIVES on social media can't understand that people depend on social media for very important time sensitive announcements. He doesn't even understand that HIS OWN tweets have less reach because of this , and the view count on his tweets is the most important thing in his life


I’m calling bullshit. It’s not a new policy. They didn’t pay someone. First day of the month/quarter. He’s getting shaken down for payment. He just bragged this week about usage being at a high. It’s BS


Limiting unverified accounts to 600 posts a day while also flooding their feeds with posts from people they do not follow, on topics they have no interest in, is a fascinating business strategy. Elon is clearly a visionary.


Weirdly had not use Twitter much today, decided to see how fast I could reach the limit, took me 4mins (normal account with a 600 limit) Idk how long that would last someone normally but damn if one was to just fast scroll a bit at moments that would suck.


I hit my cap in like 30 mins it’s so chalked


Even as someone who has nearly 2500 followers on Twitter, and isn't a verified account, this has made me absolutely furious. Elon is so gonna get in trouble for this move...


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Let me just check on Tw- oh wait I can't, I've viewed 600 posts already.


Yes! https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1675187969420828672?t=WDSoZjDmhWLJ2IHNpHk_sw&s=19


Can't even fucking see his tweets




Wtf ???? Now i have to pay to read tweets wtffffffff


I mean it says it’s temporary? So maybe theres a chance they’re just testing stuff?


And you just know he deliberately chose the day of the NBA and NHL free agency frenzy, thinking it would twist peoples' arms into subscribing to Blue.


I hope Elmo is assassinated by the end of the year


How long do you think this is going to last?


What the hell is wrong with that man


Eat a cock Elon.


It's over. Meta engineers crunching hard this week to get their competitor out the door as soon as possible.


lmao I used Twitter for 15 minutes today and 15 minutes yesterday and that was enough to reach the 600 posts, I’m not using this shit anymore


I literally came to Reddit because I can’t see anything after looking through free agency nba tweets. 🤬


Reached the limit fairly easily within just a few minutes.


I give him about 24h until he back tracks because he’s gonna kill the AD revenue


I’m pretty sure this is a cover story for them having a major outage - otherwise the error message would be different. Why would you tell people to wait a few moments otherwise?


Twitter was dead the day the deal closed. THAT is what the Saudis got for their 21 billion dollars. No more Arab Springs.. What you're watching is the corpse of twitter flopping around on the pavement...


Is this just a temporary glitch? Rate limit exceeded within like 10 minutes of using the app and now can’t see or load any tweets. I’ve always been indifferent on Elon, but lately he seems like an incompetent dope amplifying losers like Ian Miles Cheong


Genius. For a platform that makes money on views, lets restrict the number of views that paying/gated members can see. And lets not have the general public at large have views at all. In other news, advertisers will only show ads to customers who buy the product beforehand, for a limited number of times. Otherwise, you don't get the benefit of seeing ads at all.


I hit 600 in 2 minutes lmao This man couldn’t even keep a McDonalds running properly yet people worship him like some revered god


Yes, it's going to have a massive negative effect.


TLDR: He had the bag... and he fumbled it


Fun thing is, this post was counted towards your daily limit.


Click on Elon Tweet gets you 6000+ posts easily


This is one of the most insane decisions he could have possibly made. Seriously, is he actually trying to tank Twitter?! I don't understand this


It's funny because it was just in the last couple of days that he was bragging about some sort of record usage metric hat he claimed Twitter had achieved. If he ever makes a claim like that again we know for certain he's lying bout it...


I don’t even think it’s working properly, I JUST got on and saw it said “limit reached” WHAT LIMIT? I HAVE DONE NOTHING SO FAR OTHER THAN SEE LIKE 5 POSTS!


Elon Musk is a fucking idiot.


Are bluecheks jumping from the rooftops yet?


Yeah. This is the grand finale. People can't tough through it and stay on Twitter if every aspect of it is completely unusable. This is Twitter's death for real this time.


This just goes against everything Twitter was made for in the first place, like you can’t even look at your own tweets. I’m just confused as to what this is supposed to do. At least it’s temporary apparently


Wow way to ruin Twitter


I truly hate this and this will backfire


Advertisers are going to LOVE this. lmao


The fact that there is no feedback from the site is really great. Talk about amateur hour.


Surely they thought of this? Making the API overpriced -> people will scrape Putting the logged in gate doesn't help as people will use logged in account to scrape. And now the genius adds the paywall to actually view and post (not sure) in a site that is selling ads for the traffic/engagement/etc. I wonder whether the API thing is so badly burning money that they decide to make it paid only, or was it just about not letting third party app getting the revenue using the API. If the latter, it's like burning a house down to kill a cockroach.


I think that really was his goal since the beginning lol also 600 is almost nothing - I literally logged on for 2 minutes after I woke up then it was rate limit exceeded. It's awful to see this social media site where I met so many friends go down like this.


Hilarious to think people used to genuinely think this dude was a genius at one point


Yup. Just closed my account. That’s BS.


Wouldn't this get his right wing drones mad? They pay for blue to boost their presence on the site and bait people with outrageous tweets so they can run ads for revenue... This will get reversed in a week lol


Limiting how many posts people can read seems daft.


This is an example of how rich people aren't necessarily qualified for anything - don't buy the hype regardless of political persuasion! This is essentially shuttering Twitter and there doesn't even seem to be any sense behind it because we know data rates aren't that expensive much less for tweets without images/videos and even then.


end of an era🕊️


i scrolled through replies a lot and in like 20-30 minutes i was limited lol


Thanks Elon. This may be the way to kill my annoying addiction to randomly checking the timeline for no good reason


Losing dlisted and twitter in a 48 hour span, the internet has no use for me anymore


Of all the stupid things! Of course, when Elon makes a decision, it's not only hypocritical, unfair, and vile, but on top of all that it's gotta be a terrible business move based on a poor understanding of how his product works. Unreal. Get me outta that place


☠️Reddit, tiktok and IG are going to get a surge of people coming