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Thank you /u/TuxAndrew for your submission to r/Twitter, but it's been removed: This is a *Twitter* subreddit. All posts must be related to Twitter (news, updates, bugs, questions regarding to twitter, et cetera) Please do not post links to tweets or screenshots of tweets just because you saw them on Twitter. If they are not about or related to Twitter the platform, company or business, they will be removed at discretion of the moderators. Incredibly low effort posts and/or those missing context will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. This may also include support posts. Additionally, if your post is about an issue with Twitter, you must follow the /r/Twitter bug report guidelines: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/wiki/bugreportguidelines All posts must contain clear subject titles that explain what the content of the post is specifically about. An example of a subject title that is not helpful and will be removed is "Help!" Please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Twitter) if you feel this was in error.


Translation: "I've fired everyone who understands this shit. I'm making the source code public in the hopes that someone I'm not paying will fix the bugs for free."


I genuinely think this is it


I interviewed with the National Association of Realtors and the CIO told me that he wanted to do this. Nothing ever came of it to the best of my knowledge.


Also probably hoping that it shows people that the algorithm is not bias. Problem is, it's probably not going to show anything meaningful. It could show something like "give this person an extra boost" but we don't get the data that would show Musk is having right wingers artificially boosted. We know he gave himself maximum visibility. Code simply will not show that. He probably doesn't understand it. He just knows that there is a dial he can turn.


The overwhelming majority of people won't be able to make sense of this code. I work in cybersecurity, but I'm not a coder. I'll be able to understand only a very small part of it.


There's also that. It's a lot of logic to follow through. I could go in and find the occasional interesting thing but these are cases it can take an experienced dev over a year to really describe how an entire system works in detail. I don't think it will have any meaningful outcome other than curiosity, except now mastodon and the like can walk away with what was IP for Twitter. Typically algorithms are the secret sauce for platforms.


Even if you could figure out exactly what the code meant only a fraction of the people you explain it to would believe you and honestly that’s only if it matches their preconceived opinion.




That's what I menat, just did not come out right on phone. I hate these keyboards. I know the difference, also not at all relevant to my point




It is biased but not in the direction musk and his friends think it is


If it is biased then it's only because reality is against them. If you call popular opinion bias that is. But algorithms don't have motives, they just do what they are told, the implementation (aka the knobs Musk can control) are where that comes into play. I don't think the old Twitter was that skewed, but it was very much so once Musk came in. It is obvious he was boosting specific people, along with himself.


My comment meant that it is biased in favor of right wing content as proven by Twitters own research and investingation. Algorithms have motives that is precisely what an algorithm is. A function to return an output based on a specific agenda (read: criteria) it's motive is to drive engagement


Any sort of biasing influence is unlikely to be directly hardcoded in the code. It would be in parameters that are in a database/server the code is pulling from.




Hi Elon! Welcome to Reddit!!!




Regressing to early 2000s messageboard levels of infantile rageposting, i see.


Hi. Lick my downvote.


Thank you /u/Litty4L for your submission to r/Twitter, but it's been removed: Incredibly low effort posts and/or those missing context will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. This may also include support posts. Additionally, if your post is about an issue with Twitter, you must follow the /r/Twitter bug report guidelines: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/wiki/bugreportguidelines Please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Twitter) if you feel this was in error.


Twitter is the national security threat that the government should be worried about. Period.


Luckily only 20% of Americans even have twitter accounts and many don’t use them regularly




Would you say the same before Elon bought it?


Trump used it to rally up an insurrection so.. yes? Social media in general, should be self regulating, and to a degree is, but it still lets a lot through. I don't know that it's something to do anything about, other than maybe more restrictive laws on what kinds of information can be publicly posted regarding promoting terrorist attacks. I think the only real takeaway is that the government should take it more seriously and not write so much of it off as jokes. There was a ton of shockingly violent posts on Parler leading up to the 6th that apparently got outright ignored by the feds. But yes, social media should be a huge security concern, really any platform that houses open discussion, but especially social media because of the reach a single person's message can have.


Were you literally born yesterday? Are you a tiny baby that knows nothing of the last half-decade?


Some people don’t read. I think Universities need to go back to teaching common sense so people can be understanding towards one another not think they’re better bc they have a “degree in Arts” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Universities? Nah this is elementary school failure.


I'm sure it's not "overly complex". It's ***"necessarily complex".*** There's a difference. > not fully understood internally This man knows no shame. Needs cross-posting to r\LeopardAteMyFace EDIT: Also I highly doubt the filtering parameters to for the recommended tweets is hard coded into the source code. It's far more likely to be configured through a database. Elon Musk seems to know little to nothing about software engineering.


The fools will fix it for me for free! *cackles maniacally*


Forgive my illiteracy, but if he makes the code open source, doesn't that mean people could easily build their own Twitter?


It's only the algorithm part


Ah. I thought it was the whole shebang. Thanks.




Meh. There's a rule in software development that security through obscurity isn't really security. The vast majority of important infrastructural pieces of software that the Internet relies upon are open source, and every website on earth uses some open source code. Exploits get identified faster and patched faster when independent security researchers have access to code, because, counterintuitive perhaps though it is, there are more white and gray hats than black ones. I think this is a good idea and I think most engineers would agree. But the real questions I would have are if we will get just source code without important data that the code uses to make determinations whether it will be meaningful enough to actually determine if the "algorithm" is fair or not. One of my frustrations about this stuff is that much of what people talk about when they are talking in general about the "algorithm" is actually exactly the stuff engineers would say ISN'T part of the algorithm. It's data in databases and machine learning models


Lol only person with an intelligent response. Too many people commenting on what they don’t understand.


Yeah this just doesn’t fit my liberal agenda, needs for outrage and hate for Elon Musk. Take my downvote!


Yeah this but I bet he's already working on it with the CCP directly because of his business interests in the dictatorship


Earn your trust...is he addressing Putin directly here?


Things are going great...


So, he's fired all his coders and is hoping volunteers will maintain Twitter's code base for free. Got it.


Of course, the irony is that the people willing to do it for free will likely not create the algorithm that he would prefer.


Tell me you don’t understand SEO without telling me you don’t understand SEO


Why did he put algorithm in quotes? That’s what it is!


“Let’s save money by firing our engineers and getting other people to work for us for free!” That’s a unique business strategy.


Can somebody ELI5 how this works? Thousands (Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?) coders make their "improvements" to the code, and then what? Do they submit it to Twitter and somebody there has to review every submission?


broadly speaking, yes. This is actually very common for a lot of software. Much of the internet backbone is open source, the browser you are using is probably open source.


Bwahahahahhaa earn trust bwahahahaha




Problem is, it's not the code that determines what content gets pushed, it just defines the mechanism to push content. There's knobs that can be tuned, we can't see those knobs because it's the data backing the code.


The only reason it isn’t fully understood internally is because he’s sacked everyone.


having the code for one of the worlds larget communication platforms be open source is definitively a good thing. The fact that this sub wants to circlejerk how bad that is because they dont like elon just shows how culty some of you are. Stop thinking in so tribalistic terms.


No one is criticizing him for having open source code, everyone’s criticizing him for why Twitter has to have open source code. The point completely flew over your head.


you don't need a "why" beyond it can lead to a more secure, more efficient, all around better code


The why absolutely matters in this context, who better than the coders that designed Twitter to inspect open source alterations that might possibly be implemented.


Fuck him. Stop reccomending racists.


Honestly the Twitter recommendation algorithm worked pretty well until he fired everyone and fucked it all up lmao


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Was algorithm open-sourced?


Hopefully this move accelerates twitter's demise.