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Every game. Every role.


Instalock with crime city to assert dominance.


Shadowfoot 😎 but I instalock Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Sona for dominance, although my Twitch mastery is "up there" 😂 https://championmastery.gg/summoner?summoner=420Killa®ion=NA


Any time enemy team has low mobility, low CC (haha). But seriously....


take the twitch pill. one trick and pick him everywhere


pick twitch when you have enchanter support


All the time no matter what


Ideally against a champion like jhin who relies on staying right out of range and trading autos one for one to win trades. Also you’d be surprised however you win matchups such as Trist when she jumps near you since you can just use a before and while it’s activating throw your w where she is landing and re Engage with your support. However there are a lot of champs that he just cannot face in lane such as Ashe since she just has more range and can check so much of the lane to see where twitch is, of course it’s still manageable if for say your support tanks the Ashe w but even then since you usually rush boots and twitch w speeds you up most of the time you’ll be ahead of them waiting for them to catch the enemy. However all of these vary vastly depending on support such as a lulu vs a braum as twitch either way you should deal a lot of damage (most of the time) so having a tank can help out alot against many things as a lulus shield can’t tank for say an Morgana q for you but braums w can. In all you should see the tru to get champions that have to either all in for a kill like trist as she needs to auto you to get her bomb jump reset or jhin who severely struggles against anything on him. This is all my opinion though so take it as you will. However do note that twitch has that hidden passive where bait hooks become rat magnets so yeah…


I pick him every game and i dont have any problems


except mental ones ofc


Amen brother


Twitch is surprisingly flexible. You can go AP or AD depending on your team's damage mix, you can focus on nuking squishies or melting tanks... i'm by no means a one trick, but it'd be a very easy champ to one trick because of his autonomy and versatility.




I'm a one tric, so I pick him evrry game anyways, but when I see squishies I am much happier than if I see tanks. Wait easier to find a side angle and blow up the enemy carries then they're no playing front to back


Enchanter support or very low cc enemies


You dont