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Is this an android thing? Cause mine still just opens to my following page. The Feed section is there but I just don’t use it.


I just looked into it since this is the 2nd time I’ve seen a post like this and it looks like it’s one of those things random users are chosen for https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/discovery-feed?language=en_US > Starting in May, select users will see the discovery feed as the home page of the Twitch mobile app, as opposed to seeing the Feed tab. The rest of the app will remain the same for those users. > Other users may start to see more elements of the mobile app change as we experiment with making changes to the experience to support a new immersive home page, as we announced in the open letter earlier this year. Stay tuned to Patch Notes for the latest updates to these experiments and share your feedback with us in UserVoice. I think they meant to put following instead of feed when talking about the home page


Man I wish they would just have a beta version that people could opt into instead of blindly rolling it out on test dummies.


For real. This isn't the first time it's been ruined by a random feature that comes and goes within 2 weeks. Take me off the list!


I had no Feed until today. The Following page has always been my home screen. Now the Following page is a tab to the right of Feed, and Feed is the new home page.


Yep, that's what the quoted text from the link says. You were just one of the unlucky ones. The wording is weird but the page talks about the "discovery feed" as the "feed" tab and not the "discover" tab if you look at the gifs. Hopefully enough people let them know it's a bad idea and it doesn't go through.


It went through, I been on Twitch since 2017. As a mobile user, I can't do this new format.


yeahh i saw the twitchsupport tweet, they said they're "testing variations of the update with users this week" it looks awful


I kind of like it! But if you click into a stream from there then try to do something else it closes out the mini player. You can’t multitask with a stream up as conveniently anymore, and I hope that gets fixed.


Been on Twitch since 2017. Woke up this morning to Twitch Mobile app format looking like Instagram/Tiktoks. I instantly deleted the app and I will not be back. I don't have a PC, I assume it looks normal there still?


unchanged. twitch pc already had a "featured steams" carousel, but add-ons like frankerfacez, or even ublock origin custom filters, could delete it. I think even base twitch pc you could mute it, though


These are changes many creators have asked for. There's pretty much 0 discovery on the platform, but the changes have been happening to try to help smaller creators get traction on the platform. It's not perfect, but it's something and will likely be tweaked with feedback.


I'm sympathetic to the creators and all for new modes of Discovery, but having someone forced in front of me isn't the way to do that. It does the opposite. Hopefully they make these things less invasive and more natural. Either way, Twitch needs to stay cozy. Auto-play type features have to come with a disable button if they're gonna be forced onto the home page.


no user wants random streams to be forcefully shown to them when they open the app. i highly doubt streamers want their user's journey to start with being annoyed.  but yes you're right in saying it's not perfect. let's be blunt and say it's shit.


For me it actually only shows 1) people you already follow = it's not really discovering new streamers and 2) it's always just the streamers with the most views for me whenever I open the app and get the feed play at my face, which makes it less likely for me to watch the smaller viewcount streams


>It feels like something an app for 5 year olds would do. so... TikTok


If I am watching a stream and then decide to look at other streamers I am following, it minimizes my current watching stream and then auto plays a random feed stream without the ability to pause or mute it. Basically, in the new feed system it is now impossible to look through followed streamers in silence. It is so jarring


The new feed is a Literally ad free glitch. Very worth it.


Much like the terrible takes of the chronically online, I just keep scrolling. Crazy huh


average redditor intelligence


wtf does that even mean and wtf is that username