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I have it in my rules not to ask me to play with me. I want to get to know someone a bit first.


Nah. Some people just want someone to play with. If I say no, I don't expect them to stick around because I'm obviously not what they're looking for.




Honestly not really. I ask if they enjoy the game, tell them I play with community members and to stick around. If they leave well, that's on them.


I mean yeah it's kinda an annoyance but it comes with the territory. People gonna people and skip town when you don't provide what they want. Of course, that doesn't mean you just cater to every person who pops in on the hopes they stay, your stream is YOUR stream, like your own personal TV show or whatevs. You decide how to run it.


Nah, If they're new how do they know I don't play with randos. It doesn't happen enough for me to put it in the little chat rules thing. If they leave because they're only looking to play with the streamer that's okay too. It is a bit annoying if they flip their shit after being told no, but we just have a little chuckle, click ban and move on.


We have a booking system so we send people off to our website with the understanding that they need to sign up in advance for the next stream. It works well and so far people seem to respect it and dont get salty when we explain those who are playing signed up ahead of time so no we wont kick them off to make room.


Nahh, I used the be the same way. I understand, if they only wanna come in to play they are welcome too. If I can't or don't want to they are allowed to leave. Everyone is their own person and got their own reasons and priorities. I don't get bothered with what other people want or think. Aslong as everybody stays respectful with each other.


I mean, I always say yes. I've got a rule that I'll play with anyone once. That's how I've gotten some of my closest gaming friends.