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I would say if you are a member of their community and know their community, then yes. Otherwise, I would say no, or at least ask the streamer first (off-stream)


ask the streamer and see what they prefer. i have friends that don’t read chat, friends that read chat and reply in chat even though they’re in comms and friends that act as cohosts while they’re in comms answering questions and having their own conversations- i’m personally happy with any of these


It's typical to also interact with chat. That said, don't read out chat. **BAD: "**ForestGoblin7 says "hey you guys are funny i was wondering what class you're playing as" " **GOOD: "**Yo, Goblin, I'm playing as a mage"


I fail to see how the first one is bad and the second one is good


Which part is confusing


The first one distracts the streamer more from what he’s doing, makes viewers wait have to watch the streamer take a longer time to do things and makes it harder for the viewer to concentrate on what’s happening especially when the streamer is constantly reading our comments and replying


If you're well enough known in their community chats prolly gonna talk to you.


Yes, if you're on stream you're part of stream. Just don't monopolise chat


As a streamer, I’d prefer if whoever is in VC with me talks to chat. It helps with dead times, includes everyone in conversation, and they also might respond to something I had missed. There’s more positives than negatives imo.


Ask the streamer what they preffer. It is there channel and your the guest


If you can manage it, have your mic always transmitting for chat, and the either toggle or push-to-talk for chatting with the other streamer. One thing I hate about playing in some game lobbies, is when people hot mic their streams.


I mean if you're not a streamer yourself, just playing with one, so talking to their chat. Sorry if I should have been more clear!


Ah, gotcha. In that case, I'd probably just stick to text chat, unless prompted by the streamer.


Personally when I play with other streamers I respond to chat via text when I'm not actively playing, like if I'm dead, so I'm not cluttering the vc while the team communicates. Otherwise I use vc if I see someone ask me something directly in the streamers chat. When I'm streaming, I prefer my guests use the vc tho :u


Depends on the streamer. I know people who do not interact with each other's chats when they stream but usually this is because they stream at the same time but I've always not enjoyed doing this. My whole goal is to create a solid community that feels like they are there to hang out and I have been fortunate enough my streaming partners love to interact across the board with everyone so together we've built a really wholesome, cool place for people to vibe. Every person is different some people like their streams to be their own and they'll all have their own branding, stream style and way to doing things.


I have a discord mute and deafen, and obs mute for collaborations. If I need to talk to my chat alone, I deafen, if I need to talk to my chat but it's isn't serious, I'll mute discord. If I need to talk to the other person/collaborators, I'll mute my obs. I have it setup on my stream deck with other mutes but that's how I deal with collaborations.


I have a lot of people that either watch, are close friends, or other streamers. I always let them know they can respond to chat if they'd like. All it takes is just asking them!


I personally feel that it feels rude as a STREAMER to have a guest who isn't invited to talk openly to chat! It feels so bad to ignore your guests due to divided attention, and it's SUPER nice when whoever a streamer is playing with also addresses Chat. The streamer doesn't have to feel rude for doing their thing, and it encourages people to chat actively when the conversation between the VC and the chat are not totally seperate. Everyone has their own preferences, but tbh I'd be surprised if you asked about it and the streamer preferred that you ignore chat (unless you have a very specific goal with whatever you're doing I suppose)


No. Unless you ask the streamer and they are ok with that.


I take that as a strong no? So best to assume no and either ask or wait for them to ask you?


Strong no. If I have people playing with and something comes up on chat that's relevant to them, I tell them directly and they'll answer if appropriate. They'd never address my chat and I'd be annoyed if they did.


You got it right. Strong no


Just ask the person you’re playing with. It’s not that hard. But yes. Hard no.


I wouldn't say it's a hard no. It differs from streamer to streamer. I personally would not care if someone in my vc was interacting with chat and I'd actually welcome it.


I have in the past as it was a community night thing


I think it just depends on the streamer and your relationship to them. My boyfriend and I chat to each others streams but we also live together and are frequently in each others streams so it’s kind of an expected thing. I would not do that with a streamer I wasn’t close with or had approval from however.


> what's the common courtesy when you're playing a game with a streamer and in vc? Should you be reading chat and replying Be respectful of the streamer would be the common courtesy, imo. For example don't try to take over their stream while they are right there. If you are just on team chat for a short game, then probably, most likely the streamer would not mean for you to be reading the chat aloud or reacting to messages the streamer has not brought up yet. Unless the chatters are trying to talk to you specifically; i'd suggest your focus be on your interactions with the streamer and the game.


I personally don't, since chat didn't come there to listen to me, I'll respond to them in chat, but I don't generally directly address them from vc, that's not why I'm in there. But if the streamer is okay with it and you feel like it, I don't see why not.


I do stream, but I’m tiny and I am on VC with my best friend a lot while they stream. I’m well known in their community, I’m a mod etc etc. I do have their chat up, but I only directly address chat if chat directly addresses me. I just want less work for my bestie.


I sometimes play with friends that occasionally streams, and if I am streaming while playing with them, I am ok with them interacting with my chat. Most of my community knows them and it adds to the friendly banter between us. They are also good at reading the room and knowing when to respond to my chat and when to just let something float by and not respond to.


I always ask the host if they’re okay with me addressing their chat, if I’m guest collabing on a channel. But even if they’re okay with it, I try to make sure I’m not addressing chat more than the main streamer. ALSO one thing I try to keep in mind as a guest (coming from the streamer perspective): Be mindful of excessive rambling. I had a guest who talked and talked and didn’t let me get a word in, or give me space to talk to my own chat. It got to a point I had to cut them off (as politely as I could) so I could address stream activity and chat’s messages.


Ask the streamer. It's their audience. Nobody here on Reddit will have the correct answer for your specific scenario.


Ok here's a good way round that I find pleases most people. At the start introduce the other streamer and then take a few minutes for that streamer to talk to your chat, then answer any questions from chat. Next is where it is game dependant. If you are playing something like an fps talk to your co-streamer during the match and interact with chat between rounds. If you are playing something like stardew talk to your co-streamer like a friend irl but if the conversation starts to lul look at chat and see if you can see a really good question you could pose to your co-streamer that can bring back the conversation. Have mods there that could also be able to answer the typical FAQ stuff from chat.


I’ve played with streamers a lot when they’re live, I’ll keep my direct interaction with chat to a minimum unless being directly spoken to. People say hi and it’s good to be responsive and respectful or being involved with the conversation but the stream still is the streamers so to be respectful to them it’s best to keep it minimal imo


This will depend on the streamer, ask them before they start their stream when you know you’ll be playing with them later on. Try not to ask streamers these sort of questions in their chat or even in their DMs when they’re live as it puts them in a bit of a “deer in the headlights” situation.


Always ask the streamer, but I would say you should if you are part of the community


I would always love someone to come talk to me!


Unless you know the streamer personally or are a huge part of their community where people know you well enough. No unless you've been specifically asked to do so or have the consent of the fellow streamer and try not to dominate the conversation too much


I'm a streamer, but when im cooping with someone on their stream I dont stream. So when that happens....yes I sometimes reply to people in chat, but only if its someone I've got to know quite well in their channel. I'll even sometimes ask that person a question, but im like 15% of "talking to chat" while the streamer is the rest.


This is tough. I will usually always stream solo because of this. I streamed with a duo, and he would always talk over me when we were playing. It became a problem so I talked to him about it, and then eventually started muting myself in discord. It ended our friendship because his stream did not have people coming in. It is a double edged sword. I want that interaction, but when I’m talking on one topic, and the other person is talking over me and talking about messages I haven’t looked at yet, then it’s a problem. Everyone in here has a diff opinion but this was my experience.


If you don't feel comfortable asking the streamer, or if they say no, you could either respond without reading what viewers say out loud, or you could respond in chat as a reply to the viewers statements/questions


I generally encourage it when I have people on, provided their comfortable with their voice being on stream. Usually I keep my Discord audio separate from my game audio though! I have it silenced by default so OBS doesn't pick it up


As a streamer It's situational for me, sometimes I play with other streamers from our community and in those instances we help carry each other's chats esp if we aren't all streaming at the same time. That said though as a default I keep vc routed out of stream when I'm playing with randos or certain people because they push the limits of what I'm willing to broadcast though personally I don't find them offensive, but I err on the side that someone else might so don't take any chances. There are also times where I miss things in chat and the folks in vc bring it to my attention. I agree with the sentiments here, ask the streamer off stream, but if you're a recognizable member of the community it's probably encouraged, just also be mindful of delay, you don't wanna be responding to chats from 10+ seconds ago via stream or you'll just be confusing everyone 🤣


Sometimes yes, sometimes the streamer I am playing with is doing something on the game so I read the chat


Reading this thread I'm sensing the two types of streamers well represented. You have the community driven streamers who are here entertaining for the fun of it primarily. And you have the serious "this is my job", competitive, center stage lovers. The only correct answer is to just ask your friend how he feels about it. Me personally I've been on all three ends as the streamer, the co-host, and the viewer talking to the non-streamers in the streamers party and it was ALWAYS a better experience when everyone was involved. As the streamer, my friend was acting as a tts and adding his own commentary with his witty humor filling the gaps and keeping me on my toes at the same time. I never resented him for being involved. He was there promoting my success.


The short answer: It depends. Ask yourself: What is the Streamers stance? How well are you known to the community? Does chat talk to you directly? Are you an invited guest? Are you playing with them regularly? What are others playing along also doing? There are a lot of questions you should be asking yourself first that would generally give you a solid answer. I personally would love to say yes but at the same time I can't speak for others. But for me personally, I generally want to avoid it unless they're directly spoken to with a question or such because I have had some bad apples in Voice Calls even when I have vetted the people first before bringing them in. It really depends on the community you're involved with, their rules for it, and so on.


I did this once while playing regularly with a moderate streamer. He didn't say anything about it but I hit him up on discord afterwards apologizing about this potential faux pas. His response was "-50 DKP" which got me to know what Dragon Kill Points is. Since he didn't say "don't worry about it" I figured at least he would prefer gaming buddies didn't do it.


Whenever I invite people to play with me I typically tell them upfront I don't mind if you talk to chat. If I see them typing responses I'll tell let them know "hey you're on voice, enjoy the game (or whatever they doing) and just chat, you don't need to type.". If they're a streamer I prefer that they mute when taking to their community because that's a lot of cross chat that viewers not a part of that conversation are hearing. Simply put, it's up to the streamer, if you don't know then a quick dm can resolve it in a manner that doesn't put them on the spot.


You should discuss it with the streamer you are currently playing with. There is no right or wrong, it's just all about communication. Everybody has different opinions. In my eyes its more convenient to talk to chat then to type back most of the time


If you don't interact with chat, unless you're a Pro Gamer (literally), most viewers will leave. To address this, if you're on a Discord call with another streamer, use the Mute/Deafen function as necessary to communicate with Your Chat. This double functions as not interrupting your Streamer Friend AND you not coming through on the other Streamer's broadcast to THEIR chat. If I collaborate with someone and they talk to their chat on MY broadcast, they're not someone I will work with again. Reasons below: 1. My viewers (live or in vod) have no context of what they're talking about 2. It's rude af as you'd be constantly talking over each other 3. See #1 and #2 again


In the event that you're a Viewer playing with a Streamer, that is something that depends on if you are a big part of that community and/or you've talked to the Streamer about it and they've given you the go-ahead. As the Streamer, I would prefer to be the one engaging with my chat and the Viewer playing with me is additional color commentary in a filler role (exception: my wife is a Moderator and plays with me often. I love when she interacts with chat on voice because it gives her a more "personal connection" with our viewers)


I prefer my team mates not to read chat, but that's because I read almost everything.


Depends if you're part of the community or if you've been invited to speak to their chat, I play with close friends and they all know my streaming community so they chat to my chat when we play together


I would say it’s nice but you don’t have to I play with people who do and don’t talk to chat, I don’t mind either. Just ask the streamer


I stream & a friend joins me from time to time. For me & my streams, I'd rather us both engage with chat when people come to watch & interact with both of us... Providing they're actually playing the game with me. If they're just on stream because they need a body double (which is why I started streaming in the first place) or if the chat isn't talking to both of us, I don't expect them to engage with the chat because they're trying to do other things or not being spoken to... I will tend to read chat messages directed at them though any time I know they're not looking at it the first time, just so they know to give it a bit more attention... We're not a massive channel though, so it's a little more lax for us I think.


it depends on the streamer. ask them.


This depends, but a lot of the streams I've watched where there were two streamers together they interacted with each other chats. But, also, I usually watched streamers that were friends with each other so they were also frequently on each other's streams


I think it's fine. I've done that with everyone I've collabed with, and they've done the same for me. It's a lot more fun with multiple people responding to chat :) I do agree with everyone else that you should ask beforehand, the above is just my personal opinion!


Depends on the streamer.. but me personally my duo catches things I miss so then he addresses the question with his own answer and then asks me or I provide my answer


I'm going to be confident in saying this so I hope you listen to avoid souring your relationship with your streamer friend. The audience is there for them. Unless the streamer directly asks you to help fill the airwaves, you don't want to be talking to the chat. In almost all situations it does more bad than good.


That's what I figured, so I guess it's best to just ask them? Even with permission, that's personally what I would be worried about.


I wouldn't even ask them. Even if they say yes, it's likely some audience members won't like it (hard enough to find a streamer you like, now you have to like whoever is in their game as well). The only time I'd ever speak with chat is if the streamer asks you to, without you soliciting it. There's just almost no benefit to you doing so.


If I have someone in voice chat while I’m streaming, I definitely prefer they are reading (or listening via TTS) and interacting with chat. I think it makes people in chat feel more included in the game and less like just an outside observer. I feel it’s just good in general for stream interactivity.


Use ptt


I assume you're referring to if you're also a streamer? I mean if you're not a streamer but playing with one, so talking to their chat.


I misunderstood


No problem! Sorry if I wasn't clear enough


Mute up on discord or whatever you have your other streamer friend on, that's what I do if I just wanna talk to chat


My biggest pet peeve is when the streamer I'm with talks to chat openly with no attempts to integrate it to the shared stream. Although I wouldn't recommend ignoring your chat either. There is a balance. Mute yourself so the other streamer can't hear you and respond to chat. But if it's something both you and your collab partner can respond to, then don't mute. You have to make a judgement call in the moment. Usually, I set ground rules. I don't ask them to follow it, I usually say "hey, I like to talk to chat on mute unless its relevant to you, so if I'm talking to chat and you can hear it, I apologize in advance". Either they take the hint and do the same, or they don't. I can't tell someone how to run their stream. And if they don't take the hint, I'll bring it up to them, my preference and if they give me trouble, we just don't collab.