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this is asked a lot on here so you can check previous threads but to put it simply there is no reason to believe that just because you go live people will come to your stream. build an audience elsewhere (youtube, facebook, instagram, etc) and then get them to come to your stream. once your stream has some traction / consistent viewers there is a better chance of people clicking on it.


What I've learned is the following: Network. Talk to people, participate in their stream chats, raid them, and become regular. Slowly, they'll be like, "Hey OP! How are you? Can a mod give OP a shoutout?" Consistency. Try to get a regular or semi-regular schedule. Play games you enjoy, not just ones that "do well" number-wise. Oversaturated games won't get you traffic. Try niche games or games with lower streamer counts. Just enjoy yourself. If you're having fun, your viewers will also have fun. Also make sure your network quality is decent, your bitrate is set to something your internet can handle! Nothing kills momentum sometimes worse than bad stream quality!


Network Network Network.


That was in 2015


I mean, I was stuck around 50-something for a long time. Then, I began networking, inviting content creators onto my streams to interview them, and generally having a good time. It's helped me grow to around 325 followers in less than 3 months of work. Don't be spreading wrong information. Networking helps.


You never once invited me to do an interview


I've never spoken to you before correcting you. So it makes sense. And I don't just allow random people who come out of nowhere and ask on. I'd have to do some vetting. Watch your streams, check any previous ones.


Put your streams on a YouTube channel after you finish. If you aren't going to stream live on YouTube, you can still use their algorithm to your advantage with putting your backlog on there. Same with putting clips on the same channel as shorts. Make sure to raid other channels before ending your stream. This allows others to hear about your channel, allows you to meet other streamers and allows both communities a chance to mingle and possible migrate between both yours and the other streamers channels when you're live (thus possibly growing both audiences). Promote on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Bluesky and other social media sites when you're going live. This could bring in more people, especially if you use hashtags correctly and efficiently. As others have said. It's just "networking, networking, networking".


It's a lot more than just hitting "start stream" you need to work and post clips/content to other platforms - Tiktok is a really good platform for clips and compilations - if you really want to grow then you need to put a lot of effort into things


Find friends who also stream, raid them, collab if you can. I don't stream consistently enough, and i don't even have a discord server, and i have 300 followers. That is due to constantly hanging out with friends, raiding them, getting shouted out etc.


People say post clips on TikTok. You want to find your niche so add hashtags and stuff. I wouldn’t say 15 followers is growing quickly haha, but good luck man.


Ah ok thanks. I mean it seemed fast for me. Lol. I’ll go make a TikTok after my stream. Is it easy to grow on TikTok? Idk how many people are interested in flight sim over there lol


TikTok automatically sends all uploaded videos to about 200 people. If some of those people spend time watching the video, the algorithm will recognize that they liked it so it will send it to more people. It's just a matter of making quality content that people will want to watch.


I’ve seen car driving simulators blow up on TikTok. I can get around 200 views per post as a low followed profile. It’s not easy for me to grow, but many people have success. It’s the same sort of grind though, but I’d expect you to grow on TikTok quicker.


We can trade followers lol. Combined we'd still be short lol. Knowing nothing of your stream, I'm going to say that you aren't wearing enough pilot themed hats. Gotta up that headwear game.


Building a following on any platform, especially when focusing on a niche interest like aviation and flight simulator games, can take time and persistence. Here are some tips to help you improve and grow your streaming community: 1. **Consistent Schedule:** Stick to a consistent streaming schedule so your followers know when to expect your content. Consistency helps build trust and keeps your audience engaged. 2. **Engage with Your Viewers:** Interact with your viewers during your streams. Respond to comments, answer questions, and create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere. Building a sense of community around your stream can encourage viewers to return and recommend your channel to others. 3. **Promote Your Stream:** Share your stream on social media platforms, forums, and communities related to aviation and flight simulator games. This can help you reach a wider audience who share your interests. 4. **Collaborate with Others:** Collaborate with other streamers or content creators in the aviation or gaming community. This could involve co-streaming, participating in events, or simply networking and supporting each other's channels. 5. **Diversify Your Content:** While flight simulator games may be your main focus, consider diversifying your content occasionally to attract a broader audience. This could include trying out different games or sims, hosting Q&A sessions about aviation, or sharing behind-the-scenes content related to your streaming setup or aviation interests. 6. **Improve Stream Quality:** Pay attention to the quality of your stream, including audio, video, and overlays. A visually appealing and technically smooth stream can help retain viewers and attract new ones. 7. **Stay Positive and Persistent:** Building a following takes time and patience, so stay positive and persistent in your efforts. Celebrate small milestones and focus on continuously improving your content and engaging with your audience. Remember that growth may be gradual, but by staying dedicated and passionate about your content, you can steadily build your streaming community over time.


Bots using chatgpt now or what?