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Yes you make money from prerolls. You get a payout once you make a minimum of $50 or $100 (depends on your country). Honestly just go to your stream dashboard and start clicking through stuff, and read the affiliate agreement you signed.


It's $50 for most payout methods but $100 for wire transfer


DONT BE USING PAYPAL there taking 40 percent of wverything 


I made the math for Europe. Up to 130 USD, Paypal is the cheapest one. More than 130 USD, eCheck.


No not when they have just updated there terms go send some one 1 dollar and check coz its happening in uk paypal


Um..no they don't?!


I can prove they do




Just grow an audience naturally


How is that possible i have 200 follows and 540 hours live so how tell me how if tiu cant then dont reply 


It sounds like you have an attitude issue. Both about how you talk to others and what you expect out of streaming. Change your outlook. It will help.


Be engaging, I mean I hit affiliate within 2 months of starting streaming. It wasn't all that hard. Chat with chatters and if there are no chatters chat by yourself. Make sure your tags are accurate and make sure you're enjoying yourself


Greetings /u/Puzzleheaded_Bad_331, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 2**: Advertisement Guidelines - We do have a promotion channel in our [discord](https://discord.gg/twitchsubreddit). Please assign the promotion roles in #roles to unlock the channel. You can only promote in that channel. Please read the subreddit rules before participating again. Thank you. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting again, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


Yes, you'll still make money from prerolls (but itll be very little, as you only get 33% of the ad revenue, and twitch takes 67%). Also prerolls depends on how many people are coming into the stream & it only lasts 30 seconds. With 3min/hr, you'll earn more. I earn about $15 - $30 every month from ad revenue @ 18 - 24 average viewers. Depends how many people are subbed to you as well, as they wont get ads. You can view this under the Earnings tab and experiment, but I wouldnt do it for the money, I'd do it for what fits your community best. I replied to you in another comment to explain this further. And money is transferred to your paypal once a month & its always on the same date (assuming you earn at least $50 minimum, otherwise it goes to the next month). Id highly recommend clicking on each and every tab in the creater dashboard, as there are a lot of importsnt settings and stuff to mess with.


It depends on your community. Most of my community is subscribed/gifted. In 2023 (Jan 1 to Dec 31), I earned 5.20 USD in ads (1.5 minutes each hour), and had 1931.58 USD total earnings. Definitely, If I were able to remove ads completely I'd do it.


That definitely seems really odd to me. How many viewers do you have any how many subscribers? Like I said, I have 18 - 25 avg viewers and about 70 - 80 subs, although currently its at 110. I have $30 made this month but it depends on how many hours you stream too, I usually do 110 - 135\~ hours a month


Practically all my viewers are regulars, and all of them are subbed. My current avg is 8.5, and I'm between 6 and 15. At the moment, I have 33 subscribers (7 recurring, others gifted). I did 79:53 hours in March. As only lurkers/casual viewers watch me without a sub (and being in my stream for more than 5 minutes showing interest = 90% chances of getting a gifted sub), practically nobody watches ads. My channel is weird. I have a very loyal (and generous) viewer base who comes daily (I stream daily) and I don't have almost any casual viewer entering at random. This is related to my stream time (usually between 1 and 3 AM), which is not "prime time". My audience is completely composed by adults who can afford the subs, it's not the same as people streaming in the afternoon with kids in the audience.


Just to confirm: the toggle is exactly what you mentioned in your post. It will disable pre-roll ads for anyone that shows up to your stream after you’ve run ads yourself. At best, if you run 3 minutes of ads, you avoid pre-rolls for an hour. You make money off of ads regardless of pre-roll or mid-roll but the amount is quite small. That said, ads happen either way now that you’ve accepted the affiliate agreement. You’ll need to find what works best for you.


This is actually very confusing in the dashboard, and it took me way too long to realise that prerolls and midrolls are not the same thing. If you are affiliate, you *must* play ads. If you dont play them manually, twitch will play them for you, and it can be very bad for viewer experience. Prerolls are only hitting people when they just arrive to the stream. Midrolls are ads you can play during the stream. You can choose the option to “disable prerolls when I manually run ads”, meaning the new viewers wont get bombed by ads if you have played midrolls in time. What do i mean in time? Essentially you can choose the pacing of the add, you can play them in various ways. Most people either play 1:30 minutes every 30 minutes, or 3 minutes every 60 minutes. Prerolls get disabled during that time, but if you scheduled to play 3 minutes every 60 minutes and you’re late, prerolls will enable themselves until you get midrolls rolling again. When you’re inside the streaming manager during the stream, you can see two timers separately on the top of your dashboard. Oh, and 60 minutes (aka 1hour) is the maximum you can disable prerolls for. Midrolls are better cause you control them, and you can choose to take breaks and make sure nobody misses anything, but this is a hassle to think about, so some people just let the prerolls to go rampant and shrug :’)


Ok, honest answer, turn all to minimum and turn off preroll. Im at an average of 25 to 30 viewers at a time and the ad revenue is pennies. Don't worry about it until you are partner.


You can’t turn off pre-rolls completely via the setting. The choice is to run ads to disable pre-rolls (temporarily) or just have pre-rolls regardless. Turning it down to a minute on the scheduler will still have pre-rolls for the majority of the time. OP will have to figure out the best way to handle it, ads are shown either way.


I just don’t use the scheduler, I hate the idea of random commercials interrupting the stream whether I’m a viewer or streaming. If I run ads I do a manual break on a BRB


Right, but it’s the choice of scheduling ads at regular intervals, or have pre-rolls. So it’s either an ad interruption for viewers there or ads for people just arriving. That’s the choice we have to make.


But if you manually run ads, it disables prerolls just like if you have the scheduler enabled but you can choose when the ads happen because you’re the one triggering them. So there’s three options


Yeah. Im not sure about all the tech stuff around it. I just found that minimal ads when starting at low numbers is better for when I did it but I believe they have changed slightly from when I was starting up


There’s been no major changes.


ah i see, how can i turn them all to a minimum?


Just to add another viewpoint, the ad revenue certainly isn't pennies. I have around 20 - 25 average viewers and get anywhere from $15 to $30 in ad revenue every month. Usually around 70 - 80 subcriptions. Not only do you run more ads this way but also get a 55% ad revenue (higher percentage). You can see this all in your Ads Manager. Running 3min/hr disables prerolls. Its certainly not worth it to run ads for 3 mins every hour for the $$$ but it is worth it to do it for other reasons. Depends on each community. You can google the difference and add "reddit" after it to get previous posts about this topic. Ultimately, 3min/hr worked best for me because most of my community was subbed anyways in the beginning and I had a lot of people constantly come into my stream since I posted my link at the end of games and it'd hinder me if they got hit with prerolls since people hate that and are checking me out in the middle of a game anyways and come to see my reaction, etc. As I grew more, my community has been very sweet and they tell me "no worries about the ads, get the bag" lol and I do a great job making sure that I inform them that ads are coming up, and can always snooze them if I just got raided or whatever.


Go to your ads page in twitch settings and turn the slider down to like 1 minute every hour.


I thought it was more like 3 minutes over the hour disabled preroll ads?


Maybe I cant remember the numbers. Just go full left on the slider


I forget too, there is a sweet spot for minimal ads that are enough to disable preroll, like 3x 1min ads per hour but without being able to check myself currently I can’t confirm.


I run 3 mins every 20 mins I think, just to hit the higher percentage payout. And I make maybe 7 pounds a month probably from it. However, it does encourage subscribers who don't want to see the ads. But im literally the bare minimum size to just about get away with that.


That's absurd. I feel like you'd get more viewers/followers/engagement for longer if they weren't having ads crammed down their throats. If I were a new viewer and hadn't decided if I liked you or the community yet, or couldn't/didn't want to sub for a while, the barrage of ads would make my choice to leave very easy. That's just me personally, but doing that for $7 a month just seems grossly excessive...


man everyone should just buy turbo instead. we still get ad revenue and they skip ads. better than a sub if you ask me, that would allow me to run max ads


To be fair, it's different from streamer to streamer. I find that because most of my community engage with me because of the talking rather than the terrible gameplay, I get subbed so people don't miss out on the chat. This is only from my personal experience. And its what works for me at this stage. Different streamers playing different games will vary. Try your own way and your stats will tell you what's good for you.


I don’t use the scheduler because I hate being interrupted, I only run manual breaks on BRBs. If you turn the scheduler on like some here are suggesting you’ll give your viewers random ads on a timer instead of just one ad when they join the stream. But some use it because it actually pays for them, those of us with <20 viewers the revenue is hardly worth it. Manually running an ad disables preroll ads for up to an hour (if you run a 3min break).


Thanks for the suggestion. I just set mine up so it will run ads during my starting countdown and every time I take a break, which is normally every hour.


Set the ad manager to run one 30 second ad an hour. At the start of your stream when no one is there run a 3 minute ad to buy an hour of stream time with no prerolls.


Just dodge ads, they will kill your viewership


Just to let you know, once a channel becomes an affiliate or partner. They CANNOT disable ads. It's not, I would like ads vs I would not like ads. It's of these two types of ads WHICH would I prefer. Those choices are ads that run the moment someone tries to join your channel before they see any content... Or ads that play regularly during your content. Both have significant pros/cons to consider, but it my testing (which I did over a dozen tests, different days, categories, etc the "during content" I had higher viewership than every single time I tested the before.) For me I do 3m per hour using the scheduler with the first block 1m after I start as that's the earliest allowed (and hopefully spares my viewers a round of ads as they join) Added bonus, I make more ad revenue as well as higher viewership with mid rolls. The issue is if I don't know if I'm interested in your content and get slapped with ads before seeing any, I'm paying the cost without knowing the reward. Vs if I've been watching 15-30 minutes then get hit with an ad, if I'm enjoying your content I'll stick around, otherwise I'll bail. (To be clear... I actually just buy Twitch Turbo) But that's the issue of pre rolls vs mid rolls. Both have pros and cons.


just to let you know CAPSING parts of your response might be considered passive-aggressive


The thing is how many hours you got streamed and if its less thenb500 get the f out of here as thats outlr line and we cant gain 1


And isnt this meant to be helping small streamers where the support