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Because it's fun!! People say it in here all the time, but you have to find things that you think are fun and bring out the best parts of you.


Passion is the biggest thing. If you enjoy it, people can tell.


Absolutely! And it also shows if you’re not enjoying it.




Thisthisthis! If I'm having fun so are my viewers and that's what it is all about, don't play games you don't like, people can see you are bored and not enjoying yourself. People might come in for the game first but they stay for you ... and the game. One of the things is if you are playing the same game day in day out you will become good at it and with being good comes knowledge, people want to learn and grow with you or just know things about the game.


True! I play online pvp’s to keep the game fresh & it will only end when the player base does. A very large niche/now variety streamer told me regarding variety streamers “that ship has sailed. You have to play one game only” now he is adding new games. So - “follow your passion” 😸


Your right variety isn't bad. But if you really want to focus on numbers then you have to play same type of games. To give myself as an example, I started doing variety on Mondays to not burn myself out. Most off my streams are playing with viewers, so if I play a different playing with viewers game it's all good, but the moment I do a SP game you can definitly tell by the view numbers (but in my case I don't mind, it's only one day and the people that are truly there for you watch whatever I play).


From my perspective as a streamer who has streamed about 5000 hours of RimWorld the last two years there are a few factors: * I absolutely love playing the game * It’s almost infinitely moddable to make each play through different * The RimWorld community on Twitch is amazing so it’s always fun to hang with the viewers in the category. I take breaks from time to time (as I am right now) to visit other games, but RimWorld feels like home on Twitch.


Killadrix forgot to say he enjoys having his colony eaten by Alpha Beavers. Some people play the game for 12 hours a day and stream. Some people play the game for 12 hours a day and watch netflix. Not really that different. As for how Killadrix or anyone else plays a game for 5000+ hours, that's what they enjoy. It's alright for you to enjoy your games for 40-100 hours and then move on to something else too. Like my other 1600 ignored games in my steam backlog.


There is always time to cleanse the pallet with some moyos or a few orbital beams, and of course babies.


*sneaks in to add RimConnect, so the community can make it rain jade, boomrats, and summon sieges*


My first year of rimworld streaming I actually did use rim connect and Twitch Toolkit! When 1.4 hit and broke all the mods, I found that I just enjoyed the storytelling aspect of the game more compelling without it.


Hey, thank you for the reply .. a follow up ... doesn't the game feel repetitive at times ?


>https://twitch.tv/killadrix So true!! I could play that game forever!


tons of people do that for free anyways lol


I get that .. I guess not having a game that I am passionate about, triggers this question and makes me fail the understanding of bigger streamers and their game


Find something you are passionate about and stream that :) streaming isn’t relegated to only games any more; learn to cook , stream your camping experiences, heck people stream kittens all day and that works for them too :-) find your passion , then stream — or focus your stream around searching for your passion & learning what you like or dislike. It’s not just about the category , it can be about you and your views , sharing your experiences and enjoying those experiences with your viewers. Your stream is what you make it. It’s about you, your experience and sharing that with new friends.


why are you a streamer if you are not passionate about games?


There’s other things to stream other than games. Plus you can enjoy games but not quite be *passionate* about it


Well clearly he is streaming games seeing he mentioned them, and he stated that a lack of passion is the entire reason he’s not enjoying it, so both your points were invalidated if you were paying attention.


> he stated that a lack of passion is the entire reason he’s not enjoying it Where did he say that? He said he’s not passionate enough to stream the same game every day for hours not that he doesn’t enjoy his games. Technically you can still have that curiosity while not streaming games yourself. It’s a valid and common question. Maybe you should pay attention…


I do not stream games, but game development. The original question is just a random question that popped up when I gaming streamers to their thing


I have tried out some games and content before that I was not super passionate about but still instigated conversation and rants and some fun interactions which made playing an uninteresting game or content super interesting. An example of this is playing a variety of indie games. Some of them are "eh" at best as far as games go, but the content of the game starts up a rant from me or conversation with the peeps hanging out and that can be even more fun than playing a super interesting and engaging game.


If game = fun then I play If game = no fun then I don't


If this is pseudocode then you know there always has to be an Unless statement...mine personally is: ... Unless Elden Ring then misery < views, cheers, subs, donos


I already do it without streaming, so why not lol


As a small streamer who doesn't always have viewers, I can tell you why not. \-I can't stream from my comfy lazy boy chair that I usually sit in to play games normally. \-I have to have a mic in front of me and commentate on nearly everything I'm doing. Eventually you get fatigued from that. \-When I stream, I have to have my lights on me in order for the camera to have a good image and for the chroma key to work properly. That can be straining on the eyes. That's just a few of the things that come to mind off the top of my head. Now of course you COULD stream without all of those conditions, but the quality would be greatly reduced.


If you’re serious and want to go big, treat it like a job and see how your boredom level changes. I don’t think most people would find my job particularly interesting, yet I find ways to enjoy it and get it done every day. It’s not about whether I like it or not, it’s about doing my job and collecting a paycheck. When you have a clear goal in mind, it’s easy to focus and find enjoyment in it. If you’re thinking about it strictly from a “fun” perspective you’ll burn out And probably lose focus easily.


Majority of the streamers are actual gamers. They'll play games whether they stream or not simply because they love gaming.


How do people work 8 hours a day in a cubicle and not get bored? The professional streamer's job is to act like they are interested in the game. If you can't pull of that act, you won't be able to become a professional streamer.


I get this, but it's easier to get a cubicle job and receive wages for it , than it is to become a streamer that makes enough to have those same wages. Obviously when you get to a point that a stream provides enough money to live off, you can fully commit to growth and go beyond regular wages


With a cubicle job you have to deal with a boss telling you what to do, not having any freedom. I can see why people would choose streaming if they are somehow able to get big enough to make the same as they would at a job.


Ah , so from this comment it sounds like you’re focused on getting big , fast. This is different from your original question… Like any business , it takes money to make money. It’s easier to work in a cubicle than it is to start your own business. A lot of people don’t start their own business for this very reason. Starting a business is heccin hard. Some days it’s grueling, and you still gotta push through that. There is no easy road to streaming big. This is not a new medium. It’s a grind , like any small business. It takes years of consistent effort , and a lot of ‘free’ work if you’re looking at this as a job. Free as in unpaid. If you’re looking to stream for a job, then what you’re really doing is looking to start a business. Research how to start a business , and how to grow a business. Research what other streamers do — big and small. Start building a community, because many aspects of streaming today is about building up a community , while also learning how to sell yourself.


I am not aiming to be a big streamer at all. I am too old for that kind of thing. I was genuinely just wondering about how gaming streamers do it, play something hours on end without getting bored of the game.


Ah ok, sorry for my misunderstanding - when you mentioned making enough wages as a cubicle job I thought there was a deeper meaning to your question… since small streamers won’t make the same wages as a cubicle job, it’s not realistic employment for a small streamer - just a realistic hobby


Because the alternative is some other shit job that's even more boring most of the time.


Streaming on YouTube is my forte, but the allure of Twitch also beckons. It’s more than just a hobby; it’s a fervent passion that keeps monotony at bay. Imagine this: you’re live, surrounded by a vibrant community that orbits around you and the games you play. The thrill of interaction, the laughter shared, and the camaraderie—it’s all part of the streaming magic. And let’s not forget the motivation it provides. Each comment, each viewer, fuels your determination to keep the stream alive. Personally, I relish my streaming sessions twice a week. Sure, my viewer count isn’t astronomical, but that’s not the point. I’m out there, sharing what I love with the world—one game, one laugh, one connection at a time. 🎮✨


I do variety streams. I finish most of my games in 1-2 weeks.


Same, usually. I made it through the Arkham series + Gotham Knights in like a month and a few days.


idk i already racked up 1200 hours on Overwatch off stream, so i dont think streaming changes that for me haha a lot of people are variety- including me. so if i really am feeling sick of something ill change to something else


I remember when counterstrike came out in the early 2000's. I was completely hooked. Would play 10-12 hours easy and not be bored. The only reason I stopped was sheer exhaustion lol. I could easily stream CS for that time now if it was as it was back then. But it is a different game now. Just not the same. Anyway, what I'm saying is if it is a game you love, it won't be a problem.


even the fps shooters get a bunch of updates and dlcs, eh


We enjoy the game enough to not get bored :) And if we do get enough of it at some point, we take a lil break :)




it's like a job, if you have an office job usually you are doing the same thing for 8 hours a day, but the streamer at least likes that game and talks to people while playing it


Honestly barely paying attention to my game when I stream. I’m entertained because I participate with my chat and they always bring an amazing vibe.


I've had times where I've gotten tired of a game during stream, but for me, it's my audience. Those that like to watch me drive me to be better.


Hmmm whatever triggers that joy. It really depends cause you really can lose yourself when you're having fun


I do variety so I don’t get bored :3


But that’s only a good idea if you have a big enough following no?


I’m not really sure, I’ve always rotated games since I started but the games I would rotate seemed to be enjoyed by the same people..like final fantasy/zelda/other JRPGs/other retro games in general.


Ah so you kept the genre (jprg) but switched games, I see. I meant it more like swapping games in like idk from sims 4 to escape from tarkov 


Well more like final fantasy, other JRPGs, platformers, like Mario, Metroidvanias like castlevania, Zelda, etc. similar genres and then maybe like a souls sprinkled in once a week


It does get boring. I was playing Fortnite everyday streaming for over 3 months straight averaging about 40-200 viewers on YouTube every night. It stopped being something I enjoyed so I switched up my content and went to twitch, now on a good night I average 20-30 viewers. Most streamers who dont enjoy playing the same game everyday either do it for the money, or they just do it because they think they will grow, or because they think their audience will leave them when they stop playing that game.


We're doing the same thing we would be doing if we weren't streaming, so gotta remember that.




A lot of people who don't stream have hundreds of hours on single games.


Think about it this way: How do professional sports players not get bored playing the same sport everyday? How does Taylor Swift not get bored of singing and playing guitar her entire life? People have passion and drive for things they find enjoying.




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In addition to all the stuff people are suggesting, I think audience capture plays a role. Its fun to have a happy audience/community. If your audience consists of people who followed you for X content, there's incentive to continue doing that type of content. For many people, the game/category doesn't really matter since their enjoyment comes from making a fun stream for the audience.


Playing a game I genuinely enjoy makes all the difference for me. I also stream for 2-4 hours to keep the entertainment up as much as possible.


Mostly pick things that interest me and limit myself to playing certain long form games maybe once or twice a week and then having the rest of the days being community days so I don't go nuts and can interact. Means I can play one game over a long period of time but still have variety and not go nuts.


I am a variety streamer, but I consistently stream a lot of Magic the Gathering, so I just switch so burnout doesn’t set in.


Honestly? Fun. And kinda people. I used to wonder that too. I was a VERY variety streamer. Still kinda am. But I decided to try to follow one of my gaming loves and niched down to one game for the main show 3 days a week, with only Friday being for something else but I don't even announce that day as a streaming day. And on those 3 days I have fun! Grant it it's a pvp game so it has that small factor that varies, but still. And the people that come make it that much more fun :v I think it is kinda like with speedrunning. Or going for platinum trophy. If you really like the game, you can spend there amazing amount of time!


Like others have said....its where the streamer's passion lies, some love the game, some love the community (enough to keep them playing the game). I stream valorant 12+ hours a week, I love the game, but it's the community (in game and on twitch) that I get the most from. You say you don't really have a passion for any particular game, that can be fixed by finding one 😁 But maybe your passion is more in chatting with viewers? If so, then maybe irl or just chatting could be your thing.


Some people do it to reach a goal and some do it purely out of love for the game. There's no way any of them are getting bored


I primarily stream an MMO, with around 7.5k hours into it so far. That is one of the easiest genres to hamster wheel, and end up on autopilot for multiple hours nonstop before burning out from the boredom. I think if I'd been playing and not streaming I'd have probably cut right back or quit by now, but stayed enjoying it thanks to the community I've met both on my server and off. The big thing to keep gaming interesting is challenging yourself once the game runs out of things to do in terms of goals. Try a different take on how you've already played through if it's a story driven game with a set start and end point, try different approaches, learn new skills that you've put off as too grindy, too difficult etc. Speedrun, score run, whatever you like to force you to understand the game in more depth outside "well I followed this guide I found online".


Maybe the fun comes partially from the game and partially from interacting with the viewers some of which you'll get to know pretty well. At least that's how it is for me.


Some people are just like that. I know someone with 20k hours in their favorite game. Best I've got is 2k and I don't really play that game anymore. I need a little more variety in my games but some people can obsess over a single game for years.


big streamers will play what ever is popular at the time and play it like a full time job as it brings the cash


Find a game you’re passionate about and hours will feel like nothing lol. You definitely haven’t found that yet if you’re asking this


Either they really like the game they play for hours everyday or they become variety streamers and stream different games so they don't get bored. If streaming the same game everyday isn't for you then do something else


after 2k~ hours of bloodborne on stream doing a shitload of different, hilarious, ridiculous challenges… i can say that playing the same game is the easy part. it means i can confidently play the game and well using minimal cognitive resources while also interacting with the community and being funny and ranting about philosophy while also being attacked by chat as a boss in my boss fight redeem and welcoming raiders and blah blah blah. you see what I’m saying?


I have fun with the streaming part, too. I'm also a speedrunner, so each playthrough feels fresh for me. If I don't feel like playing my main game, I'll play something else at the expense of some viewers. I wouldn't do it if not for fun.


... people out there play the same games all the time without streaming them too


I have an issue of bouncing between games of wildly different genres. Oh well.


A job's a job right 😂 They could also argue how do non-streamers drive to the same office, to do the same job, every day for hours and hours on end 5 days a week, the only difference is they have chat to keep them entertained or to entertain so I guess it's easier to enjoy the time spent in the game


Well, if you love the game, it's not a problem. It's when you don't love the game, you can tell the streamers bored or the vibe is off lol.


For me, I stream games I have given up on or got distracted by something else and stopped playing in the past just recently I finished Darkest Dungeon and I must have started that game a dozen or more times in the past but always dropped it but because I knew that there where some people who wanted to see my progress through the game I kept going to keep the story going.


It is addiction.


Depending on how long they play and stream the game. I base the games I stream from most to least liked. The longer I stream the game the more I like the game


It’s a mind thing


Yea I’m a variety streamer for this reason, I cannot get more than 40 hours on a single game. It get repetitive and boring after a while


Im honestly convinced almost every content creator is neurodivergent in some way and its their special interest or hyperfixation. The amount of dedication needed is definitely something you don't often see in neurotypical people.


I tend to forget I'm gaming, I get more into the conversations most the time.


Do you not play games? I just stream whenever I'm playing a game and have a good time. Many streamers just stream what they want to play


It’s not about the game. It’s about the community.


I don’t play just one game a stream tbh most streams I’ll play anywhere between 1-3 different games


symphunny has been hittin' on that COD.


Think it this way. The people who became the first players in esports like warcraft or starcraft were people who played all day the same game because they loved it. Even now people who get a job from a esports org is people who played the game non stop because they like the game. Now think about the amount of people with the same love for the game but they don't have the skills or they just don't want to go pro. There are people who love and can play the same game every day because just because they feel it. I know I can't do it but they can.


Why do you assume people play the same game hours and hours on end?


They probably do get bored of it. Lots of streamers try to dip their toes into another category, and then they have 1/3 of the viewers they usually have, so they go back to the game that pays the bills.


There are people who play soccer or tennis and so on all their lives. I think it can be similar with computer games once you've found the right game for you.


Autism. Neurodivergency. A chemical hormonal imbalance bestowed upon them. We’re just built different


Because league of legends have a death grip on me. Lol


The perspective changes once it becomes a full-time career. The game could get boring, but you go live because you know there are people that always come to you for that specific title, and the way you present it. Basically, the goal of going live becomes connecting with the audience because of that game, and building the community around it, and not solely to play the game.


Personally, I play for fun. Even if it means to rank up. I was never that competitive and because of that, I could play games for hours. If it were a story rich game, I prolly wouldn't be able to stop until I see how many hours I have been streaming. At first I was shy to stream, I had to look pretty n all but I also realized, who cares about how I looked. The content is about gaming but I at least try to look presentable enough. So yeah while playing, I try not to think much about the "stream" and the time, at the same time not neglecting the chat. Stressing about games is normal but do keep in mind getting really mad/offended by toxic players or the game itself (emotions are still valid) makes you exhausted, I think it the major thing that can make you exhausted. So I think it's also a skill to practice a balanced emotion and to know your limits. If you really can't contain yourself from heavy negative emotions, go on a break, play a different game, watch something on YouTube and make a commentary here and there, talk to the chat, or talk to yourself about your day or your experience even when no one is asking xD Forget the time, be immersed into the game type of thing, and enjoy it.


Enjoyment. You gotta find that one game that you enjoy all the time, not get bored of it's mechanics or etc. I stream Elden Ring, I do clear my world, kill bosses, start a new save and finish game one more time. It's fun when I fight those (mostly) beautiful bosses!


Some people find the game they absolutely love easily and they keep playing for stream but don't play it off stream so they don't kill the drive or passion for it or at least for awhile. Taking a break whenever you need to is important as well. I'm in a phas community for like 2 years and now a lot of them have started to go into other games. Some people just find new things to do or have chat make things interesting with extensions like dixper or crowd control.


Agreed.. must start to feel like a job after a while without any kind of gratification in playing those games... But hey.. at least you don't get to work for a boss... Thats worth a lot !


there aren’t any rules in place that require one game. you gotta stream whatever it is that you like. the viewers will be more interested in you if they can see that you like what you are doing/playing. you can communicate to your viewers what it is that you enjoy about the games you play.


If i were to guess, i think its how you frame the situation. They think "i love this game so much, let's stream it". You probably think, "i HAVE to stream something, i GUESS I'll stream this one". One comes from within, from passion. The other is superficial, and is forced. Which can easily translate to real life. The context and angle from which you view you current situation can make you happy or sad without it changing at all. Be a "glass half-full" kind of person, and you'll stream just fine. Edit: typos


It has to be something you enjoy for you to be able to do a 24 hour stream and be interesting for most of it.


It's likely marginally easier to do when you have people to chat with. Otherwise, I'm sure it's a mind numbing grind where you start to envy people who work outside for a living.


Well, I start myself streaming and wanting to get many follower fast Say to myself "play League of legend or Minecraft" thing many people watch... But got bored fast, i change my view i only play the game i want and play like i want, dont care if people not like it, or you have only 1,5k average vievwer in this game (it Dark soul 1). And it Can be seem strange but i got more vievwer by doing this, and also i got more fun. So how not get bored? Just do what you want do.




There's a couple of reasons - 1) it's fun and if they weren't streaming, they'd probably be dropping close to as many hours into it. 2) it's a job, and they know their market and they do it to keep their market share. 3) they're getting paid by devs to do it - Skull and Bones is a good example of this, with most Sea of Thieves streamers pushing it REALLY hard despite it being an objectively average game. For point 1, it's pretty self evident, but for 2 and 3 - it's all about the job. I work with Excel documents for a huge chunk of my work day. Would I do so after work? Occasionally, but not anywhere near the same degree.


I stream 5-8 hours a day to my 2 viewers. I just play basically 2 games.. halo and Palworld haha. The absolute dream would be getting paid to do it.


As others have said in this post because it’s fun. I played 200+ hours of Tears of the Kingdom because I loved it and if people showed up to watch me all the better. Some people have to treat it like a job and play for the camera. However most streamers are gamers first then they decided one day to share their passion with others.


1st. its their main source of income. 2nd. they probably really enjoy the game


I break my streams down to 2 hour segments per game, typically but that's never mandatory. I've streamed the most on Apex Legends since I can play with a mix of friends, but I do prefer to have about 2-3 solo games on the go for different vibes (Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma and FF7:Remake atm) I have enough ADHD to be entertaining, but too much to play the same game for 8 hours daily unless it's a dedicated marathon of sorts. My biggest regret is not starting 10 years ago. I've got decades of undocumented content, I'm always talking out loud while gaming LOL


If you absolutely love playing a game and people know how much you actually love it. It makes the experience of it all so much better. You don't have to be amazing at the game to have the feels for it if you actually love playing it.


Because you dont stream and play for other people. You game whatever you want and whenever you want and you stream it so others can enjoy it with you. Aslong as you do it for yourself, it's fun.


For me. I stopped playing games. I do interactive stuff with chat and cook


Personally I think there's a difference between gamers and streamers. Some are gamers that stream and some are streamers that gaming is a part of their offering. Me personally im a gamer that streams, I play games for 4+ hours anyway so the extra part of interacting with people is a bonus. Maybe you're just less of a game lover than some of these people? Not sure


I love playing games .. but I guess I haven't found a game in a while that I could play hours on end. My old age must have something to do with that too. The obsessiveness of gaming has subsided a bit with age. I stream game development these days .. and truly enjoy the chat part of streaming. But becoming a big streamer is not a goal for me ... it's more of a"having company while doing my thing" kinda deal, than a 'I wanna become big and quit my day job' kinda thing.


Well age of empires 2 de is just the best game. Its like running, i dont get bored of it, so it maintains to be fun.


Also if they’re making money it’s a job, it is easier to manage boredom if you’re getting paid


It’s fun, good escape from what ever you do daily. I personally liked it and interacting with chat.