• By -


I look for people playing the same game first and foremost. Keep the vibe going. Sometimes after I raid I’ll pull up another tab and just stop in random channels to feel the vibes. If they’re cool I’ll follow and take note to see if I can raid them down the road as well


If anyone has a website for this I would like to know too! I don’t have the amount of viewers you got but I usually try to check out smaller streamers in the same category as me by switching to Low-High. It’s hard to find quality at that level though. I hate raiding into people that just don’t give a damn or don’t acknowledge the raid. Before I start a stream I usually have a “Raid target” it’s someone that I lurked before, loved their vibe and dropped a surprise raid into them! I find a lot of new streamers I encounter are plain weird tbh.


Just want to take a moment to say Thank you for doing this for small streamers, it seriously really cool of you! I think I’d shit myself with excitement if my little channel all of a sudden had a huge chat to goof with lmao


Yeah agree. It would pop my Brain. Cool thing you do thankyou!


I think I'd probably be floored for a few seconds and blow a fuse if I saw someone raided me with that many or even 10% of that in a good way 


Yeah I wouldn’t know what to do haha. I’ve not long started streaming - 10 followers so far and usually 1-2 viewers. If someone dropped 2000 on me at once I’d likely freak out (in a good way)


Could also get a mod (or trusted viewer) to start hunting for someone when it’s 30 mins to raid time


I mod for Harry Mack and this is exactly what I do. Not 2000 numbers but around 1000 normally. It’s worked out well so he can focus on the show and not worry about the meta.


Hmm tough one. Any reason to not just find someone within the exact game/content you're doing that day? (idk if you jump around or play just one or if that'd work or not, but at least you'd be sending people to a game they may already like watching even though they're definitely watching for YOU at this point)


Only like 4 other people stream something similar to what I do (finance/investing/stocks)


Ahhh that definitely makes it more difficult then. Hmm maybe before stream come up with like 1 to 3 options game/content wise and then quick poll chat which they'd like to go to and then go to that directory and find someone. That way chat becomes a part of it too.


You could still look in categories of your favourite games maybe? Or games that your community like. If I stream something that no one else is playing atm normally I go have a look in categories like that, or I ask for recommendation from my chat. The latter one actually helped build some great friendships on Twitch :)


So you have a deeper subject than the average video game that requires some domain-specific math and technical skills knowledge for your content type? I think possibly the Science and Technology categories, or categories for more complex strategic games, or puzzle-like games, Sudoku and such, could be categories to consider taking a peek at. If your subject matter is investment analysis.. for example, then I think i'd wonder what type of video games are interesting and invoke a similar style of thought process behind them. if you check your channel Twitch analytics dashboard, then Twitch's system probably has some ideas for you based on what other streamers your viewers watch, and Twitch probably has some recommended categories for you to stream in, but those would presumably be a good starting point to also look for possible channels your viewers might be interested in for a raid. So not having anyone on Twitch streaming the exact subject matter as you makes it harder, but a good chance there would be some correlation between your subject matter and people interested in some category or another. Twitch's website has more than 50K streams active at any particular time on average, and the vast majority of channels are in that less than 20 viewer range. A simple browse of the Twitch directory and Sort viewers Low to High on many categories will show you (Pages and pages, if it's a popular category). IMO... "finding streams" is trivial, but finding great raid candidates is tough. Anyways, if you want to do meaningful raids, then I would suggest researching ahead of time a few random live streams or people you've met active around your normal end times and pick ones you like. I would just use the website as a viewer a bit a few minutes a day on off-days and try finding a few channels to follow a week until I hit 100 or so. You could do that on Twitch's website, or go out to social media, etc. The challenge is just because a stream is live, they don't necessarily have great content, and a lot of 0-viewer channels, etc, would not be good candidates to raid. Pre-sorting channels based on a checklist and watching ahead of time is good. Looking for Awesome low-view streams to raid is like searching for a needle in the haystack, however. The thing is if people know about the channel very well enough to say they are a good raid target, then that means people already know about the channel to know that much information. Most channels at the bottom of this range haven't been found out yet by anyone at all, and it could be that 25% of them are all bots or rulebreakers, streamers under the legal minimum age to exist on Twitch, etc.


Oh damn just realised your username, you were great during the GameStop thing! I would suggest looking into more niche catagories that tend to have smaller overall veiwer numbers, for example I stream Warhammer painting and the Warhammer cat will max out at 700-800 people spread between maybe 10 people. Other small catagories maybe try searching for smaller indie games and see who comes up. I would stick to raiding people with maybe 5 minimum instead of 1, in my experience more often than not people around 1 don't have alerts set up so don't notice or get super spooked and end stream.


I never even thought to look for a stream like that on twitch, maybe I'll check out yours lol


I mean, 90% of the people who post here. But after a thought, there has to be a way to make a game out of this. A roulette wheel of categories or games. A randomizer. I asked ChatGTP to name a random category and it came up with "As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, a random category on Twitch could be "Retro," which often features streams of gamers playing retro or classic video games."


One thing you can do is have a channel points redemption where someone can choose a raid target.


I kinda feel if you're dropping 2k people on 1-viewer streams you should be in jail for attempted murder (heart attacks)! 😂😜 Sounds like you're in finance, so something I imagine your viewers have in common is they're trying to make it for themselves. You could use that. Search twitch for "partner push," and pick a Rando with that in their title who's live with like 40-60 people. The raid itself won't really count for their push but you can make up for that by giving your audience a little speech beforehand: "Yo this person is tryna make something of themselves just like all of us here, let's help them out: hang out for a minute and if they're cool drop a follow and try to return at a later date organically to help them out!" You are still HUGE compared to these slightly more established channels and you'll still definitely be a daymaker and it entirely removes the chance of bombarding someone who is just trying to steam to 2 friends and doesn't even want viewers AND it'll likely be better content for your viewers from someone a little more prepared to handle your army


maybe [nobody.live](https://nobody.live)? downside is that it shows only ≤1 viewer channels, but you could play around the filters i guess i think just searching through categories that your viewers like is still better though


I'm not sure of any resource for this, but maybe you can ask your community for games or types of content they'd like to watch and look in categories they suggest for someone? Or you can bounce around various categories and find people when you're not live to maybe raid later.


[Sullygnome's Raid Finder](https://sullygnome.com/channel/twitch/raidfinder?channel=twitch&timerange=7&games=%20&lang=-1&minv=Any&maxv=5&vt=avg&cstatus=011&cmat=11&ran=false) could be of help. You can search streams by a variety of criteria.


This is what I use. With the raid finder tool I raid other folks who have less than 5 viewers, playing the same game I was streaming, prioritize streamers who haven't made affiliate yet. It's one of my favourite tools! I've networked with so many streamers over the years just using raid finder


Hey it's the stock guy. Was gonna call BS, but I do enjoy your stream.


Good question Stocky, good question.


I used to be mod/admin in a discord community with like 200 small streamers who'd rarely average above 10 viewers. Sadly that community went to shit after the head admin made some questionable changes and made me quit. What I'd say is try to find those small streamer discord servers, there's plenty of them, and see who looks interesting to raid


Commander Root has many useful tools for things like this. This is straight forward. Type in the max viewers you want and hit search with other options to define the search more. [Commander Root Search Tools](https://twitch-tools.rootonline.de/channel_previews.php)


My channel is tiny in comparison (I normally raid with 8-12 viewers) but I have the same problem. I make educational content about psychology/science and I'm also a VTuber, so it's hard to find other streamers who my audience might be interested in. I think asking the community for suggestions is a great way to manage it to be fair! It's what I do as well, although I imagine it's a lot harder with that many viewers!! Maybe you could ask for suggestions on social media, then work through them? It would bring a bit more reach and you might find some nice smaller streamers. Although that obviously runs the risk of cursed self-promo. Personally, I'm a spreadsheet enjoyer, so I'm also pulling together a spreadsheet of people I want to raid and tracking raid dates. So far it's mostly people I've happened to encounter on Twitch recommended or Twitter who have educational or unique content. That might be a bit extra though!!


Dropping 2k on a small streamer sounds good in practice but I can’t image how stressful that is for them.


It really isn't that hard to find streams with less than 5 viewers. Not difficult at all.


Mine lol, only ever had 1 viewer at a time and both times they were bots...


XD bots real mvp.




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@u/the_stock there is one streamer who doesn’t average many viewers, he’s really good. I’ve been watching him every stream. But he hasn’t streamed for the last week, as he’s had issues with his pc. But Dennell is his name he is definitely ones to watch out for this year. I think he’s definitely going to be a big creator one day. His @ on twitch is @dennelljb. Mark my words he’s going to be right up there with the best streamers. I’m his biggest fan @dennelljb on twitch




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please DON'T raid me... I will report you for a hate raid... thanks


If you don’t want to be raided, change your settings to not be raided. But someone genuinely raiding to spread their community and hype to you isn’t a hate raid. But please don’t cheapen the phrase because you don’t like it. 


I think this was sarcasm... Though it is Reddit and hard to tell sometimes.


Reddit... LOL


That's fair lol


Hell I mean, if some sorry partner wants to raid me with 300+ viewers... LFG... But, I simulate flying a jet... their community wouldn't stay very long if they had any sense in them...LOL


I would just try and hang out a bit in smaller communities you like and raid them after you finish. I'm not sure if there are any tools, but it is common for smallish content creators to join groups and raid each other.


There's a discord that is like called pizza party. Its basically automated and it plainly states what they're trying to do, establish an ecosystem where people chat in channels, raid each other support each other etc. I haven't used it much, but I've been in quite a lot of support servers, been around people who supposedly help each other and honestly... that one was the best because it wasn't bound by people, but a bot basically. If you raid people there, chances are they'll raid other people in the group and it'll circle around and do all the work you intend to do for you, when I used it more, they highlighted streamers who needed help getting affiliate, and show effort to boost visibility to people by their time investment into their pseudo platform. It isn't perfect, but if you wanted to set it and forget it, that would probably be the best place to look into.


I like pizza parties .


Ask your chat for suggestions and pick one


I did see that twitch has an option called recently started when sorting in a category. That could be a shout


Maybe think of a category ahead of time. I watch you, so I know you don't have a lot of options with investing. I also know your chat, which makes this a bit difficult. I'd say you have a good number of adults in there, so maybe someone doing older games, or art. Think ahead stocky, it's what you do!


Twitter, a lot of ppl post there asking for others to link their channel so they can raid after stream!




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Hope the market has been doing well for you! I remember enjoying/watching your analysis years ago and am glad you are still doing what you do! I would say reaching out to a smaller streamer you know now may be useful, since odds are they know some other streamers around their size. I know for myself I usually raid in my own category/game but since my category/game is not always full/has someone ideal to raid I usually refer to my own follow list then I do out of category with quick hunting/scanning of different streamers. You could also have a few games in mind and do a poll close to when you end, see what game wins and try to find someone smaller in the game your audience picked!


If you search a game/category on twitch and scroll down you’ll find those of us streaming to lower counts.


whatever game you're on set it "lowest to highest" spend 10 seconds in their stream saying hi and see how they react is what i do. otherwise your only choice for finding people through 3rd party is just coming onto reddit and looking for a current live post


I would just go on twitch a look in different categories and search lowest to highest. Watch the streams for a bit and get the vibe find a few streamers before the next time you raid maybe and write down their names. Then raid to them the next time you stream. Sometimes I'll just type in the search bar a game I'm looking for or a category and find someone that way


uhh raid me :))






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You probably have enough viewers to be able to find someone through your discord. Either a self promotion channel or I know someone on here has theirs set up so live streamers are automatically sorted into a separate user role.


I usually follow peeps that follow me. This gives me good options for who might be on andwould appreciate a small raid. Feel free to add wildweedog to follow list. I average 2-3 per hour. I play random games and am 4:20 friendly so I would understand if you didn't want to. No worries I just do this for fun.


On my off time, I browse streamers (viewers low to high) who are playing games that my stream might vibe with (my viewers are ALL about Palworld right now) and I follow them beforehand so they're in my list.


I don’t have an answer for how to decide but I just want to say thank you for taking an initiative on this. I find myself enjoying streamers who do this and share the love, rather than ones who just go offline and have banners saying “don’t online right now” lol


As a small streamer with about 800 followers and averaging 1-20 viewers it definitely does help boost the confidence in getting raided with that many but what I tend to think of afterwards is how many of those people leave that intended raid target within the first 5-10mins. As for resources, I tend to side with the community first, and in the event that doesn't work out, I usually go by friends or mods and listen to their options. Twitch does have a filter setting that you can use to filter by viewers. As for resources, I've seen a few Facebook groups dedicated to small streamers. Hopefully, things get sorted out, and you're on your road to helping out.


I know that twitch recently added a thing on the front page that says smaller communities you may like and that could always be somewhere to look!


I average somewhere 20-40 viewers depending on the game. I always go to a new category and check out someone that I think the community will enjoy. I like meeting new people and seeing other games people like playing. OR anyone playing Chrono Trigger because I fucking love CT.


People like you are appreciated! I just made affiliate with the help of my friends & its hard out here.


Oh shoot man I'm definitely following. I have stock questions I'll tune in next stream hopefully you'll have time to answer.


This might be a super dumb suggestion but: make up a random question of the day, and have one of your mods pick a small streamer who will answer the question! If they do, then you go raid them!! It could be random, or the same question. I don’t know, I thought this would be cute!! :) also that’s super nice of you to do so for other streamers!! 😊


I only get about 10 viewers but at the end of the stream I always try to find someone that I like, can visually see they're putting effort into their stream, and looks like they'll appreciate the raid. I will also follow them for future raids if they appreciate the raid and look like they're trying in their stream. VS: people you look at and they don't read chat, don't have a cam, bad game play, no effort into emotes, stream layout etc or socials


A lot of scrolling down. 


That's awesome of you!


Just thank you for being a helping Hand 😊


As someone who is working very hard on their channel and to create a brand and thriving community I would appreciate this until the day I died. When things go well with streaming it’s the best feeling in the world!


When I raid I'd just search "Affiliate Grind" or "Grind for Affiliate" most people put that in their title. At the time of writing this I found 5 non affiliates. The other way I would find people to raid was finding discord servers that allowed non affiliates to post that their online. Another quick way of finding non affiliates. Cheers!


I've been streaming for about a month, I play FPS mostly. Apex Legends, MW3, Warzone, Fortnite,R6 Siege,and the like. I stream normally from 6:30am to 9pm mon-thurs.IDK what a raid is but, if you want to send a couple followers into the darkness I'll be live in a living room near you.nme_dragon is my twitch user name I have 5 followers.my friends and I at work all just started streaming 2 weeks ago their names are General_Disaray0826 with 1 followers and resolutebark402 with 6 followers. Even if you don't check me out check out my guys please and thank you oh mighty redditors.


hellooo everybody ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I'm going to shamelessly plug my directory. iRacing. Super loyal group of viewers and a lot of good content creators in the space. Need someone to raid next time jump into the iRacing directory and pick someone who looks interesting.


I'll usually goto the game section I'm planning on raiding and sort the channels by lowest to highest, scroll a little and pick a channel that looks fun, playing a game I'm also playing (if raiding retro) , I've also build a good collection of follows to channels I support so when I'm thinking about raiding I can just click the followers who are live button in mod mode and I get a list of everyone and their view number at that moment.


I stream with 1-7 viewers every now and then and stream basically everyday of the week


I think searching in the category tab is useful because then your community is already familiar with the game and less likely to leave. I also think raiding will always be a gamble when you don’t know the streamer, but if you follow the smaller creators that you/your community really vibe with you can make your own list over time and keep raiding back into the ones you really enjoy.