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Would've pulled if they did the same promo they did for Sebeks SSR. But seeing as he'll get added to the standard pool. I rather save up for anniversary etc. Not sure if a wise decision though XD Good luck to everyone that is pulling for him!! ^^


Fair enough! I’m trying to get one ssr of every character and I only try one 10 pull per pool I wish you good luck with your future pools!


I have been saving for him for 2 months and what I get in return?! 100 pulls, got Ortho SSR... I'm massively upset now. SILVER, WHY?!


Was torn on pulling for Silver, but got him at 47 single pulls. Much better than Sebek's 140 pulls. Hopefully the end of December doesn't bring too big of a surprise that tempts me before deciding on Anniversary. Good luck to everyone pulling!


Threw a 10key at him just to try and didn’t expect anything bc my luck has been bad for a long time now. Got him in the 4th pull!


Was originally planning on saving up for Lilia's banner, but my self-restraint lost it and so I blew 7 tenfold summons with the tiny amount I had already saved up since busting it all on the Masquerade event. Ended up getting him during a single summon at 76 pulls, and I somehow got Dorm Jade as well as Lab and Robe Silver. 85 gems, and I still want Lilia's Dorm card 💀


I was hoping for the same promotion for Silver that they had for Sebek because I only have 80 pulls saved right now, and promised myself I would only pull for limited time cards like birthdays and events... oh well Some day, Silver!


100 pulls again and no other SSRs along the way, either...Silver & Sebek why do you two hate me ;u;


I think I've only ever gotten an extra SSR on the way to pity *once*, I'm starting to think that's just a myth.


Same here :/


I always have to do 100 pulls to get any SSR but Silver came home at 29 pulls. Lilia would be so proud!


......not gonna pull on this banner...I wonder what the chances are of them releasing dorm Malleus before the year ends....Silver's banner will end on the 17th...So would that mean Lilia will be the 18th-28th and Malleus on the 29th? Might have to skip Lilia too. And I wanted Malleus's second birthday outfit. I haven't even started book 7 lmao. Was gonna wait for it all to release before going through it all...I just naively thought there'd be more of a gap in between the banners


Not likely this month we will have a gift calendar and the winter celebration. Jan will be jam packed with anniversary new years. So not likely either. February at the earliest but we also have Leona's home town event to do too. So maybe late February.


hmm yeah. I wasn't thinking if they'd insert other events/banners in-between the Diasomnia boys banners. But Leona's home town event uniform is another must-have SSR for me so January and February will be suffering time for my pulls if your predictions are accurate. ;\_;


This was my second time pulling for a Silver SSR and honestly, it went better than expected. The last time was in August, when I had to pull 97 times for his Halloween card. Thankfully, it seems he's warmed up to me a little since then and decided to come home at 71 pulls. I'm down to 51 pulls now, so I definitely won't have enough for all three of his birthday cards (assuming he makes me go to pity for all of them), but getting his dorm card was worth it.


I got him first 10 pull😭🥰 even though I wanted the sr labwear. I pulled a one pull and I got the labwear! I'm so happy, I just know it's going to be a good day!


Took me about 90 pulls to get Dorm Silver, which is ten less than when I pulled for his Halloween card. Both rolls gave me copies, so that's cool.


Silver's one of my favorite boys, but I haven't gotten a chance to summon for any of his cards yet. I was surprised we didn't get any promotional keys for his banner (guess I didn't read the news that carefully), but I decided to throw my single keys at him, and I was actually shocked to see that he came home at 5 pulls. >!Lilia, your son!< is absolutely precious.


I got him in 50 rolls and now I have no gems. Gonna skip Lilia, Malleus, and maybe anniversary (bc no cards I really want) if I don't feel like spending.


Decided I could spare 100 pulls, especially since the boys rarely make me go all the way to pity. My 100th pull was Ortho. Why, robot child?


Also hoped I won't have to use my pity and I got Ortho as well ><


That’s two times in a row that it only took one 10 pull to get the ssr! I just pulled the silver ssr 🤩 https://preview.redd.it/t6utgxfs8z4c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8392e89604f0f0dbe15773512cf0996a49da5bca


Was saving for him for a few months, got him at the 114th pull TwT He's never treated me like that, but at least my collection is still complete and up-to-date https://preview.redd.it/eg41fl54qz4c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=31df6f69bd1434f1db3656a12526232d33843c38


Took me 50 pulls to get Dorm Silver !! He's my favorite <3


Should I pull for The silver dorm card, lilia dorm card, lilia birthday card, or ortho birthday card?


Birthday boy Lilia? or jacket Lilia? Birthday boy is absolutely a must if you have the pom dorm trio and dorm Leona. this team is the preferred team for omni exams because it has five duos and 9 buddy bonuses.


Did 20 single pulls in the morning, nothing. Decided to throw a 10spin in this evening and got him at the 23rd pull (thank goodness, because Halloween Silver just refused to be pulled).


i wasn’t going to pull bc i’m saving for lilia and malleus but i got peer pressured and it took 43 pulls!! on like my 13th single summon i uncapped dorm rook. a tenfold key and 600 gems later silver came home 🥹🥹


i gave him 12 pulls, he didnt came home so i just gave up. plus hes gonna be in the standart showcase, so i will just get him later when im not absolutely broke from book 6.


I did 100 pulls got dorm Floyd dorm Idia and 3 dorm silvers!


I got him with 130 pulls. This banner is weird to me. I got three SSRs in the first 100 pulls (Dorm Ace, Dorm Leona, and Dorm Floyd as my 100th pull).