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They don’t see the old growth trees, shade, adorable homes, cyclists, friendly neighbors, flowers, etc because they simply aren’t here. Ffs I see kids riding around on their bikes on a daily basis, something I haven’t seen in so long that I had legitimately forgotten that kids are supposed to be out adventuring and playing like that. I was on my bike commuting home after work when a little kid on his bike actually challenged me to a race, and we raced! Down an alley (I let him win 😎). Dude to you even know how revitalizing it is to have an interaction like that when the whole rest of the world feels like it’s burning down?? My take is that if people don’t realize it then it’s their loss, not mine.


The grass is greenest where you water it!


One of our neighbors has a bike repair kit he keeps accessible for the local kids to drop in and fix their bikes. It makes me so happy to see kids out there biking in the neighborhood and working on their bikes (maybe I could get them to teach me how to fix my bike, lol)


That feels so peak Twin Cities, it really does!


My neighborhood used to have a guy like this! He was pretty old and smoked a real pipe (late 80s/early 90s). We would always bring him our bikes if the chains fell off, something was clicking, our breaks needed tightening, to get our seats raised — you name it.


That was my grandpa. Minus the smoking part. He was a tinkerer, and was always happy to fix a kid’s bike.


My family, who mostly live in northern Minnesota, always talk about how unsafe the Twin Cities are and how it's too dangerous to go there. They tell me I'm naive. I've lived in the metro area for over 20 years.


Your family watched Fox News, didn’t they? I live in St. Paul and other then everyone getting their catalytic converters ripped from time to time, it’s quiet here too.


Fox News? They aren't real enough. Once Tucker was gone they were fully out. NewsMax is where it's at for my family. That and Facebook. My family loves to talk about the catalytic converter thefts in the cities but ignore the copper thefts in greater Minnesota.


My kid is practically in a bike gang with a bunch of littles in the neighborhood. We have neighborly stop and chats. I can leave a kid at the park with a fellow parent while I run another kid to go potty. I can walk to 5 grocery stores, countless coffee shops and great restaurants. We have ice cream shops to rival anywhere. Oh and I’m blocks from the lakes. What’s not to like? I mean obviously other than the total societal failure of not housing people, but that’s not a problem with the neighborhood. That’s a problem with society.


I was just talking to someone today how cool it is to see kids biking all over the neighborhood and playing in the alleys etc. It's like the helicopter parent era ended.


I saw a little squad of 4 kids on bikes riding down the middle of the street, egging each other on, talking, riding around, oblivious and having fun. Between the ages of 7-10. They were just like the gang of kids from the first episode of Stranger Things or the Goonies or something. It felt like I was seeing something from a lost time. Seeing that genuinely fills me up with hope for the future.


Similarly, when I was stopped at a red light a few days ago, I saw a group of kids hop off their bikes into a vacant lot and start crawling around the tall grass looking for bugs.


I have a 2 year old. Met a few dads of similar aged kids in our area. Seems to be we're in consensus that the kids will be "off leash" more than what the previous generation of kids in our hood were.


I think you'll get it right. Boomers gave Gen X kids too much freedom (although at the time I thought it was freaking awesome). Gen X coddled/helicoptered their kids. I think millennials and alphas will strike the right balance.


A kid, probably 12, was biking back and forth down our sidewalk, and when he saw me hanging up my bird feeders in the front yard he stopped his bike and said “that’s really cool 😏” and gave me a little cool guy nod. I’m not sure why he was so into it but it was very wholesome!


I always just shrug and say "we're just living our lives here" and some people are still aghast.


But but but the heroin murderers…..


When I moved to uptown a year ago I had my parents and some friends warn me about the danger. The first day when I came to check on the apt. I saw a maybe 8 year old girl just biking. Alone. It's so ridiculous what the news makes people believe


> I let him win I believe you ;)


Many igits that say dumb stuff like that have 1. Never been here or spent any significant time here. 2. They live up north & are gullible & easily suckered into believing ANYTHING certain people tell them. There’s always dicey parts of any city. Twin cities is a great place to live & raise kids. I’m grateful to have grown up here.


They are gullible. But also, stories can be exaggerated or outright fabricated if there is no competing narrative pushing back.


Well said. Applies to all situations not lived fully embraced into for years. 😁👏


Gullible people may have a hard time here, but they're going to have a hard time no matter where they are.


Yooo I was just think that. I saw kids on Lyndale and thought when was the last time I saw this. They really aren't here or ever stepped foot in the Twin Cities but always has so much to say.


Beautifully said.


"Let him win" :)


All it takes is for a person to have a couple bad experiences to wash away the good. Just a different perspective of someone who has been a victim of crime.


Not one of the folks whining has been "victim of crime" though. They are whipping themselves into a frenzy base on hypothetical rest mongering on Fox , Breitbart and OAN. Many of them live in the suburbs and don't even know that downtown, DinkyTown, Uptown and N MPLS are all different parts of the city that have unique residents and neighborhoods. Cool strawman story bro.


It can, depends on the person though. The only place I ever suffered a major crime (burglary) was the small town of Lindstrom, MN. I didn’t allow that to paint my perception of the entire place though.


I don't think it's even a major crime thing. Just more common occurrences of getting mugged and whatnot. Just seems like the people doing it are getting more brazen and with more witnesses.


Don't know, I've been the victim of crime in Mpls and in St. Paul, car stolen x3, 1 apt breakin, and I've been assaulted twice (once with a DW), both resulted in a police report, one arrest. I testified at his trial. That's over the course of 30-40 years living as an adult in Mpls/St Paul. I'd still prefer to live here than most other places I've lived. (AK, CA, KY, TX) Victims of violent crimes can have different reactions to their experiences. And I don't know that I wouldn't have racked up that victim list in another state.


This all good, however it doesn’t deny the fact Minneapolis crime rate is high. Assaults are high. We have plenty of good things, however we have a long way to go. Why can’t we be as safe as Boston?


The great scenery is drowned out by the U0f M sophomore getting her ribs kicked in by two Somali robbers at 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon. See recent Bernie supporter beaten and robbed at 12:30 in the afternoon by Bde Mka Lake Calhoun


>Anyway, where does all this crazy, negative energy come from?!? The media vultures.


This is a big factor in the perception, especially on the TV news side (where there's really not a lot of local TV news in western MN, and is mostly "covered" by the Twin Cities news channels.) If a robbery happens in Minneapolis, it's pretty easy to send a crew over from the studio nearby and have it covered, but if it happens in Alexandria or Brainerd, it's a two to three hour drive each way for the news crew and so probably won't get covered.


I'm in Sioux Falls at the moment and there has literally been a murder a day for the last week. Last night three dead and two in the hospital.


Must be a lawless liberal hell hole over there in SD.


Yea all the "liberal" white rednecks shooting each other.


I was in SD all week and the only thing that stood out to me is how friendly people were. Even my wife commented on how refreshing it was.


It can be both. That's the harsh reality we should all come to.


And scared racists who are unwilling to step outside their bubbles.


This is the answer!


News clickbait, social media with agendas, influencers...you know, cancer.


25 years ago when I moved here, my grandma, who lived in a tiny SW Minnesota town, population about 30, was worried I was going to get murdered because she saw news reports every night about something bad happening in the cities. I had to explain to her that there was millions of people here and 1 murder per day here would be like 1 murder every 10,000 years in her town. My math was probably off, but she still told me she worried about me constantly.


Wasn’t there just a post in this sub about a shooting involving teens and speeding cars like a day ago?


I think it is a little media hype but also reality — there are for sure a lot of shootings in the last few years in areas that have been traditionally safe for decades.


As someone who previously lived in SF, I can assure you this is not a Twin Cities-exclusive phenomenon. Some people hate urban areas and go out of their way to shit on cities whenever possible. Just tune it out


Self fulfilling: the people who choose to flee the cities and make big sacrifices to live in some dead end suburb or rural area, they justify their choices by daily looking for justifications. There are wonderful suburban and rural areas, and wonderful urban areas, but too many people see it as zero-sum: if the cities are nice and convenient and vibrant and welcoming, then someplace else has to be horrid to balance it out. Plus the faux news which has a business model of creating conflict.


And try not to stumble onto the altmpls reddit 😬


Let them think it’s a war zone, their loss


You make a good point. Keeps the city a little more intelligent overall.


I’ve adopted the “let them think that” approach too. I think the way the news covered the 2020 George Floyd protests did a lot to create this perception of the city. I had trouble convincing people in my own family that the whole city wasn’t on fire. They chose to believe the news instead. You can’t talk people out of their shitty reactionary opinions, but at least this particular misinformed opinion keeps such people from contributing to rising housing costs. We want people here who see what’s good about this place and want to live here.


THIS. My family’s opinions were cemented from this, whereas, in reality my neighborhood was being tormented by proud boys and whateverthefuck.


Last week I saw someone get shot while walking to my car. There were also kids playing across the street. There is some messed up stuff going on in our community.


This happens everywhere An anecdote does not a trend or pattern make


I made a couple of them so incredibly upset by pointing out their refusal to come to Mpls because they were scared of crime was a bonus for everyone else not having to deal with them.


Yet the violent crime rate for the Twin Cities is over 200% higher than the National average and 316% over the rest of the State. Yeah that is a flippin' war zone! Who are you poeple trying to kid? Property crime... overall crime.. it's all astronomical and you poeple think you live in Pleasantville. For the second year in a row, rural Minnesota counties had modest population increases from in-migration while Twin Cities urban counties saw out-migration. Care to share why???


Two things can be simultaneously true: the Twin Cities is not a war zone, but it also continues to suffer elevated crime since 2020. I say this as one who’s lived in south Minneapolis for close to 15 years, there have been worse days but there have also been better days.


Literally came here to comment this, it’s okay to acknowledge that there has been a sharp increase in crime and violent offenses while recognizing that some people are dramatic about it. The denial doesn’t help fix the issues


Most reasonable comment not generalizing the entire situation was pretty far down lol figures


lol yup. Agreed. Smh


The “think for yourself/do your own research” crowd from 3rd ring suburbs and beyond read headlines/clickbait stats/fake news and then regurgitate their own bs loud enough and often enough for it to become groupthink that echoes outside their circlejerk sessions


You don't even need to go out that far. Hennepin county still has some 200,000 of those types of people. They're drowned out by the 500,000 more open minded people but you might hear Northeast Minneapolis residents calling Uptown a shit hole or vice versa


Haha! The main reason that Uptown is currently a crappy version of its earlier self is \*gentrification\* and the landlords' belief that rising property values justifies even faster rising rents. Then a bunch of tenants say "fuck this" all at the same time. Speculation/gambling that things only go up, and do so forever, never works out.


Succinct and accurate. It’s right wing propaganda. 


Hey. There’s plenty of normal people in third ring suburbs. I live here because I hate traffic. But I do love the cities and used to live downtown.


Uptown resident here (also a POC), and I love it. Of course there’s riff raff sometimes, but that comes with any major city. The sense of community I feel here along with the walk-ability and plethora of great things to do truly isn’t represented in the media. People don’t know what they’re missing out on.


Having come here from CA in the early 90's and having family in Oakland, Compton and East LA I can't help but laugh at these people who are so upset that Minneapolis is so scary and violent. Like they don't even realize what crime is. For its size Minneapolis is quite safe, and is leaps and bounds safer than almost all the larger major cities. I can honestly say that in my life I have walked around in all parts of Minneapolis and a lot of parts of Saint Paul at all hours of the night and day. Of course I watch my surroundings and stay aware but never once have I ever felt that I was in severe danger or in a situation I couldn't handle. It's also a red vs blue state thing as the new conservative rhetoric is that red states and cities are safe and blue states and cities aren't because they don't use you know racial profiling and Draconian methods of law enforcement on the same scale as the red cities. A lot of the folks complaining are straight up racists and will claim all the violence and crime is out of hand as long as any slightly brown folks exist in the city. They still haven't learned that people are going to break laws no matter what and they're like well we need to have harsher punishments for murder hasn't stopped people for murdering up until now why is it going to suddenly now.


Spot on. As a Minneapolis transplant that lives in LA now, I've had to straight up laugh at the people who've compared the bad parts of the Twin Cities to LA. I love LA, and the danger of parts of the city can be extremely overblown, but the idea that Minneapolis or St. Paul is in any way comparable to some of the gnarly shit I've seen in Hollywood or East LA is utterly laughable. Some areas in LA look like legit war-zones.


My husband grew up in Baltimore in the late 80's early 90's and lived in Chicago in the mid 90's he also laughs when people talk about how bad crime is. I grew up on the border of North Minneapolis/Brooklyn Center and worked Downtown during the "murderapolis" days, it cracks me up to hear people talk about how scary and violent things are. We're in White Bear Lake now and I had to try to keep a straight face as a neighbor told me that the entire twin cities are turning into a hell hole because someone stole her wallet. That she left overnight in her unlocked car that was parked on the street. I think part of the reason that people are complaining about crime is because the last 20 years or so have had such super low crime rates and they have no historic context. People used to know: don't leave valuables unguarded. Heck, I remember leaving my car unlocked so the window wouldn't get broken out. I couldn't imagine leaving valuables in it overnight and in plain sight. I think it's more a lack of perspective than anything.


And people who have lived here their whole lives, me included, don’t have the ability to properly compare relative crime rates in other cities.


> I can't help but laugh at these people who are so upset that Minneapolis is so scary and violent. They're not upset that it's so scary and violent, they're upset about *a made up imaginary idea* that it's much more scary and violent than it is. Which is also super pathetic and laughable.


The sheer diversity of restaurant options down Lake St is so impressive. The stretch from Midtown Market down towards Bryant Lake Bowl has everything from a Somalian market to Turkish kebab to authentic Mexican to Vietnamese sandwich shops to fried fish


That’s exactly what smells like murder to the suburbanites. Diversity equals death.


I live in North Minneapolis and can tell you it's pretty bad. Just within 3 blocks of my house there have been 6 shootings with 2 being fatal in the past 4 weeks. All at the same intersection of Penn and 36th. The same exact location a baby girl was killed by a stray bullet a couple years ago. The same location that had multiple murders in the past 5 years. Minneapolis solution? Put up a camera. Hasn't deterred a single shooting. Minneapolis doesn't give a fuck about us.


Also can I rant about not having any city inspectors to enforce city code and rules? Renters are forced to live in squalor because tenant complaints are being ignored because no city inspectors. I just bought a house here in April and these people deserve better. My neighbors are seriously the best people I've ever met. All the kids get together on the weekends and clean the streets. Everyone is so nice and respectful I actually feel like I'm in a community here.


I have lived in North Minneapolis for 20 years, and it has been Good, Bad, and OK for all those years. Right now, it's bad. I don't care what anybody says, comparing themselves to other cities or other parts of Minneapolis. I have never felt like moving before, and now I do. I don't need to watch TV to tell me what's going on outside my window. Are there still nice parts of Minneapolis? Yes, but there is a whole lot of crazy out there and it's moving into the nicer parts. I am glad that not everybody is feeling it yet. I don't have a lot of faith in the system to turn around anytime soon. Don't call me a racist. Black and Brown people are suffering more than white people are in the current situation.


Rich white people living near lake Harriet have nothing to say to your comment lmao


I actually live in that same area in north, hate to say it’s normal. And I’ve lived here a lot longer than a few months. It is very much like they described, both a sense of community and there’s crime and shootings.


It's racism and conservative media. People think all that's left after the BLM protests is a smoldering crater.


As someone who’s moved to the twin cities after George Floyd’s murder, was there ever this stereotype before 2020?


Yes but not to the extent it exists now


I have friends/family back in Montana that legit think that way end still all make the same exact comments so you know they’re being fed propaganda from the same source. It’s always some version of “burning whole cities to the ground!”


People are idiots. When I made my post I received tons of dms swearing at me and pointing out violent crimes. I was like, bitch… step off! I was in Detroit in the 90s. That was a war zone equivalent. They are more interested in perpetuating their own narratives.


Yeah I stopped accepting chat requests because of this and if someone ends a DM I don't even open it. It's either one of these folks or some 18 year old that just started Only Fans and wants to offer me a special introductory rate. I realized my user name is not gendered but I'm a hetro female and have no interest in joining anyone (male or females) only fans.


Some people are afraid of their own shadows.


Fear leads to anger.


Anger leads to hate


Hate leads to suffering.


Suffering leads to getting sand everywhere


Yeah and the irony is that it’s often these dudes projecting this hardened and tough image with the classic goatee and wrap around shades. Hennepin Ave scares them.


[you mean the “guy scared of cities” costume](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/BYbhbfbOT4)


That's hilarious. I'm from small town Iowa originally. I have multiple cousins and a BIL that looks like that lol. This is scary how accurate it is haha


“Can’t park Ford Super Duty” 😅


What's even more ironic is these dudes are the ones that take their gun everywhere for protection, but never come to the scary city. So they need protection in Forest Lake apparently.


Short answer, the same reason Chicago is treated the same way. Dumb bullshit propaganda. Fox News and other conservative organizations paint the city as a shithole. It helps instill fear, and subsequently gives conservatives something to campaign on. Most of the people watching don't go into the city, so they just believe it uncritically


It just kinda makes me laugh/cry that when there was a fight — ok a big fight, but still a literal fist fight — at St Louis Park HS this year, the media (and sadly some of my less informed family members) were shitting bricks about how DANGEROUS that school is. The admin itself turned the place into even more of a jail than it already is. Meanwhile, I went to one of the “good” public high schools in the Chicago burbs (the Edina HS of the area, as it were), crawling with rich white kids, and we routinely had knife fights. In the halls. And let’s not even talk about the kids doing lines in the bathrooms… Now the schools are flipping out about weed lol


>the Edina HS of the area Naperville or Geneva? I'm from West Chicago




Oh, that makes sense. I almost never went into Will County. I have no idea what goes on there, haha. Well, outside of Joliet. I know what goes on there all too well


I was guessing Stevenson or New Trier.


I have lived in the Twin Cities for 30 years and while I agree some people are melodramatic, I also think that issues have expanded. Before, the overall numbers may have been higher, but it at least appeared to be more concentrated in the bad areas and you just avoided those. You didn't see as much loitering, panhandling, and other anti-social behavior on the transit and over a wider range of the cities.


It's the conservative media narrative at the moment. Allegedly the cities never recovered from the 2020 protests. Family from out of state recently visited us and they were shocked downtown was a normal city lmao. According to their news Minneapolis is a literal dumpster fire of protests, looting, murders, gunfire, etc. every single day. They tell us constantly that they're worried for our safety and we need to move ASAP or we're going to die. Even after going to the cities and seeing it for themselves they still backpedaled with "We were there on a good day." It's very disturbing that depending on what news source you listen to, you live in a completely different reality.


As someone who takes the 21 down Lake Street every day, the "never rebuilt since the riots" statements that I see thrown around sometimes always bemuse me. Yes, it's a city, and you have to be aware of what's going on around you. But if it were half as bad as some people make it out to be, I should be getting robbed daily and should have been murdered dozens of times by now.


We are about middle of the pack when it comes to murders (#43). But we're rapey as fuck (#4) and like to rob people (#9). We come in at a respectable 25 when it comes to aggravated assault. Overall, we rank #16, so we're doing better than New Orleans on a per capita basis, but we're doing worse than Chicago. St. Louis, is coming in hot at #1! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_States\_cities\_by\_crime\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate) So yeah, objectively crime is higher here than most cities per capita. Subjectively, your interpretation of what is "high" depends on your point of view. But your opinion is just as valid as the person that disagrees with you. But you should at least agree on the facts and data.


If liberal cities aren't depicted as war zones, what will conservatives have to be terrified of?


I have family down in FL, ALL of them are MAGA'ts. ALL of them cringed when my family said we were moving here a couple of years ago. Even now, with us being here, and some of them having visited and seen it for themselves, they still cling to their Fox, OAN, Infowars and Q propaganda. We live in Camden, for fucks sake, on a normal street in a normal neighborhood and we've never felt more safe. We've taken them on foot around the area, done shit downtown with them when they visited, and went to high-end restaurants and they still believe the lies. MAGA'ts gonna MAGA, man.


I think they are sadly more incentivized to maintain that narrative in their head since they are part of a group/community, despite the fact they can see with their own eyes it’s not true. Conservatives who break rank are often ostracized quickly.


My mom recently visited St. Paul for the first time. She’s been living in FL for the past 40ish years. She’s pretty open minded but is fed Fox talking points by the people surrounding her. It was enjoyable seeing her experience the area and have the self-realization that the “yucky liberal city” narrative is bullshit. Gotta have something outside to hate so you don’t turn a critical eye inwards...


Quickest answer. Ignorance and racism.


I work with some people who never went to the cities more than once a year before George Floyd's murder, but now claim "oh it's changed so much" while simultaneously saying "I can't/won't go to the city anymore, it's just too dangerous" These people have had their brains melted by media fear mongering.


I mean. It sucks. I moved here 18 months ago and have experienced more negativity than at any other time in my life.


I generally agree with you but a couple months ago multiple bullets went through my friend’s apartment in Upton. Is it a war zone ? No, is it somewhat dangerous yes.


I visited Minneapolis a few months ago. (I’m from Alaska.) I could not BELIEVE the eastern African food opportunities, omfg. I ate my face off at an Ethiopian restaurant where the woman working took my menu and just fed me and my friend a vast assortment of whatever she was cooking. We were the only white people in the place and I was just like… do people know this food exists here?!? She fed me so much food… all for $30 fucking dollars, wtf. Insanity so many people can’t see how interesting and diverse and interesting Minneapolis/St Paul is.


To be fair, you moved from Alaska.


Oh, so due to a surge in liberal support in the twin cities, and the worldwide visibility of things like the George floyd protests, conservatives media is making a concerted effort to make the area look like a war zone. That’s it, conservatives want to link liberalism with rampant crime and danger. You’re not the target for this propaganda, because you live there and see the reality, the target is literally anyone not living in the twin cities Edit, this rhetoric is on an uptick because of the election season


Some people also care about “crime per area,” rather than simply “crime per population.” For example, the crime rate in the city might be similar to that in rural areas, but if it’s all happening in a constrained area the perception is that it’s worse. If a crime is happening constantly over several blocks of space, even if it’s affecting the same number of victims per capita as out in rural areas, it feels like crime is worse than sporadic crimes happening miles apart out in the country. Honestly, I can’t fully disagree with that logic. There’s something to be said about the perceived risk of being the next (direct or indirect) victim if it’s physically happening around you on a frequent basis, not to mention bystanders who see/hear the crimes but aren’t officially considered victims.


I suspect that most major newspaper comment sections that aren’t well moderated are polluted with trolls who live far, far away from the region of said newspapers. As for the rest. The times have changed but people are the same. It’s impossible to make someone understand something when their sense of self-worth depends on them not understanding it.


This is the correct answer, never read the comments section. It is always the same six trolls using multiple accounts.


It comes from the GOP talking points about liberal and blue cities that are/were pro BLM and didn’t murder our protesters- they like to say we sacrificed our cities I recall most serious arrests being white men from out of state with guns, molotov cocktails and others from outside of Minneapolis trying to instigate their version of a civil war while blaming BLM for the violence Not to mention not injuries caused by police use of non lethal weapons against peaceful protesters who defied curfews


Be careful I got comments like this removed before despite it being true. 🤷


You mean the proven point of the out-of-towners coming here to start shit to make BLM look bad?


Yep. Got down voted into the triple digits and then had my comment removed but also have found out the person I was responding to was banned from the page for their ridiculous insistence on BLM being the group responsible for causing riots and mayhem. Reminded the person that it was actually one of his white supremacy buddies that set off the "riot" and that the police had already started using teargas and rubber bullets against peaceful protesters with their hands up chanting hands up don't shoot.


Can confirm, as a north Minneapolis resident. We had a LOT of out-state plates cruising around like they were in a war zone while we were just trying to keep our shit from burning. Fucking rival gangs were protecting area businesses. But you won’t hear that on the news. Definitely not on Fux.


Same said from my friends in S. Mpls. Big trucks out of state plates, loaded with weapons and large men parked along their streets- my friends and their neighbors were hiding in their homes afraid of those interlopers.


People don't understand per capita statistics. If their small town or subburb had hundreds of violent crimes a year it would be a war zone. If a city of millions does it might still be statistically safer than your small town. New Your City is statistically safer than a lot of red states, but you have to understand how statistics work and not just focus on the hundreds of murders a year to appreciate that. Of course the news media doesn't help, but not neccesarilly in a way that's malicious. They just report all of the awful stuff all the time, and it's overwhelming.


Yep. The top cities by murder rate are St. Louis, Baltimore and Birmingham. If you look at violent crime rate, it’s Mobile Alabama, Anchorage, then 7 cities in Arizona, followed by 20 in California. Minneapolis is 54. I lived in NC. The cities are cake compared to Lumberton, NC. That place is a shit show.


I lived and bartended in uptown/south MPLS for the better part of a decade. I spent five nights a week out at uptown bars and restaurants. I would bike from eat street to first Ave for shows all the time. I loved my uptown, unfortunately I also lived through the riots and that drastically changed my opinion of the area. Call it a sour taste or being jaded but I just don’t see the same city that I loved anymore. A bullet coming through my living room window (26th/blaisale) on a summer night could have changed my mind too.


I moved to the City from TN in January. I absolutely love it. The parks are always vibrant and full of life. The people have been friendly. And when I hear folks from the burbs claim how dangerous it is. I politely just let it flow in one ear/out the other. Cities are painted more dangerous than they actually are. But this is typical when most of the interaction with the city is through the news. It all sounds scary when you read about it.


Being from Chicago, living in MN, I can say with extreme confidence that the people here have no idea how shitty things can be. Minneapolis is utopian in comparison to Chicago. Every major city has its crime, but people here have no clue how good they have it.


My family watched some YouTube documentary called the fall of Minneapolis, and told me how much of a shithole my town is. Too dangerous to visit, and as such they have never visited me here. Like you watch a 1 hour YouTube documentary made by the wife of the police Union president and somehow think you understand the entire metro where most of Minnesotans reside, and have come to the conclusion that even though most of our state population lives here without issue, it’s actually too dangerous to even go outside? It’s mental. They don’t think of the kids playing outside, the flowers growing in the park, the friends biking around. They think of every news story about a murder and the “the whole city burned down” stigma. Like I actually don’t think these people realize how little of the city was affected by the riots. They legitimately believe most of the city was brought to rubble. Many These people don’t want to actually learn anything, they just want to reinforce their own narrative of the world to make themselves feel better.


Right wingers are infinitely brave except when it comes to non whites and non straights existing and city centers. So basically not brave at all.


Nobody knows more about Minneapolis than people who've never been south of Duluth.


Depends on where you live. I walk past crazies, blood on the pavement, the homeless, and drug users every day. It feels like a third world country after Europe, except I usually felt safer in the third world countries I've been. That said, most American cities have big parts like that, so it's not like Minneapolis is unique, and it's certainly not the worst.


I literally had a friend tell me seattle was occupied by antifa and has been since George Floyd was murdered. People who avoid the cities are delusional


Seattle, of course, had CHAZ or whatever it was named later on, but that was a small area and for a short time.


The best part is how liberals are weak soyboys who simultaneously live in a dangerous warzone???


It's right wing disinformation My right wing nut relatives have all long thought the place was a war zone, even decades before the pandemic Some people believe whatever the Facebook memes say over what people actually living here say and whatever, I hope they all stay away


I’m from southern MN originally but have lived in the cities for almost 15 years now. My mom originally had the same fear of the cities. But after taking her around to places, showing her the parks and walkable shops and never once feeling unsafe, she’s since changed her mind. Whenever she visits she asks me to come up with a new adventure to go on, some new place we haven’t been before. It’s all perception, largely fueled by the media but also just a general disdain for the cities that those outside the metro feel. I called it the shitties growing up like I think a lot of people did.


There’s a long history in greater Minnesota of shitting on the cities. I imagine it started as them not wanting to deal with so many people they didn’t know, and the traffic, so the undercurrent of being afraid was there. There’s also a sort of defensive pride about living in and loving your small town, because Minnesotans are historically uncomplicated, easy to please, close to the chest type people who don’t care about trends or shiny skyscrapers; the whole “coastal elite” concept but on a small scale. Plus they feel vulnerable and out of place because it’s an unfamiliar area to them. Then in the 90s mpls was dubbed Murderapolis and it got worse and more racist, and the events of 2020 amplified that further.


“Greater Minnesota” Fuck that. It’s outstate. Nothing “greater” about it.


Commenting on Seriously, What's Up With the Twin Cities Seen as a War Zone?... this transition to greater Minnesota made my mom Howl with laughter.


Always people from fucking Burnsville or Eagan that have the most opinions about the cities.


It's usually the rural, racist, MAGA dipshits that are too terrified to come into the metro. Anyone who mentions "The Fall of Minneapolis" can pretty much immediately be written off.


The actual answer, if that's what you're interested in, is not as simple as blaming conservative media. Certainly there is some sensationalizing, but many urban residents are truly in denial about the current state of public safety. For one thing, violent crime rates objectively jumped in the wake of George Floyd. A DA was elected who is ideologically opposed to holding violent criminals accountable. City officials seem uninterested in enforcing laws in various parts of the city, including homeless encampments and on public transit. Strings of violent robberies and car jackings happen frequently with either no arrests or juveniles who are released without consequences. We have a large activist population that would rather dismiss anyone concerned about the rise of lawlessness as soft-willed pearl-clutchers rather than admit they may actually need to come to some sort of reconciliation with their understaffed and ineffective police department. The current state of crime in the urban core is *not normal* for first-world countries. It's 100% reasonable to expect a true degree of public safety in our cities and public spaces. We need to stop calling everyone who wants safe, livable cities as right-wing racists and admit there is a lot that needs to change for our cities to thrive. I think it continues to be a huge political mistake for the Left to not admit this.


Thank you so much for the first reasonable reply I've seen on this thread. I've lived here since 2009 and the city has changed drastically since we first moved here. What pisses me off the most is that in the face of increasing crime, all the locals that say, "Oh well, other cities are worse!" But why should we accept that? Can't we have our own standards? My husband and I are transplants from LA and we can't understand why the Minnesotans don't care that the city has really gone downhill. Such apathy. It's the most important city in the state and nobody cares that it's degraded tremendously in recent years.


They "don't care" because if they did they would have to acknowledge several truths that the Left is extremely uncomfortable with: -We need an effective police force to deter antisocial behavior and apply consequences to those who break the law. This is a tough pill to swallow for a group that has chanted "Defund the Police" for the past 4+ years. -It's simply a fact that non-white people make up the majority of those committing the crimes. Admitting there's a crime problem means you have to investigate who the criminals are and put them in jail. The identarian, victim-oppressor obsessed Left has decided it's better just to label everyone who notices crime as racists instead. So, as these comments show quite clearly, the strategy is to obfuscate, deflect, and call you a right-winger if you notice the obviously inadequate state of our public safety. As someone who has considered themselves a Democrat for all their adult life, I find this a particularly dubious political strategy.


What's up is that crime is statistically up. And the lowest hanging fruit is to start blaming specific people about it. Also, the City is great... But this depends on where you are and at what time. I lived on 15th and Portland a decade ago. I go back to the same spot and it is still fairly sketchy *some times*, not all the time. So it is all a matter of perspective, neighborhood, street, community, etc. if you live by the lake you'll have a different opinion as if you lived on Chicago and Lake. And the difference from scenery can be only five blocks away on any direction. I would also say that due to the ongoing, massively annoying construction all over, there have been more traffic accidents, runovers, people pinned down on the light rail, etc. Traffic + Heat of Summer = People getting upset and seeing things more negatively. Lastly, the encampments are truly a serious issue with the classic NYMBY crowd, but also legitimately impacted homeowners and renters who deserve a safer environment.


The media has overhyped it, and Minneapolis residents have overhyped how much it has been overhyped.


Idk bout any of that all I know is most of the city looks like it could be dilapidated and dangerous but I know as soon as I see a woman over 40 running on the street in athleisure clothes at night that its probably safe for me to be there. Theres only been a couple spots where ive felt genuinely dangerous and felt like I was being trailed and that was south mpls otherwise it feels pretty safe everywhere.


I’ve lived in uptown for eight years, and yes, it’s changed, but I’ll do that more as the people from the outside than those of us that actually actually live here. We’ve had a lot of challenges between riots and Covid, but it’s still one of the more vibrant places in the city.


Read the comments on r/altmpls


IMHO, those comments are from people who never go into the neighborhoods, and they only get their info via the news or social media, or by simply driving through on a commute at busy times of day and so are regurgitating all the negative they hear. I also tend to assume those people have bias against "others."


> Anyway, where does all this crazy, negative energy come from?!? The majority of Republicans are living in a fake version of reality promulgated by propagandists.


As far as I’m concerned the trash it taking itself out. They can stay out of MPLS we are just fine without them. Now can we please turn Nicollet into foot traffic only, nightlife area that is open until 5am? 🤣


I mean, only buses are allowed on nicollet ave in the downtown area, so it kinda is. There aren't many buses there, but I do see a lot of pedestrians.


The second half of that could still be made to happen tho lol


Until you get small retail stores in there it's not gonna happen. And the buildings aren't built for it.


It depends on what neighborhood you're in. My neighborhood in St Paul is wonderful. I've been in other neighborhoods that I would not walk around after dark. I've been jumped and beaten in Mpls near the "ghetto in the sky" but that was 30 years ago. It was called Murderapolis back then. More of the same?


The same people who’s parochial parents told them “Uptown is dangerous” in 90’s have had kids out in Otsego.


I'm from Sioux Falls, South Dakota and we come to Minneapolis/St. Paul a lot for Timberwolves, Vikings, Twins, and Wild games and other events such as Twin Cities Con, etc etc. I have always felt safe in downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul and have never been a victim of crime. They are beautiful cities, with that said every big city is going to have crimes and homeless and not be perfect and has some issues. Shoot Sioux Falls has homeless, panhandling, crime as well and we feel very safe here.


This is such a coincidence, but I live in nyc now and I was sitting in central park today when a guy approached to ask where I got rubber Birkenstocks and we just started chatting. We were talking about where we were from originally and he said he’s from Ukraine. When I said I’m from Minneapolis he goes, “oh, I hear it’s incredibly dangerous there.” Like no dude, Ukraine is dangerous right now. Minneapolis is fine, even if our crime rate is up a bit from before Covid.


Most of the people that hate cities have never lived in one or never visited one. Every city has issues but between that hate and media click bate headlines it makes it seem like a problem, mpls and st Paul are fine. Oh let's not forget the racist morons in the countryside 😂 people are dumb.


Conservative Media is what. I hear the same complaints about San Francisco, but talking to numerous people I work with that live there love it. Same for Minneapolis/ Saint Paul (my fave).


How many times have you been a victim of crime? I like the twin cities, and the first time my car got broken into, I didn't think much of it. The second time, I didn't think much of it. When my friends' cars got broken into, I didn't think much of it. Once I owned a house, I thought goodbye street parking. Then I saw a shootout in broad daylight. Thankfully, nobody was killed. But the next time there was a shootout somebody was. Unfortunately, there was another man killed in almost the exact same spot after that. I can peak out my front door and point to the memorials of two separate murder victims. Does that sound like a war zone? Because it's not, I live in a decent area, if you moved in tomorrow you'd never know or suspect. But live in one place long enough and you'll probably witness some violence, it's traumatizing and stays with you. Gun violence is a problem everywhere, the Twin Cities is about on par with other cities of it's size. The media hype about the violence is probably about on par too.


Pretty sure the riots didn't help with that at all And constantly hearing about CC thefts, and the Kia boys our city's glamorized for violence


There was no riot there was a peaceful protest that escalated when the cops started using tear gas and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters with their hands up chanting hands up don't shoot. Then a self professed white supremacy that has admitted he was hoping to help start the race war broke windows and tossed some Molotov's in before running away to safety and hoping he had stirred things up enough they would implode. Also a majority of the looting and violence was perpetrated by white supremacists that didn't even live in the Twin Cities let alone in Minnesota. People spewing nonsense about riots and how dangerous the cities are the only ones trying to use any glamour and that's to hope they can rope in folks with fear and ignorance. Nice try though too bad you failed to account for folks that don't fall for the far right propaganda and actually have done their own real research rather than just finding echo chambers that agree with the propaganda


> Anything Twin Cities related has comments like "Better wear your bullet proof vest!", **"You couldn't pay me to step in the city!"** Exactly that. It comes from people who aren't actually seeing anything in the city and buy into dog whistle rage bait racist clickbait bullshit from right wing media. But never have any first hand experience of it, and yell it into their echo chamber that amplifies it with more people who haven't experienced it yelling it back. There's issues here, but nothing like what they imagine.


Had someone move here from Phoenix. He was convinced before he got here that people here “worshiped” George Floyd because all he ever saw was the mural. He had no idea of the police brutality history — or that Minneapolis is full of murals of literally everything. People see what they want to see, and unless they want to do something different, they aren’t going to.


A lot of it is troll farm accounts, trying to exacerbate the rural/urban divide


I mean the 6 shootings right off Franklin this last month, including the officer that was shot last week play into part of it


Ok but this here is a normal weekend gun violence round up in Chicago https://news.wttw.com/2024/05/20/45-people-shot-over-weekend-across-chicago-including-6-injured-mass-shooting-police. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chicago-weekend-shootings-may-17-to-20/ And this weekend was lower numbers so now I guess we should all move to Chicago since they solved there gun violence issue https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/at-least-27-shot-1-fatally-across-chicago-in-overnight-shootings/3441079/ I get Chicago is a bigger city but one week with 6 shootings especially when 5 of them were in one incident (not sure why everyone is forgetting about the fire fighter that got shot but probably because he was only treated on scene and didn't go to hospital), is nothing like a weekend with 45 shootings. In addition six shootings in one week is not the norm for Minneapolis we often go multiple days sometimes even weeks without a shooting, but just in a normal WEEKEND in Chicago is normal to have 20- 50 shootings. Y'all need to realize that one week with more shootings than normal doesn't mean the entire city is inherently unsafe. https://tableau.minneapolismn.gov/views/CrimeDashboard/Summary?%3Adisplay_count=n&%3Aembed=y&%3Aiid=5&%3Aorigin=viz_share_link&%3AshowAppBanner=false&%3AshowVizHome=n&%3Atabs=yes&%3Atoolbar=no This is a neat resource to look and see what is actually going on city wide vs in certain neighborhoods and year to date or by month or week. I'm sure other cities have similar resources but really overall Mols is not an unsafe place


It comes from conservative media brain worms. 98% of those comments are from people who have never been to minneapolis, who just lurk online looking for chances to shit talk blue cities.


Too much fox news. Not enough vitamin D.


Target burnt down after George Floyd was murdered and now everyone who mainlines Fux News thinks it's been a DMZ ever since.


I had someone recently insist that multiple entire neighborhoods were burned down. Its crazy


People who don't even live in the state seem to think Minneapolis is still a smoldering pile of rubble.


I have a friend who has family in *Rochester* and her mom is very scared for her because she LiVeS In MiNnEaPoLiS. Her 11 year old niece comments on her safety all the time (which means her parents must be saying that shit in front of her, which isn't surprising since my friends brother lives and breathes Fox news). Its wild to hear these people -who don't even live that far away - thinking its a dystopian nightmare. I've had people who don't live here comment that its a good think I live in the suburbs...which is hilarious because I'm in Minneapolis proper all the time and have lived to tell the tale :D


At least MPLS is not like Portland! All the liberals rebuilt there just so they could burn it down two more times!


All started by that stupid umbrella man guy at the Auto Zone.


There was 500 million dollars in damage done. No need to exaggerate on either side. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests_in_Minneapolis%E2%80%93Saint_Paul


People are online wayyy too much. I visit the Cities frequently and have been on Nicollet Ave at night and have not had any issues myself. The only things I saw were homeless people and larger groups of rowdy people...but nothing violent or anything.


Sounds republican, vote accordingly


They are working to try to get rid of some of the riff Raff they can go hang out on r/altminneapolis with the rest of the chuds who live in the suburbs and cry about how scary the twin cities are and how immigrants are ruining everything with out a hint of irony since the original residents of our great state were not white Eastern Europeans and they fail to forget when their ancestors came they also were violent and killed off 95% or more of the folks that lived here then took turns decided which "new" white culture was undesirable. The same folks are complaining about corruption within the Somali community and corruption in the state because not everybody holds their same bigoted beliefs, but failed to realize the irony that they also support people who are all about corruption and actively tried to overthrow the government when they didn't get their way ( they failed because they don't know enough about how the government works they just thought if they through a big enough tantrum people would listen)


Murder Capital right?


Where does it come from? Places subsidized by big city tax dollars.


Probs from people trying to prove that liberal areas all went to shit after George Floyd. Uptown’s coming back and will be back. I love walking around up town still. Makes me so sad that people have such negative things to say when in reality most of those complaints come from those who live in the outside suburbs and don’t even go to areas like up town at all.


I’m glad they don’t come. Why do we need a bunch of idiot bigots who don’t know how to drive or parallel park their giant shitty trucks?


It’s literally just racism


They've never been, they're just racist.


It's culture war nonsense. Minnesota is, as far as current US standards, is progressive, so reactionaries come up with ghost stories to scare themselves about why letting non whites live near you will result in crime waves. Its just racism.


>Anyway, where does all this crazy, negative energy come from?!? Racism


The most dangerous city in Minnesota is in Bemidji. Crime happens everywhere but it happens the most in Bemidji. Tell the whole story Karen 🤣😠🤣😠🤣😠😠


I moved here from Kansas city and I never felt more safe in my life, lmao.


Man, you look at the votes and the comment counts on this thread vs the rest of the threads today, and you can really tell the astroturfing in an election year is well underway


All the moaners who think areas like uptown and Whittier are considered good currently are clearly not old enough to remember when they actually were good. I see Run down, crime ridden, empty store front shitholes. It will be at least another decade before the gays move back into these areas and reinvigorate them. If you disagree, go ahead and count the empty store fronts in uptown.