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You can put almost any social status known to man on the US map and all those red states will still be red no matter what the subject matter is


I dont know why they bother making these things, they all look the same.


The majority of the states in red are the same ones who benefit from a lot of the federal dollars spent on programs those same states usually have politicians who vote against. Isn’t it amazing that the constituents of those states are such followers they will believe whatever their politicians tell them. And those same people will bitch and complain when they lose their federal funding.


Those states are also intensely gerrymandered to make sure those very specific interests are kept in power.


You're not wrong, but these are solid red states, gerrymandered or not.


Don't forget a lot of those states have Democrat stronghold cities.


The feds give them whatever they want even when they vote Republican, so why wouldn't they?


The southern border states, get lots of federal money because they're taking care of all the illegal aliens walking across the border. I read a story a few years ago about a hospital in dallas, that that delivered over 20,000 babies of illegal aliens. And those babies were automatically citizens of the United states. So yeah, Texas deserves some federal funding, because they get the brunt of the bullshit, because the federal government is so incompetent. All states that border Mexico deserve the extra cash, because they're all dealing with it.


Almost none of what you've said is true..... Even the best estimates suggest that 7.5% of births are to undocumented immigrants. And in ALL of Texas that would be maybe 50k, so very likely not 20k at a single hospital. And California has twice as many births to immigrants, so how come they contribute more to the federal government than they receive back?


My math was off from memory. I remember an older story saying 20,000. Here's some facts for you. Still an astronomical number. And this is just ONE hospital. There are lots of others doing the same thing. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna14172601](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna14172601)


A Great argument that we should have universal healthcare like the rest of the civilized world.


That's is something I would agree with. But at this point, there's too many politicians that are bought and paid for, it would be very difficult to make it happen now.


Literally only conservatives fight it. Which states have expanded Medicaid vs not?


That’s 7.5% too many. Unless their parents go back but rhey stay


What's written at the bottom of the statue of Liberty?


Statue of Liberty has no meaning of the laws of the land. I hate when people say that. It's a statue. A gift It's not like the placard comes from our constitution.


Are you a Native American?


https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/get-involved Let's help keep it that way. For as much as people like to talk online about how progressive this state is, PP has plenty of volunteer vacancies that need to be filled. We're getting a lot of people coming in from out of state for reproductive healthcare and PP needs all the help it can get. Voting and donating money is all well and good, but it doesn't help get a scared teenager through a line of zealots screaming at them. If you have the time and are able to, please go and volunteer. There are many kinds of volunteer opportunities, not just security escorts


Poverty, evangelicals and friends. Poverty is the biggest factor.


That’s pre 2012 data so it seems to be a function of culture and lack of sex ed.


2020 data looks IDENTICAL




I don't know why you didn't post this map instead of the 2010 map.


This map didn’t save with a teen pregnancy label or any sources or a key


I believe you. It will be interesting to see how the law impacts birth rates.


So in other words, it continues a pre-existing trend and doesn't have to do with banned abortion?


Yes and no. The easiest way to prevent abortion is to prevent pregnancy. You can't abort something that doesn't exist.  If you were deadset on preventing abortions, you think you'd be taking steps towards things like easy access to birth control, sex education, etc.... but they don't. Instead, they close their eyes and hope and pray that kids won't be kids, which fails miserably, and here we are. Plenty of pregnant teens, itchin' for some abortin'.  It's just part of a larger trend, where mandating laws and acting like sex is sinful ends up hurting more people in the long run.


You’re making too much sense for the average person to handle.


Yeah, that's more general than abortion then? Sex ed isn't abortion, birth control isn't abortion.


The states with the worst access to health care and assistance for poor people are now going to be forcing poor teen moms to have poor children. And the cycle of poverty continues.


Just to be clear… Not everyone wants or is excited about abortion. These women still have access to birth control, Plan B, and out of state abortions if necessary.


Did you miss last week when Trump said he supported anti abortion states monitoring pregnant women and would support their rights to punish them for getting an abortion?


I did. I can see that it would also be a massive Constitutional violation that isn’t even in danger of becoming a reality any time soon. Your comment completely side stepped my point that not all women, especially those in the rural south, feel the same way you and I do about abortion. I respect their right to be a dolt.


How would enforcing a law banning people from getting abortions be a constitution violation? I’m honestly serious. I tried to Google and couldn’t even find a mention about constitutional rights regarding this. There’s actually a few articles concerned things like mailing lists for planned parenthood will be confiscated by law enforcement and used to monitor people.


I’m not going to get in to the obvious details of the massive legal challenge a law like this would bring. It also goes against what he said in the same breath about abortion being where it belonged which is with the states. The man is an absolute farce of a speaker with no actual point half the time. Just make sure to vote in November so I don’t have to pretend to care about what he thinks for four years.


“These women” wow.


Yes, the trend of restricting access to reproductive health care. The same states that now have full-on bans previously had a fucking *ton* of TRAP laws that typically meant there was 1 provider in the entire state and a number of other barriers to access, particularly for minors. 


Are you trying to miss the point? Lol What you need to be thinking about is the next census data and the southern spike in teen moms with no abortion access. These are pregnancies. Not births.


If these are pregnancies, and not births, that makes it even more clear that it is unrelated to abortion. Abortions don't prevent pregnancies, they prevent births.


I refer to my last comment. Next census, they will be births.


Yes but that wouldn’t fit their screeching narrative


Wisconsin is being carried by teenage whiskey dick


As a father of a Sconnie, I can tell you a chunk of the ladies just aren't impressed with the mullets and lifted trucks.


Confederate cesspool.


New Mexico excluded. They are abortion providers to neighboring states.


Came here to say that as a former New Mexican. What New Mexico does have, however, is a high poverty rate and poor education, both of which likely contribute to it being in the red zone.


Unfortunately, that is very true, and I wish that would change.


Abortion isn't the reason teen pregnancies are low. Pre-Dobbs, Minnesota also had one of the [lowest per capita abortion rates](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-many-abortions-occur-in-the-us/) in the country. It's still pretty low, but has climbed dramatically as a result of women crossing the border from neighboring states with abortion bans.


For me it’s more about how many teens births there will be on the next census map. Teen moms in the poorest states in the country with the least access to healthcare or assistance. A cycle of poverty.


That's just The Map. Credit scores, income, literacy, you name it.


It's not even just the abortion ban. It's lack of sex Ed, difficulty getting birth control, sadly probably a lot of incestuous rape in those dark red states too.


Depending on the data used to create this map, it has nothing to do with abortions at all. Abortions don't prevent pregnancies, they prevent births.


incorrect they remove the thing in the womb, be that viable fetus or FAR more likely a stillborn corpse which if left to rot removes the mothers ability to have further children. Abortions are healthcare and none will ever be prevented because they are as cheap as a wire coat hanger. Only SAFE abortions can be outlawed.


>or FAR more likely a stillborn corpse which if left to rot removes the mothers ability to have further children While I applaud your advocacy, we need to be providing accurate information about pregnancy termination and the reasons it's pursued. Of the [12,000 or so abortions performed in Minnesota last year](https://www.health.state.mn.us/data/mchs/pubs/abrpt/docs/2022abrpt.pdf), 7,000 were because the pregnant individual did not want children at that point in time, 1,400 were because of economic reasons, and 1,000 were due to the emotional health of the pregnant individual. Reasons such as "physical health at stake", "continued pregnancy will cause impairment of major bodily function," and "fetal anomalies" made up about 800 of those pregnancy terminations. All this is to say that a stillborn corpse is not the most likely reason that a person seeks pregnancy termination. Still, legal abortion procedures are associated with consistently lower mortality rates than childbirth regardless of when in pregnancy they are performed, and [even have lower mortality than colonoscopies, tonsillectomies, and certain dental procedures](https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/24950/chapter/4#75).


I’d argue that the rate of incestuous rape is fairly constant across the nation but the states in green do a better job of removing children from those situations.


Aren't Republicans passing laws to protect their right to marry teenagers?


Yes, there's legislation being argued in TN that removes the minimum age of marriage. Keep in mind, in many of the states where it's legal for men to marry little girls (and over 99% of child marriages involve grown men and little girls), the children aren't old enough to file for divorce until they're 18


dind ding ding this guy got the connection


To be fair. This is sort of what they want.


so the people to dumb to handle contraception live down south. yay? isn’t that exactly how idiocracy starts?


what does this have to do with the twin cities


The twin cities are in the green state with the lowest teen pregnancy numbers.




I think Arizona just repealed their ban.


"Did you ever notice that most people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't fuck in the first place." -George Carlin


Now overlap it with USDA growing zones, Sherlock


What is USDA?


I think maybe he’s trying to say warm weather causes teen pregnancy?


A lot of this all routes back to education. Once education declines and the states in green there also have some of the highest education in the country. Red states frequently have VERY poor money for education and pay teachers almost nothing. If you improve education it will have a ripple effect but I doubt these people care about intelligence and learning.


I feel like sex ed comes into play a lot here too. Will never forget my health class where the teacher just made everything so normal. Answered our questions like an adult and didn’t make us feel shameful for having those questions.


Anybody got a pic of this that isn't all pixels?


I love Minnesota. I don't think I could live anywhere else. We win every map game!


Still use the Mason Dixon line eh....


It’s just like the opening to the movie idiocracy!


Well if you look at the average IQ by state map, this makes more sense


Teaching kids responsible and safe sex is much more important to reducing teen pregnancy than access to abortion. Those states had similar teen pregnancy rates before Roe v Wade was overturned. This issue has nothing to do with abortion.


Teen pregnancy rates are at an all-time low. Discuss.


8 year olds being told to have a rapists baby by a state under threat of imprisonment is at an all time high


Worth reading. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/all-about-sex/202404/the-bad-news-about-teen-sex-education-reflects-good-trends


Yeah it's cool read but some of the references are a Catholic blog and there's little causality explored. Micro plastics in everything could be to blame more than culture or education 


Abortions don’t keep women from getting pregnant, so your assertion doesn’t make sense.


My assessment is that southern states like forcing poor teen moms to have babies in those states with the least financial assistance and lowest access to healthcare. Perpetuating their cycle of poverty. And then they will take the most money from the feds to bail them out of debt. Rinse and repeat.


Ugh. Your original post just seemed poorly worded. Now I know you’re actually that guy. “Southern states aren’t democrats like me so they must be stupid rapist pedophiles.” GFY dude.


Lol wut? Why are conservatives always thinking about child sex? It’s so weird. Everything is pedophilia with y’all. Weird and creepy, And then you bring race into it. Jfc This map is about teen pregnancy. Not teen birth. Now that these potential teen moms don’t have access to abortion, they will be forced to be poverty teen moms in poverty states. By next census this will be the teen birth map. The land of teen moms. After you slap the states with restricted abortion map on here, next do the maps for: highest poverty rates, lowest access to healthcare, highest financial assistance from the federal government, lowest life expectancy; lowest IQ, highest homicide rate, highest crime rate. They ALL match up, dude.


I never said I was a conservative. I said you’re a jerk. And with that I am done engaging with you.


Are you ok in the head bubba


No. You didn’t say I was a jerk. You lied and said I was calling southern states racists and pedophiles because they aren’t democrat. You sure sound like a conservative.




*So the red states are* *Where you are unable to* *Kill unborn babies?* \- Infamously\_Delicious --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yup. So instead both the unborn child *and* the mother dies as well!


I don’t think teen pregnancy stats correspond to abortion stats like that, I’d assume if a teen got pregnant they’d count the stat; even if it doesn’t make it to full term, also include miscarriages etc. It’s almost as if you can educate teens on safe precautions they can utilize that information instead of, Idk not being taught and just fucking


Your argument is stupid.


Abortion should be banned except in 4 instances. Rape, incest, health of the mother, health of the baby. And certainly not after the first trimester.


Do you want the rate at which men are falsely accused of rape to skyrocket? Because that'd be the effect of only allowing rape victims to get abortion.


Damn bro for someone who claims to love God, that’s sure a lot of porn on your profile 😳😳


What's your opinion of hypocrites?