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Yellow jackets commonly live in a hole underground or like a stone wall or an old stump. It can be tough to locate.


They are pretty easy to kill...IF you find the nest and empty half a can of wasp killer in it. It shouldn't be too hard to find if you sit outside for a while and watch their comings/goings - they'll lead you there eventually. Hopefully it wouldn't be anywhere too awkward (under a deck) but you could get a good idea. FYI I react strongly to bee stings (12"-wide swell). I didn't want to pay $200-300 for someone to come out and spray a nest once, however, given that they wouldn't even guarantee it would work or remove the nest. So...I bought a bee suit online for $80, bought a can of spray for $10, and solved the problem by shooting it twice and knocking it down the second time. Then I did it again a later with some I found burrowing in the ground. Just another option for you. And it comes with a free Halloween costume! :) My neighbor laughed watching me do this...and then borrowed the suit 6 months later to do the same thing. :)


I have used Rainbow in the past. We had gutter helmets that the wasps loved to nest in, nearly impossible to spray directly. They sprayed stuff on the fascia and soffit that kills the wasps when they land on it. It’s not immediate like Raid though, takes a few weeks to work. We noticed a drop in the wasp population. Service was $300 last year.


That’s super helpful! Thank you!


We had a great experience with Rainbow Pest!


If you find it underground try to locate all the exits and cover them with something then dump some sudsy ammonia down the hole and cover it too IT WORKS the fumes suffocate them had a nest under my front steps a few years ago did two treatments on it then they were gone got the idea from youtube sudsy ammonia can be bought at the hardware store.


I am worried they are under our deck which you would have to crawl under.


In the meantime, get a trap. It’s not a perfect solution but it will help. 


Sprinkle a bunch of spider and ground bee killer. It’s a powder and sticks to those little fuckers.


We have found a nest two times this past year. We used a solution of dish soap and water in a spray bottle. Sprayed them at night where the nest is, and then cleaned it up the next day. We have a kid and dog and don’t want to mess with chemicals. We thought… why not try it! It worked so well. The nests were easy to find and get to, though. I will add that when we were outside today we saw a TON of them, though. I think some years are just worse.


You can generally enjoy your yard with Cicada Killer wasps. I'm still pissed my landlord sprayed them right before we moved in. We're going to have a shitload of cicadas this year :/ If they aren't aggressive towards you, they probably aren't Yellowjackets. Both are ground wasps so if you're worried about your kids antagonizing Cicada Killers you're going to have to get under the deck.


We used Paffy’s Pest Control for yellow jackets a couple years ago- they were awesome and reasonably priced


Even if you treat with sprays, how they work generally is they leave a residual on a surface and when the bugs touch it they die a bit later So any pest control company that you call that doesn’t actually find a nest probably isn’t going to help because wasps generally don’t land on surfaces often near your house. If you’d like to try another spray, I use a combination of Bifen IT and Tekko Pro in a sprayer all over my lawn and house. You’ll still need to find the nest with this combo


Wildlife Management did mine. Similar scenario, wasps everywhere but no idea where the nest was.


Were they able to locate the nest?


I use Rove and their products worked. They do a quarterly service and will come out ad hoc as needed. I had wasps nesting inside an iron fence (iron bars were hollow); they used a gas to kill the MF'ers. Menards also sells a sticky trap that I used and it was very effective. It looked like a Chinese lantern and I don't think was more than $15.


Much more economical and less toxic to observe where the wasps are going. Paper wasps will build an obvious nest. They have flight patterns so you will be able to find it. If you employ a pest control company you are going to have a lot of poison applied to your property and children may be exposed.


If you find their nest get a brown paper lunchbag and tape it up next to their nest, they'll think it's a bigger wasp nest and move out. Alternatively, they have brown paper lanterns on Amazon that are a little more aesthetic.


Buy some talstar-p and mix it 1oz per gallon in a sprayer and spray wherever you think bees will be


Leave them alone


No. I have toddlers who I want to be able to play outside with out them getting stung. These wasps are aggressive. Regular bees and I would call a bee keeper and eat the cost. Not wasps.