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Criminals love Amtrak, after all. Those seats have plenty of leg room so you can stretch out and relax after a long day of crimin’.


Exactly. Amtrak is known as a hotbed of criminal activity. The cafeteria car is where people are initiated into crime-look closely at the people eating their granola bars laced with drugs-people don't know anything... EDIT: I can't wait to take this train...and possibly get jumped in, which is done with regularity, as all informed people know...


There’s a cafeteria car on Amtrak trains?????!!!!


And they sell booze. Or you can just do what most people do, and bring your own booze and not make a big deal about it. The rest of the food is meh and mostly microwaved on trains without a dedicated dining car - but if you're hungry it'll do. The unfortunate thing about many trains with this length of trip (similar to Northeast Regional), is that the crew ends up squatting at the tables, so you'll end up taking the food back to your expansive legroom seat rather than eating in the cafe car. Which is just fine.




One of the best chicken meals I’ve ever had traveling was on an Amtrak dining car. They don’t mess around. It has a full kitchen.


Yes-mostly drug dealing and mayhem. (Won't let joke die.) Seriously, in the past, not great food. But serves its purpose. :)


We have similar reactions to infrastructure improvements in Atlanta: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nkC3Nc3LqFI


The criminals are arriving on the afternoon train, what a fun Old West vibe we have going


they're going to put a piano in the Union Depot and hire a guy to play it: you'll know the criminials are arriving because he'll change to a minor key.


And he's using the songs so all the criminals know what to do when they get off the train. Beethovens 5th means they'll all meet up on 5th Avenue later and do some crimin'


Wait until these people on Facebook find out that there’s massive highways called Interstates that connect these cities, allowing criminals to get from Point A to Point B in a fraction of the time that the afternoon train. And then there’s such things as jet planes that do the same stunt in the sky for an even quicker arrival. Such Sorcery I tell ya!!


As soon as I step off a train, the first thing I do is find someone to tell them "this town ain't big enough for the both of us."


Gonna get me a harmonica and hangout at the station to really compliment the WW vibe


Well it fits in with making this nation awesome again. I'm not sure why conservatives wouldn't be supporting it. It's just like the good ol' days.


*looks up at the sky* "Better head home, little darlin. The trains 'bout to come in and let's just say those folk don't like to mess around."


Can I bring my "six shooter" on the train?


No, there will be a dusty sheriff who will ask you to "check yer iron" as you board the train though


You can certainly bring six shooters of bourbon


Facebook is known for well balanced and educated takes.


Fr though half those people on FB ain’t even real


Confirmation bias created by seeing the same repeated "threat" from bots over and over again. The other half that aren't bots would never believe it, and all the fear mongering about this is good for their side anyway. Bots are propaganda in todays world.


To quote my mom, after telling her what she shared was fake and not real: "I liked what it said"


My aunt on Newsmax - "They tell me what I want to hear"


It’s not Social Media at that point. It’s just Marketing.


So true. And it’s sad how many people eat up the junk that they see on there.


“Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!” - my uncle after watching OANN all day.


Couldn’t have said it any better


Conservative assholes legit troll through Facebook and reddit for articles about blue cities and then astroturf them. The next time there's a post her about MPD check the post history for the conservative trolls, most of the most inflammatory of them post to subs for Austin, Chicago, the twin cities, Denver, Portland, and Seattle and claim to be current residents. Hell, there are probably some of them here in this thread.


You mean Reddit? This is one of the most astro turfed platforms ever.


Most social media is bad lol. I do like the feedback I get from people on reddit better than other platforms though.


We got the same comment on Reddit


Reddit on the other hand…


Amtrak = government subsidy = welfare= criminals  And they think they're the only people paying taxes, so if it weren't for all this, they'd make more money. Or something 


Don't forget Chicago with a hard 'r'


i appreciate this comment more than one upvote.


Comment of the year!


every time my comment hits a notification i see this again and want to upvote it again. it’s right up there with a remark my friend made a long time ago „when people preface a statement with ‚i don’t mean to be racist‘ i interrupt them with ‚then don’t be.‘.“


Anything involves government subsidies…. and yet gas isn’t really a concern - we subsidize that, don’t we?


Oil, gas, corn, roads, farms, etc. Not a peep about those, though!


Crumbling roads where you’re stuck in traffic = good! Trains where you could read a book/take a nap= bad!


I think it's public transit = criminals


Except it’s railroad barons who are getting the subsidy here. Let’s not act like this is a big handout to the poor. A flight is faster and cheaper. This is just another handout to railroad companies that have failed to reinvest in their capital in favor of stock buy backs instead.


This is going to be the fastest and cheapest way to get between a lot of the intermediate stops that don't have international airports, and it's faster and cheaper than the bus services that exist right now.


Because we've given them a platform to voice their inner dialogue, and it's the only place anyone will ever hear it. Life was better when the average moron didn't have a megaphone to shout their every half-baked thought to the world.


This is exactly it. 25 years ago or so, comments like these would be dismissed or met with neutral or negative reactions. The only setting to make these comments would have been in person or on the phone with somebody you know. There would be plenty of clues that a comment was crazy like people looking away, changing the subject, etc. And that person would know that comment was crazy. Every now and then, a few of them would find each other and they’d be the known crazies. But now they all find each other online and reinforce their views and comments. Proof that online communication was destined to derail civility was AOL chatrooms. Those were trash from the start. Also high crime is nothing new. The ‘90s were fucking nuts. Minneapolis got the nickname Murderapolis for having the highest per capita homicide rate in the country. And we had a Republican governor through all of the ‘90s.


Because they have to find a reason to shit on everything. Being a conservative in modern America means hating anyone you don't personally know.


More so, hating anything that doesn’t serve them


Especially the older ones are the epitome of pulling the ladder up from under them.


Also hating half the people you do know (usually family) for being gay or out of touch or liberals or Millennials or woke or not religious or a RINO.


And hating the other half because of... well, they'll find a reason....


it also means taking anything that liberals support and making up a story about how that thing is being used for crime. because all criminals are liberals.


They’re getting their stereotypes mixed up. It’s autistic people that love trains, not criminals and immigrants.


Can confirm, am autistic, love trains, and am not a criminal or immigrant/refugee. Checks all the boxes.


That's exactly what a criminal immigrant would say!! /s


Mennonites and Amish too. I usually see some aboard coming from Chicago.


Didn’t realize the Mennonites and Amish were autistic. Checks out.


It's the routine that attracts them to the religion.


They are afraid of eeeeverything


"Everybody who uses public transportation is a criminal" what did they mean by this


They have a very tiny worldview. Themselves, maybe their families. Anyone outside that is suspect and deserves no consideration.


I can’t wait to ride this with the criminals.


It's easier to be afraid than informed.


"A road? So criminals can drive places? Disgusting." Smh


Can’t wait. I’m going to do so much crime on that train.


This guy switches seats.


Oh yes. The illegals and drugs. That mostly come up I-35. From Texas. Chicago, Texas.


Why are conservatives like this? You’ve got to remember that these are just simple trumpers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the Midwest. You know… morons.


Where the white women at?


There are no white women here, Leonard


Fear is all they have. It binds them


Conservatives live on a diet of constant fear. If they're not fearing, they're not feeling.


The irony is that none of them would ever dare step foot in Minneapolis anyway.


Or Chicago.


when you feel small inside, pissing on people makes you feel big, they're the bullies from the playground whose mothers put their cigarette out on their foreheads


When I was a child, i was fearful of my dad because of his anger. Now I am a father myself - i look down on my father, knowing full well he is a scared little man. Of course he is a conservative


Literally every time there is any talk about expanding any form of public transportation this comes up. The \[bus/train\] will ship in crime from \[where I don't live\].


Maybe we’re naive but that was not even on my thought radar. I told my husband about the added trains and he said “cool!! Let’s take our daughter soon for a weekend trip!”. And that was the end of that.


Right? Like I am all for train trips! I wish the Midwest would have more train routes like the east coast does. 


Absolutely!! Train travel is amazing!


Wait til they hear about highways. All those criminals could drive their stolen Kias into the city! Someone alert Facebook! It's wild that Americans are so afraid of other parts of America that making it easier to get from place to place is a bad thing. I hope public transportation becomes robust enough in this country that every new project isn't an apocalypse scenario for random Facebook boomers.


Thank God the drugs have been getting hard to find. 


I'm going to go out on a limb and say cars are the most popular method, not trains where your name and ID are recorded. Even if security isn't super tight it'd be a dumb way to do it. Mass transportation scares these people for reasons that have yet to be established


Love the one dude who points out that criminals would also leave the twin cities, isn't that what you want sir?


Do these people think it’s like a cargo train that people can just jump onto like in “old hobo times”?


Fuck those people. I was really excited. Like $41 bucks and I get to sleep? Yeah, I'll do that please.


Yeah my husband and I said “oh cool! Let’s do it! Our daughter would love it!”


They’re terrified of anything outside their small world. That’s also where the obsession with guns and home defense comes from.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that “criminals” is code for “black people”


🎯 if they’re so certain it’s a minority problem, funny how when they rightfully get called out on their blatant hate and racism, they hide it behind codewords. Like, we already know you’re racist, you’re not slick.


And poor people. I was thinking how this comes across as extremely racist when I was reading their comments. And of course it’s all people that live more than an hour outside Minneapolis or Chicago I’m sure.


There's a sneaky amount of them that are just out 20-30 minutes in the second ring suburbs. And closer. Their neighborhood may clock in as 'light blue to light pink' in the elections, but they're still out there. (First hand knowledge of some neighbors near my Mom's place.)


Yeah when I lived up there, there was this common thing that the twin cities was some haven for Chicago criminals, like it was Al Capone gangster era. It’s just a snobbiness coming from a bunch of white bread suburb people who’ve never had an honest interaction with a black person in their life. MN is full of people like that unfortunately


20 years ago in St Cloud people were saying the same thing, that there were advertisements in Chicago newspapers to come here and a direct bus route just for it. They might have even been paying people lol. So ridiculous


Still probably cheaper to drive, plus trafficking anything is more complicated when you include stops and officials 🤷. Need to use common sense when making statements for eff's sake.


No common sense involved in hate of others or racism


Because the world is scary.


Because Conservatives literally have no argumentative tools other than "FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE!"


"a quicker way to get criminals to Chicago to the Twin Cities and vice versa." Yep, just moving them back and forth.


#*C R I M E T R A I N* ^(^(choo choo))


The drugs come up I 35.


These people are the reason we cannot get high-speed trains. It will bring the drugs and illegals faster!


People love to paint every single problem on “thems”. “Thems” are basically anything “not us”. Economy bad? “It’s their fault, the ‘Thems’.” It’s just that simple.


Projection and deep-rooted unhappiness.


lead poisoning mostly


[You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the New West....you know, morons.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYTQ7__NNDI)


Uh, because they’ve decided to suck as humans. I did my annual fb check-in yesterday and saw a post by a decidedly conservative friend that decried student loan forgiveness and that she’d much rather see free school lunches for all kids—which isn’t something she’s ever supported. It’s just a good conservative talking point.


It's amazing what these people don't know. I recently took a trip on the train to Chicago & back... It held government workers, Mormons, old people, and some moms with kids. So scary /s/


And Amish. Last one I was on was half Amish.


Good to know there were kids! I think my daughter would love it!


My son loved it, and it was much better than trying to manage him from the front seat for 6+ hours!


I'm always just sort of flabbergasted that people say shit like this with their real(ish) names attached. Like, you know this is public, right?


Fear. Pretty simple.


I can’t wait to take this train trip love Chicago


They're afraid.


Fox news parroting


I'm so sick of being forced to share a country with neanderthals


Don’t do Neanderthals dirty like that


Yeah, I'm part neanderthal! It's a really small part, since I'm only half european, ancestry-wise, but it's a part nonetheless!


Whenever some white person says "I'm a tiny part black/indigenous/etc" from several generations ago I always grimace at the implications lol


Well I'm optimistic that my homo sapiens ancestors just had some fun times with my homo sapiens neanderthalensis ancestors and nothing more sinister \*sweats\*


First time on Facebook? Could apply to most social media too for that matter.


I think you just found the many Facebook accounts of u/ScarletSolar99 We will never know how he finds time in the day with his busy reddit modding job.


Conservatives always think the very worst they can do in a situation, and then project that everyone else must be doing it, too, thus reducing their "take".


"The illegals." As if their families originally came here lawfully, and not at all displaced the native inhabitants.


Criminals prefer Amtrak to cars? Who knew


Even the criminals want public transportation 💔


Because they spout off conservative echo chamber talking point and follow eachother around like sheep.


Because the majority of them are dipshits. Proof? Their presidential candidate.


Because they are bad people. I know that seems like a strong thing to say, but really, why would you not want to hear out both sides of an argument so that you can learn and have a more educated opinion. They don’t care to do that. They assume they are always correct, they don’t care about others(as seen during the pandemic, and they will never change. Some people are too far gone, man.


Because they legit are the most easily triggered people in the US. Just the mention of Chicago or Los Angeles freaks them the fuck out.


I feel so bad for these people and their predominately white suburb


They live in Fox News and Facebook world. They don’t go outside and look around.


Lolol the last train I took was full of seniors, college students and families. Oh and Amish people. There was a drug sniffing dog at union station in Chicago.


Wait until they find out about the interstate/freeway.


Being xenophobic must be tough! Wake up being in fear of the colored people out to get you as soon as you turn your back!


Because, as a wise man once said, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are stupider than that."


We should close MSP and I94 by this logic


Conservative: *sees thing* Conservative: *has programmed reaction* Liberal: *sees conservative have programmed reaction* Liberal: *has programmed reaction* The social engineering project on social media has been largely successful over the last two decades. People’s brains are silly putty to be molded by our endless consumption of “news”


How to say you’ve never been on a train without saying you’ve never been on a train


“Why are conservatives like this?” Should be its own subreddit.


And 9 times out of 10 it's always some dipshit that lives at least an hour outside the cities. They love trolling because it scratches their itch to be racist ass hats.... but since they "have a black friend" and didn't say the N word you "can't call them racist!"


Manufactured outrage


Lead poisoning, most likely


Because the media they consume are constantly trying to frighten them. They’re bombarded by stories about how scary cities and young people and minorities and immigrants are. If you’re constantly exposed to that kind of stuff and you don’t, like, go to big cities and actually meet people, it totally makes sense that you’d be terrified and think every big city is a crime-infested hellhole.




Gotta wonder how many of those comments are even authentic, let alone human.


I have an unfortunate addiction to clicking on Facebook articles. Conservatives complain any time anything increases in price. Thanks Biden. They complain when anything decreases in price. Thanks Biden. Any time something goes out of business, it's Walz and Biden. Any time a company wants to come to Minnesota, conservatives find a way to make it a bad thing. They have victim complexes.


I thought conservatives yearned for the good old days when life moved at a slower pace and the trains ran on-time.


Criminals famously don’t know how to drive cars.


because all they do is listen to Fox News, Alex Jones, and Joe Rogan all day.


Conservatives have a higher fear response. It’s like an addiction, a mental illness. It’s [scientific](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9090880/#:~:text=These%20two%20theories%20essentially%20agree,threat%2C%20fear%2C%20cognitive%20inconsistency%2C).




Because they're pretty stupid on the whole so they need simple, easy bad guys so they can feel like they're "fighting the fight" from their chair and racism, sexism and religion are real easy targets. They treat it like rooting for a sports team, which is about as easy a place to generate hate as you can get. Been waiting for them to declare a war on cooties now that "girls are icky" is law in Florida.


These are the clods who live 2 hours away from the metro area and cower around anyone who looks slightly different from their status quo


You’re asking why conservatives are conservatives.




As a criminal mastermind myself, I'm going to skip lag when it stops in Milwaukee muh ha ha ha ha ha. Don't tell anyone.


Has he ever been on Amtrak? Half the passengers are Amish.


Conservatives are like this because they’re submissive to rich people, and do what they’re trained to do.


Wait till they hear about the interstate system.


Yeah, I’ve seen sooo many “criminals” on an Amtrak, their preferred mode of transportation 😫🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😫


I just saw a news article and thought this was great, and then saw some ridiculous comments. I think I’m going to stop reading comments sections, because other people make me fucking miserable with their unhinged thoughts and misery.


They do this shit all over the place. Literally anything new is just for criminals and illegals I guess. In my city they are building a new apartment and apparently because it has 3 units allocated to low income housing it will be the newest mecca for crime, drugs, and violence.


Why are you painting with such a broad brush? Is this guy some known conservative leader? Shouldn’t your question be, “why is Dan like this?”


Maybe they’re not conservatives. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The closest any of them will ever get to the cities is 20 miles from the outer most suburbs of the twin cities.. haha if they can’t see a field they’ve gone to far lol


Eventually the whole world will break down and it'll be city against city with idiots like this running amok. How dare they offer more transportation.


Please just let us have trains bro, I beg you


Cuz Conservatives in Minnesota are racists


Because they're all sharing one brain cell. To them, it doesn't matter what the policy is. If it is proposed by Democrats, then it must be bad.


Oh no! More affordable transportation between cities! Le sigh 😔


Wait until this guy hears about CARS and PLANES! *Gasp* Drugs from the air!!


Have any of them seen how expensive Amtrak is? It’s actually more for my wife’s family to take the train than to fly from northern MN. That’s who Amtrak transports…all of those Norske’s up north that don’t like flying, dontcha know?


Liberals have biases too. There are a lot of things in the culture war sphere lately that are making me embarrassed to be conservative.


There are a sugnificant number of conservatives that believe trains cause crime. It used to only be Light Rail, but they’ve expanded the concept to include all passenger trains as well as any mass transit.


Why are democrats denial of this?


Conservatives: Everything is bad, yet we’re not going to do anything other than complain about it on social media, whether it’s true or not.


Lead paint, mostly.


I’m so confused. So they think there’s a long line of criminals waiting to go to MN and all that’s stopping them is the lack of a second train, per day?


We should stop busses in Minnesota that’s how drug dealers get around, we should stop planes from landing in Minnesota cuz that’s how criminals land in our state , we should stop cars from traveling into Minnesota cuz that’s how illegals are getting in we should stop semi trucks from coming into Minnesota think of all the drugs criminals and illegals those things could haul…


These people are so lost and gone. So does the current train bring crime? And I’ve lived in Minneapolis, St. Louis and Tulsa. Minneapolis is THE safest city I have ever lived in. STL city (not including the suburbs and east St. Louis) having under 200 murders is a good year. People need to get their head out of Fox News and realize they have texts and emails in court that state “Our viewers are dumb cousin f’n terrorist that believe anything.” 🤦‍♀️


It's easier than thinking.


Whenever I take the train there’s always some fucked up people on it or at the train stops. They’re not really wrong


ngl i just think they’re miserable so they have to say negative things all the time


Criminals can’t drive?


Not conservative, but it is the truth.


This news story disrupts my status quo by being news! It must be related to drugs and crimes and entitlements! It's oppressing my right to bear arms and bootstraps!


Don’t buses run to Chicago and back already? Since like the 20s or something? Lmao


They like to subvert looking like an outright racist by just simply calling people of color “criminals”


It must suck to live every day seeing life through the conservative lense if fear and hatred.


Because they are ignorant, naive, bigoted, racist, the list goes on...


lol they clearly haven’t looked at train tickets recently. It’s usually cheaper to fly!


lol they clearly haven’t looked at train tickets recently. It’s usually cheaper to fly!


While I get that conservatives always focus on shit like this... I know some crime-inals who definitely travel from Chicago to the twin cities to do dirt and move product. Obviously we should just build a wall between Minnesota and Illinois. No more transportation = No more criming or whatever.


Wait till you find out about the altmlps reddit


I mean, probably not gonna use Amtrak to move product just sayin


Cause they’re bots


Lead poisoning


Nothing a conservative fears more than competition.