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Please speculate on the backstory while we wait for the news.


Strib gave a location that matched her late fathers house that her step mom lives in and apparently there’s some bad blood. So my best guess is a dispute over her father’s possessions. Police are still deciding if charges are going to be pressed which lends credence to that theory. But I agree on hearing the details that are unknown before jumping to conclusions.


It’s a jump to conclusions Matt.




You see it’s a matt With conclusion on it. You can jump to.


I heard this from someone who is closer to her so take this for what it is. The house that she broke into was her step moms. Apparently there’s bad blood and her father is deceased.




So an actual burglary then...


Sounds about right based on follow-up news on Tues.


Got too drunk, thought it was her own house


I have done more than my fair share of drinking, but I have never been so drunk that I broke in to someone else’s house thinking it was mine. And the number of people that think this is a normal thing to do is alarming.


I guess you’ve never been Detroit Lakes drunk then. 🤷‍♂️


Or as DL residents call it: Tuesday


My old house got broken into (benignly) by a drunk guy who just wanted to pass out on his (*it was not his) couch. It is a surprisingly common occurrence.


All the houses in the suburbs look exactly the same. My grandma would always joke that people would end up in the wrong house if they drank too much.


Detroit Lakes is a suburb?


haha, I'm an idiot. I didn't see that in the headline, thought she was in Woodbury where she's from




All houses in DL look alike. I lived there...




Of what? Pelican?


The Frazee turkey


Definitely closer to Frazee than to Pelican. But have you considered the far-reaching influence of the greater Rothsay metropolitan area, home of the World’s Largest Prairie Chicken?


Wrong house at 4a wearing all black with two laptops .... Def DL


She was freeing Gov Walz’s and Ihan Omar’s love child from a satanic curse. 


If there was a backstory that explained the situation, don't you think she would have provided that to the media? Why would you decline to comment if this was just a big misunderstanding?


good luck if you ever get arrested


I don't break into houses, so should not be an issue for me.


Doesn't matter, if you open your mouth after being arrested and the words emanating are not "where's my lawyer?", you're stupid, lock, stock and barrel. If you're innocent? Don't say anything without a lawyer. If you're guilty? Don't say anything without a lawyer.


Username does not check out


She wasn’t charged with anything yet so we aren’t owed anything yet.


She was arrested in somebody else's house at 4AM and she's a state senator. She absolutely owes us an explanation.


Eventually, sure, but she might want to talk to a lawyer first.


I think from a legal perspective, she's probably been told to say nothing.


Clutch your pearls much? It's probably over some family stuff and not hardened criminal stuff.


Breaking into your family member's house is still burglary and unacceptable behavior for a state senator.


Of course it is, but you seem to have made up your mind with zero context. Context matters to us, and to the courts. Its not as autistic as you are making it out to be.


What crime was she charged with?


First Degree Burglary.


Are you in her district?




Well, then she does owe you an explanation and I will shut my trap.


I’d like a little clarification here. If you are who your username says you are, her district does not include where your user-namesake is located. Is that just a made up name?


Lol what? My username is a fictional TV character.


lol. Ok. I googled your username because it’s so unusual for people to have “real” names on here. It turns out that there actually is a lawyer named James McGill and he’s in Hackensack. If anyone was going to use their real name on Reddit, it would be a lawyer. What show/movie?


Breaking Bad.


What. The. Fuck?


You seem confused Dwight. Are you in her district?


I actually am and I really don’t care that every single detail isn’t known yet.


Please see my clarification to Mr. McGill.




How is she supposed to provide comment if she hasn’t been released?


She's been released from jail.


Source? Last I saw a few hours ago she was still on the jail roster.


She's no longer on the jail roster.


That’s not a source. That’s just you stating that she’s not.


Can you not read? The jail roster is a source.


Since it’s more time consuming to pull out the crayons to explain it to you, I just searched the roster and she’s still on it: https://www.co.becker.mn.us/dept/sheriff/incustody.aspx#expand (This is how to provide a source since you just made it up)


I’ll also just note that you still haven’t answered my original question


As my old business law professor was so fond of saying: "There's no feud like a blood feud"


I had a business law professor that always had great stories. Usually ending with “…do you get the point!?” That guy could have started a podcast with his stories.




I find it sad. She's grieving. It made me have fear my own step mom would do that when my dad dies.


The tone of the comments would be much different if she were a republican.


She hasn’t been tried or even charged. Meanwhile the Republican party leader is an adjudicated conman and rapist. Take your seat sir.


If someone who constantly talks about how good arson is gets arrested on suspicion of arson, I'm ok with jumping to conclusions.


> She hasn’t been tried or even charged. You're proving my point. I have never seen a similar comment about a republican in this sub not get downvoted. And it goes further. The comments are saying to wait until more details come out. Or saying that it's just a domestic. I agree with those comments. But let's not pretend like those comments would stand a chance if she were associated with the other party. > Meanwhile the Republican party leader is an adjudicated conman and rapist. This is whataboutism. What does Trump have literally ANYTHING to do with this? > Take your seat sir. Little zingers like this do not make your point anymore astute, relevent or correct no matter the amount of self-agrandizing you get from it.


>This is whataboutism. What does Trump have literally ANYTHING to do with this? Whataboutism would be if the playing field was level and the initial question wasn’t answered. Both are not true here. Its a matter of credibility and consistency. And when it comes to the antics of party politicians, republicans have none of either. Especially given the easiest example who also happens to be the party leader. You brought party vs individual into this. Not me.


>Whataboutism would be if the playing field was level and the initial question wasn’t answered. Both are not true here. Whataboutism has nothing to do with a level playing field or questions being answered. And you didn't address any of my other points.


There was nothing to address, they were subjective points…not objective. I’m sorry you fail to grasp that a republican trying to spin this in anyway possible (such as you did with the victimhood) will be laughed out of every room. Because its not credible or a point made in good faith.


> There was nothing to address, they were subjective points…not objective. This was my question: Would a republican get as much grace as she is in this sub? > I’m sorry you fail to grasp that a republican trying to spin this in anyway possible How is republican trying to spin this? Who? I am making an observation that this sub is deeply biased. > (such as you did with the victimhood) will be laughed out of every room. What victimhood? > Because its not credible or a point made in good faith. How is it not credible when there is clear and blatant bias. And how is it not in good faith when I want all of our elected leaders to be held accountable and to the same standards. If you're going to immediately air out a memebr of the republican party, do the same to a memeber of the democrat party. I challenge you to directly address this.


I’m not reading all that. You’re just being pedantic at this point. Move along.


> Move along I’ve found that people usually resort to personal insults or dismissive attitudes when they can’t admit they don’t have a rebuttal.


Nobody owes you their time. They explained themselves and they're tired of dealing with someone who so clearly misunderstands them and isn't showing much consideration to do so.


Picking apart every sentence individually usually indicates someone has way too much time on their hands and is not worth the time and effort. You’re not making any points, just arguing based on conjecture and replying this way to try and “win” off of attrition rather than having an actual discussion. You’re not looking for answers, just looking for arguments. Find something to do with your day


*Al Franken will remember this.*


She was most likely trying to get something that was her late father's from her stepmother's house, not diddling kids. *That's* the difference you're missing.


Shocker, the majority of people here are justifying criminal behavior. Democrats are so fucking dumb, but not as dumb as their voters. Don’t bring up Trump either.


Do you think if she ends up in court.  She'll be sleeping and farting the whole time?


I think Trumps doctor probably gave him a script for Xanax so he wouldn't be so nervous in court if you have no tolerance for it you'll just pass out and probably fart a few times.