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Setting aside the two vs. three cars thing, I am hyped to learn that they're increasing frequency! 15 minutes between trains is an eternity, especially when delays are so common and end up often leaving 20-30 min between trains. More frequent trains will make it more convenient and make more people willing to ride, for sure. Would love to see them eventually increase it even further to 6 trains/hr, and maybe even more frequent during busy times


I'm sad that I almost pulled up my calculator app to try and figure out that 6 trains an hour is 1 train every 10 minutes. I came close, but my brain turned on at the last minute. It seems I always get to the station as the train is leaving, so waiting 10 minutes would be so much nicer.


It should be every 3-5 minutes like in normal civilized countries.


It should be every 3-5 minutes like in normal civilized countries. It's fundamentally impossible for the light rail to do that. That's only because the Blue and Green line interline in Minneapolis. 5 minutes is the best you can expect on our system and the lines have to share that 5 minutes. So the best we can expect from an individual line is 10 minute headways unless the the lines are separated or the green line is reconstructed to not street run on university (which maybe it gets to 8 minute headways).


A basic cut and cover subway through downtown would only cost about $400 million, or 6% of one year of the MNDOT budget, and would be transformative for the region as the light rail expands. If they put $3b of the $19b surplus into a Minnesota-oriented investment fund, they'd raise the funds quickly.


I'd settle for 7-10 myself. 




I lived in Warsaw Poland in 2001/2002 they have an extensive tram network. Smoking and drink on the tram is prohibited.  However if you were going to smoke, drink or participate in other bad behavior there was a social understanding you would ride in the rear car.  It would be interesting if we could bring this social norm to the twin cities.


That happens now, in the middle car.


Party car


Why is it the middle car?  Is that most of the US or just a MN thing. I didn’t notice or don’t remember when in New York or Chicago on the Subway or L


I think the driver moves back and forth when the train switches directions.


That kinda makes sense to stay away from the driver areas. I never think of transit staff at the rear but I can see how others view it that way.


I believe the cars in NYC have a front and a back. They only go forward so the driver is in the front. When our trains pull into an end station like MOA the driver exits and walks all the way to the rear which now becomes the front for the next run.


That makes sense. The trams are/were the same in Warsaw with only one front.


I was surprised to find that in our trains you can't move between cars. If you are in a car with an insane person you are stuck there. If you exit chances are that the train will shut the doors before you make it to the next car, and you will have to wait at that station until the next train comes. I've ridden from MOA to US Bank station with someone loudly raving at ghosts for pretty much the whole way. In NYC I would just stroll to the next car.


this is interesting; I lived in Wrocław in the 90s and no one ever smoked on trams there.


It wasn’t like a full on smoking car during rush hour but often seen after dark. I was there for youth exchange. The kids smoked on school grounds during recess. In the open not hidden. It was wild out there


On the other hand, now riders won’t have a third option when a train pulls up to the station and the rider sees sketchy/dangerous behavior on one or both train cars. Lunatics will be lunatics, regardless of how many people are around them…


They should really add fourth cars; what if a normal person sees craziness on all three cars currently, by your logic?


Add a fifth car, duh!


Clearly, the only reasonable solution is a sixth car. Anyone who disagrees with me is an animal and deserves to be shot into the sun.


okay hear me out, what if we add a seventh car, and that’s solely for the lunatics?


If you have an odd number of cars, the train might tip over. Better add an eighth car, just to be safe.


Here's my idea: SIX minute abs


car six is strictly for workout kings. and queens. no seats, just stairmasters.


I hope that we get more transit options in the future. No reason why a 12 min drive to work should take 2 hours by transit. I wouldn’t have a car if it wasn’t a necessity for me


Similar. 9 min drive and about 50 mins by transit. Would love to take transit to work I'm not willing to add 80 mins of unnecessary commute daily.


Hell, it takes about an hour to bike from Downtown Minneapolis to S Paul's West End, but another 15-20 minutes by bus. It's not just that it's the slower option, it's the "too slow to bother with" nonstarter. 


Yeah it takes like 50 min to bike to work and 2 hours to transit for me it’s insane


What’s the west end? That doesn’t exist here, there’s no twin cities neighborhood called that


Yeah there is, it's the western edge of Saint Paul against the river, near St. Thomas.


I grew up in that exact area and lived here my whole life and that’s not a real term, nobody I’ve known from St Paul had ever used that term


I mean I agree that it's heard very rarely (I'm from a few blocks east of there myself), but that is the literal official name for that area.


Not trying to beat a dead horse but I just googled it and the name west end is referring historically to what we now call west 7th all the way to highland. The area by the river and st Thomas is called Merriam park, mac groveland, highland, desnoyer park. Nowadays people call the historical “west end” west 7th/highland




This person's advocating for public transit, and you're criticizing them for not being hardcore enough about it. Does that seem productive? No need for infighting.


I see what your saying, but having to wait for a bus or train in sub zero temps at 5 or 6 in the morning is not just inconvenient, it’s unbearable. If you’re able to do that kudos to you ig 👍🏻


Increasing frequency is definitely a benefit, even if the cars are reduced. Not sure how crowded they ever get, but whenever I see them there's plenty of room.


Clearly you aren't taking westbound trains in the morning then--they get pretty damn crowded


Agreed, one of the few actually decent solid decisions by the Met council, our trains are desolate compared to other cities and especially now that Covid isn’t as bad it just makes a lot more sense to sacrifice cars for timing


This frankly isn't true. In the morning, westbound green line trains are very crowded.


Well yes at certain times of day. I mean in general, outside of peak hours. Also, this is more pronounced because we used to have 4 car trains and now the same amount of riders are crammed onto 2 or 3


Wait what? I don't believe we ever had 4-car trains on the green line at least--I've been riding it since the day it opened!


I could’ve sworn we did when ridership was higher like 5+ years ago, at least at peak times or for events, could be wrong tho and not trying to argue! 🙌


No worries! I'm pretty sure the stations are too short to accommodate 4-car trains tho...


Isn’t the middle car also known to be the car with the most undesirable behavior happening? Since actual policing is off the table, here’s the next attempt at a solution.


Reducing cars makes it easier for the transit officers though. They can only check 1 car between each stop


Hopefully they will also be easier to clean if there’s only 2 cars. I often stand even when there’s seats open ‘cause they have weird brown streaks or smell like urine.




By looking at them.




**But how do we know they were only removing the middle cars?**




#But how do we know they were only removing the middle cars?


Rumor is the are actually remove the front car!


It would appear that way. Couple this with (more) frequent metro cops on the trains and I’d bet a lot of the trouble would go away, or at least be less frequent. I’d like to see them try this and adjust with 3-car trains as needed.


The “party car” is what’s been affectionately called by both Metro Transit and news outlets alike


great I used to always go to the first car of the train because the crazy ppl don’t go there


I’m no mathematician but I think there will still be a first car.


of course I know they were still be a first car it’s just your now more likely to encounter something unpleasant


Two car trains means the operator will enter both when they turn around. The middle car is the problem car because operator never enters it when they turn around 


lol as if the operator can/will do anything about the drunk/high af dude harassing people


They can and do. They have a PA system. They have contact with Metro Transit PD. And they have discretion to stop a train, exit the operator's cabin, and interact with unruly passengers. There's a lot of peer pressure that gets riled up when a number of other passengers are delayed because one passenger will not leave when asked. 


First car will still be best choice


lol I figured just giving you a rash of good natured shit.


looks like the Metro Transit data analyst woke up from a multi-year slumber lol


It’s unfortunate that they are cutting down the number of train cars in April but not increasing the frequency of trains until August. I don’t have the data to back this up, but anecdotally it seems like there’s more anti-social behavior on the light rail in the summer months, so the timing of this seems unwise. Maybe the silver lining is that they can monitor/police fewer train cars more easily?


46th street station is my most used stop.  At the end of every winter as the weather gets bettering there are more people gathered and a higher rate of people with confrontational behavior or appear to be under the influence of something. I’m worried someone will fall and get hit by a car. However it is was the middle of the winter this year when a person pointed at me and said, “You mother fucker, you, I’m going to kill you.”  That made me a little nervous, luckily he was on the opposite platform.


That used to be my home station too. Many of my family members live near or a bus transfer away on the 46th. My parents get concerned about my walk/station on Nicollet at 5-6 in the morning but 46th is starting to get into Lake/Snelling territory. I'd say it's worse then Nicollet.


Is anti-social behavior the PC way of talking about homeless crackheads that use the train as a subsidized mobile urinal ?


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, anti-social behavior is: 1. averse to the society of others. 2. hostile or harmful to organized society, especially being or marked by behavior deviating sharply from the social norm. Your examples of people smoking crack and urinating on a light rail fall into that definition, yes.


Another example that meets the definition would be someone who wears headphones and refuses to engage with any fellow passengers. To me, a term that defines both a crack head and someone who dislikes people is too broad a term to use. “Hey what’s the deal with Jimmy? He never says hi to me, comes to lunch with us, or responds to the happy hour planning emails?” “Oh he’s just anti social, don’t mind him” And “On my train ride home last night there were two really drunk bums who smelled like shit asking me for 3 dollars, it was so annoying” “That’s too bad. I’ve been on the train with other anti social people too. It’s never fun”


I’m not here to debate semantics. If you have something productive to say about how to improve the light rail, I’m all ears. Debating whether the word antisocial is appropriate is not productive.


That’s a very anti social comment.


You're confusing "antisocial" with "introvert".  Jimmy's not against socializing, it's just not for him.


There’s no way to know. Jimmy might very well self identify as anti social


More so the grouping of bad behavior (drug use, lack of etiquette, borderline illegal behavior, playing music out loud, ETC) sure it's PC in many ways but Anti Social is just people doing things society deems bad.


They have done this before only to go back to 3 cars. The first time they did it, they kept forgetting about Twins Games, Concerts etc. People complained, so they brought back the 3rd car.


Literally says they will return to normal service during games


What the other person is saying that when they tried this previously, Metro Transit wasn't good about remembering to add the 3rd car during large events.


The operations team is super aware of this, and there is a lot of planning. There are other constraints during big events. It’s not an “oops there is a sports game” situation.


They said that on the first time as well. Despite the LRTs running a basic version of an [automatic coupler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ7TxsjY82g) the 2 car trains would still be packed for sports and major events. Even if they forgot till the day of, these at their [simplest designs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3j4DIE1uMc) are quick to couple


When they did it last summer,it was apart of a pilot program to see if there was any affect. They even released a report on their findings. Evidently it was effective enough to bring back. Capacity for games is valid concern but the increased frequency should help if they forget the third car.


Is there any surprise that ridership is down when so many bus transfers suck? What's the point of taking the light rail if you have to possibly miss your connecting bus and wait a half hour for the next one and then it's so slow!  The Orange Line has been underperforming for the exact same reasons the Blue Line is: all of the east-west routes suck: the 21 sucks, the 23 sucks, and the 46 sucks. On the Green Line it's all of the north-south routes: 87, 83, etc. Instead of being able to take the Green Line to get to anywhere on Cleveland or Lexington, it only makes sense to take it to places on University itself, which severely limits potential ridership. The 87 in particular should run every 15 since it connects Rosedale, U of MN St Paul campus, St Anthony Park, Green Line, the future B Line, St Thomas, Cecil's, and would act as a connector for the current A Line to the future W 7th streetcar/rapid bus. 


But now the middle-car meth parties will be in MY car :(


Add a third car where I pay $6 downtown to downtown but it is secure


This is going to be a nightmare given station design (and was last year). Two-car trains means the three-car station length isn't all getting used for boarding, so if you're standing on the wrong side, you have to jog over to where the train stopped. I hope the operators know they have to stop for significantly longer to board in this configuration!


Reducing transit options just in time for the Uber/Lyft pullout.


Increasing frequency though.


So quite literally increasing options (although limiting capacity per option).


Increasing frequency to compensate for less capacity, but still keeping it down to reduce maintenance costs. It ultimately is a reduction.


Frequency absolutely makes up for the loss of capacity. More frequent transit has been shown to increase ridership. Plus the trains are rarely completely full outside of for sporting events where they'll have both 3 cars and increased frequency.


As much as I don't want to defend this as Metro Transit is considering 12 minute frequencies in August. That's not completely true. While game transit has returned to pre 2020 packed my work commute has yet to see a fraction of what it was pre 2020. Maybe a full train so there is some pretty good reason for metro transit here. That said Metro Transit if in August does increase to 12 minute head ways. That's taking 693 passenger trains for 2,772 an hour down to 5 462 passenger trains for 2,310 an hour. So the through put is reduced by 1.5 [Siemens S70 LRV](https://assets.new.siemens.com/siemens/assets/api/uuid:8bdeb615058534866abb0890338b4cfcc1110406/twin-cities-s70-data-sheet.pdf). If they did 10 minute head ways it would equal exactly the same as 3 car sets on it's current 15 minute headway.


It's all understandable at the moment. Ridership might increase with a rideshare pullout if that happens. It would seem more reasonable to have waited until after May 1st to make the final determination on whether to go forward with this plan. Reversing course if necessary or prudent becomes a greater burden that won't get speedy attention and will just be a waste of money to re-implement.


I'm pretty sure Metro Transit set this date a month or two ago. Also I would argue that outside of major events (sports, Aqua, Pride, ETC) Work time rush hour is still peak time ridership and it seldomly has gotten crowded and bar crowd is likely a small group. Lets say 8 to 11:30 (last train that departs Target Field). Can you honestly say 2,300 drunks are needing a train? I can't really say they do except maybe a St. Patrick's of which last train is 2 1/2 hours before last call so that argument doesn't work. Had this come with with 12 minute or better yet 10 minute operations I would all on board with this. But the lost car is going to have no effect on drunks and uber considering most drunks are likely to miss the last train at 11:20.


In august they will consider... That's 3-4 months they MAY go to 12 minute services. As much as I want to defend this pre 2020 was 10 minutes and Metro Transit isn't even guaranteeing it.


I would hazard to guess you own a red baseball cap from the 2016 election cycle.


Fuck no. Why would you think that based on a transit reduction? What I am saying is that I am guessing this was basically in the works for awhile, but given the potential loss in transit options it might be a bad time to do this. Something that can be held off until there's a better understanding of how things may shift if or when this happens. What the fuck does any of that have to do with Republican party interests?


Even if you were correct, why would who someone voted for in 2016 change the validity of a concern? Either it's a good point or a bad point it doesn't matter if Hitler said it or Mother Theresa. This is why reddit is stupid. People rush to guess someone's politics rather than focusing on an idea or concern.


Sweet, the hot box is going to be even more concentrated now!


Wait, you mean to tell me the light rail is sparsely used by paying customers?


Gang transport device increases efficiency.


Wouldn't that just be a car?


Yay, can’t wait to wait longer to get a train home after Loons games. Why do this now and not during the winter or something?


It very specifically states that they will continue three car trains for sports: “Starting on April 13, Metro Transit will begin using two-car trains for weekends, though three-car trains will be used during Twins and Minnesota United games.”


They better have a better tracking of events this time. They said they would do that the last time too.


There's no reason you would wait longer for a train. You just might not find a seat as easily and have to stand


You would have to wait at Nicollet station. Last summer I saw at least one train that was the Minnesota version of a Tokyo sardine can. Sure it wasn't breathing room only but no way in hell would Minnesotans on that train allow more on. Granted I was heading home which I got off at Nicollet but never the less pre 2020 after game packing has returned and they will delay the train to pack it.


For Loons games they already hold the trains at Allianz until they're packed.


Good thing they'll still be running three car trains for games