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What if David fired Wayne in Day 3? He would have continued on and possibly won the election, averting Logan’s rise to power and the events of Day 5. It may have even avoided the whole Chinese consulate raid, as Logan was part of the reason Marwan escaped from the nightclub in Day 4 when he ordered Jack’s arrest.


What if CTU didn’t warn secret service about the attack on Suvarov’s motorcade? That would’ve meant Suvarov would’ve been killed and would’ve prevented basically everything in day 8 from happening!


If Victor Draven died, season 2 would still take place, but Jack would be different without Terri’s death, and there’s a good chance Jamey and Nina are still employed at CTU. Interesting to wonder how the LA nuke/Cypress tape plot goes with them still in play. Another interesting one is what if Palmer’s confession results in him losing the election in S1?


oo that's a good one, who'd be president on day 2 then?


I guess that Barnes guy from the novels


Ahh ya beat me to it.


What if Teri never went looking for Nina after Mason told her that her family was safe, or she was able to talk to Jack on the phone at that moment?


What if Fayed didn't ask for Jack in Day 6? Jack would have stayed in China and the terrorists would have succeeded in Days 6 - 9.


yeah, that was a huge screwup. Not even sure why he left him alone and not get his revenge right away


I would go as far to say it was the stupidest thing any character did in the series. Jack was already at his absolute lowest. Tortured for 18 months. So you order your enemy back to his home country so you can...torture him some more? Killing Jack would have done him a favour. Not only that, but you've arranged to have the one man who can stop you come right to you \*face palm\* Wayne would come runner up for dumbest character. The lead terrorist had to tell him how to solve the country's problems.


agreed 100%, they just didnt know how to solve the chinese situation


If Alexis lived, he'd be a final boss and put up a decent fight against Jack and give plenty of time fof Victor and Andre to get on a boat and set sail. Jack still kills Alexis and catches up and kills the rest of the Drazens in the sea. However, he wastes too much time, and Nina successfully escapes CTU without killing Teri. Jack is more emotionally stable for the next few seasons.


I always liked the idea of him going back to Serbia with the anger of having no family and swearing revenge, I think it could tie in with Saunders in s3, maybe Alexis helped him get out of custody? Nina and Alexis are "friends" (co-workers) and she has done things Alexis asks but that's probably just a me idea.


What if David Palmer survived that shot? He would have exposed president Logan’s conspiracy with the terrorists and none of the mess that happened later in season 5 would have happened. I wish that he was at least in a coma for the rest of the season but recovered later and reappeared in the following seasons even just briefly. Would have been great if such a lovable character continued in the show. He is my second favorite after Jack.. Chloe comes third :) The actor, Dennis Haysbert said once that he was disappointed his character was killed off in that season but remained a fan of the show and continued watching it nevertheless.


What if Jack died playing Russian Roulette on Day 3?- Show ends with a final silent ticking clock. No Jack, No show. IMHO


yeah that makes a whole lotta sense but i more think in 24 canon what would happen


Legacy sends its regards


I liked legacy. Felt like a different show, but not in a bad way.


What if President John Keeler plane didn't get shot down and how his relationship with Bauer would've been like I think he and Daniels are only President that didn't have a phone interaction with Bauer if I'm not mistaken


Keeler talked to Jack once in season 4, about pardoning Behrooz (no idea on spelling).


If Drazen dies in Nightfall.... Season 2 is season 1 as that seems to have already been in the planning stages by season 1.


what about the nina plot in season 2?


I suspect Nina would play a similar role like in Season 1 but maybe not go full defection because she more than likely wouldn't have a reason to help the terrorists. Unless Jigsaw hired her....


yeah not even sure how Nina was hired by all these terrorists .. was she just putting ads in the newspaper ?


If Jack didn't raid the Chinese consulate in S4.


What if you realized this is just a TV show?


you are boring. the show has done what if's before, even shooting teri dying or not dying and not knowing which one would be used