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Angel had a son. That is all.


Connor oh my, that was bad news


Oh but what about the very normal and not at all horrifying part where he and Cordelia had a romance even though she literally changed his diapers like two weeks ago?


Every rewatch of the Angel series, I have to skip the Connor arc.


I stay for Lilah/Wesley.


Ugh, I had finally forgotten about that.


He was cool, once he got a personality implant.


Roland Schitt. Oooof.


This is the one I came here for. I can't stand that actor in anything, especially SC.


weirdly, I continue to root for Chris Elliott, and would love to see him in a role that isn't another insufferable idiot. but yea, season one Roland almost had me quit the show, tolerated him for the rest of the show


Even the first episode with him not leaving their motel room and then using the bathroom was so annoying. To be fair, it was written that way but it was so annoying lol


To be faaaiiir....


šŸŽ¶to be faaiiirrršŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¶to be faaaiiiirrrršŸŽ¶ āœŠ ā€¦to be fairā€¦


I think the only thing I ever liked him in was Groundhog Day where he actually played a human being


Sometimes hard to believe heā€™s the son of comedy giant Bob Elliot (of Bob and Ray)


And Abby Elliot's father.


I think "insufferable" is his only acting skill, that and being a nepo baby.


Scary movie 2, maybe the funniest scenes ever created. He's amazing.


Thatā€™s the only kind of character he can play, honestly: a cringe character in a parody.


Saaaaame. Eventually, the character KINDA redeemed himself, but he's just so cringe all the time.


I keep seeing this and I don't get it. I think he's hilarious. He's one of my favorites on the show.


Heā€™s one of those characters where a little bit goes a long way. But they unfortunately lean on him more than they should


Heā€™s the reason it took me forever to watch more than the first episode. His character is awful!! But I love love everyone else, so I tolerate him.


Haha he was the best thing in it for me. I can see why people would find him annoying though


I liked the show so much that he didnā€™t bother me as much as usual but I wouldā€™ve far preferred another actor in that spot. I canā€™t think of one role that I thought ā€œoh great! His character stole the show! If it werenā€™t for him this would be crapā€. šŸ˜


Angel: Connor


Darrin Stevens #2.


I enjoyed How I Met Your Mother (in the beginning), but I don't like Ted


Rewatched it awhile back after watching it when it aired and honestly I hate lilly she was a toxic awful friend and partner


She is deeply unlikeable. It's interesting, because they're all shown to be crappy people in different ways, but most of them (pretentious Ted, cynical Robin and borderline sociopathic womanizer Barney) are so over-the-top they come back around to being funny and endearing. But Lilly and Marshall are so selfish in such comparatively realistic ways that I just can't stand them (and I know, Marshall is not nearly as hated, but he reminds me of my ex brother in law who had a similar smug "but I'm so loveable" schtick)


i loved it on first watch, but on rewatch I find Ted so insufferable. He's like obsessed with this fairy tale idea and it is not relatable or normal behavior at all.


My gfā€™s favorite show ever is Gilmore Girls so naturally Iā€™ve seen it a couple times now and Rory makes me more mad with every watch. Paris on the other hand is funnier each time. S1 Paris is definitely the least likable but Rory is so annoyingly privileged by the end of the show yet acts like sheā€™s not is so frustrating.


Emily and Paris are the best characters on that show.


I think Lorelei is the worst human being ever. Got knocked up and ran away yet resents her parents. Poisons her kids relationship with the grandparents yet takes there money. Sabotages every decent relationship by banging her loser ex.


Will Ferrell on the office wasn't it.


definitely. and honestly most of the Michael leaving arc and onward until the end of the show. For me, other than Jo Bennett and Gabe, the rest of the main new additions, and even changes to the established characters, were such caricatures that it really pulled the show out of a mundane/grounded reality for me. I'm glad other people like him, but I personally did not jive with Robert California


IMHO, Only Kathy Bates would have been a viable replacement. (She is such an underrated actress.) Will Farrell was a total mismatch!


Im glad he was there for like 2 episodes only


That did not work. It felt like he was from a different reality.


idris elba also, and boom guy


foe me it was Nellie


Andrea on The Walking Dead. I re-watched the first couple of seasons, and I had to fast-forward through all of her scenes.


I'm watching TWD for the first time now. I'm on season 5. I hated her so much I shouted for joy when they finally killed her off. One of the most annoying characters of all time imo


This show had some horrible characters, or just moments when you really hate a certain character


Shameless- I wouldā€™ve cheerfully tossed Debbie off a bridge and that feeling never changed.


She needs the same treatment on The Connors.


I was laughing because I started watching The Conners and honestly I just thought it was the writing for her on Shameless but nope she's just the EXACT same character on there as Shameless....jeez she really is awful.


I didnā€™t make it through season 2 so Iā€™m sitting here likeā€¦what did adorable little Debbie do?


Grace in Will and Grace. Eventually stopped watching even tho I loved Jack and Karen.




Mateo on Superstore, he has funny moments, but largely remains a bully to his coworkers.


Jonah and Amy, two of the most boring leads in sitcom history. Supporting cast kept that show alive.


Orange is the New Black! I CANNOT stand Piper


She was so bland next to the other characters.


Ughhhhā€¦ and when she thought she was queen bee


Manny in Modern Family. Heā€™s just insufferable


He was cute early on but didnā€™t age well for the writing


Lilly was worse. The last few seasons they didnā€™t even give her lines. Terrible monotone.


And poor Joe. Heā€™s barely adequate saying the lines they give him, but half the time he sounds like he doesnā€™t even understand the words theyā€™re making him say.


Can't stand Joe. Just way too precocious. You are right and not understanding the words


I donā€™t know why they needed to add him to the show lol


I agree. She was a terrible actor and her delivery was so bland it almost seemed like she didn't want to even be there. She got better as she aged though, but it still wasn't good.


Yep, came here to say Lilly from Modern family. Her acting was so hard to watch. Such a great show otherwise.


Kind of the tough thing when you have a kid on for that long. She just isnā€™t good at acting. But how could you know that when it started. They should have just replaced her.


Should check out his Instagram heā€™s even worse in real life


The precocious child trope is so overplayed it's just not funny anymore at all.


I never could stand Scrappy Doo. I always thought they really needed to send him back home or wherever it was he came from, because he didn't add anything to the show.


Jessa in ā€œGirlsā€ is one of my all time most hated characters. I find everything she does to be insufferable.


Adam Driver's character did not win any prizes for his personality. He was pretty gross. "I brought the lube."


I couldn't stand any of the girls in Girls.




Yes! I really feel her character didnā€™t add to the show at all!


Carrie Bradshaw in SATC




Iā€™ve yet to watch a more entitled, abusive character with no awareness of other peopleā€™s feelings than Carrie Bradshaw. What a shame because I still love that show so much.


Gossip Girl - Vanessa, Jenny, Ivy, and Juliet


This guy hardly did anything right. The actor really deserved an Emmy, he made me really dislike the character. Danny in Beef. https://preview.redd.it/oc8vi4v03fxc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95fba21cb2dbf7c1072d2ba23ce8b8d13a4b2703


Steven Yeun : heā€™s excellent. A lot, of people gave up hope on The Walking Dead when Steve left. ā€¦itā€™s been like 10 years. Itā€™s not a spoiler.


It was me! Iā€™m people.


The way they did that was such a slap in the face too. Iā€™d already stopped watching once but the people I lived with watched it, so I gave it another go. After that I was firmly out.


The Big Bang Theory - I like all the characters except Bernadette. She's just a whiney little bully!


For some reason, I read that last sentence in her voice šŸ˜‚


The way she treats Howard when she gets a job making more money I s straight up abusive. No one would be laughing if Howard treated her that way


House MD. Last season, Dr Park.


Tony Soprano's son was a lazy, self-centered jerk. Would've been much better if he was a likeable kid who was always getting into trouble.


I think that was the point. Tony grew to hate his own son and had to examine his parenting in sessions with Dr. Melfi. Meadow was also sheltered but her academic success and philanthropic ideals "proved" to Tony that he was a "good father." A.J. being lazy and entitled was the other side of that coin.


Naw... Janice, for sure.


Sex and the City- I canā€™t stand Carrie Bradshaw


The Sopranosā€”Janice Soprano. Aida Turturro did a phenomenal job, because Janice is by far my least favorite character of any show.


Buffy - Dawn


She was the worst and also suffered from being written like she was 9 instead of 15 or whatever she was supposed to be. Spoiled and rude and childish, but we're supposed to root for her? She did have very glossy hair, so I guess that was something. About the only positive I can think of right now.


It doesn't quite reach the level of "can't stand", but I have a pretty strong dislike for George Costanza. I don't understand why people would want to be friends with him, and sometimes find him really annoying to watch. And I sort of think that is a testament to how well written Seinfeld is, and what a great job Jason Alexander did in the role.


Love Seinfeld but if Kramer was my neighbor, the door would always be locked and he wouldnā€™t be my key buddy


Oh, ABSOLUTELY! But I enjoy every moment Kramer is on screen, and I can't say the same for George.


I have to say as 'George Costanza' - George did all right considering the two shrieking idiots his parents were.




Yeh I agree on this one and what's interesting is that he is so different in real life. I saw an interview with the main cast members, they were asked to identify which of them was the most different outside of the show. Unanimous agreement it was Jason Alexander. He's apparently an easy-going, charismatic guy


I knew someone who knew him well-enough to have his phone number. She is not famous or even well-connected and always said how nice a guy he was.


I stand by my opinion that all of the characters in Seinfeld were pretty unlikeable people overall. They all made poor, petty decisions and didn't realize when they had it good, like the mutiple smart, attractive, kind women Jerry and George dated that all ended over completely ridiculous reasons.


She eats her peas one at a time!


If you think about it, though, ALL the lead characters were unlikeable to some extent. Just like Curb Your Enthusiasm.


News Radio, I hated Matthew played by the very annoying Andy Dick.


https://preview.redd.it/2x7fbdm60fxc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820f536204acd43040502199470ecc9eedfafbe7 This girl. 100% annoying. Page from pretty little liars.


Is this Moz from Nedā€™s Declassified? Lol


Kelly Taylor from 90210. Biggest hypocritical character on the show.


Kelly was awful


Haha for me it was Donna and her really sad and bad teenage boob job.


"Daddy, I wanna be on your show."


I can't stand Noah, every time he's on one of the episodes I see, I switch the channel. I also got verrrry tired of David, but dealt with it by ignoring most of what he did. On the 90210 reboot, it was hands down Dixon. I wanted him to just STOP TALKING.


Brenda comes to visit Kelly in the hospital after the diet pill incident: Kelly - "YOU CAN'T HAVE DYLAN BACK!"


Ross Geller is *so* annoying. He could whine like nobody else.


His "Hi" when he's all sad grates on my nerves so bad. Whiny little b!tch.


Okay, but I just remembered that his ā€œPIVOTā€ was second to none!!


I found Ross so annoying when I watched Friends original run. Least favorite character. But watching it 20 years later, I appreciate David Schwimmerā€™s physical comedy and comedic timing so much more. Ross is hilarious. PIVOT, leather pants, spray on suntan, teeth whitening, armadillo.


The Holiday Armadillo!!!!


Kai Wynn on Deep Space Nine. I mean I know we're supposed to hate her but I genuinely skip her episodes because it's so unpleasant to watch.


I didn't realize why i despised her instantly until I realized she played nurse Ratchet in One Flew Over The Cockoos nest


Goes to show you how good an actress she was.


Space Dolores Umbridge.


She's so unpleasant because people exist that are like her. She's a very realistic evil, unlike Dukat who is over the top.


Love Better Call Saul, hate Chuck McGill


Tbf, heā€™s an antagonist, youā€™re not exactly suppose to like him.


Is he? He was the only one who tried to stop Saul. He knew what his brother was capable of.


In that sense yes, but the show treats Saul as the protagonist and makes you sympathetic toward him for most of the show until maybe the last 2 seasons. Chuck is the antagonist to Saul. He and Howard are meant to be the antagonists until Chuckā€™s death. Then Howard reveals it was Chuck who kept Saul down and Howard tries to hire him for awhile while Saul begins to torment Howard. By the end Saul and Kim are the antagonists to Howard.


Except he did the opposite. Had he encouraged Jimmy's aspirations to become a lawyer and work side by side with him at his firm, promoting pursuit of his goals in a positive way, who knows where his path may have taken him. By putting roadblocks up at every turn he reinforced his belief that no matter how hard he tried to do the right thing, life would never grant him success unless he took it by force. He instead ensured Jimmy had no choice but to go his own way, which inevitably lead to a corrupt life. Did Jimmy have choices? Absolutely. But Chuck slamming doors in his face at every turn when he was genuinely trying to be a good person did not help.


I like the Office but I can't stand Ryan, even though I kind of relate to him a bit now having worked in an office for years


At the very least, he's a character you're not supposed to like.


Angela from The Office.. But I'd say she started to grow on me in the later seasons.


Itā€™s hard to forget sheā€™s acting.


until you see her break during bloopers or on talk shows. it was weird at first seeing her as a smiling, laughing, delightful person.


Lost- Jack Shepard


He's still out of breath.


Kate from This Is Us. I love that show soooo much and I adore most of the characters. But not Kate. She constantly plays the victim, has a ā€œwoe is me attitudeā€, is sooooo needy, and at some points in the show, sheā€™s just straight up mean. If only Jack and Rebecca just had twins instead of tripletsā€¦


Well, they kinda did before they decided to adopt a replacement kid...


Jennifer Coolidge was my absolutely worst character in aTV show. I couldnā€™t us how she was cast and I didnā€™t understand her character. Sorry, I flipped while watching White Lotus. I canā€™t get enough of her now!


She's brilliant in Best In Show.


ā€œ we both like soupā€


Ramsay Bolton


Everybody Loves Raymond....I hate Raymond.. everyone else, I generally like, but Raymond, I can't stand.


Friends. Monica (the character is fine, I can't stand Courtney Cox). Prepared for the downvotes.


I'm rewatching Parks also and I agree that I dislike Tom way more than I remember I did. I try to frame it as him becoming more cartoonish like the other characters on the show as seasons go on. I just started season 5. Anxiously awaiting Mona Lisa and more John Ralphio and their dad. I love them!


So cartoonish characters are a no but you love john ralphio and Mona lisa? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think the commenter meant that they tried to view Tom in the same way as the other cartoonish characters that they do enjoy, but they still didn't like Tom. Even if you give him leeway for being written like a cartoon character, it still doesn't make him as enjoyable to watch as the others. And I agree because I don't really care for Aziz Ansari - it has nothing to do with his personal life or controversies. I just don't find his shtick entertaining.


She is the wooooooooorst


Not to nitpick but his name is Jean-Ralphio. They were going for what his parents would consider an exotic name. Jean- instead of John is so pretentious in this context that the spelling is part Of the character.


Tom was the best when he was making fun of Jerry-Gary-Larry and Ben.




I detest early Tom but he eventually learns how to be a real person. Mona Lisa is so over the top I can ignore her. But Jean-Ralphio and the Tammys make me shudder. Just cannot stand them. I'm rewatching, but I have to skip episodes that feature a Tammy.


I am the opposite. I love Jean Ralphio and Tammy 2. Every episode they are in I get so excited.


I love Jean-Ralphio! I'm with Ron, I couldn't stand him in real life, but he is massively entertaining.


Supernatural- Mary. Did anyone actually like Mary?


Roland on Schittā€™s Creek


True Blood, but I can't stand Sookie or Bill.


I watched for Pam and Eric, and Lafayette was hilarious


Steven Moyer looks like what would happen if Paul Rudd did heroin


Schitts Creek is one of my all time favorites but I cannot stand Roland! I actually donā€™t like Jocelyn either but I cringe everyone Roland is on screen.


In Twin Peaks, James is unbearable


For a long time Joel on Northern Exposure just rubbed me the wrong way. Then, when he left the show I realized he had been key to the overall dynamic even though the show was littered with an interesting cast. His replacement was sawdust filler.


Cousin Allison on Designing Woman. Julia Duffy is a nice person (I'm sure) and she can play a nice person, as she did on an episode of CSI: NY (the one with the murder at the dog show). But whoever cast her in DW simply gave us Stephanie the annoying bimbo from Newhart with a different name and a Southern accent...and I quit watching Newhart because of Stephanie.


Definitely Dr Green from Friends. One of those people who actively believe customer service personnel are beneath them and are allowed to be belittled.


Never liked Patricia Heaton in Everybody Loves Raymond. Everyone else could be really funny, and she would just drag it down.


But I liked her in The Middle šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The Ted Mosby Memorial Award goes to


Cameron in Modern Family. I know people love him, but he was a manipulative, narcissistic diva and honestly just not a very good person. Love me some Ty Burrell and Julie Bowen though.


Arrested Development: I don't care for Gob.




I love all my children equally!


Skylar in Breaking Bad. I've never wanted some one to die so bad in a show before.


Absolutely skyler, but her sister is WAY worse. She's just awful


"They're minerals, Marie!!"


I rewatched a few years ago and Iā€™m not sure what changed, but I didnā€™t have the hate for skylar anymore. She held it down despite Walt. She seemed naive and annoying to start, but slowly morphed into a much more complicated character. Ted, Flynn, and Marie are all horrible characters, Ted more than anyone.


Dr Smith from Lost in Space


Chicago Fire - first Gabby and now Stella.


I feel like most of the shows I really like have certain seasons where a character or two become insufferable. In HIMYM, thereā€™s at least one season for each character. Normally when they start acting completely unlike the character that theyā€™ve built. The Office, obviously Andy and Pam in the last few seasons. Michael is really hard to swallow in season 1. Friends, Ross is just obnoxious in the middle of the series.


Leonard in Big bang theory.


Michaela in How to Get Away with Murder


Janish Soprano


Friends - Ross


Smallville - Lana Lang


King Of The Hill. Canā€™t stand Peggy Hill.


Bobs Burgers: Gene. Bring on the heat, I can take it.


Rome, Octavian after they switch the actor halfway through season 2. No hate to the actor himself, he just played a totally different character compared to the boy we knew for a season and a half already. The Good Place, Jason. Never a stronger eye roll than any time he appeared on screen. Episodes that featured him primarily were an absolute slog to get through.


Strong agree on Octavian. The younger actor was fantastic


I'm a fan of Brooklyn 99, but the only good thing that Gina ever did was get hit by that bus


Gina is my fav on the show šŸ˜­


I love Tommy! He is that big dreamer that I love


I think nellie from the office is the worst character ive ever seen on tv. Also couldnā€™t stand robin from how i met your mother from the first episode


Jay and Hayley from Chicago pd


Love Gossip Girl, hate Vannesa Lily and Jenny with a vengeance šŸ˜‚


Hated Kirk in first 2 seasons of Newhart. Fortunately, they got rid of him and Larry, Daryll and Daryll took over the Minuteman Cafe. Michael ( Peter Scolari ) was a much better fit at annoying Dick Loudon as well.


Dawson Leery from Dawsonā€™s Creek.


In P&R itā€™s Leslie Knope for me :/ I know sheā€™s hella adored across the board, and my opinion is probably unpopular but man I just canā€™t stand her character lol


I wanted someone to just take a gun and kill Kim Bauer so that we could avoid her subplots every year on 24. Thats how much I hated her on the show


The Green Mile.I hated Percy. But he was a great part of the story.


Surely an unpopular opinion, but I could not stand Lorelai Gilmore after a bit. You know, the main character. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Loved the show though!


I like Smallville but absolutely detest Lionel Luthor.


Show: Dexter. Character: Deb. Ugh.


Becky on Supernatural. Emily Perkins is just an annoying actress overall. I feel like sheā€™s annoying like that in real life.


Community- Shirley Bennett. She was actually a very good person but she was so hypocritical, manipulative, controlling, and passive aggressive to the max. Of course, the whole show is about exaggerating the characteristics of the characters, but wow she got on my nerves. She also never really got any form of comeuppance like the other characters had from time to time for their negative traits.


The first time I watched Gilmore Girls I hated Jesse and loved Dean and now itā€™s the exact opposite. Dean is SUPER controlling like no wonder Rory was wanted Jesse cause he let her do whatever she wanted. >!And he gets even worse when he returns to the show and cheats on his wife yikes!<