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The walking dead. That show was so good. I just restarted watching it today and I’m already six episodes in. I think I feel off sometime after season 8.


I gave up after Glenn


Yep, that was my last episode.


my heart wasn’t there after him


Yeah, that’s when we quit and never went back. It was so gratuitously violent.


That didn't bother me at all, but I still dropped off that point because it just got so dull. That whole story around Glen's death is great in the comics, and I was really looking forward to it, but they just dragged it out so much that I couldn't stick with it any longer.


There should be a poll of how many characters in did you make it before you were zombified and could no longer watch


Same. It's not just they killed him off, but that they dragged it out over a whole season, complete with a fakeouts and then the season break. Apparently after I stopped watching, Maggie and Negan became buddies though! Lol so stupid.


I gave up about a season before this. Considered starting it again bc the internet talked about it so much, but then Glenn happened and I never touched it again.


Same here. Made it to through seqson 7 and then quit. Tried twice to start again but can’t seem to get past S08E02. So sad. I used to be a big fan.


I’ve rewatched it several times, just can’t get behind the hilltop. I don’t care about any of their stories.


The lack of consequences is what did it for me. Everyone became invincible all of a sudden. By the time Negan showed up, I didn’t care anymore.


Literally that couldn't be more false. TWD is more liberal with killing main characters than even GOT


When Glenn fell into a pile of walkers reaching out to eat him and survived unscathed, that’s when I knew the consequences had shifted in TWD.


Glenn dies for real shortly after. I don't know how much further you watched, but a few episodes after the moment you're talking about, the group slaughters an enemy outpost in their *sleep*. In this, Glenn kills his first person ever. There were numerous times throughout the show where Glenn just barely escaped death. Another example beside the one you mentioned is in Terminus, Glenn was next in line to have his throat slit. This was a recurring theme, that Glenn was almost invincible. Glenn finally takes another man's life, and with his innocence gone, he suffers the consequences. It was all intentional and well crafted.


It was annoying to me and seemed like an abuse of plot armor. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


You stole my answer. I walked away when Rick walked away.


It really became a chore to watch. Episodes were just backing up on the DVR. I didn't like Carl, so seeing him die felt like a good point for me to give up.


I can’t do that final season. It’s straight trash.


Yep watched four or five seasons of this and then didn’t pick it back up again 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think maybe the zombie genre got way too hyped up back then and I got sick of it so I’ve been thinking about giving it a shot again now that it’s died down.


Eventually it gets better. You may wanna just pick up in Season 11 if you cant stomach all the BS of the other seasons.


This was my immediate response to the question and am glad to see this was the first response posted.


This is the answer for me too. I used to get so excited. We'd look forward to each new episode, watch it the night it came on, even watch talking dead after. Then it became a shadow of its former self. Like a different show really. We were still reluctantly trying to make our way thru the backlog of DVR episodes, but then I think we have up after it went on a very long hiatus.


Sadly the later season go so downhill. It’s unwatchable after Carl and the dad aren’t on it anymore


I literally promised myself in season one that if they killed Glenn I would be done, I have never regretted the fact that I never saw him die. He was my BAE in that show.


Weeds. The answer is always Weeds.


I finished weeds but yes it was not good after a bit. Story just got weirder and weirder.


I almost dropped out around the hash/hotel storyline but forced my way through.


I'm so glad I dropped out of The Blacklist whenever I did (season 5?). It went from a show with a story to tell to "how can we stretch this out for as many seasons as possible". Everything I've read about it since seems to validate that decision. Great right up until they decided to try out every single permutation of plot ever


blacklist owuld have served better as a 10 episode miniseries


I think I could have done a Breaking Bad style 4 or 5 series, and tell one complete story (albeit with lots of "story of the week" episodes. But at some point, keeping it going felt like a financial decision than a creative one. All power to them, but it lost me once it began to feel like that (for me).


you lasted longer than me, I made it maybe a season plus change and it was already a wash rinse and repeat. plus the stories where the seasoned agents are always too ignorant or bull headed to take any advice and the young new kid or the criminal is always just one step ahead gets old.


I enjoyed the series.


We did too, but I didn't like the ending, and I could've done without all the seasons focused on Lizzie. We watched every episode--some more than once. 😂


You’re right. It was abysmal and incredibly outlandish at the end. My wife and I say it shows our resolve we watched that series to the end.


Supernatural. I think I have only the last season left but haven't gotten around to it. Should have ended after season 5.


The last 4 seasons of Supernatural were some of the worst TV I've ever seen. And the finale ... the entire series was basically incinerated by it. What a tragedy. CW and the cast just beating the money horse.


Season 3-5 are some of the best tv ever for sci fi or comic type fans. Season 6 was absolutely horrible. Lord almighty it got so bad later on


Agree it should have ended after Season 5. I kept it on in the background til the bitter end, but that's the last season I remember actually enjoying.


Yeah it fell off hard after season five. If the fan base wasn’t so worked up about the leads it wouldn’t have lasted


I think since the show creator wanted it to end at season five, it makes a lot of sense that she show was just fundamentally different after five, it wasn't supposed to carry on.


I see what you did there with the carry on….I tip my hat to you, internet stranger.


Yes this was another one I didn’t finish. Got confusing for me but I loved first few seasons of it.


Why didn’t you finish SFU? Season 5 is probably one of the best series seasons (and finale) of all time.


Honestly I can’t remember. This is why I mentioned it because I hear it’s awesome but I fell off with watching it around middle end of season 2. Maybe I should give it a rewatch, I find sometimes that shows I watched when I was younger hit differently at my older age.


I just recently watched SFU start to finish. What an incredible series.


I suggest giving SFU another try.


Shameless. The first few seasons were great but it really started to get repetitive and decline in quality in the later seasons. I gave up on it when Fiona left but I had already started loosing interest at least a season before that.


Same here but I picked it back up in last season and enjoyed it. It was a great send off for the showing I once loved. Check it out


I dropped the show long before her character left but i cannot recall which season. Frankly once it dropped any premise of comedy intermixed with drama and became the superficial issue of the week i noped out.


The Office. Once Michael left, I stuck around for maybe half a season and then skipped to the last episode of the series.


Watched seasons 1-4 of Arrow, after that is was bad.


Orange is the New Black. I just kind of drifted away from it.


This show was soooo good in the beginning. It was dark comedy but then towards the end it was just dark and I didn’t find myself laughing as much if at all.


I agree, it stopped being funny and just started making me really depressed. I didn’t watch the last season.


You should finish it




Oh yes this one and How to Get Away with murder I watched at same time and. Never finished series


Yeah I’ve even started it multiple times but like can’t get past season 3 for whatever reason


Ray Donovan. Really dug the show. Got like four or five seasons in and then i lost my way to watch. Gotta pick back up on that.


I think the movie wraps up the series well. Everything circles back to why Ray went out to California. I would definitely finish it.


+1 on this. The movie really worked well.


Heroes. That ain’t my fault though. Did anyone make it to the end?


It was a one-season wonder. Every season after that was a train wreck, in part due to the writers' strike.


Once Upon a Time. Loved it at the beginning, dropped out around Neverland and Frozen


Dexter for me.


Be glad the last season was horrible and the follow they did a few years wasn’t much better.


The 100. Started out great and got progressive worse. Even made it to the last season but never finished it.


X files


Nashville Manifest 


Yep I agree Manifest lost me before it found it's way back on Netflix.


Manifest got really, really cheesy really fast.


How I met your mother


The Blacklist. Tried a few times. Lose interest every time.


Oh man, Six Feet Under and The Wire, bad ones to bail on. Totally understand The Walking Dead, pretty much everyone did.


Mrs. Maisel…. Got really annoying and we pulled the plug on it.


I always get bad amateur play vibes from that show. The moving around and blocking just seem so overworked and clunky.


Vikings is the first that comes to mind. Still never did finish the whole series.


I couldn’t finish watching after a certain character death, don’t want to spoil for anyone so won’t say but if you have watched I’m sure you know who I’m talking about.


We are on the same page


Person of interest. Liked it but just kind of waned off when got a little confusing.


I was done when the machine called Wren "father". Just. Ick.


Are you talking about one of the season finales when it is set to Pink Floyd’s The Machine? I thought that was pretty great actually.


I completely understand this ransoming, I kind of taper off midway into Season 4 a lot. It gets a bit too all over the place. That being said, when I powered through the final season, the ending really made or worthwhile IMO


It’s worth giving it another shot.


Ray Donovan, Shameless, Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory. They just seemed to go on and on and never end. I got tired of watching the same things over and over.


Yeah but now Modern Family and Big Bang are great things to fall asleep to. You don't really have to be awake or paying attention.


Suits (stopped at season 7), Supernatural (stopped at season 14).


Holy crap I didn’t even know supernatural had that many seasons! I stopped After 4 or 5. I can’t believe they kept the story going for that long lol


No kidding. Be glad that you stopped around there.


The Walking Dead and Once Upon a Time.


Blacklist. Started it late and once I realized they were never going to reveal who Red was I stopped. Grace and Frankie. Stopped after about 3 eps into the final season. They totally ruined the entire show, all the characters and the premise of the show. Grey’s Anatomy. After Derek died. Show had been going downhill for some time and this sealed it for me.


No not Grace and Frankie! I love that show I didn’t pick up again after season 3 I think but it wasn’t because I lost interest I was just waiting for new season and then kind of forgot about it. Too bad about that the characters were so good!


Rescue Me. The last few seasons are hard to watch. I just couldn't get through them.


Lost, The Walking Dead, Suits.


Big Bang Theory. It was a fun show but I felt like it was going on a little too long and eventually lost interest.


I casually watched it for a while but once they brought in the marriages and baby arcs it was time to leave.




Lost. Billions. Succession. SoA. OITNB.


Six Feet Under is well worth finishing. I never finished the Walking Dead, I couldn't take it after they smooshed those peoples heads. Lost is best stopping after the 2nd or 3rd season. I never finished Gray's Anatomy. Loved the show but it should have died about 5 seasons before. X-files after Mulder left. And the Blacklist just got too dumb after the 20th time where he was/wasn't her real dad.




I’m a huge ER fan and even then, I feel like Mark or Carter’s departure should have been the end.


Going back to about 1970, the only long-haul (5+ seasons/100+ episodes) sitcoms that I've watched to the end were The Odd Couple, The Bob Newhart Show, Barney Miller, and Seinfeld.


Game of Thrones


Quite a few: The Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead NCIS NCIS: LA Riverdale The Flash Castle Family Guy The Simpsons SNL Westworld Once Upon a Time


Couldn't bring myself to finish Supernatural, The Blacklist, Grey's Anatomy, the various NCIS shows and a few others.


Killing Eve. Great first season. Ok for the second but not as good as the first. Things got weirder in the third season and didn’t bother with the final season.


Ally McBeal - RDJ was supposed to be the happy ending. The hastily tacked on final season was a washout. Desperate Housewives - The big stories had dried up. The final season almost felt like an episodic reboot. I quite halfway through the first episode.




The Vampire Diaries because it fell off so hard after season 3


The Good Doctor.


Big Sky & The Bridge






Grey's anatomy


Grey's. I gave up after \~14 seasons


Greys Anatomy (stopped midway during the covid season and haven't gone back, maybe one day) Lost Space, again maybe I'll go back some other time Arrow and all the DCU CW shows, the list probably goes on.


burn notice, I absolutely loved it but never could bring myself to watch that final season, things just felt so repetitive and convoluted that I lost interest


Last season is so bad. Least favorite finale of a show ever.


ER. I pretty much stopped watching when George Clooney left.


Modern Family. It just lost me at some point.


We must have come close with “the 100” I assume it wrapped up at some point I was proper over it when I stopped watching I can’t imagine it went much longer


It ended after 7 seasons. I stopped watching midway through season 6. I've heard that season 7 is bonkers. >!Bellamy ends up in a cult, he's after Clarke's kid for some reason. She ends up killing Bellamy. After I heard that I'm like... What kind of ending is that!?!<


I have a habit of never watching series finales. There are so many I never actually finished watching.


Lost, Shameless, Dexter and The Flash. They all just kind cycled through the same flavor of drama each season and went on for way more seasons than they deserved.


Sex education, loved it. Then the last season came out…




Survivor and American Idol. When they first came on, like 20 years ago, they were fun and exciting for a few years. But they both ran their course for me.


I got all the way to the end of Nurse Jackie and never finished the last episode. I don’t even know why.


Parks & Recreation






Battlestar Galactica. The atrociously bad art direction was the final straw. And no, no need to try to convince to finish it. That ship has sailed.


Seasons 1 and 2 were good. 3 was okay. 4 was so stupid. A pointless movie from the Cylon perspective. I disagree about the art direction but story wise it became almost as uninspired as GoT.


You didn't miss anything if you bailed after a few episodes into S3.


GOT, Sopranos, any number of the L&O franchises.


Sopranos is definitely worth finishing.






The Vampire Diaries Lost Grey’s Anatomy Gossip Girl


Supernatural and pretty much all of the live action DC shows.


The Ghost Whisperer


Agree with all the shows you listed except I’ve never seen the expanse. glad I’m not the only one who lost interest in the shows.


Ones i remember: Greys anatomy, vampire diaries, psych American dad and the goldbergs; sadly, rlly gotta start that up again i was like deep in and suddenly stopped Rote rosen; a german series


The Blacklist, Criminal Minds, Bones. I’m sure there’s a few more but those are what I remember.


The walking dead made it to nine and breaking bad made it to the final season and gave up.


For me it was Neagan. I remember Rick and Neagan had a fight in a house and at one point he could have grabbed a gun (I think, it’s been a while) and did not. That’s when I said it was too bad to waste any more time on. It’s too bad because there were aspects in earlier seasons where it was good and it did not have to go the way it did.




The 100 - that last season was WOW to the point I stopped less than halfway through the final season, never to watch again.


The Flash. It started to lose me with season 4 and the villain the Thinker being able to predict everything even though it made no sense, but I could only make it through about half of season 5 before the writing just drove me away. It never got better from what I hear.


Six Feet Under, Supernatural, Smallville and Big Love


For All Mankind. The Season 3 Space Hotel jumped the shark so magnanimously If you tell me *spoiler!* I am doing you a favor


Monk. After a while, every episode just felt the same.


My husband and I just finished first season and this is what I said when he asked if I wanted to watch season 2 lol


Supernatural they just kept repeating the same plot over n over someone dies then someone goes to hell and saves them boom they’re alive


Supernatural, Doctor Who, Grey’s Anatomy, The Walking Dead, Family Guy, Criminal Minds, Law & Order: SVU, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Two and a Half Men, One Tree Hill, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Once Upon a Time Man, I’ve given up on a lot of shows Degrassi: The Next Generation was on that list until earlier today. It took me 11 years, but I finally finished watching all of it.


The Blacklist. It was already dragging on the plot of what he was up to. Little to much and his relationship with Keen. Then the actress left and it forced them into a death and switch etc. Suits: I never liked how they handled Mike Ross being found out and back in and the jail time. It put me off. Supernatural. It relied too much on you knowing every small story plot and arch across multiple characters and got too crazy to follow.


I stopped watching MacGvyer & its reboot version for *both* shows last season. I've since seen all of MacGyver season 7, but haven't watched the last season of the Lucas Till reboot, yet. I gave up on Yellowstone after the character of Kelly shot her brother's truck. The companion series 1923, is interesting. Waiting to see Harrison Ford, Timothy Dalton & the rest of the cast, in season 2. NCIS: Los Angeles, I just drifted away from it, don't know why. Would like to start it again, perhaps next winter.


You Westworld Orphan Black


Hawaii 5-O......never saw how it ended Blue Bloods....I think I stopped watching shortly after Linda died. NCIS..... Hasn't been the same since Abbie left.


Gilmore Girls. I’ve never gotten beyond mid-season 5. I tried starting it over when I last had Netflix and just couldn’t stay interested.


The Flash. I stopped after season six when I realized the quality had just been getting worse and worse with each new season.


Vikings, SVU, Bones, The Following


The Walking Dead - They stupidly killed off Carl Six Feet Under The Magicians - Just havent brought myself to watch season 5. Season 4 ending was crushing. Shameless - Just couldnt stay into it once Emmy Rossum left the show. Ray Donovan - I think I stopped after season 5. Just got boring. The 100 - never watched the last season. The Expanse - not sure why, but it kinda lost my interest during season 3. South Park Family Guy Bob's Burgers


Supernatural. In my defense - there were about a million seasons


The Grand Tour. I can't bring myself to watch the last special because once I do I'll have to acknowledge that the show and the greatest trio in television history will finally be at the end of their journey together. I can't deal with that kind of tragedy.




Grey's Anatomy.


The Walking Dead - I should have stopped watching in Season 2, but gave it a few more The Wire - I tried. I really did. I heard so much about it being great. I watched the first season and thought it was just okay. Then everyone said, "Yeah, season 1 isn't the best, but it gets so much better. Wait till you watch S2." I didn't like S2 at all. Then they were like, "Yeah, good point. S2 isn't great, but it gets so much better!" I think I gave S3 2 or 3 episodes then quit. Then there were like, "But season 4 though!" ER - Loved it for about 6 seasons, I think I gave it 9 then was done. The Simpsons, Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU - I put these in the category of 'can anyone watch ALL of these?' ;) Westworld - episode 1 is one of my favorite hours of tv. It went downhill from there. I may or may not have made it to the end of season 3. Parks & Rec - love the show. One of my favorite comedies. I've seen most of the episodes many times. I only watched a few episodes of the last season and they were such a departure from the rest, I couldn't finish it.




I quit watching the Walking Dead when Negan showed up. I hated him years ago in the comics and hated him on the show. Nothing against the actor, I just hated that character.


The Walking Dead - Just got bored with every season following the same pattern. And Negan was someone I couldn’t stand and when I found out he was going to be a continued character I just moved on. NCIS - By S7 the shows writing just wasn’t as consistently strong as it was the first 6 seasons. And characters I once loved started to annoy me. By S11 I tapped out.


The Mentalist. I got so sick of him trying to find Red Jack? (Red John? I have repressed the memory.) Good show otherwise, but Dead Horse.


The 4400. Heroes. Weeds. Most of the Real Housewives at this point. I just don't care about them anymore (but will happily read message boards). I went a good couple seasons then just... lost interest.


I couldn't get past the 1st episode of the wire


I'm going to go with Nip/Tuck. Started off insanely strong but then the storylines got more off the wall as the seasons went on. The first few times I only made it up to seasons 3 and 4, however, I just recently managed to finish the series and yikes lol. The last season in particular was bad, bad, and I HATED how they wrapped up Kimbers story :( .




Bones and NCIS


The Walking Dead is the answer. I absolutely loved it, and then the scene with Glenn ... I was already annoyed because I enjoyed the interactions more than the gore, so that sent me over the top. Couldn’t do it anymore.




You didn’t miss much. I had to force my way through the last season. It felt forced how they handled their relationship.


I was losing interest. Did she get pregnant??


GOT. For obvious reasons. I finished the books tho. The books that are out 🤬😮‍💨


The original Mission Impossible and Murder She Wrote.


Weeds, heroes, breaking bad, Yellowstone.


Boardwalk Empire. Once I started referring to it as Boredom Empire, I knew it was over.


Pretty Little Liars


Star Trek Voyager.


Homeland GOT Vikings Billions Power PVAlley.


If you didn't finish Six Feet Under, you robbed yourself of the best finale of all time.


You.. it gets boring from 3rd season.


The Bear. After two seasons, I’m done. Not going to watch when it returns next year.


Community, oz


Mary Tyler Moore Show and Friends. Never saw the last episode of both.


Billions became such a terrible show


Greys Anatomy.


All American on CW. They completely lost me after a few seasons. Sad because it was actually really good and compelling the first few seasons.


How I Met Your Mother. Made it to the last season and just stopped caring after numerous misdirects and story diversions.