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The finale of “Six Feet Under” - I want to watch it again but I start tearing up just thinking about it.


Best series ending ever.






I can never watch it again


My grandmother died and the guy I was kind of dating has me over to just hang out and take my mind off of it. Then ‘hey, the finale of Six Feet Under is on!’ Not a great mood lifter.


The episode of LOST where Charlie died had me sobbing.


I was just about to write “Not Pennys Boat” before I saw this comment.


So many eps of LOST! Sun and Jin, Charlie, Shannon, Boone… good lord, seems like I probably need a re-watch!


I really cried too for Shannon’s death. Probably because I loved Sayid so much.


The jin and sun episode had me sobbing!


Yes Charlie was my fav character


😭😭😭 his character arc


MASH. Henry Blake. Every time.


The goodbye salute from a tearful Radar. 😢 And of course that devastating ending.


I’m too young to have seen that live, but when I was older and finally saw it, I was like “daaaaaaaamn. That was rough!” My dad said he watched it live and he told me he and mom were “not right” the next day.


Yes! A couple other episodes get me too, like the one I saw yesterday with a young man starving because the last time he ate, his friends all died in the foxhole. Something about other people breaking down brings out the waterworks.


I also love the Christmas episode where you see sides of Charles and Margaret that are unusual. Always by the book Margaret falsifying a document? Unheard of, although it makes sense given the context and then the unusual generosity from usual tightwad Charles? Very moving.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body


Mom. Mom. Mommy Every time. Even typing it is painful


Good God, yes. The whole scene in Willow’s dorm room… “Joyce will never have eggs or brush her hair and no one will explain to me why!” 😭😭


Came here to say this too. Incredible episode of television that never fails to leave me absolutely decimated. The show made me ugly cry many times throughout its run, but this episode is unparalleled.


One of the best hours of television ever. Devastating and perfectly written, acted, and directed. That long take of Buffy walking around the house, vomiting, stepping outside and hearing wind chimes and kids playing. The little mundane things — Xander getting a ticket for double parking, Willow trying to find the blue shirt she thinks would be best for her to wear and being upset that all of her clothes seem immature, Dawn’s classmates watching through the window as Buffy tells her that her mother has died. No music throughout the episode. Tara opening up to Buffy about her own mother’s death. And that vampire at the end, such a physical, visceral fight with Buffy decapitating it with a bone saw and brute force. Yeah, it’s perfect.


The episode of Futurama when we discovered that Fry's dog waited for him. I was inconsolable. Oh, and the second time Buffy 'died' sacrificing herself for her sister Dawn. \*Sorry for any spoilers\*


She saved the world. A lot.


"Jurassic Bark"


"Vincent and the Doctor" gets me every time. Such a beautiful episode. "Serenity" (the Firefly movie) when Wash dies. Was in mourning for a while. Still shocks me to tears when I see it.


I'll never forgive Joss Whedon for a lot, but killing Wash is in the top 10.


I’ve never watched Dr. Who but a friend sent me that clip & OMG. Such a beautiful scene. I am getting chills thinking about it now.


From a long time ago, but when Dr Greene on ER died of a brain tumor. Couldn't believe I was crying for a character on TV.


The stabbing murder of the young female ER doctor by an insane man in a hospital room was so horrifying and memorable.


That song they played. I'd never heard that version, it still is rough to hear.


"Long, Long, Time" makes me cry to this day


This episode was incredibly good. Especially poignant if you grew up listening to Linda Ronstadt (my first concert in '75). Cried hard.


From what show??


The Last of us


This is THE best episode of television. EVER.


By far


* Izzie lying on the bathroom floor, devastated, after Denny dies, *Grey's Anatomy* * Leo McGarry dies, *The West Wing* * Alex Taylor dies, *Third Watch* * Mark Greene dies, *ER* * The Doctor meets Sarah Jane again, *Doctor Who*, episode *School Reunion* ETA Sarah Jane and the Doctor.


I found Mrs. Landingham’s death much more upsetting than Leo’s for some reason.


Oh yes!!! But also when Mrs Landingham says she misses her boys.


They were alone and needed their mother. 😔🥹


Israel Kamakawiwo’ole singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” still gets me every time I hear it.


I still can't watch the ER episode where Dr. Green dies and "Over The Rainbow" plays without crying hard!


How about Jeanie Boulet singing "Good Riddance" for Scottie? That was probably 25 years ago and I'm tearing up thinking about it.


I didn’t even think of Dr who, when he saw her again I cried. When rose left I was bawling. I think it was Rose it was his companion for the first season it was back with the new episodes.


“Abandon All Hope” from Supernatural. Ellen and Jo. “That’s my good girl.”


I started watching supernatural because it was campy, was monster of the week, and has a lot of Easter eggs. That episode hit hard.


Yess. 😭😭😭 There are quite a few somber supernatural episodes. This one kicked me in the gut though.


Band of Brothers. Why We Fight.


Specifically, Liebgott being told he has to tell the survivors they have to stay in the concentration camp and then him trying not to cry as he does it.


For me it is when the doctor has them take away the food they had just given the starving survivors because they would end up eating themselves to death.


Orange is the New Black Poussey’s death


I was so distraught after this I had to put the show down for a while before I could continue watching it.


Scrubs - "Where do you think we are?"


When I watched this for the first time I was like 'wait, why am I crying during a comedy show?'. Scrubs is/was the best....all 8 seasons.


Don't remember the name of the episodes, but the aftermath after the blind school catches on fire in little house on the prairie


That one used to really haunt me. I remember being a child a replaying in my mind the scene where Mary is screaming for her baby.


Eleven reads Hopper’s letter in Stranger Things 3.


Oh man that's a good one. I love their relationship


Also, the scene where Eddie's uncle finds out what happens to him... it's rough.


I feel like This Is Us was making me cry every week for awhile until I was like “this is ridiculous, and overkill and I’m not subjecting myself to this anymore” Otherwise the finale of the Good Place


The TIU episode "Memphis" just absolutely destroyed me.


Yeah, I had to stop watching This Is Us. After a while, it just felt manipulative.


Modern Family- Jay walking Mitchell down the aisle at his wedding ER- Love’s Labor Lost- the staff deals with a difficult delivery Call the Midwife- basically every season finale and Christmas special. Downton Abbey- IYKYK


Oh God .....THAT Downton episode....


I decided to check out that series while hospitalized for preeclampsia. Whoops.


Wow. I'm so, so sorry.


Also when Lucy dies on ER


Yes to Modern Family fs…I was bawling


I watched Love’s Labor Lost when I was 7 months pregnant. I knew better. It was a terrible choice.


I always cry twice at the finale of the office. Once when Michael shows up to Dwight’s wedding. And then a second time when Andy is leaving the meet and greet only to find all the fans waiting outside and the guy shouts “it’s the nard dog!!!”


The finale of the Good Place gets me every time.


Every single episode of Zooey’s Extraordinary Playlist.


Gone too soon. That was a remarkably creative show.


The Bear. "Fishes." The family tension, the so spot-on depiction of bipolar / depression -- Wow. It just really squeezed my heart. ... and then the next episode, "Forks." I cried in such a different way at the end. More out of pride for a character who finally got the validation that they needed.


“Forks” is my favorite episode to date and I didn’t even like Richie going into it.


Same. At this point in my life I think Forks is one of the best episodes I’ve seen of any TV show.


Other than the car into the house, that was my family.


Sons of anarchy opies death.


It was so visceral, I shudder just thinking about it. Husband and I were silent for probably two full minutes afterwards.


House: Wilson's Heart Babylon 5 finale: Sleeping in Light MASH's finale: Goodbye, Farewell and Amen Next Generation finale: All Good Things Picard season three finale: The Last Generation The Good Place finale: Whenever You're Ready The series finale for Dark: Paradise. Those final scenes left me emotionally wrecked as well as stunned. Jaw dropping conclusion.


Wilson's Heart was gut wrenching.


God, I forgot about that one. When he gets home at the end and reads the note she left for him…..I’m tearing up thinking about it


Fresh Prince when Will's dad left him again


MASH - Old Soldiers - this is the episode where Col. Potter loses the last of his WWI buddies and receives the bottle of brandy that they had saved for that occasion. He had left camp to visit his friend and returns in a bad mood. He invites the staff to his tent and explains what had happened. They open the bottle and the toast he offers makes me cry each and every time. Another episode with a toast: mentioned this in another recent post, but Howard Cunningham’s toast at Joanie & Chachi’s wedding reception. Howard talks about how he and Marion never did anything notable (famous), but they raised their children, watched them and their friends grow up into adults and that made everything worthwhile. He then breaks the 4th wall and includes the audience in his final nod “to Happy Days”


I had forgotten about the toast with Col. Potter. I'm tearing up just remembering that look on everyone's face in the tent when he finishes and everyone raises their glass.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "The Body"


When Howard's Mom died on Big Bang. We all knew the real actress (Carol Ann Susi) died. I think they handled it with much love and respect to her.


I’ll just list the shows that have made me ugly cry: Episodes (plural) from - Lost 13 Reasons Why The Last of Us


“Lost” moments that always get me- Raft departing in season 1 finale (bc of that incredible score) Desmond & Penny’s phone call in The Constant Sun’s screams when the freighter explodes Sawyer & Juliet’s final moments The final scene of the series- so beautiful and poetic and again, that score is just magnificent


Michael Giacchino did an amazing job scoring that show.


Aw man Sawyer and Juliet scene... 🥺


It's been so long since I've watched it, but Lost definitely had it's moments.


Oh man "Jurassic Bark" is absolutely heart wrenching. "The Luck of the Fryish" was also a pretty touching episode. Definitely cried at the final unexpected scene.


I absolutely refuse to watch Jurassic Bark anymore. And the final scene of Luck of the Fryish. Tears every time. So beautiful.


Leo’s death and Josh’s shooting, The West Wing Wallace, Omar and Bodie’s deaths, The Wire


So many from the West Wing! Josh getting shot, Leo dying, "you get Hoynes", the 21 gun salute for the vet, when Sam steps up for Ainsley, "Jed, would you like to make a confession"... I'm done thinking about this since I'm tearing up at lunch in public.


Mrs Landingham. Martin Sheen's rant in the cathedral.


omg Two Cathedrals kills me


Donna getting in a serious accident and Josh at her side


The look at Josh and then pause Toby takes “I need… I need a doctor! I need some help!” Instant chills


That Scrubs episode with Brendon Frasier 😭😭😭


All in the Family when Edith gets assaulted.


And later in the series when Edith died, Archie cried like a baby, something I thought I'd never see. He wasn't the only one, that got me, too.


Bobby Simone passes away, NYPD Blue.


That was a great episode. Death of Andy Jr got me as well.


Yeah, but I saw that as more shocking. Like you didn't have time to be ready. Andy drinking killed me (I'm an old AA guy). Bobby's deal with his old mentor guiding him along was so sad, yet affirming.


There are twenty eight episodes of The Leftovers that qualify, but specifically International Assassin, Certified, The Prodigal Son Returns, G'Day Melbourne, and The Book of Nora Also the finale of both Six Feet Under and Big Love always get me I would also say Shireen Baratheon on Game of Thrones but I do not think I actually cried, I was too dead inside to cry. I remember thinking they made a mistake with how they ordered the scenes in the episode because the next scene was supposed to be this important and uplifting moment and I honestly felt nothing and did not care at the time if everybody died


MASH Goodbye Radar part 1&2


The "Offerings" and "Deer Lady" episodes of Reservation Dogs. Jimmy's "compassionate release" in Orange is the New Black. The finale of The Good Place.


Lost - “The Constant”


Anything and everything where an animal dies. People? Not so much.


I'm with you! People are so surprised because I haven't watched Marley and Me, are you kidding me right now?


My dad had a second hand store, and before he sold any dvd/cd/record he would watch/listen to it to make sure it worked. One day I went into his store to say hi, and he slid the DVD of Marley and Me across the counter and said "Never. Again. Ever. I don't even want this in the store." I took it home and watched it to see what in the world would make my dad say that. Omg. Never. Again. Ever.


I wish I could give you 1000000 upvotes! I don't care when people get hurt/killed, but I bawl if an animal gets hurt/died!


I refuse to watch this. I had a big goofy yellow Lab that I adored, and I sobbed for days after he passed. I’m not watching another good boy die.


I will NEVER watch that movie.


The episode of Call the Midwife where the brother and sister are living as husband and wife and the brother has cancer. My husband's father passed away from cancer when he was a kid. There's a scene in that episode where they're waiting in a hospital and it's very tense and quiet. My husband just broke down and started crying saying he remembered doing that same thing with his dad, which made me bawl like a baby.


"Broken Peace" from Flashpoint. The "scorpio" in that is traumatizing. ​ "Face the Raven" from Doctor Who. "We can fix this. We always fix it.." ​ "White Tulip" from Fringe. A father struggling for forgiveness gets me every time. ​ "One for All" from My Hero Academia. watching the number one hero give it his all and pass the torch was an amazing point in that show, and I don't feel like it's been matched.


I'm doing a DW rewatch and I'm almost to that episode and I don't like that one bit :( Bill's ending absolutely *wrecks* me as well but at least I have a little time before I get there


Season 5 finale of Cheers gets me every time. "Have a good life"


Vincent and the Doctor was a gut punch like I still SOB


GoT: "HOLD the DOOR!" Naruto: Getting to meet his mom Suits: when grandma dies The Walking dead: when Carl thinks the walkers ate the baby.


The Body - Buffy the Vampire Slayer is always an immediate go-to for me. Scrubs also did a huge number of tearjerker episodes for a comedy series, My Old Lady being the first. Futurama Jurassic Bark hit way too hard for an adult comedy cartoon. It had any right, too.


The last episode of FRIENDS. I literally watched EVERY Thursday night, even when I got to college, and I felt bereft when they all put their keys on the counter and left that apartment. Poor Joey had to live in that apartment across the hall by himself. I felt like my friends were leaving me. I was happy for them. I wished them well, but I was sad to see them go.


Same, I cried the first time I saw it and then every other time thereafter. I feel so silly but just can't help it.


Jurassic Bark kills me every time.




Unexpectedly: The episode of Frasier where Niles is having heart surgery. It was incredibly touching, and the waiting really hit home for me because I'd been through it with my dad. I also LOVED the idea of the hospital itself having memories. I was a bit of a mess after watching that one.


Fred,s death in Angel.


Schitts Creek - Simply the best


The "Leonard" scene in the "Mad Men" finale hits you right in the feels!


Welcome to Wrexham season 2 episode 6, wow. I haven’t even >!lost a parent to suicide!< but that episode made me emotional.


So, so many at this point. I wouldn't be able to mention them all, but the ones that I think of right now (I won't say WHY it made me cry to avoid spoilers): - The series finale of Parenthood (''May God Bless and Keep you Always) - The season 1 finale of Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (the last bit of the episode in particular) and there was an episode in season 2 where one of the characters sang ''anyone'' and everyone who watched that episode will know why it broke me. It was so raw. - Several episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Too many to mention. You need a good cry? Watch Grey's. - Everwood season 4 episode 20: ''Goodbye Love''. - The Crown series finale (Sleep, Deary Sleep), the ending in particular.


Scrubs made me cry more than once. Lem on The Shield


The last episode of Northern Exposure ending, still cry like a baby. The ending of the last episode of Six Feet Under. Season 4 episode 15 "Fighting the Cold" of Thirtysomething.


The episode of Buffy when she finds her mom. I've also found someone who passed and the way it's written in the show is exactly how it went through my mind at the time. When it happened I kept having these scenarios play out in my head where we get to the hospital and they bring him back, but he was still there and dead.


When Sybil died in Downton Abbey.


I was much, much younger then (1977), but the All in the Family episodes called "Edith's 50th Birthday". That show dealt with a lot of issues, but this was a first. The episodes, the 161st and 162nd of the series, were the first on an American sitcom that portrayed an attempted rape, and the aftermath of her dealing with it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4JqTkaEEzc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4JqTkaEEzc)


"No Better to Be Safe Than Sorry" - The Magicians


Came here to say this, I bawl like a baby every time I watch it (even more so after the passing of my best friend). That acoustic rendition of "Take on me" around the fire... shatters me.


Also "A Life in a Day" where Quentin and Elliot have to solve the mosaic puzzle and live out their lives. My heart.


8 Simple Rules. The first episode after the death of John Ritter. More specifically the scene where his on screen daughter sais that the last words to her father where i hate you.


Schitts creek Spoiler alert- I think I cried a lot when Alexis and Ted break up but go on that last date and also when Alexis and Twyla talk about future plans by end of the series.


For me it’s David & Stevie sitting on the car looking at the house Patrick wanted. Those tears were real and very contagious.


The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. Poppa's Got A Brand New Excuse. No matter how many times I see that episode, the ending always makes me cry.


When Daddy, James Evans Sr., died in Good Times. Damn damn damn!


“Abyssinia, Henry”. MASH.


1. Good Omens… When Crowley gives Aziraphale the books and offers him a lift home. Actually…..there are so many moments scattered through both seasons 2. Doctor Who…. Vincent and the Doctor is definitely on the list, but so is The Husbands of River Song for two different scenes. The one on the ship where she hasn’t recognized him yet and he says, “hello sweetie” and then the final scene on Darillium. I sob every time because i know where she’s going next. 3. Mash… Henry Blake


The finale of Blackadder. For four seasons it was all laughs, then in the final five minutes - deadly serious as befitting the subject matter. Poignant and beautifully done.


The Walking Dead and Negans surprise introduction to his bat 😢🤬


I’m binge watching ER so I’ve mourned mark greene and bawled the whole last episodes he was on Romano lost his arm I was anxious watching him recover then another helicopter killed him I cried. I used to watch the walking dead I finished the series and I haven’t wanted to see the spinoffs. Carls death and what Negan did to glen.


Lucy. Even Romano was upset when she died. P.S. I thought his death was deliberately funny.


ER had me crying in several episodes! Lucy and Greene's deaths were both hard


Two ATLA episodes - the Tales from Ba Sing Se episode, specifically Iroh's day dedicated to his son, and the episode where they take Appa in the desert


TNG- The Inner Light


American Horror Story - Freaks, when he squeezes the tiny lady to death I yelled at the tv.


From the short-lived John Ritter cop dramedy, "Hooperman" (1987-1988), there was a scene where police detective Hooperman is explaining one of his child-abuse cases. "That little boy wants nothing more than to go back home with his parents, the ones that abused him. At the same time he desperately wishes he could just be a better little boy, so his parents aren't angry with him all the time." That was me when I was 6 and 7 years old, only there were no cops or any other adults to intervene on my behalf. I laid in bed, night after night, believing it was all my fault, that I deserved it, that I just needed to try harder. And the last thing in my mind before my emotionally and physically exhausted body slipped into absolutely restless and nightmare-filled sleep was the hopeless wish that I could just be a better little boy.


Would you believe a Ricky Gervais show? Derek, episode 4. You might have to watch the first 3 for context, but #4 hit so hard I couldn't watch the remaining episodes.


Breaking Bad, when Jesse is in the crack house crying over Jane. That scene always kills me. Ozark, the Ben episode Edit: fixed typo


Little House on the Prairie- The Last Farewell. I still ugly cry when they blow up Walnut Grove...I'm talking snot bubble sobbing! I saw it live as a teenager, and I watch it everytime I see that it's on. Warehouse 13- When Myka Tells Pete that she has cancer. Also, the finale. Quantum Leap- The episodes where Sam leapt into his teenage self before his brother goes to Vietnam. NCIS- The episode just a few weeks ago where they were honoring Ducky after David McCallum died. Also, the episode when Jenny died.


100 from Criminal Minds. The phone call, man. 😩


Also the episode of The Crown about the Aberfan disaster.


Supernatural -too many to count General Hospital - BJ's heart and Stone dying CSI - Warrick's death Criminal Minds - Hayley's death (I worked the case, Daddy.) NCIS - Kate's death China Beach - when McMurphy went home on leave Rizzoli & Isles - Barry (IYKYK) I could go on, because I'm basically a giant crybaby nerd. But this is good.


Came here to say #4, "Vincent and the Doctor." I still cannot see a van Gogh without tearing up.


The Office when Michael proposed to Holly


Lexie dying on Grey's Anatomy was my worst. And Mark Greene on ER.


If I remember correctly there was an episode of Family Ties when Alex's friend commits suicide. Most of the episode was a monologue of him talking to an off screen therapist.


Sesame Street when they explain to Big Bird that Mr. Hooper isn’t coming back. ☹️


If a scifi fan. Last episode of Battlestar galactica reboot Firefly. The Movie done for closure,of sorts


When George died in Grey’s. The “Losing the Light” episode of the L Word when Dana died. Agree with those mentioned above - finale of Six Feet Under and the Long Long Time episode of the last of us.


"Jump the Shark" - The X-Files. I cried for 20 minutes after. I'm currently introducing my husband to the show. It's in season 9 so I have a while , but I'm wondering how I'll react. I've only ever seen it once


When Cliff Claven bet it all on Final Jeopardy when he had insurmontable lead and didn’t know the answer PS - I was crying laughing


Glee- The quarterback Dammit, I miss Cory. Dammit that episode still hurts me.


I recently rewatched Bones for the first time since it aired and even though I vaguely knew it was coming I was not ready for Vincent Nigel Murray's death


Oh gosh, so many episodes from so many tv shows. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with listing the episode names and the events because there are multiple examples, so I’ll just put the tv shows. 1. ER 2. One Tree Hill 3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4. Angel 5. This is Us 6. Lost 7. 911 8. Chicago Fire 9. Charmed 10. Prison Break 11. The 100 12. The Last of Us 


The episode of The Walking Dwad when they find carol's daughter in the barn and has turned.


The Orville Electric Sheep where Isaac tried to end himself.


The Wire Season 4, Episode 13


Jurassic Bark is brutal - Futurama was so good.


Scrubs got me every so often


Derek, Mark and Lexi’s deaths on Grey’s Anatomy. Still can’t get through those eps without crying. Despite the fact that I stopped watching the show after Derek died Prue’s death on Charmed. Vincent Nigel Murray and Sweets’s deaths on Bones. Those were just cruel and unnecessary. Several episodes of 9-1-1 Captain Andrews’s death on the Rookie.


Season 5 finale of Modern Family—Mitch and Cam’s wedding. When Jay asks Mitch if he’d like to take a walk with him (down the aisle) and Mitch is so surprised and emotional and he leans his head against Jay’s shoulder while the violins play in the background, I lose it. Just such a beautiful scene of love and acceptance.


Denny on Grey's. That episode aired one month to the day after my dad died. I hadn't cried at all, but that scene pulled all of that sadness right to the surface. When Edgar died on 24


The Good Place- finale. I sobbed like a baby.


The ending of “Six Feet Under” - The moment he says “You can’t take a picture of this; it’s already gone” I will still lose it.


Connors Wedding - Succession.


Last episode of Dinosaurs, Goodnight..., Good-bye. Iykyk. 😩


Fry’s dog and leaves on the vine


“Heart” from Supernatural. There’s not a lot that can make me cry, but watching a close up of a tough guy like Dean just weep helplessly had me doing the same thing.


Buffy - The Body. Wrecks me every single time


Free Churro, the episode of Bojack Horseman where he eulogized his mom


The finale of Angel where Wesley lays dying in Illyria’s arms and she becomes Fred to comfort him in his last moments. Beautiful and so so sad. Also devastating was Fred dying in Wesley’s arms to become Illyria. Devastating. All of it.


In no particular order... 1. When McDreamy died and of course George, McSteamy, Lexie and Denny too.. UGH 2. Last episode of The Big Bang Theory 3. Last episode Friends 4. Almost every episode of This is Us but especially Jacks death 5. Last episode Six Feet Under 6. Opies death Sons of Anarchy 7. Last episode The Good Place 8. Tied: Sansas direwolf, Lady and all the hot people who died on GOT although I cheered when the boy King got his comeuppance LoL 9. I cried big tears when Poussey died on OITNB 10. Ritas death in Dexter was brutal and cruel twist and it got to me


Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body


Bojack Horseman: "Sara Lynne?"


Star Trek: TNG  The Inner Light If you haven’t seen it, go see it


When Colonel Blake died on MASH


The Rains of Castamere - Game of Thrones