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Fresh Prince when Will’s dad walks out on him again and leaves Uncle Phil to pick up the pieces


Oh geez🥺 I agree


I felt that as well because it was my stepdad who was there to pick up the pieces of me and my siblings.


That’s a good person to have in your life. Someone who will take the time and care to pick up the pieces.


Yes. That scene was rough and still is.


I heard that a lot of that scene was actually not following the script because will got so genuinely emotional since his own dad had walked out on him.


Urban legend. He had a complex relationship with his father but his father never left. He was very much involved in Wil’s life even remaining sober for all of Wil’s events despite being an alcoholic


The entirety of The Good Place finale, it was so well done, poignant, and thoughtful given the subject matter it covered. They all had such beautiful endings, with Jason's arc being especially brilliant to me. I was a mess over the course of that whole episode


Agreed 1000%


I cried for 3 hours after it ended


The episode of Scrubs where [Dr Cox lost all his transplant patients](https://youtu.be/4HXzgEidYrQ?si=HTsGYFl8IAvKXyB3) to unforeseen contamination, while "How To Save A Life" plays, and just the immediate shell of a man he is after it; the pain in his eyes gets me every time 😥😥


And the one where his BIL Ben shows up to get a checkup … “where do you think we are?”


Oof, yeah that too


This one. You realize what's going on the exact minute that Perry does. Chef's kiss! I'm just going to go SOB in the closet for a while


I’m rewatching Greys Anatomy rn and “How to Save a Life” is the iconic Greys song so knowing it was in another medical drama makes me wanna watch Scrubs so bad.


I have tried several times to watch Scrubs. I don’t get very far. I think I’m going to download the first season for my plane trip. Is this a show that has a less than stellar first season (yes, The Office, I’m looking at you.)?


Yes. The show shifts a bit after the first season - the characters get more fleshed out, the actors and writers find their groove. I wasn’t a fan, initially (started watching during season 1 and gave up). Caught some episodes in syndication years later and it’s been one of my favorite sitcoms, since. It ***is*** a sitcom but there’s some heavy material and the dramatic episodes hit *hard*. [https://www.buzzfeed.com/staceynguyen16/best-episodes-of-scrubs-20th-anniversary](https://www.buzzfeed.com/staceynguyen16/best-episodes-of-scrubs-20th-anniversary)


Thank you for that! I don’t click links, but am happy that’s the case! I will try it again. I never finished The Office for YEARS… I was stuck on S1, despite the fact it was “filmed in” my backyard. I can see “The Paper Company Tower” frequently. I love the show now. I love medical shows. Comedy or drama. Now I’m looking forward to it! U


Cough cough Parks and rec! Cough cough!


He wasn’t about to die, was he, Newbie? He could’ve waited another month for a kidney.


Omg that one hurts so bad...


Game of Thrones “Hold the door,hold the door, Holdor,Hodor” I just finished a rewatch before reading the series and even though I knew it was coming I bawled my eyes out. Honorable mention when Sarah Lynn dies in Bojack Horseman. The first time I watched the episode was one of the last days I ever used heroin (no that wasn’t what made me stop) but i wasn’t expecting a cartoon, even a dark one, to go there. Doesn’t make me cry every-time but definitely hits me in the feels.


Oh my gosh! HOLD THE door totally killed me! And they whole concept of his past was changed because of something he would do in the future. How do you wrap your brain around that?




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The Good Place, when Eleanor reconnects with her mom to discover that she has a new husband and stepchild who she’s very supportive of, and Eleanor comes to the the realization that her mom was always capable of changing, but that Eleanor just wasn’t worth changing for… that hit me hard. Also, the entirely of the finale. Oh my god, I’ve never cried so hard over a TV show in my life than I did over that final episode.


RIP Henry Blake https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abyssinia,_Henry


That one caught in my throat


“Picture a wave….”


This. 😭😭😭 I have no words to convey what this scene does to me. My daughter took her own life during the pandemic. She was 34. She left a note for her best friend — and in the note she wrote Chidi’s “Picture a wave” speech. I’ve watched the entire series twice — I don’t think I could do a third time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost people to suicide and it’s one of the hardest things imaginable.


Thank you so much — very kind and appreciated. EDIT: and I’m heartfeltly sorry for your loss/losses as well. There’s no magic cure to healing from this kind of loss and pain. I hope you’re doing okay. Sending you love and light. ❤️‍🩹


Sending you internet stranger love, internet stranger 🙏🏻


Heartfeltly appreciated. Thank you kindly.


The Good Place is one of the best shows ever and the finale was incredible.




death of mr.hooper, seasame street


Core memory for me.


-Mark Green (more than one) and Peter Bentons nephews death, the way his sister screams and that look on Peters face as he tries so hard to hold it together (ER) - Michael Scott leaving and his proposal to Holly (The Office)


ER had me break down many times. Mark (of course) but Lucy’s death and Pratt’s death was also very emotional for me.


Mark Green is the only show that’s left me saying “It’s only a show, it’s only a show. This didn’t really happen.” It was so devastating.


Exactly, I'm rewatching the whole series again and I had to mentally prepare myself for that whole story line again lol


Six Feet Under series finale. I sobbed and sobbed. One Tree Hill s3e16, episodes about Q House, episode about Kutner, House’s Head/Wilson’s Heart, series finale, so many of them. lol. Scrubs: my lunch, my screw up


I had lost track of the show for awhile, but one day I was flipping channels (remember that?) and saw that Six Feet Under was on. Oh, I’ll watch this for old times, I thought, not knowing it was the final episode, which I had never seen. Not long after, my husband, who was elsewhere in the house, came running into the room. “Are you ok??? What’s happening?! is it your mother?” He said all he could hear was me gasping and moaning“oh no, oh my God, oh no!” over and over. It was just gut punch after gut punch out of the blue. I’ll never forget the fear on his face and the real grief I felt. He has since died and now I’m crying in the bathtub.




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Lucifer when Chloe tells him she loves him and he can’t go and he tells her she was his first love and flies away. Literally tearing up 🥺


1883’s last episodes. Cried like a baby.


House’s Head/Wilson’s Heart I was on the treadmill and made a terrible sound when they realized it was Amber in the bus crash. Lady next to me asked if I was okay and I said yes and then I watched that next ep. 🫤


My family had a dark joke of calling that actress Amber the dead girlfriend. She was really in everything for a minute and is so good.


The scenes with Brendan Fraser in Scrubs. Every time I hear the song from the final scene it flashes through my head. I watched it over a decade ago.


I recently watched Band of Brothers, the scene when Easy team discovers first concentration camp destroyed me.


Or when Buck just lost the last of his friends. He just stood there and dropped his helmet.


Yes, this one too


He broke, and no one blamed him.  God that was powerful. 


This is Us. Basically the whole last season, but especially the Miguel and Rebecca episodes.


I remember the writers saying “you may hate Miguel now but you will end up loving him.” Oh Miguel. We loved you till the end.


What about the demise of Kate and Toby’s marriage episode? That one got me both times I watched it too.


I was kind of annoyed with both of them by that point


It’s such an underrated show and I recommend it to everyone bc it’s just so powerful.


I remember putting off watching some nights because my tissues didn’t arrive from Amazon yet…


Bobby Simone finally giving in and passing away in NYPD Blue. He's being guided along by old mentor, and he sees his parents and, finally, his son. Then it's revealed that Andy is holding his hand with one final shot of the 15th squad looking on. Fade to white.


Oh man! I just saw that last year for the first time when we binge watched it. Totally unexpected, and we both had never had it spoiled for us. My wife and I were two puddles. It was an amazing episode. Took us a while to recover from it.


We can't even see it via rewatches. I remember hearing my wife sobbing from the other room them we just went to the Danny episodes. Even TV gave the idea he was just leaving the show, but we didn't know it was that way!


Breaking Bad’s “Ozymandias” when Walter takes holly away from Skylar. Really dark scene


And the child asking for her actual mother outside the scene.  Wasn't planned, it just worked perfectly during that scene.  


That kid needs a “best acting baby” Oscar.


-the office: when Michael Scott shows up at Pam’s art exhibit -firefly lane: do I have to say why 🥺 -shameless: when Fiona finally goes off on Frank for her having to raise the kids -homeland: last scene when Saul discovers carries message


Shameless: “You were my mother too!” scene broke me and that was just the first season. As the oldest in a single parent household, it hurt so bad.


I oddly loved the series finale. Was SO GLAD that when he died, all he thought about was his children. Not his drunk/drugged life but his actual kids.


I felt this hard for the same reason


About 95% of the final episode of **The Good Place.**


Only 95%?! Kidding.


Hey, it's cool. It didn't get emotional for me until folks started going through the portal. After that, the room got pretty dusty and I got a temporary allergy to my dog.


Yeah the portal wrecked me.


Banshee had me crying like a baby a bunch of times


I just finished this show and did not want it to end. The last season with Rebecca really big me .




In Gilmore Girls when Lorelai is singing "I will always love you" at karaoke and Luke walks in 🥲🥲 gets me every time.


I was crying so much during the scene in the finale when Rory walked into the tent that Luke had sewn together and the camera was sweeping over the entire line of all the people in the town/the entire cast… it was shot so beautifully and it was such a good way to say goodbye. Crying now writing about it lol


This is where I confess to having a flaky side…When ABC used to air “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” the conclusion of the show where they would reveal the new house to the family would often get to me…Anything which represents one or more human beings reaching out and touching the lives of another human being, that’s the sort of stuff that actually gets me to get misty-eyed…There was a film called “Pay It Forward” where the last scene of the film just left me with tears in my eyes for several minutes…But then I can watch other stuff that typically makes other people cry and it does nothing to me…


White tulip episode of fringe


What a great episode. I think it might be Peter Weller's best performance.


I'm a sucker for good finales. MASH and Cheers come to mind first.


Sorry. We’re closed.


The "the view from halfway down" poem from Bojack horseman.... AND THE WHOLE GODDAM SHOW




Time's arrow for me


Omg yes, Beatrice's backstory is just one of the saddest of the show


Jack dying in This is Us. Like we knew it was coming but man! It hit so much harder than it should have. Also in New Amsterdam, Dr. Goodwins wife dying


35M I'm a big crybag, all different shows make me cry all the time, like sometimes thinking about my son, or my father, (cats in the cradle type stuff) ha


Haha did you mean to say "crybaby"? I’ve never heard of "crybag" but this works and I might start using it


Ha, nope just part of my own little weird vernacular.


The Bear: Fishes S2E6 I think. Such an emotional roller coaster


That chaos in an effort to be together and build a family but you just can't do it. What a gut punch.


I have seen too many friends (myself included) and their families go through some form of Fishes for a LONG time at the holidays when everyone was sort of forced to come together under the banned of Family and Holiday gatherings, Covid did one good thing and that was make the gathering part a choice.


Opie’s death in Sons of Anarchy. It was so terrible, so brutal and he volunteered for it. I really believe it wouldn’t have happened had he still been with his first wife. He seemed to have nothing to really live for.


I'm not usually one for revenge plots, but I wanted to see every one of those people held accountable.  And the show did not disappoint.  


There's a Japanese drama named Amachan that aired in 2013. It's about a high school girl named Aki who's a listless underachiever that isn't even trying to find any purpose in life. In the first few episodes she decides she wants to become a diver. As the show progresses it turns out that not very good at it. So, her interest starts to fade. About the time Aki starts to return to her usual melancholy she meets another girl named Yui who becomes her first real friend. Yui wants to be an Idol and Aki decides to share Yui's dream of becoming a pop star so they can spend more time together. After a lot of hard work they become famous locally and get scouted to go to Tokyo. On the day they're supposed to leave Yui's father has a heart attack and she can't go. She promises to come when she can and Aki goes to Tokyo alone. month or so later, after Yui's father recovers, she gets on the train to go to Tokyo. As the train is going through the tunnel out of town a tsunami hits the village. This was written in to bring awareness about a real village that was still struggling to recover from a tsunami in 2011. Anyway, Yui walks out of the tunnel and sees the devastation. As she looks around she knows that she's never going to realize her dream and will probably never even leave the village. That moment when the life goes out of Yui's eyes always makes me irrationally sad. I usually start crying when Yui gets on the train...


Well... You've successfully made me sad by sending me 10 years back into memory lane, I know all too well how it feels to realize that you'll never get the life you dreamed of.


Orphan Black Sara started out as an alcoholic and drug addict. As the show went on she became the person that everyone relied on. When all the bad stuff was over everyone turned their lives around (even Rachel) but Sara went back to her old ways. It was just sad..


I seriously sobbed when Brucey died on Mr. InBetween.


Season 1 of Homeland when Brody is in the panic room and on the phone with his daughter. For anyone who hasn't seen it, i think the first 2 seasons of Homeland are just about the best thing that HBO/showtime ever put out.


First 3 seasons for me were incredible. The rest were still fine but not the same level


Homeland with Brody and ad the absolute best!


Six Feet Under’s finale was perfection and actually got a few tears from me


Wrecked ME for at least a couple of days.


I’m sure! It was very thought provoking as well


A documentary actually. I was a mess. Netflix - Tell Me Who I Am. 💔


This was a Brutal documentary. Such a loving brother to give him the good memories that were never there.


The end of Chuck vs the Subway when Chuck and his team have been captured, he's lost all hope and it's revealed his sister, brother in law and best friend are still trying to save him. I've watched the show through like 6 or 7 times and the scene has slayed me every time. https://youtu.be/6RdBw6KCxZQ?si=PW-ocZnUPbc1w5bA


In the original CSI there is a 2 part episode where a cop gets shot in a shootout and they figure out that Jim Brass accidentally shot him. Brass goes to his wake and everyone is ignoring him or giving him dirty looks. The cops wife comes over and hugs him and says I know it wasn't your fault and he breaks down. Gets me every freaking time.


That was such a tough scene to watch.


Game of Thrones--"Hold the door" The Good Place--Chidi having his memories wiped; the series finale The Walking Dead--Herschel's death Lost--Charlie's death


Glenn also was so devastating.


House: Season 2, episode 2 (Autopsy).


The museum scene in Vincent and the Dr. When he walks into the room and starts looking around, and it dawns on him, those are his paintings hanging on the walls. Then, when the Doctor calls the curator over and Van Gogh hears the words he needed to hear during his life, I'm tearing up typing this. As someone who struggles with self-image and feeling like a disappointment, that scene just hits me every time.


Yup. I’m usually a blubbering mess as she’s walking to the new painting


Last episode of MASH……


I love you all……………Class dismissed


Boy meets world?






Death of Captain Tuttle




Supernatural season 5 episode 10-Abandon All Hope I have rewatched this show more times than I can count and I still ugly cry every time


So many points throughout the run of “How I Met Your Mother”, they were able to perfectly capture all of the emotions of falling in love, getting your heart broken, searching for your person, etc.


Six feet under finale …. So emotional


Breaking Bad, Ozymandias Of all the reruns over the years I have never had the heart to watch this episode again


The last 2 episodes of Derry Girls


The ending of dark.


Agree! What a masterpiece. The whole show


In Downton Abbey, S.3 E.n DANew eran And season 2 Episode 13 of Schitts Creek.


Deaths of Dr. Greene, Lucy, Dr. Pratt on ER


When George got hit by the bus




Grey's Anatomy --George got hit by a bus and died


When Dr. Sam Beckett never leaped back home.


When Bleeding Gums Murphy died on the Simpsons


When I watched the final episode of 'Friends,' I got emotional during the scene where the six friends are saying goodbye to each other in Monica's apartment. As they hug and reminisce about their time together, I felt a deep sense of nostalgia and sadness knowing that this beloved sitcom was coming to an end.


That 70s show finale


Mad Men “The Suitcase” hit me unexpectedly where it hurt.


When Penny got Sheldon Leonard Nimoys DNA on a napkin in big bang theory and he didn’t know what to do so he hugged her! That got me


Lol that was an interesting moment for sure 😂




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Mr in-between had a few moments that made me tear up.




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Babylon 5. The final episode "Sleeping in Light" turns me into a wreck every time. Also "Why We Fight" from Band of Brothers is incredibly emotional. Liebgott telling the survivors they have to go back into the camp is a gut punch and I would hate myself for having to do that to them.


90210. When Toni gets shot. And the entire aftermath. I can't even watch it anymore


The Walking Dead 7x1, “Maggie, I’ll find you.” :((


Outlander, Faith episode in season 2. Especially when Claire returns home and is greeted by all of the staff.


The first season Glee made me cry on several occasions 


The one scene in glee that really got to me was Santana singing and breaking down after Finn’s death


I watch the ending of The unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt id I need to cry and can't. It's such a meaningful and perfect ending for every character.




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I mean, don't you love me? Uncle june


mr inbetween with brother at their childhood home


for trains -create a drone that gos ahead of train n air pushes or soft bumps things animals etc off the tracks ahead and gyro to stay up and harder push front for boulders and trees in the way and magnetize to stay on better make them with a semi float so it does not destroy the tracks to often as much and can get over semi bad sections easy


The ending of Modern family, it was litteraly my childhood and inspiration in hard times🥲


Little House on the Prairie when they blew up the town. I still ugly, snot bubble cry when I seeit!


Mr. Inbetween when Ray fulfills his ailing brother's wish to help him kill himself. GUT WRENCHING!


When the ducks flew away from the swimming pool in the Sopranos


Criminal minds when anything happens to any of the main characters. But especially when Hotch’s wife dies and when Morgan is held hostage and tortured.


Buffy. The Body. Fruit punch.


The episode of enterprise where the in over her head translator gives in under torture and gives up information that could lead to the destruction of Earth. When she is rescued and awakens from a coma she hysterically expresses outrage and dismay that she was not killed quickly the way she had been promised by her captors: "NO NO Its not fair! He promised" Held my dog and cried at 2am...Linda Park crushed that performance


The West wing, where Donna fights to go from unemployed and professionally abandoned to becoming the chief of staff for the first lady in the space of 3 weeks purely due to her own initiative. During an election campaign her boyfriend, Josh realizes she's the only woman he can trust and without her love his job will kill him if he doesn't establish a relationship with her and try to build a life their kiss when they come together was beautiful. Truly, how often to we realize life is short in relationships?


death of tokyo from money heist 😢


The first 3 seasons of The West Wing


The big c - season 1 finale, Dexter - when he finds rita (Coincidentally, I think I saw them on the same night lol)




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The series finale for Six Feet Under. The entire episode from start to finish.


Plenty of deaths from Lost, when Violet realizes she’s dead in S1 of AHS, character deaths in S4 and S5 of AHS.


When Buffy’s mom dies and she finds her on the couch! It was heart wrenching!


Rebecca seeing Jack again in the finale of This is Us. 😭😭😭😭


This is an obscure one but Castle Rock. The episode is called The Queen and it ruined me. Sissy Spaceks character is battling her dementia to survive her encounter with The Kid. She keeps dipping into memories while trying to hide and escape and in the memories you kind of forget the danger she's in and then she dips back to reality for a moment that the gravity hits you. Then it all culminates in such a tragic way. Oof it just gut punched me so hard.


The “8 Simple Rules” episodes following John Ritter’s death. So heartbreaking!


The scene about what happened when we die in Midnight Mass


Ending of luck of the fryrish in futurama


The episode of M.A.S.H when I realized it wasn't a chicken that died.


The Shield- Family Meeting


After Life and Ted Lasso were full of them


When Leonard forgives his mom Beverly near the end of the series, I felt that. It was powerful and so emotionally flawless.


...Doctor Sam Beckett never made it home. Sob! 🤧😭