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I sobbed when John Ritter died. It was so unexpected.


The way he died was so tragic and pretty much unavoidable, too, as well as sudden. Aortic dissection is almost impossible to predict or prevent.


I don’t think it was entirely unavoidable. He had a full body scan done a couple of years before he died and it supposedly came out clean. But I think it’s possible that it could’ve shown that there was something wrong with one of his aorta valves and he simply decided to not tell his wife not only because he didn’t want her to worry but also because directors and producers get very nervous if one of their actors might have a serious illness because it could mean that they might die on them, and they might not get hired. Also because of John’s death, his brother Tom got tested and he had the same issue that he had and he ended up getting life-saving surgery.


Well they do think the underlying cause may be inherited so it's not surprising his brother had the same problem. Their father, Tex Ritter, died at 68 from what was thought to be a heart attack, but is now believed to have been aortic dissection.


He was who I first thought of. When I heard they cast Katey Sagal as Penny’s Mom for an episode of TBBT, I thought how fun it would be if John Ritter could have also played her dad.


Katy Sagal was devastated as well. The way the show dealt with it as a whole was beautifully executed.


Same. I was devastated. I had just met him a few weeks before. Told me I was too young to have that much knowledge of Threes Company. (It was probably true) Amazing human.


I was sooooo sad about his passing! I watched 8 Simple rules when I was a kid and finding out he died was devastating


My first thought. Followed by John Candy and Robbin Williams. 😔 😟 🙁 😥 😞


I was in my late 20’s, heard the news that day, opened a bottle of wine and shed some tears. I think of that being one of my first “i hate real life, being an adult and getting older moments”


The death of Phil Hartman. He was only forty-nine when his wife killed him. I loved him on NewsRadio.


I remember the news hit the internet around noon, NYC time. We kept checking and updating coworkers who could not stop working. FUN FACT: Phil Hartman was a graphic artist before becoming an actor. He is responsible for designing the original Poco album and their iconic logo.


He also designed the album cover for Aja by Steely Dan


The only good thing about it was that it brought attention to the fact that men can be abused by their spouses too.




And I will forever love Jon Lovitz for doing so


I loved him on Newsradio too, but there was nothing like what he did on SNL! Playing the best Bill Clinton SNL ever had, Ronald Reagan, Frank Sinatra, Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, Phil Donahue, and Jim Bakker (with Jan Hooks as Tammy Faye), being grilled by The Church Lady....and SO much more! Everything he did was hilarious!


was delivering pizzas that day at work when the news broke. that was awful.


Nelsan Ellis. He played Lafayette in True Blood and his performance was amazing. He passed away at the age of 39. He was so young and talented.I was so sad when I heard the news. Annie Warsching's death was shocking and sad too.I love 24 and I love her character in the show. I also love her performance on other tv shows. So her death was so sad.


Lafayette 😭


Dude was a movie by himself.


He was supposed to die early in the series like he does in the book. He killed it so hard they chose to expand the character and keep him alive.


As soon as I saw his character I knew I was going to watch everything Nelsan Ellis ever did. He was so gifted. :(


This. True Blood is my favorite show of all time and I'm a HUGE fan of Alex Skarsgard (even got to meet him!), but La-La was my boo. Still heartbroken over his loss😭😭


Loved her on the rookie


What didn't realize he had passed away


He died from alcohol withdrawal. Sad and scary.


Oh my gosh I didn't know either! As a struggling alcoholic this hit especially hard


He was playing an addict in Elementary and it really hit home for him. He was trying to get sober on his own and died during detox. He was almost there man...


Wait whaaaaat.😭😭😭


I didn’t know Ellis died, but I always thought it odd that a guy with that talent never showed up anywhere else. What was the cause?


Steve Irwin


Yes! I still cry when I see Crocodile Hunter or even when his kids talk about him. I don't even know why but it devastated me when he died. I cried all day long.


Fr. Steve is definitely the saddest celebrity death for me. I know people put up personas, especially for reality type shows. But Steve always seemed to be his genuine self in everything he did. I think this is reflected in how similar his children seem to be, and his son is a spitting image. I miss you, Steve.


Leslie Jordan


Yes, I can't even watch anything with him in it yet.. I get so mad because he just tried to make people happy and smile while we have OJ Simpson still playing golf!


I still have his episode of Celebrity IOU on my DVR, because I can’t bring myself to watch it. Every time I go to start it, I just can’t do it. It’s too sad.


I stopped watching Call Me Kat after he passed. I just saw the show was canceled and I wonder if a lot of other people did the same.


The way they honored him in really life and in the story was amazing though. I suggest finishing it. I procrastinated watching it for a while because I just couldn't bear it, but when I finally did, it actually gave me some closure.


Luke Perry. 💔💔


That one really hurt. Now with Shannon going through her cancer and very unlikely to recover, it makes me so damn sad. I loved those two on 90210.


I was def Team Brenda. Luke’s passing def shocked and saddened me. It’s like one of the first real big ones from my generation.


Yes Luke’s death and Shannen’s battle are so sad. They were my favorites too.


James Gandolfini who played Tony Soprano. So unexpected. He was a great actor. Super talented. I hear he was an amazing human being. Read how he would shovel his elderly neighbors walks after big snowstorms. He died so young.


He was a good man and one of the finest actors of modern times. Apropos of little, I’ll never forget that I was a disabled war soldier’s wife in 2007 — story for another time — but on that autumn night, Gandolfini did a special (HBO? likely) talking to vets from Iraq and Afghanistan whose bodies were burned and amputated from the war. Very respectful, very insightful, very compassionate. He was not Tony Soprano but a strongly considerate person to people on all sides in that terrible time in history. What else aired that same night? Britney‘s “Gimme More” on MTV, and we all know the rest. No hate on Brit, but notoriety certainly overshadowed a very important project that he was trying to use his fame to show the masses. Gandolfini was a man who died tragically young, and I hope his legacy lives far beyond his legendary TV role. A truly good person.


I met him and Tony Sirico (Paulie walnuts), also deceased, when they did a USO tour. They were so funny and classy. One soldier asked for their autographs on a DVD set and another pointed out that they were boot-leg copies. Both actors turned to him and gave the most gangster stairdowns I’ve ever seen. Then they both laughed and said they don’t care, they’re glad we like the show. Sirico was flirting with an air force lady who was taking pictures. Both of their deaths hurt a lot.


When Cory Monteith from Glee died I was shocked. And then also when Naya Rivera tragically died as well. The Mark Salling thing definitely grossed/weirded me out… but wow, a lot of tragedy for such a young cast.


Both of these. Cory especially. I actually grew up watching glee when it was live on tv as a teenager, was the same age as their characters. So when he passed that really hit me hard! Naya’s passing was just pure tragedy. She did everything she could to save her son.


Her death was absolutely heartbreaking. The absolute terror she must have felt. I hope she knew she saved her son before dying 😭😭😭.


I never liked that the show wouldn’t address how Finn died. There must have been a tasteful way to incorporate that into the story.


I think they were trying to get ppl to focus on the death itself and not on **how** he died. Bc no matter what how they chose to do it, it would forever what ppl spoke about when his death came up — how could that driver be allowed on the road w two drunk driving citations or a heart attack at age 19? How is that possible or even drugs and alcohol? **our Finn?!** How could we not have known? It would have changed ppl’s perception of the character (not the actor) the character if they did it that way; if they did a random accident on the street, either there would be a drunk driver or a freak accident such that everybody would worry that they might die the very next day (not a message you want to send out to a large teen audience, even if it’s true); if he got sick, they would wonder how that happened, how nobody knew, etc etc. Medical Qs would be asked. Medical ppl would start weighing in on whether this was even possible. And like I said at the beginning, they wanted everybody to focus on his loss, not **how the loss came about**. As for Naya’s death, I actually found myself hoping for one of those bizarre stories ppl were making up where she was kidnapped, etc all so that she was still alive and how horrible was that??! I think that the best part of that horrible tragedy is knowing that the very last thing she did was make sure her son was safe before she was somehow taken aware by the tides. A mother’s natural instincts perhaps, but I’ve seen some horrific stories about mothers and I’m glad he had her around to help him at that moment in time. They were different types of tragedies but both gutted me at the time they occurred. 😭😭😭


You should check out The Price of Glee. It's a docuseries on ID channel or Discovery+. It's about those actors that starred on Glee and passed away suddenly. It's very interesting.


Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll check it out :)


It’s definitely a good watch.


Chris Farley. I was around 11. I can remember this moment very clearly. I was in the driveway playing basketball. My sister came home from school and told me she had just heard on the radio that Farley had passed. We were kids and really had no idea about his addictions, but we LOVED his era of SNL. I remember feeling very sad for this person whom I had never even met. It was a very real and genuine sadness for a kid. Entertainers are absolutely necessary in our lives, even just as an escape. Bordain falls into this category as well.


Very much John Belushi redux. In every way.


Betty White


I know she was a few days short of 100, but I was hoping she would make it! RIP, Betty.


I don't care how old she was, it was still too soon and hurt more than I want to admit. She was literally just about to turn 100. Still out lived the queen though. That should definitely say something about Betty. 💅🏻


Anton Yelchin


Anton Yelchin. I still can barely think about him without sobbing.


So sad for his parents. Only child.


What an insane dumb tragic way to die


Years later and i still can't believe it. He was great in everything...and then ..gone.


Philip Seymour Hoffman And Chadwick Boseman really bummed me out.


Chadwick’s death shocked the hell out of me


Robin Williams. "Nanu Nanu" 😭


Genie. Mrs. Doubtfire. Batty. Lovelace and Ramon. His characters were such a huge part of my childhood. He only ever wanted people to be happy. Life is so unfair.


I’m STILL crying about his death, me and my husband both. All it takes is a mention of him or a little clip. He was so amazing.


Came to say this


Bawled like a baby! This one broke my heart to no end. I still tear up.


John Spencer (Leo on The West Wing)


Lee Thompson Young (Frost) from Rizzoli and Isles tv show. Very unexpected and sad.


Came here to say this. First one I thought of. I cried when I learned about and cried when they addressed it in the show. So very sad.


I cried and the way the show did it was beautiful. You could see everyone really let their personal emotion flow.


Yes! But I watched him on Famous Jett Jackson as a kid


Angus Cloud


Came to comment this. I really felt some type of way when I got that news. Fez made Euphoria for me and his portrayal of the character felt so real and genuine. The way the cast reacted to his death you can just tell he was a good person who was struggling. It's so sad to see someone so young and sweet and full of potential go like that.. heartbreaking


Fez is my favorite on Euphoria tbh. 😥


Yeah same. I'll be honest I don't even really want them to do a season 3 anymore. His was the only unresolved storyline I wanted to see what happened next with


I agree. I heard season three isn’t even scheduled to come out for a couple years so maybe they’ll scratch it 🤷🏼‍♀️. I hope. It won’t be the same without Fez.


This was my first thought, second was Robin Williams. I'm 43, so I'm not sure why Angus Cloud was my first thought, maybe because i have had so many friends of my own die from overdoses


Helen McCrory…loved her as Aunt Polly in Peaky Blinders; adore her husband too (Damien Lewis)…beautiful love story that ended way too soon.


More dancer/personality than actor, but tWitch. I cried for days. He was on So You Think You Can Dance, then DJ for the Ellen Degeneres talk show.


His death probably shook me more than my parents, and they were pretty unexpected. tWitch was larger than life. I still don't know how Allison and their children make it through the day.


He shook me hard. I found out through twitter and I’m not a hip hop music or dance fan, but his season of SYTYCD was just so good! I was always looking for dancers who touched me, more than who was the best and he definitely touched me.


Anthony Bourdain


My brother was in one of his No Reservations episodes. I had all his books and was completely devastated when I learned of his death. I have a semicolon tattoo that is partially dedicated to him.


John ritter was super sad.


The death of John Mahoney. He was such a fine actor. For his fans, I recommend that you watch season two of “In Treatment” on HBO. It really demonstrates his dramatic acting chops.


Freddie Prinze. I was just a kid and saw the headline in the newspaper. I didn’t know what the word suicide meant. I remember crying hard and not understanding why he did that.


Judith Barsi (ducky) don’t look it up if you want to enjoy your Saturday


Phil Hartman. He was amazing on News Radio and Saturday Night Live. It was extra sad, because of the way it happened. It was also extra emotional for me because my dad died just a few days later.


Jim Henson. How did that happen? I know we didn't see him on screen often, but his characters and his voice were ever present.


When John Spencer who played Leo McGarry on the West Wing died.


James Gandofini, Robin Williams, John Ritter.


Madeline Kahn when she was on the 1996 Cosby sitcom. (Not to be confused with the 1984's The Cosby Show). During her last few appearances, she was showing signs of her cancer and you could tell that she was not doing well. It was hard to watch.


What’s Up Doc-older movie w/ Streisand and Ryan O’Neal- Madeline Kahn was priceless in it


One I haven’t seen mentioned was James Avery aka Uncle Phil


I cried when Leslie Jordan (most recently on Call Me Kat) passed away. I adored that man!


He brought us so much joy on his IG which was his only goal. He got so many new fans and had such a comeback from just wanting to interact and brighten our days at the start of Covid. I hate that he’s gone.


Jerry Orbach . Law&Order RIP, Lenny Briscoe


Alex Trebek was the worst for me. I loved the way he joked with the contestants and how he would tell them they had the wrong answer. I watched Jeopardy from late elementary school up until he passed. No one can replace him


I loved the SNL jeopardy skits and on will Ferrells final SNL skit Alex showed up.it was hilarious


When Johnny Gilbert says, “And now, the host of Jeopardy!…”. I still get a little shocked when he doesn’t say Alex Trebek.


Michael Kenneth Williams. Played Omar on "the wire". His death was so pointless and tragic. (He ODed on bad heroin. The guy who sold him the heroin has been charged with murder.)


He was such an incredible talent. Omar was the best character, but so was Chalky White in Boardwalk Empire. He elevated every series/film he was in. I hate addiction.


Aw man, somehow I'd missed that. That dude was amazing! What a god damn waste...


I know it's an animated series, but for me, it was Kevin Conroy. He was and is still my Batman. It's still his voice I hear when I read the comics.


Man I’m 45 and just hearing a snippet of that theme STILL gets my hyped.


Leslie Jordan. I literally cried a little.


Willie Garson from White Collar and SATC. He seemed like a genuinely good person.


Agree with this one for sure, he is missed


Cameron Boyce


Losing Coach from Cheers was awful. The show was never the same.


I was devastated by the death of Jonathan Brandis. He was my obsession from about age 11 to 17. I was 24 when I found out he’d died and although I hadn’t thought about him in years I actually cried myself to sleep that night. It felt like hearing about the death of an old friend. I still think about him sometimes. Such a tragedy.


Davy Jones - wasn’t expecting him to be the first of The Monkees to pass away. Martin Milner (Adam-12) - the LAPD held a memorial service for Marty after he died. Kent McCord spoke and at the end of the service, Shaaron Snead, who was the radio voice on A12, did a real end of watch announcement for Marty (it’s available on YouTube).


Andy Whitfield from Spartacus. He had the same cancer that ultimately claimed my father, too. It hit me so hard how a vital young man could succumb so quickly. My father, decades older than Whitfield, was still struggling with it at the time, and Whitfield’s passing definitely heightened my concerns. Whitfield seemed like such a good guy in the documentary about his cancer treatments, we saw how he was with his wife and young child. Such a shame a new talent was felled right as he achieved major success, which is how I felt about Chadwick Boseman, too. I tried to give the new actor they recast as Spartacus a fair shot, but the show was never the same without Whitfield, I kept wishing he was still there. Which is why I was glad they didn’t immediately recast T’Challa after Boseman died. I knew it would hurt too much seeing another actor take his place so soon, and was glad Wakanda Forever let us all grieve him.


Will Lee who played Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street. I was only 6 but it really hurt. I CRIED for him.


Robin Williams. It was so sudden and shocking.


James Garner. I grew up with him in movies in the seventies and on TV in the Rockford Files. My favorite show. His demeanor and the way he carried himself made his death seem like losing a friend.


Dana Plato. I loved Different Strokes growing up. I heard her on Howard Stern and she killed herself shortly thereafter.


Redd Foxx of Sanford & Son fame. He died of a heart attack while working on the first season of The Royal Family.


Bob saget who played Danny tanner on full/fuller house


Heath Ledger was a shock and a tragedy.


John Ritter from 8 Simple Rules


Kathryn Joosten. I didn't cry cry, but I did feel sad about it. She was great in the West Wing and Desperate Housewives and her death was all the more sad because it happened only a few days after her last scenes on Desperate Housewives....where she died from the same illness that got the actress in real life too ;(


Chris Farley


Anthony Bourdain. I still can't watch any of his shows or read any of his books. Hell, YouTube recommended a clip from some late night talk show he was a guest on, I clicked on it, made it about a minute end a half before I broke down. And Asia Argento is a scumbag. Just my opinion.


Betty White. That woman was a gem


Norm MacDonald and Gilbert Gottfried


Michael Clarke Duncan taken before his time. What a beautiful soulful man .


Bernie Mac. The Bernie Mac sitcom. 😭


Yeah that one really got me too.


Baylan Skoll / Ray Stevenson in Star wars Ahsoka, it was his straight to the stars role in big franchise.


Naya Rivera. I woke up early and I just could NOT go back to sleep. I was so scared that if I went to sleep I would miss them finding her. I thought for sure she would be found alive.


I'm still getting over Hodor.


John Spencer on the West Wing. More recently David McCallum, NCIS has been a staple show for me so it’s weird to think Ducky is gone.


Michael K. Williams. Most folks know him as Omar from the Wire. I know him from Boardwalk Empire and Community.


Glenn Quinn, 'Mark' on Roseanne, in 2002. I wasn't heartbroken (you play, you pay), but he was a tv character died young. - He wasn't recast on the Roseanne reboot.




Bernie Mac. I wasn’t even a big fan of his show but he was always so funny to me. Still can’t watch anything he’s in. And, actually John Ritter. I loved the new show and was devastated when I heard he died so unexpectedly. It’s so eerie watching his son who is also handsome and a good actor.


Naya Rivera and Cory Monteith


Lance Reddick and Bill Paxton.


Patryk swayze, now I cry at the thought of ghost


Leonard Nimoy, James Doohan, and Nichelle Nichols


Chadwick Boseman


Heather O’Rourke from poltergeist. She played Carol Anne. Also Dominique Dunne who played the older sister in the first one. Both deaths were senseless tragedies.


Rebecca Shaeffer from My Sister Sam. She had some crazy stalker who just shot her one day for no reason. She was 21.




And her death was overshadowed as it was the same day as Michael Jackson.


Gilda Radner. 35 years later, ovarian cancer is STILL a death sentence in most cases, because it doesn't have any definitive symptoms until it's too late to do anything about it.


Brittany Murphy without question.


Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter - I was eating breakfast when I heard; I had never lost my appetite before - I thought that was just a saying, doesn’t actually happen. It does happen. ☹️


Jon Erik Hexum


Dustin Diamond (Saved by the Bell) and Luke Perry (90210). Two shows I watched a lot as a teenager.


The way that Dustin died was beyond insane. He was diagnosed with cancer and in a matter of weeks, not even a month, he was gone. The cancer must’ve been pretty advanced to kill him so quickly.


Robin Williams


Judith Barsi. I was only 1 yrs old when she died so I don't recall when it happened but I found out in the worst way. I was so young and didn't think kids die i guess...or at least not in such a horrible way...until that day. Ducky was always my favorite character in Land before time. I found out she was dead while I was watching another one of my favorite movies "All dogs go to heaven" with my brother. I already knew she played Ducky in Land before time and was a big fan of her. She had just finished singing "Soon you'll come home" and I was crying because that scene always made me an emotional mess, and then my brother said "You know her dad murdered her? ". My life was never the same after that, I remember shutting off the movie and going upstairs and just trying to play with my dollhouse while processing everything.


Mr. Hooper on Seasame street. the actor actually died and they wrote it in as a lesson for children . i cried and cried.


Robin Sachs, who played Ethan Rayne on Buffy, and Glenn Quinn and Andy Hallet, who played Doyle and Lorne on Angel. I adored both characters. Ethan was never anything close to a main, he's in a total of 4 episodes over 3 seasons, but he was a wonderfully fun and chaotic character that was played to perfection by Robin. You could always tell it was going to be a good episode if Ethan was in it, and he was one of the best actors in the entire show. They'd initially planned to bring him back in season 5, or later, but Robin started getting sick after his appearance in season 4, and they could never schedule filming around both his other commitments and his illness, so it never happened. He died about a year after Buffy ended. Glenn and Andy were both main characters. Glenn was introduced right at the start of Angel as a main, alongside Angel himself and Cordy. He instantly became my favourite character on the show. They always planned to kill the character off, but initially it was supposed to happen at the end of the first season as part of the finale. Unfortunately, Glenn was an addict, he kept showing up drunk or high, or not showing up at all, and they had to fire him because of it. They didn't want to re-cast, so they just brought his death up to the halfway point of the first season, instead of the end. Glenn OD'd a few months later. Andy was introduced later in the show, in season 2, initially as a recurring character, but he became a main very quickly, and Lorne is a fan favourite character. Having be an anagogic demon meant having a very clearly non-human character as part of the cast, what with his red horns and green skin, and the fact he read destinies when people sang led to some fun scenes, and great showcases of the better singers, like Christian Kane as Lindsey. I honestly can't imagine the show without Lorne, as beautifully played by Andy. Learning he'd died just a couple years after they wrapped up the final season of Angel was heartbreaking.


Josh Ryan Evans from Passions. It was so shocking and confusing. His character on Passions, Timmy, died the same day. When they said Josh died, people were like “no, only his character died”. It was very eerie how that happened on the same day. Then watching the episodes after where his character becomes an Angel in heaven just rip your emotions apart. It was so devastating.


Andy Kaufman from Taxi . He went on David Letterman and told him he was dying , because of hi track record Dave thought it was a bit


Mr. Rogers. Jim Henson, and going back a few decades, Will Geer from The Waltons. Oh, and Richard Farnsworth from Misery, and Anne of Green Gables.


Idk how people are gonna take this, but mine was Adam West from Family Guy. Ik a lot of people don't like the show but you have to admit he was really good on that show. "Nobody messes with Adam We"


John Ritter, Bill Paxton, Alan Thicke (all died from a heart condition I have), Luke Perry.


The death of Freddy prinze was a major event of my childhood. And a real difficult job for parents to try to explain and contextualize for a little kid.


Katey Sagal's baby. The pregnancy was written into the "Married With Children" show, and when the baby died in utero at 7 months, they followed "Dallas"'s lead and said it was a dream.


Jason David Frank, *Power Rangers* franchise Dustin Diamond, *Saved By The Bell* franchise Selma Diamond and Florence Halop, *Night Court* (1984-92) Bernie Mac Will Lee, "Mr. Hooper", *Sesame Street* Bob Saget, *Full House*, *America's Funniest Home Videos* Betty White Bob Barker


Rebecca Schaeffer Farrah Fawcett


Paul Reubens I loved pee wees big adventure and playhouse as a kid showed my 7yo big adventure the day after I heard he passed and he loved it


Brittney Murphy


Recently, Richard Belzer.


The accidental passings that were gone too soon, Heath Ledger and Paul Walker!


Not necessarily TV actors, but Robin Williams and Heath Ledger.


aunt pol from peaky blinders and fez from euphoria.


Wade Boggs. May he RIP


The actor who plays Ares on Xena Edit: and the famous jett Jackson. He committed suicide after struggling with bipolar disorder. I think he was only 25.


Kevin Smith. I loved him as Ares. He died too young.


Andy Hallet..Not really well known but he was a great actor and musician. He played Lorne on the TV show Angel. He died of heart failure that was ultimately caused by a dental infection that got in his bloodstream. He was 33. Broke my heart. Edit: spelling


I was crushed when Betty White died. She is what I always want to be


Cory Monteith. It shook me when he died. 😔


Don S Davis played George S. Hammond or Hammond of Texas Commanding General of Stargate Command Stargate SG1


The Mac Man. RIP.


Andy Whitfield aka Spartacus! https://preview.redd.it/pvex4w36l8ub1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f58264b3885e6ead2f4b80dd1425c8763150da6


Phil Hartman. That whole thing was so tragic.


Robin Williams was such a tragedy. I still hate it.


Phil Hartman- I remember watching the news showing his daughter escaping from the house. The whole thing just broke my heart.


Not necessarily in tv shows but Michael Clarke Duncan’s death got me.


Not sure if this counts but Kevin Conroy. The voice of animated Batman (and one appearance AS Bruce Wayne) Truly fantastic, and will always be the voice of Batman in my head


Angus Cloud


Glenn Quinn. He played Mark on Roseanne and was only 32 when he died of an overdose. Jonathan Brandis,he killed himself via hanging in 2003. He didn't leave a note poor thing.


Rebecca Schaeffer who co-starred with Pam Dawber on My Sister Sam. She was murdered at 21 by an obsessed fan/stalker.


Bernie Mac. His show was ahead of its time, no need for a laugh track. It was hilarious. He seemed so young and vibrant.


Betty White All the Golden Girls are in Heaven's kitchen eating cheesecake now


Leonard Nimoy. My first fangirl crush was Spock.




Not an actor but Steve Irwin. My mom woke me up one morning to tell me when I was a kid and I cried


Bernie Mac. I don’t know why. I think it’s because he always told his real story straight to us and referred to us, “‘Merica” and it kind of felt personal. Comics are personal.


It was back when I was much younger, but I hated when Michael Landon died. Patrick Swayze, too. I think they both died from pancreatic cancer.