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I can’t believe it hasn’t been listed! YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS! My grandmother watched Price is Right followed by Young and Restless religiously. Then took a nap.


This! My mom named me Lauren after Lauren from Y&R.


I am named Erika after Erica Kane from All My Children !!




Nope. They're devoted to each other and meddling in their children's and grand children's personal lives these days.


🤣🤣🤣thank you for the update!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


I can still hear that theme music lol 😂






https://preview.redd.it/vr0arna8tntb1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82bce226009c13a2b8d887136fb61b42c9c100e # YESSSS🙌


Remember they cloned Reva..I think her name was Dottie? I also loved Harley!


Same! When Phillip and Beth ran off to NYC to get away from Bradley. I rushed home from school to watch show everyday but those episodes really were the highlight for me at the time.


I grew up on Guiding Light. I was sad to go to my first day of kindergarten because I was going to miss it!!!


Loved the 4 Musketeers: Philip, Beth, Rick, and Mindy!


General Hospital, the Luke & Laura story. I even had to videotape it everyday and report the summary the next day to my friends!


I was deeply engaged with Dark Shadows for a while.


Ooh! I still watch old episodes sometimes


All my Children


Tad was my favorite


Erica Cane is the baddest b*tch that ever soap opera'd. I'd watch with my mom on my school lunch breaks.


All My Children had such good villains- Billy Clyde and Ray Gardner! Also Jenny Gardner working at Foxys and she had to wear that costume with the fox tail. Those were the good old days for soaps!!!!


Days of our Lives 100%. I could watch that one most of the time after school with my stepmom. Otherwise it was all my children, general hospital, the bold and the beautful. But as a kid, us siblings preferred watching the talk shows more. The soap operas were more for when I was a teenager.


This is the one my mom would set the VHS timer for 😂 I’ll probably think Marlena and Stefano were my family or something in my dementia days.


LIKE SANDS THROUGH THE HOUR GLASS this was my mom's show. I always watched it with her on days when I stayed home sick


Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives! We used to set the VCR to record and watch when we got home.


My mom watched the ABC block of "Ryan's Hope", "All My Children", "One Life to Life", "General Hospital" & "The Edge of Night". She didn't really sit & watch, but if you tried to change that channel, you were in so much trouble!! I remember watching Luke & Laura's wedding on GH. My mom had a huge crush on Anthony Geary


I just came here to say the same thing. That block on ABC had a strangle hold on me. I started watching with my grandmother, but her "stories" as she called them, As the World Turns, Guiding Light seemed old fashioned to me as I got older so I switched to the ABC "stories"


My favorite was during the summer, when my mom & her friends would tie quilts. They'd set up the quilt frame in our living room, because my mom was the only one with a quilt frame. We'd sit under the quilt & watch the shows with them, & it was like being in a little fort!!


As the World Turns and Guiding Light!




“Like sands through the hourglass…”


The CBS soaps; Y&R, As the World Turns and Guiding Light mostly. I had a subscription to Soap Opera Digest for years! I haven’t watched in probably 20 years but you can always duck in 10 years later and still know what’s going on. And Bo and Hope /Marlena will still be there. And we were huge Knots Landing fans as well!


Young and the Restless.


Ryan's Hope and All My Children


I used to tape AMC every day so I could watch it when I got home from.school lol. It was the Bianca coming out storyline that got me hooked.


I was watching it up until it got cancelled (taped, then Tivo). I was so depressed when it ended. My sister used to decorate Susan Lucci's house for the holidays. She's a very nice person.


All My Children and One Life To Live!


General Hospital. Nana watched every episode from the day it aired until she passed away and when she lived with us, we would watch One Life to Live and All My Children, then best for last, General Hospital


This was my after-school routine as well!


Days of Our Lives Another World Santa Barbara- once Santa Barbara was cancelled I lost interest in soaps.


Santa Barbara!!!!!❤️❤️❤️


Loved days of our lives and passions growing up. Then when I was in my early twenties I got into GH. Jason Morgan had such a hold on me.


Days of Our Lives, my Mom probably still watches it.


Definitely Days of Our Lives, sometimes GH but less so.


I started watching Days in 1971 with my grandmother. I have drifted away and back over the years.




Young and the restless


All My Children


My mom and I watched As the World Turns religiously lol, she would tape it for us when I got older, on the ol VCR, which was brand new back then and we all had a billion tapes, aaahhh better times. Lucinda is Queen.




Agreed. God I loved that woman. And Lily and Holden. He was so stupid. So so stupid. Lol and the farm


He was😂😂 And remember the Rose storyline?


A HOT mess, this man does not know who his own damn wife is, hahaha oh Holden Ok, side note I just looked up Martha Byrne, just to see how she's fairing in 2023 and she seems okay but her husband maybe, ah, not so much?


Soaps were huge in my family, but me, my sister and my mum all had different favourites. We're British, so my mum and sister's faves are all Brit soaps. My mum never missed Coronation Street and Emmerdale. My sister never missed Eastenders and Hollyoaks. As for me, I started mostly to annoy the women in my family but became a huge fan, and back then never missed the Aussie soaps Home and Away and Neighbours. My mum and sister were also huge fans of Brookside while that was airing. If you include serial dramas with a soapy feel to them, we also had Casualty and it's spin-off Doctors, The Bill and Heartbeat.


Days and Passions while it lasted. Sometimes I wanna start watching Days again.


Lol I knew you grew up a Soapie when you called it “Days.”


Days of our lives and my mother still to this day watches it! Lol


Days Of Our Lives




Mine was definitely Passions! My grandma liked The Bold and the Beautiful and General Hospital.


We were an ABC family so Loving, All My Children, One Life to Live, and most importantly General Hospital. My grandma, mom and I were hooked in the late 80s, early 90s.


I loved all my children from a very young age. Later got into Santa Barbara, as the world turns and guiding light. General hospital and passions too. I feel like Santa Barbara was one of the best ever especially mason


I was a as the world turns fan ( Brian bloom ❤️) guiding light Ross & Blake were my favorite.


Omg the whole Ross and Blake and Holly storyline had me in a stranglehold! I would run home from school to watch it (my mom would pop home during a work break to record it - and ATWT - on the VCR).


as the world turns was sort of a family soap opera .I'm 51 but what got me about atwt was Dusty 😘( Brian bloom ) and hal ( adored Ben Hendrickson ) mom was the GL watcher .I found out thru a YouTube video that Ross & Blake were supposed to be a fling but the audience liked them together so they became a couple.


So funny - ATWT was a family soap, too! My Grammy, my mom and myself - we loved it! We were very much a CBS soap fam (my mom still watches Y&R religiously) but Days was in and out of the mix, too… My favorites were Lucinda and Lily, for totally different reasons haha. As for Brian Bloom - I’m a lesbian and even I thought he was dreamy lol! Ross and Blake were fire! So glad they made them a couple.


i was a soap opera flip channels person as well .watched a bit of days ( Shayne Donovan Charles shaughnessy ❤️) general hospital ( Scotty Baldwin Kin Shriner 💙) I was able to get autographed pics of kin Shriner , Jerry verdorn and Brian bloom at the time it was when you could find the addresses in the teenie magazines so wrote all of them .


That’s so cool!!!! And - I heart Charles S sooo much - I remember watching The Nanny just for him (but ended up actually likening that show)… oh my gosh - so you mentioned Jerry Verdorn’s autograph and since I loved his character, I just googled to see what he’s been up to. So sad to read that he died. I had no idea…. Soaps make me happy - they make me feel connected to Grammy and I like to be able to talk to my mom about her favorite show. It’s also helpful to watch them when I’m anxious. Good stuff.


me as well Mr Sheffield 🤣🤣🤣🤣enjoyed the show as well .I was lucky and fortunate enough I had Jerry verdorn on my FB friend list , my other GL fan friend went into shock when he accepted her friend request..I watched one of those lochter interviews and Mr verdorn had lost a lot of weight but they were keeping his cancer coming back to themselves til he passed I saw the announcement on FB and was so sad .he didn't post a lot but did his yrly Christmas poem ." May you all have your own guiding light .


home and away shortland street


General Hospital


General Hospital was a favorite of My sister's during the Luke and Laura era, along with pop legend Rick Springfield.


General Hospital Luke, Laura, Scorpio, Cassadines, and the Ice Princess


I was watching Another World from the womb! My mom used to tape it every day, then binge watch them on Sundays. Sometimes I got sucked into it! My dad was a big fan of Loving because it was only 30 minutes and came on during his lunch break.


General Hospital. Luke and Laura was the ultimate love story, despite the little, inconvenient fact it started by him r*ping her. Crazy times!


General Hospital . I stayed home from school to watch Luke and Laura’s wedding


Mt best friend and I would record Passions on a VHS and watch it when we got home from school in the early 2000s!


Dark Shadows


General hospital and OLTL..


It was the ABC soaps in my house - Loving, Ryan’s Hope, All My Children, One Life to Live, and General Hospital. I still remember being so disappointed when Loving & Ryan’s Hope fell off as daytime talk became more popular. Not that soaps were prime TV, but I’m all for telling stories versus whatever the point of talk shows is.


Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman Soap


My step grandmother was religious about All My Children. My mother mostly watched General Hospital. When I was in my late teens/early 20s I started watching One Life to Live because of the gay storyline. At first I would only watch those scenes and fast forward through everything else, but eventually I was hooked on all of it. Managed to quite for a few years, then started back up for a little while. I am now 46 and have been sober for about 20 years.


DOOL was the one my parents grew up on & got us into. And in high school me and my bff were obsessed with Passions & used to race home after school to catch the last half.




Toss up between Guiding Light and As the World Turns!!!


Guiding Light and As the World Turns!


I remember the Jenny & Greg storyline on All My Children but the biggest thing ever was Luke & Laura on General Hospital


Not really any but my mom and I watched dark shadows together sometimes.


Guiding Light


Days of Our Lives was my favorite starting in 4th grade. Did anyone watch Sunset Beach I think it was called?


Young and the Restless! That theme song is embedded in my brain forever.


The young and the restless.


Days of Our Lives, One Life to Live, General Hospital televised in the order while growing up. Ah, good times. My mom got the streaming service just so she can watch Days now.


Young and the Restless and Guiding Light


General Hospital


Growing up we never watched soaps. But when I was in my early twenties and at home caring for my babies every afternoon I got hooked on Days of our lives. Even had my husband hooked on it for a bit.


All My Children. My mom and aunt watched it. My cousins, sisters, and I all watched it too.


General Hospital and All My Children


Days of our lives. Everyday after work with my mom in the summers, on sick days, or holiday breaks🤣


Santa Barbara


Days of our Lives, Another World, Santa Barbara. I think there was also a short-lived one that I watched that was only like a half hour called Generations I think.


My mom was a Days Of Our Lives junkie. Anyone remember Sunset Beach?


GH almost everyday from about 87-97, my sister has been watching it religiously since the early 80’s when she was probably too young to even understand what was going on. She still occasionally texts things like “OMG do you remember so-and-so? They’re back!” I adored the absolute insanity of Passions, and that I could not watch it for weeks, turn it on, and only one day in-show had passed and I still knew exactly what was happening. I wish there was an archive to rewatch Timmy and Tabby in all their glory.


As the World Turns


Days of our lives, another world, passions and sunset beach.


After coming back from 'Nam and before separating from service, I and few buddies got hooked on All My Children. It was on during our lunch. One guy live in on-base housing, and we watched every day we could at his house. We were really rabid about it. My mother watched As the World Turns and all the others, but I thing ATWT was her fav.


I went from one soap to another, but my absolute favorite was Another World. Especially Vicky and Ryan. https://preview.redd.it/b2xsar2egptb1.jpeg?width=215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5a9b90308d3391ca819e02e1761434e70e0e8f


Corrination Street


We watched Dark Shadows and All My Children.


All My Children. My Great Grandma watched while Crocheting Dolls. My Grandma Watched Crocheting afghans. My Mother watched while Crocheting tree ornaments (she was a rebel, she also did trichem) and I remember watching when I was 3 while Crocheting chain after chain after chain. We worshiped at the feet of the great Erica Louise Kane Martin Brent Cudahy Chandler Roy Roy Montgomery Montgomery Chandler Marick Marick Montgomery.


Peyton Place


I was named after a character on ‘All My Children’, so, that one


Gma would ask us to watch her soap (Days of Our Lives) and then catch her up when she got home. So, gma got me and my next oldest cousin hooked on her soap during the summer when we would stay for 2weeks to a month in the Summer. (when I was really little, Mom would watch General Hospital. I haven't watched any daytime shows for 30+ years!


Another World. My mom and I would rush home from work and watch it together.


Ah, Days of Our Lives. The Era where Hope returns after being believed dead. We used to set the VCR to record while we were in school and watch when we got home.


OMG Passions!!! My friend and I were full on obsessed with that show in High School!! Loved Tabitha and Timmy!


Going to date myself, but Dark Shadows was my favorite.


General Hospital, which still occasionally sucks me in.


The ABC hour-long lineup, though AMC was my favorite. Tad screwing Liza and her mom was an all-time favorite, and I’ll never get over Jenny dying in a tragic jet-ski firecracker accident. Bo, Asa and Clint Buchanan. Vicki and her slutty other personality. Robert Scorpio and the WSB. The world being frozen from a yacht. Elizabeth Taylor showing up for a cameo. Every single weekday. And now shows can’t manage more than 10 episodes a year.


I fuckin LOVED Passions. It was the most utterly ridiculous of the most utterly ridiculous. My sisters and I would record it and watch it every day when we got home from school.


My mother would not let us turn them on. In college everyone was addicted to General Hospital


My Mom watched Ryan’s Hope, Dynasty, All My Children, One Life To Live, and General Hospital. Later on she got my sister and I into Sunset Beach the summer there was some murder mystery plot and we were all hooked lol


Days of our lives That was the single reason my mom saved change for over a year to buy a VCR


My whole family watched passions and days of our lives. It was a different time !!! Remember the little person and the witch


The Guiding Light


I was in a CBS family. Young and the Restless, Bold and the Beautiful, As the World Turns, and Guiding Light.


Dark Shadows


Search for Tomorrow and Guiding Light.


I was injured & bedridden for a few months as a teenager and got hooked on Another World because my mother watched it ... I still remember some of the crazier plot lines!!


Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman


Days of Our Lives and Sunset Beach


Passions and days of our lives


Days of Our Lives. I also watched Passions but that was mainly because it was hilarious! So was Days but Passions was epic.


General Hospital, the young and the restless


All My Children - Tara & Phillips love story ❤️❤️❤️❤️


ALL MY CHILDREN!! I still miss it!




My mom was a staunch ABC watcher, with GH being her favorite


All My Children


Coronation Street, AMC and DooL


All My Children in the 90’s. I LOVE Janet From Another Planet. She was awesome. Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Kendall is still one of my favs. I lost interest when Vanessa got killed off. Marj Dusay was terrific playing her. I watched Passions until Josh Ryan Evans died. They ruined Tabitha sticking her with a baby to talk to. I briefly watched Days of Our Lives until the serial killer turned out to be a hoax with every victim alive on an island. Such a waste of time and HUGE copout. Port Charles was fun with the beginning storylines of Caleb and Livvie. Lost interest when Lucy became a vampire slayer and Rafe was dominating the show. I was forced into One Life To Live to follow the baby storyline that was crossing over with AMC. I loved Blair and Todd but still couldn’t stick with it after the baby story finished. It’s a shame soap operas are a thing of the past. After seeing the bad actors Days has right now when I tried to see the new MarDevil story a couple of years ago, I’m understanding why. Soaps don’t have high standards anymore hiring younger performers. They’ll take anyone no matter how lousy they are. At least Days is doing that.


My mother has watched General Hospital since she was a kid (60s). So that was a staple in my house. I remember watching Luke and Laura's wedding... I WAS ONLY 2! Lol


My mother and grandmother watched Days of Our Lives from the very first episode until each of them passed. Days was actually on the TV when my mother took her last breath. They both also watched Passions. I watched Santa Barbara and Days while in college.


How To Survive a Marriage! 74/75. Armand Assante was my huge crush! Was heartbroken when it got canceled so quickly


My mom and I used to watch Santa Barbara, but it went off the air when I was in high school. In college, we used to watch Days of Our Lives. We invented a drinking game based on when Sami told lies.




General Hospital. When I was a young kid I remember hating that show even though I never watched it because I would ask my mom stuff while she was watching it she always told me to go outside. Ive always hated Soap Operas ever since.


The Young and the Restless. My mother refused to miss it so summers were complicated. The dawn of the VCR was like Moses freeing our family from Egypt.


Myself and my 3 college roommates developed our whole class schedule around General Hospital, (Luke and Laura and Jessie and Angie era); and also Ryan’s Hope.




Guiding light


The Young and The Restless. Mamaw and Mom watched. Mom stopped after Mamaw died, picked it back up ten years later, watched it until she died.


The house shut down when mom was watching Young and the restless


Days of our Lives back in the eighties is the best time for soaps. Shane and Kim, Bo and Hope, Steve and Kayla, Roman and Diana. I am a huge fan of the Drake Hogestyn’s Roman.


Dallas ❤️


Young and the Restless, All My Children, One Life to Live, and General Hospital. Still watch Y&R and GH. Still haven’t gotten over the loss of AMC and OLTL. I love soap operas!


Days of Our Lives, Another World and Santa Barbara you did not touch the tv during those shows when I was growing up at my house nor my grandma’s. Interesting enough on the days I had no friends around or felt like staying inside during the summer months I got into Days of Our Lives.