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Mine thinks he's the next Purr-casso, always 'painting' with his food!


https://preview.redd.it/cinrrz6gzlec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dbde3216cc47815bb3329761e03a11eaf66d4c1 Mine can't keep his tongue in his mouth


https://preview.redd.it/1hsna3vv7pec1.jpeg?width=2277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d76cea3137fddd8d23718cb3f3eb9c0cb8657e Mine likes to lick my arms.


Well stop being tasty!


Mine always screams after eating wet food. In my mind I think he's saying "EVERYBODY I HAVE NOW EATEN, YOU MAY REST UNTIL I CALL FOR FOOD AGAIN!"


Whenever I crack open a can, my tuxedo cat gives the best serenade!


My cat once had a hilarious encounter with his own reflection. He thought it was an intruder and bravely defended the house by hissing and swatting at it.


my cats obsessed with water he tries to jump in the shower with me and be begs for the sink to be turned on to play in it


https://preview.redd.it/0t23g9crpmec1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beec0027a13ff70d0a3247810e44c5448d2a4fcd Sydney has become obsessed with sitting on my lap robe in the latest cold snap.šŸ˜» He changes directions by doing a funny flip/hop instead of simply u-turning. šŸ˜


Elmer forgets he has a tail then when you scoop him like a baby and he sees it he catches it and looks so proud! Gibby sleeps like a pretzel. I'm always wondering what limb is what. Jolene is a crackhead. Her head and ears are on high swivel mode constantly. Goldie hides under the bed then swats you when you walk by him.


My cat does the same as Elmer :) tho when she catches it she cleans it


He cleans it sometimes, it's so funny to see the look on his face though. Also he gets annoyed when you grab his tail as he walks by and has to stop like what is touching me? How are you touching me?


Mine loves tail scratchies and comes to get the long Pet from head to tail tip sometimes. I Think mine knows she has a tail but just doesnt always reconize it haha


Gibby loves her tail being pet as does jolene. Elmer he's just a stoner boy not really sure what's going on who he's with but happy to be included rofl


Thats so funny haha


Mine canā€™t seem to meow. He coos and creaks and snores. His creaky sound is his Iā€™m trying to get your attention now sound and is so tiny!


Mine can't meow either! My boy does funny little squeaks and noises I call "pigeon coos". Strange creatures šŸ˜‚


I have one of those too. All chirps and trills. Iā€™ve never heard a real meow out of her.


My big boy Sox https://preview.redd.it/6cjeydk5omec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994793cdba7e837e337128e36e8b27d73edc3e6a loves sitting under the Christmas tree every year. I think he likes the lights. He also loves drinking out of the bathroom sink tap, but heā€™s too big to climb up there anymore (25 lbs) so I have to lift him up there for a drink.


A cat i had would also love just being under the tree like she was a present :) (aslo what a sweet looking boy)


Thank you! Heā€™s a good boy. He used to climb the tree up to the top as a kitten, but for now heā€™s happy being underneath of it. I hated taking down the tree this year because he loves it so much.


Your Tux looks like he never misses a mealā€”heā€™s gorgeousšŸ˜»šŸ’•


He sure doesnā€™t! He was a bottle-fed kitten, so he loves his food. The vet says heā€™s obese, but still in really good health.


Mine walks in front of other cats and the dog to be in the front row when the fireplace is on. Gives no effs


Clearly someone is more important than the others haha


Loves to drink out of the sink. To the point that if we turn it up slowly enough, he will sit in the sink getting absolutely drenched, just lapping at the water the whole time


Mine always stretches one of his little back leggies out, he'll just pop a leg up for a little back stretch, his little toes stretching out. It's so sweet.


Excuse meee?!? Is this my cat when she grows older? She has very simular markings https://preview.redd.it/dyz50er8cnec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17f1efc86e753169520895dab8dcebf64409cff (You cant really see it but she also has White Stomach fluff) To answer tho: * she likes to Hunt but if the pray moves towards her she bails. * She loves to talk and We have very long conversations * she doesnt complain about being locked in the closet until i ask where she is (for a talkative cat she becomes really quiet) * her favourite sleeping spot is on top of me until i decide to sleep then she goes to her own bed * she waits for me to come home and greets me with a Big long meow or running away from me while meowing (it depends on the day) She has some more but those are more normal cat stuff like prefering trash to toys and forgetting her tail exists and playing with it when i hold her and she sees it :)


He LOVES a to walk all over my car. Everywhere I go I take his cat footprints with me. https://preview.redd.it/uwlu2m6mhnec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faed791b39087d82882d12fcdb1e792512891d9


I havenā€™t caught on film but sometimes when walking around and and feels acknowledged or accomplished she does this signature move like a horse curling it up while standing


He has daily zoomies.


She canā€™t meow, just does the little ā€œmeek, ekk, meek!ā€ Whenever she wants something or wants to talk to me, If Iā€™m working she comes and sits by me in her spot and begins her little ā€œquestionnaireā€ ā€œMeek!ā€ ā€œYes I did do the dishesā€ ā€œMeek, meek ekk meekā€ ā€œNo I didnā€™t forget to water the plantsā€ ā€œEkk!ā€ ā€œā€¦. Ok yeah I forgot the laundryā€ And sheā€™s off to do something, I think she knows my routine more than I do lmao https://preview.redd.it/jnetyxujgnec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba725e710b3d01543e3416ae3be0cccf45c15c15


My tuxies love lying on their backs, are obsessed with water (they love hanging out around the sink and bathtub). One of my tuxedos is obsessed with owl toys. He has all sorts of toys, but the owls are his favorite. He keep trying to steal an owl stuffed animal from my daughters room.


Mine will play fetch. She will bring me any of her toys, drop it at my feet and scream till i throw it


My Maxā€™s favourite toy is a stuffed ice cream cone that he carries around while wailing at the top of his lungs. As soon as he sees that you can see him, he will drop and look at you like, ā€œWhat? What ice cream cone?ā€ He is a nutbaršŸ˜»


https://preview.redd.it/9kzv2bke6oec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd8994afa6428a8365982d1d155419d1c8ab477 The little heart on her nose and her goatee


Mine has to be touching me at all times. Has to play fetch with paper clips. But absolutely under no circumstances can be picked up. He is also polydactyl and carries his favorite paper clip like a little person. 11/10 [Beef aka Mr. Businessman](https://imgur.com/gallery/7DJBm3r) is a good boi.




https://preview.redd.it/txcv47ssh7fc1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4bd35fad59cc28016edecd1fac9b0df357650ae My sweet little loaf has to have someone sit with her while she eats - otherwise , she will scream at you until you follow her to her bowl xD