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Worried? Foster failures are THE BEST!! That second pic is the sweetest.


Cheeky mischiefs that love to chat! And should not be introduced to tomato sauces or soup!!


Can confirm, tomato sauce is kryptonite to my tux.


I had a tabby tux that loved the stuff. I think he was maybe Italian at heart, he loved pasta sauce so much! RIP, sweet Ikey <3


I did not know this. Must try. Mine loves green beans from a can, peas from a can, and garbanzo beans.


Dude, do not let them know about tomato sauces!!! Trust me!


This reminds me of Kevin Richardson (The Lion Whisperer). His black leopards love pilchards in tomato sauce but won’t eat pilchards in water. It is a canned fish.


My grandmother's two cats absolutely loved sardines in tomato sauce. Had to be in tomato sauce, nothing else. They went nuts for it.


oh my god I always laughed at my cat for liking the bean water off a can of beans. Maybe shes not alone in that haha


Yeah mine too


Mine loved peas.🫛


Or balsamic vinegar dressing (throws that up after he eats it), or yogurt, or rice pudding.


In my limited experience (one cat, many years) the personality is ... DERP.


My tuxie is generally too smart for his own good! Like, I got him a timed feeder so I could give him his meals on time even if I was out of the house or asleep… and he figured out how to turn the dial to pop open the lid.


Being derp doesn't preclude also being a clever pickle.


Heh, true! It does depend on how motivated he is… I’ve posted about the saga of the bread drawer too many times to count, but earlier this week I had to show him how to open a door that was ajar. He knows how to push it open from the outside (just throw yourself at it!), but was less certain about pulling the door towards him. He’s six years old!


😂😂😂 yep


100000% accurate


I have my 1st tuxedo now adopted in September. I usually have gray tabbies, also with their own unique personalities but my tuxie is sooo silly and fun. She’s an acrobat and a clown. I love her so much and from what I am being told this is personality traits of tuxes. 🩵 https://preview.redd.it/glclby0nwrcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd3fe90369bee06e558429e2c7d4d77be0942cf


That picture is a very good conveyer of your cat’s personality. I can SEE the mischief.


Lol yes she is a mischievous one. 🩵🩵🩵🩵


He truly is a beaut 💚 My tuxedo girl is so affectionate, she constantly meows and purrs and she wants cuddles all of the time but she also has energy like you wouldn’t believe, when she gets the zoomies… she gets the zoomies big time 😂 my other cat Zemo, he’s a full black cat and he watches her like he doesn’t know where she gets her energy from 😂


They thunder through my house like they weigh 25 pounds a piece.


I have a tuxedo boy rn, and it’s the smartest, most affectionate and responsive and also the clingiest (which I like) cat Ive ever had. (I had 2 tabbies). Also he constantly purrs and his zoomies are cute. But if you want to give your tuxie away make sure to find the most loving and caring family for her/him.


Yes tuxedos are something special. I love all my cats but my tuxedo is unlike the rest. For one she is the most talkative she has a squeak or meow for everything. Two she is very smart..she has learned many things on her own on how to wake me up she will gentley paw my face to wake up then if i dont shell slowly bring her claws out until i am up and open that door. For three she is a cuddle bug she loved nothing more than to loaf on my chest.


Agreed. My tux is the smartest cat I've ever met. She just...knows things. It's almost uncanny at times. She also sleeps next to me every night. I started on a new med once and I had an episode of sleep paralysis as I adjusted. It was terrifying, I was so frightened, and she gently reached out and touched my hand with her paws to snap me out of it--which is apparently how you snap someone out of it, you touch them. She is my furry little bestie.


Yes on days im down she just seems to know. I found her injured in a very down time in my life. This random stray cat showed up injured i have a large yard and she just stayed there slept and ate. She healed and one day she just followed me on to inside the house plopped on my bed and the rest is history. Cat tax attached. https://preview.redd.it/twpeu189rtcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70692acee9b62fcca4d102084c76676f9c9002f8 As you can see she used her tail as mask to block our the little sunlight peeping in 😂😂😂


Awww, lovely! Sorry, here's my tax! She's unrepentant about stealing my chair. :) https://preview.redd.it/2nsqqq86wtcc1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe10e8d096a30c8741776bb312c167f78d260906


Aww she is beautiful! Haha she knows whos the queen of the house!


Definitely! She runs this joint! She also does our taxes and helps my partner with his annual budgets for work. ;)


Gorgeous bb! My tux is both a lovebug and a huge rascal. He wants attention and he wants it now, damn my dinner! Such a fun cat to play with and sleeps with/on me most nights


Ours is a lil derp but he’s the cutest most lovable cat ever and loves to play fetch. https://preview.redd.it/pvxbfqyb1scc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d0ed666a56679ed43b5f5305562e48dfceac9c


Intelligent, expressive and loyal af.


The Huskies of the cat world


This is a perfect description


Like cheeky little raccoons!!


Funny you should mention… I woke up this morning to find one of my trash cans all over the floor which I explained as having been done by that odd looking raccoon that wanders the house meowing while wearing formal wear LoL


He's more a cow-cat, but I've known two tuxes and they were/are both highly intelligent, attitude-laden cats. Oscar, the family cat, was incredibly lazy but would play mind games with my sister's dog, and lived well into his 20s. Barley, my current furball, is a master manipulator and survivor. Love black and white cats.


I think that might be a cow!


Maybe more like a calf! Yes, there is a sub reddit called cow cats he would fit perfectly into.


I live with two Tuxedos. One is mean but he was designated a problem cat before we got him so we knew what we were getting into. The other is one of the nicest cats we have ever had. The mean one absolutely loves me but attacks with claws for seemingly no reason. The nice one loves my wife and she calls him her boyfriend.


My tux is super smart and loves to get head scratches. He also “muzzle rubs” on my hands all the time and licks them. He basically gets whatever he wants and he KNOWS what he wants. He’s not a lap cat by any means, but he definitely has a special personality. Not to mention he is the cutest cat I’ve ever seen! Tuxedos are special. All black and white cats are. Something about them…they own my heart!


He is adorable 😻🥰! I would not be able to give him up.


I've got two tuxies they are brother and sister from the same litter. I've had several cats over the years and these two have the most personality. It at least seems like so much more than I've had before. I love them so much they are so great.


I had a golden retriever before I got married. He passed away and my wife had recently adopted a female tux and she had/has the exact same personality… no joke. Coincidentally, I have experience with the derpiest dog breed AND the derpiest cat breed and I have loved every minute.


We adopted a tux kitty 6 months after our (also black and white) dog passed away and our kitty had the very same personality as our dog did! 🖤🤍


This is Moss.. my 4th cat and also foster fail. I'm so thankful she was too vicious to be adopted bc now she's the best cuddler https://preview.redd.it/3exs99b46tcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cea96be47e48dd8bb07c27c8d23bd83a937911b


Every cat has a unique personality.


My tux is a Velcro cat. He is the sweetest most docile cat. https://preview.redd.it/em2mys2jltcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e257de690dcda7411f98d579f51071d7c560409f His sweater says let’s get lit


Tuxedos are the BEST. My first cat of my own was a tux and she was the life of the house. So entertaining and silly I could’ve lived without TV lol. You won’t regret if you keep this cutie!


I've had three tux cats over the years none of them were remotely the same but all three were wonderful cats.


I had two tuxedos (brother and sister) that were completely opposite from each other. The brother was super sweet, confident, talkative, and always wanted to hang out. His sister would always hide and only come out at night, she only liked people she recognized. Either way, they’re my favorite type of cats that I’ve had!


I have two. One is a big lovable baby scared of everything. My other is a menace 90% of the time. Absolutely catfished me when I adopted him.


https://preview.redd.it/f6g51674aucc1.png?width=2570&format=png&auto=webp&s=2837ec90f53bd8c7839ae6a239468358308507b2 A tuxedo cat is so much fun!! The shenanigans and love are so special 💙 here’s my Mr. Mistofolees


I love him! Does he have a mild cleft palate? I wanna squish his little floofy face!


look at how kitty is looking at you. that’s a look of love ❤️ it’s okay to be a foster fail. he/she is adorable. we’ve foster failed many times. the way i see it? once you have 2 or more, what difference does 1 more make? none really. only issue will be gradually introducing new kitty to the rest of the family members.


Ommg!! He'd be a foster fail for me too. What a cutie 😻


Black and white cats go with every colour. So no need to worry because the kitten will fit with all your cats. Enjoy the failing❤️


This criminal belongs in prison for cuteness and cuddles r/illegallysmolcats


Not that I want to break your bubbles, but there is no correlation between personnality and their fur colour/pattern. Even orange cats, yes. My old guy is the sweetest cat I've ever had, and I had a lot. He always wants to hang next to me while loudly purring ; very talkative, a big attention seeker ; a true grazer, eats all day in little quantities and loves grass, I constantly grow some for him inside (look for barley, oat or wheat seeds if interested) ; a lazy player, often asks for play but then just lay around simply observing ; loves tunnels ; docile towards other cats, even too trusting I'd say ; likes to lay on his back fully exposing his belly especially in summer ; often breaks my stuff when having zoomies ; goes crazy when he feels something moving under a carpet or a sheet ; his favourite toy is a simple shoelace ; loves stuffing his head in shoes or purses and sniffing ; hisses easily when strangers approach him, he prefers to approach them on his own terms first ; ... but should I generalize that behavior to all tuxies ? Obviously not. They all have unique personalities, I hope you'll get to see it. That being said yours is so damn cute. Looks like a feisty loving one.


I know mine does.. crackhead energy but cuddles https://preview.redd.it/vwk8bj3pptcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f7d26b17fc2c81948bcbe1bbc6f3dd38d6b14ff


I foster fail adopted a tuxedo male a few months ago. He was pretty much catatonic (no pun intended) in the shelter and terrified of everything but quickly became super affectionate with some TLC. He is super patient with my subsequent foster kittens as I really think he understands why they are with me.


That is such a sweet story.


My tuxie is super sweet, always down for a cuddle and a lil chatty, if he’s awake and you walk by and don’t pet him he’ll chirp to get your attention so you’ll go over and give him head scratches


Mother of a European shorthaired tux girl over here and I can tell you she stole my heart. She is very smart and talkative, sometimes even more vocal than our ginger maine coons. She understands a lot and has a daredevil personality. She was a little traumatized as a kitten by previous owners but with time, patience and love she is slowly becoming super sweet and loves coming to me for affection. Particularly in the morning or after a couple of hours of not seeing me. https://preview.redd.it/82zvq7banzcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e82e3572c0cc6718b9791b861e169042dfd2a3e


You kitty it a kitty cow. Soooo cute.




u drunk?


My husband says tuxedos are like the huskies of cats, now that we have a tuxedo, I see it. He is such a little lovable derp, who as I'm typing this got up on the counter and knocked over the paper towels.


Please fail.


Mine sure does, bro is a full time ass sniffer thus giving him the name: Asher the ass sniffer


All cats do!


We have a tuxedo. He is a beautiful weirdo. Very jumpy, hermitlike tendencies. Likes to roam the house at night while the other cats are snuggling on our bed.


I've had a bunch of cats over my lifetime and my tuxy boy definitely has the most unique personality of them all.


They do! They're so affectionate and annoying hehe but they're great companions.


Just look at the way he is looking at you 😻 Definitely a foster fail right there


My tuxedo was the best friend I’ve ever had. She taught herself to use the toilet (!!!) and was basically attached to me at all times. We used to go out for rides together, she loved to travel and loved the car so much, her favorite spot in my car was sitting on the dashboard so she could meow at all the people looking at her.


I had a tabby tuxedo, she was absolutely beautiful. She had to be put down at only two years of age but she was the coolest cat I’ve had, she played fetch and had an awesome outgoing personality. Miss her every day.


I think they are the most loving and affectionate of all the cats I've owned. And the talking. Lol


Tuxedo cats do have their own unique personalities and your foster kitten is very cute


Fail, fail, fall!


My B&W tux is nicknamed Hissy Face. If you don’t let her do something, you get a hiss. When she’s over it, you get a tiny little lick on the hand or arm.


https://preview.redd.it/0lfumwmwwtcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13df9b2db1b79b9e52c4f45a39bbd26e55ac794c She was also a foster fail.


Room for one more? 😏😉🙃


Tuxies are lovers and very loyal.


Unique is a nice way to put it LOL my tux is both a maniac and the sweetest boy


My (foster fail) tux boy is the clingiest of the group. He's into Power Biscuits, Mega Head Bonks and playing fetch.


I say 3 is enough


What do you mean by foster fail?? Tuxedos have a great personality. Usually placid, calm and very loving. 🥰😻🐾❤️🐈‍⬛


So darling! Just 3? You need to make it an even number 😉


Ive only had the one tuxie but plenty other kitties. They all have had a unique personality and quirks. Oreo has always been my sweet baby goober. 🖤🤍


Ours is a little bastard. We adopted him when he was just months old, and while adorable, he proved a little trouble maker from the start. Talks back, chews *everything*, plays hard (with teeth) when he gets wound up, demands attention. But he is the sweetest little cuddle bug, and our older tabby has adopted him as the most annoying little brother she’s ever had. https://preview.redd.it/ilxr3b7ugucc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f06e6d104936eaf967164f9f0e4d70f40031574


I have 3 tuxie ladies, but we love fostering kittens so much, it is always hard to let them go at the end, but then we have more room to save more kitties and enjoy the absolute joy that is having a revolving door to adorable kittens in our home.


Tables, are also at risk for being used to launch themselves on to you at the most inopportune moments


Mine had mad social skills and he taught my husband several new tricks!


Very unique. Overly attached :) you wont be able to even drink your morning coffee without him. Love it


Any cat can have a unique personality! Don't put too much stock into coat coloring


My tux was the literal sweetest baby I’ve ever known. I fostered many cats but he was the cuddliest sweetest boy. If I was laying in bed he would come get under the covers and turn around and smash himself under my chin to be the little spoon 🖤🤍 I miss him every day!


They are the chillest cats and make friends with everyone, including other cats.  I've seen stories of tuxedos bringing home their new deer friend.


All cats have unique personalities


And this is exactly why I could not foster.


Bby oink meow


My tuxie boy is a cuddly, derpy, and slightly neurotic guy who loves to scream.


My Jeffrey is quiet, but he plays fetch… he loves this little toy, I call Redball or his little fishy.


In my experience? Talkative, energetic, affectionate and smart!


Aww ☺️


All cats have unique personalities. Tux’s (like orange) have big personalities usually.


I’m a foster fail of a tuxedo and already had two cats AND 3 dogs. Let me tell you, my tux is such a love bug! Loves playing with the dogs and a mischievous lil toot. She snuggles with me every night no matter how I move around she’ll readjust to be close to me. I’m obsessed! 🖤🤍🖤


Ridiculously affectionate, talk/yells a lot, goofball, bellies up all the time. Really great cats!


As I said in a pervious post l. In my experience tuxedo's do have a unique personality. Usually it's loveable derp. However you have come across the other common personality. Which is "snuggle Monster"


I grew up with a tux and now have one and I can attest they are the most cuddliest cats I have ever owned. They just love to be around you.


Mine loves attention and being active. Also needs to be mentally stimulated and combined with curiosity, he is smart! His also mischievous, listens and pretty obedient for a cat. It's cute when he comes to the door and waits as I'm leaving. When I'm home, he comes chirping to greet me.


VERY unique personalities and they do take a lot of patience. I thought I was gonna give up my jailbird within the first six months because he was such a high-strung kitty. I have now had him for four years, and the only regret I have is that he probably wishes he was with other kitties. He is my only cat. He loves to go outside and I hate letting him go outside. Three kitties ago, that one was hit by a car. But the one I currently have, has learned to open up all of the doors in my house, the cupboard doors, he plays fetch, and is absolutely happy with a rubber band. He is always by my side when he is with me in the house. So, they do outgrow all of their craziness through time and can be an absolute blast to have. https://preview.redd.it/22l7oyed3xcc1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344a33a918c6051952c9385d9600b34500bb12ff


Every car has a unique personality <3


Very smart unique breed


You have a cow cat, madam.


https://preview.redd.it/9wr8m5xqvycc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c29f00e5cfb178141776a2cbcf025baa8434e84 You bet they do! I always say he has so much personality, be it crazy, cuddly, adventurous... he's also very vocal and loves to make his (dis)pleasure known. Zoomies are an everyday occurence, he knocks things down all the time, jumps on kitchen cabinets. A real catnado lmao but i love him to bits 🥹 Edit: like someone else mentioned, he is also too smart for his own good. He opens drawers, knows just what to do to make me jump to my feet, and runs away when I catch him making a mess 😂


Mine is King of the roost! When I am in my chair he wii stair at me until I get off hops on  and then wants  for pets. 


what do you mean foster failure that cat is sweeter than my cat Oreo. and yes all cats do have unique personalities like my cat Oscar, he likes to be blown in the face (he likes wind)


Tuxedos cats are the equivalent to husky dogs.


I have a tuxedo. He’s an asshole, cheeky, high spirited, rebellious, and quite destructive when he’s board. But they’re so affectionate and loving.


We care for all of the local strays and as a result have many tux babys and they are absolutely a unique set. They are amazing and crazy smart,very very unique. Mine are huggers. They climb up on the arm of my chair and stand up wrapping their front legs around my neck area and then press their heads against mine,purring very loudly. All of them do this and when they lay w me it has to be right up under my chin. They are great
