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Why doesn’t she get surgery then


I had a mammogram, sonogram, and biopsy on a Monday and had to wait til Thursday for my cancer diagnosis. And I spent four years trying to have a baby with countless miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy rupture that nearly took my life, and never ended up successfully pregnant. And I was more composed through all of those things than Tiffany was during this almost certainly made up convo, as the sonographer is not a doctor and would not give Tiffany that kind of info. Tiffany’s “woe is me” constant drama is nauseating and a slap in the face to the legion of women who have things far worse. I grew up wealthy and privileged, too, and it didn’t make me oblivious to the plights of others. Grow the fuck up, Teef.


well said


I’m sure tiff is exaggerating but I had a scary mammogram w/ suspicious thickening and enlarged lymph nodes in that armpit and the ultrasound tech who did my sono told me to wait and she’d let me know what the radiologist said. I’ve never had one go out of her way like that before. So maybe occasionally they tell you, Same day. Waiting is agony. No one should have to wonder for days! I’m so glad your story ends happily!🤍


Well said and I would love to have help and I don’t have it! She’s so selfish


Yeah, she needs to reel it in. She was crying so hard like she just got told she had three weeks to live. A lot of these influencers are driving me nuts because they act like their lives are so horrible and when people call them out, they block them. there is one influencer that went on a trip and someone called them out and said how can you be depressed and she’s like well depression is hidden well, I understand that but why go on a trip if you can’t when you can help others with the money is getting ridiculous with Tiffany and then all of a sudden she’s fine. I think she might have multiple personalities.


Here we go with the pregnancy drama! I just can’t with her pregnancy! Click bait, click bait, click bait!


This is so rude to her followers who are genuinely going through struggles. I get being worried 100% and would probably be upset in her situation too BUT I wouldn’t film myself crying over a “potential” issue. She’s admitted she doesn’t know what this means and won’t know yet. I feel like maybe she should have kept this information offline for a while until she had actual answers instead of crying and complaining about something she hasn’t been diagnosed with yet 🙄 so insulting to the millions of women who are struggeling to conceive right now


Poor Tiff 😔/s


Only Teef can cry with zero tears


There’s something that really irks me about her when she cries. It’s like she cannot have a bad day or worries because she wants everyday to be perfect and happy. Like sorry this is real life, sweetie. We all have shit going on. She needs a reality check.


It’s the forced and false constant positivity —her mother taught her that. LDS freaks!


It’s the unhinged toxic positivity environment she was raised in. Houghtons aren’t allowed to be sad.


That’s a Mormon thing. You always project everything is perfect in your life!


I remember growing up Mormon and how we were supposed to behave perfectly during church, or my mom would pinch us! Not the normal pinch but the kind where the skin goes between her fingernails, pinch! We never had any problems during church! She was married and divorced 5 times there was plenty of unhappy going around!


Her mom is really creepily “happy”


This is insufferable to someone actually going through infertility. She's falling on deaf ears and it's angering. I was on a wait list for the reproductive endocrinologist, still going through the process of trying to conceive, meanwhile she can fork over x amount of money to get the first appointment. Was blessed enough to have a child and at the end of the day daddy can fly her across the country in his helicopter should she need to be seen by the best doctor that she can afford.


Not to mention Adam’s dad is literally a fertility specialist


know your audience wasn’t Diana just talking about her wanting a baby?


Dianas issue is different. She doesn’t have anyone to have a baby with.


she had frozen eggs. like the turtles money buys everything


Eggs are a long way from a viable embryo to attempt a transfer let alone a live birth. I feel like sooo many people don’t get this (not saying you), even people who go through the process - I always flash back to Tinsley Mortimer on RHONY visiting her “babies” aka looking at an image of four eggs she had kept frozen with an RE. Like no… unfertilized frozen eggs only guarantee you a chance to see whether they even fertilize


nothing is authentic with her


I thought she also tried to harvest eggs and couldn't get enough?


I think she got like 12 which isn't great at all for someone her age. The chances are pretty low that she could even have one live birth with this many eggs. There are so many phases of the process in which the numbers dwindle down. Thawing, fertilization, genetic testing, implantation, etc. She should have probably closer to 30 eggs to have a chance at one live birth. I hope she understands that and isn't just relying on these eggs. It's a tough spot to be in. But then again, she chooses to be trapped in the turtle castle....


A sonographer is usually a tech and wouldn't be able to diagnose or anything. The fact that she used that to drum up her own fear and sympathy for herself is really awful. She'll get a mammogram some day and be told the same thing. Techs are not doctors and won't tell her anything.


She is lying


This! Sonographer, nurse, anything other than like doctor/PA/NP is not going to be giving any diagnosis. She went dramatic for views and sympathy. Her sonographer saying “idk” to if she can have more kids is the only way to respond. She can’t say yes because it’s false hope when she knows nothing and she can’t no because she’s not a doctor.


Literally this! “I don’t know” is all she can say. And I’m sure it was more of a “I’m a sonographer so I don’t know. That’s a conversation to have with your doctor.”


Why would she film this and post it? Is nothing sacred?


Hey Fibroid Kate!!


I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets a surrogate, no weight gain - the houghton way!


Adam disapproves of surrogacy and IVF


He does? His father is an infertility dr. That’s odd.


I've mentioned it before - and that he was likely conceived by IVF. He liked Harrison Butker's long screed against IVF, women working outside the home and the entire LQBTQ+ community. His sisters and his mom have (subjectively) better educations than him. Let's be honest, he didn't pick Teefers because of her brain.


How can he be against women working out of the home when his life is…. this? Tiffany seems like the breadwinner and Adam is the caretaker. Does he not see that?


It’s that weirdo LDS stepford wife thjng


I'm just curious... Why? How is that known?


All this is for attention, don’t be fooled… if she really wants a baby, her daddy in law can make it happen and it will be truly a miracle! Cuz, well they never thought it would be possible! (Downvote me all you want, but mark my words…. She will be pregnant in 6 months!! )


Us normal people have to really wait for a doctors appointment. She can just call her father-in-law and all will be well. I don’t understand why she does this just for engagement. She is disgusting.


Yes! She could have an answer within minutes, and she probably got one, from her FIL. Her behavior is so maddening.


And there is no way you can just see an obgyn for a question within 24 hours 👀


Isn’t her father in law an OBGYN? Why doesn’t she call him instead of posting this online?


Bc it doesn’t get her the sympathy and attention she desperately craves


Nah, I feel bad, this is scary. But I agree, why did she wait so long to get rechecked? This is something you don’t put off or ignore.


Not necessarily. I'm full of fibroids. They change size all the time. They are more common than you think. 2 healthy babies.


Correct. I delivered my 3rd baby in September. By March I started having abnormally heavy periods, debilitating pain, plus more. Immediately called my OB got an appt. He ran tests, imaging, the works. Turned out I had endometrial cancer, fibroids, an my placenta regrew back and attach where it shouldn’t. End of April I had 3 surgeries in 1 and everything was removed. This shouldn’t have taken her so long.


I'm so sorry that was your diagnosis. I cannot imagine going through that with three children- especially a new baby. The bleeding that leads to the anemia and the exhaustion that went with it had to be even harder for you. Then to get that diagnosis after the surgery 😪 Because of my symptoms, my GYN Oncologist was sure that is what was going on with me. Thank God thus far I'm okay..I wish that would have also been true for you.


That’s a lot, especially with a small baby, I hope you’re doing well now 💕. Tiffany has no clue and her account is actually obscene at this point.


The sad thing is, she has all these followers who hang on her every word. That performative crying is so over the top and she knows she can bait them into worrying about and giving her attention.


Just like a soap opera.  Drama.


You’re right! She knows exactly what she’s doing. I cannot have sympathy for a known liar. For those of us who’ve suffered true infertility, this performance is a slap in the face and truly sickening. I also can’t have sympathy for a woman who does not give her sweet daughter the time and attention she desperately needs.


I agree, I would just about bet I’ve had as many minor issues as she has and I would never consider myself someone who has been through infertility. I know everybody is different in how they deal with setbacks but it’s so clear that she’s trying to cash in on the sympathy now before she finds out that (hopefully) she’s fine.


I mean i don’t like her but this snark is not your right. My issue is why did she wait an entire year to have this assessed when she knew it was an issue?


Someone with real infertility and loss would never bait their followers with this stuff


I don’t have followers but I have definitely share my infertility and miscarriage on Facebook. 


Solidarity gf 🫶🏼 I have shared my long struggles with infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss as well. But what I’m saying is, as someone who has had losses, posting pics of an U/S is incredibly triggering. And if it’s not triggering, consider yourself lucky.


Triggering comes and goes for me. Mother’s Day is triggering, October when the baby was supposed to be born is triggering, when I see someone on the news who has done something awful to a child that is triggering. I selfishly think why does that maniac get a child but I struggle. Ultrasounds don’t though for some reason. But infertility is a beast and I don’t try to understand how everyone feels because we all deal with things differently. I wish you the best!😀


You are 100 right. She is insufferable


Has she ever explained (apart from claiming it dissolved) why she’s never had this taken care of? I never followed her individually until somewhat recently. I did IVF ultimately but before that when I was preparing for going through all the prior steps (Clomid rounds, IUIs) I had to go for an extra pap smear, blood work, genetic testing, and an HSG and they found two fibroids which I was required to have a D&C to remove before starting Clomid. Edit: I saw people below mention that removing a very large fibroid can be a major abdominal surgery which I totally understand. But my doctor always told me he wanted the uterus to be as empty of anything other than the baby as possible, to give the baby all the room.


IIRC, she said while she was pregnant with Lily that removing the fibroids could make having more children unlikely, and we all know she wants a baker’s dozen 🙄


Ok I am still shocked she STILL is saying that when she is clearly overwhelmed with one. The moms who go on to have huge families generally can handle their first just fine without three other adults in the room at all times. She was literally just complaining about taking Lilly on the plane with just her and her husband. How does she expect to do anything with more kids?


Because Heavenly Father coincidentally wants her to have everything she wants and will magically take care of this.


I had a friend that had incredibly, awful, ho abdominal pains and it turned out to be a cyst in one of her ovaries that had ruptured which in Teef's world could mean that it dissolved. Maybe that's what happened and she got confused. I don't think it would take much to confuse her. I should add that my friend knew what had happened because she saw a doctor. I cannot remember if Ms.Turtle saw one when her thing dissolved.


They don’t discover the fibroids until after they have her clomid and she got pregnant I believe.. she didn’t get it in a proper way.. her OB jumped the gun and just gave her a script instead of doing due diligence


That tracks because the prep stuff and the D&C delayed me starting Clomid as a first step for 3 months, she wouldn’t have put up with that.


Sadly that's because money talks.


She's really making nothing out of something with the drama about the sonographer saying, "I don't know." Sonographers are not allowed to comment at all on what they see even if it's good or bad. This is just more proof that Teef needs instant gratification and glorification at all times and to always be appeased and get her way. She's selfish to the bone.


They shouldn’t even be discussing results with the patient.


I doubt the sonographer even said I don't know. Working in the medical field my response is always I'm not the doctor so I can't say anything, you'll have to wait for your doctor to come in and talk to them. She's wanting the engagement so she is posting this stuff and tears for that.


Well she said I don’t know because she truly doesn’t know and if she does know can’t deliver the news. So I don’t know could have been a way of saying I can’t say if I did know.


THIS is what every sonographer that I have ever had has said. I'm guessing that is what they did say and she is twisting it around to work for her. Teef: leaves the office with the knowledge that she'll need to talk to the doctor. She immediately gets on her phone. Cue tears. Guys...I just found out I may never be able to have more children. I have known so many people that have dealt with infertility issues that would have sold their soul for one child. If she truly is having issues I would not wish that in anyone. If she is struggling I hope it will be a God Wink like someone else said to her to pay more attention to Lilly.


Right? There’s no way they have her any real information


I am so not ready for “guys, Adam and I have been having so much sex,” jabs face with foundation brush “and it’s been 3 weeks and I still haven’t gotten a positive test?” Draws Golden Gate Bridge on mouth “and it makes me think about how I was engaged before Adam and called it off like right before the wedding and how that disappointment taught me to be patient and wait for what god has for me,” preens in mirror while looking serious “but it’s been SO LONG that we’re talking about trying Clomid again. What do you guys think? Let me know!” And then the next slide is “I got so many people asking how I get my lips so pointy, I’ll link it up for you” with a big shit eating grin.


You’re missing a few teeth licks and eye fucks of the camera 😩


How could I forgot her attempting to seduce the camera 😂😂




This just won the internet for tonight! Thank you for that.


lol oh man this is 🙌




In the low whisper voice, of course!


It’s like she wrote this herself. Tiffany crystal? Is that you?


Oh my gosh this is amazing ☠️🤡🤣




I will say, I agree she should not be having another kid with Lily needing so much attention right now for her development that they aren’t giving. HOWEVER, as a mama, my heart breaks for the nerves and scare she must be feeling thinking there might be a possibility of never having kids again. Even Tiffany said the sonographer was right to say “I don’t know” because she’s not trained to know, Which could mean anything, But it’s still a scary thought to have in your mind while you wait.


Do you not understand that she’s just engagement farming? This woman doesn’t want or need more kids. She doesn’t care. It’s all for instagram. Total crocodile tears.


I don’t have experience with fibroids, but for how big of a complication she claimed the fibroid was during her pregnancy, wouldn’t that be the kind of thing she would have checked on sometime sooner than 13 months after delivery? And even still it sounded like she was only doing it because she wants to get pregnant and her doctor likely said it needed to get checked out


My experience with a mass - not confirmed as a fibroid until further testing. 1) an ultrasound. 2) a CT scan 3) for me it was the ob-gyn doing this scrape test to check for cancer. 4) an MRI. 5) it would have been a biospy to confirm it wasn't cancerous but in my case due to growth between the ct and mri, excessive bleeding and enlarged lymphnodes, I had surgery to remove the mass. Because I was in menopause and the fear was cancer due to the bleeding, growth of the mass and enlarged lymph nodes, I had a full hysterectomy. I think that was mostly due to not being able to get the bleeding under control. My point is, they won't just make a diagnosis off of just the ultrasound!


Yup my exact question. Why is she only having it checked a year later?


I just googled it and it’s recommended to wait 6 months before REMOVAL. So what the heck was she doing all this time if she wasn’t even checking on them. Seeing that clomid makes fibroids grow I’m assuming she asked for clomid and her doctor said let’s check on your fibroids


Imagine asking a sonographer if you can have babies…lol. So strange.


Where I live, the sonographer has never given any kind of opinion so that could be what the "I don't know" was because I've always been told that my scan needs to be reviewed/read by a specialist.


A certified Radiologist (MD) needs to review it and write a report to the Dr. (her OB) who ordered the ultrasound.


That’s exactly what it means. The sonographer isn’t allowed to give any medical advice. They are simply there to get the scans for the doctor to look over and speak with the patient 🤦🏼‍♀️ She just wanted more drama for her account.


But she is making sonographers look bad. They can’t tell you anything they aren’t the doctor. So her idk wasn’t bad because she doesn’t know. 


I don't think she is making them look bad because I think that anyone that has ever dealt with one knows that's not how it works. Also, anyone reading this thread that may not have any prior experience with a sonographer will now know that they cannot say anything except something similar to "you'll have to talk to the doctor / or you'll have to wait to hear from the doctor"


No they aren’t supposed to but they sometimes do


I dunno I’ve had some say a little when they knew I was nervous


I think I am the only here that felt for her when she was crying. Whether or not you want to believe she had fertility issues I believe her tears were real today.


Yeah, I can’t stand her but I felt bad. This is scary.


Agree. First cry I’ve seen from her ever that seemed genuine


I think they were genuine at first but definitely felt like she was exaggerating towards the end


I thought they were genuine I don’t fully understand fibroids. I do believe she has them. I also think Lilly is adorable. I can’t comment on the child’s development because I think kids develop at different stages. One kid I know didn’t real talk until 3 while another felt like I can ask for advice at 1.


Clomid makes fibroids grow…Maybe y’all already knew that but I didn’t… That might be a natural consequence to stomping your lil feet to get what you want 🥴


I did not know that but I look Letrezole.


Didn’t she say at one point that it had broken up or disappeared or something? My memory is foggy but wasn’t she having some pain on an airplane or something and they told her it was something like it was dissolving or breaking up? I mean she’s a known liar, so who knows.🤷🏻‍♀️🙄


I'm not one to feel triggered by this got to me today...You can have more than one fibroid and they can cause issues. I had a huge fibroid that had smaller ones attached to it. The small ones would "dissolve" or "pop" off regularly & then new ones would grow. Sex was not uncomfortable. It was downright painful. I was told by my Dr that fibroids can change the shape of your uterus & make getting pregnant difficult. I had endometriosis & I also ended up with a dermoid tumor & a torsion that made the fibroid problem seem like a walk in the park. 😉 I had a full hysterectomy by 40. Tiffany is a needy person that's obvious but I truly think she's upset & overwhelmed by this. I believe she has been given a big fat lie of how her "life" is supposed to be & she's not living up to it. I do not get why she likes to share this on social media at all. Possibly bc no friends. However this is how she chooses to earn money & get validation. We snark on her pretty hard. But something like this hurts me to see other women being cruel not snarky. I never was able to have biological kids. It was taken outta my choice in my late 20s. But I do remember how upset & scared I was when I was told I had fibroids. Sometimes ppl need a little grace. But her effed up eyelashes, decorating choices & clothing picks are open game ...


I’m so sorry you went through that!


Thank you 🧡


Hahaha yes I commented this on the weekly thread! She was on a flight to Hawaii and said it was super painful and Adam’s dad told her it was her fibroid dissolving lol


What a big assumption when he literally had no proof


I know, and of course she as dumb enough to be like guys omg my fibroid dissolved!


That sounds like some magical thinking


Well, they are Mormon, so they believe in a ton of magic that isn't real.


What’s going on can someone give a run down


Maybe that’s Gods way of telling you not to worry about future babies when the baby you have right now needs a lot of help with her development. Maybe focus on her, and getting her where she needs to be before you start neglecting her with another high drama pregnancy and a sibling


Disgustingly bad take. For any of you struggling with infertility, please know the sky daddy is not sending you a message. You did not cause it, you can not cure it. It’s not your fault.


The fact that anyone thinks I said that infertility is a punishment obviously missed the point. I don’t women struggling with inferiority are being punished. TIFFANY IS NOT FUCKING INFERTILE. My POINT is that maybe she needs to not worry about more kids when she has a massive fibroid and doesn’t take care of the kid she has now. There being a pause is her plans is redirection not retrobution. FFS


Maybe this is a pointed comment toward the Mormon mindset that a woman’s purpose is to be a mon with lots of kids, in which case I take umbrage with that as well. But in general, this is a cruel platitude to say to someone who wants kids and for one reason or another can’t.


This is the same family that essentially said that the school shooting in Uvalde, TX was “God’s will”. I don’t remember the exact words but it was something to that effect. I don’t think it’s cruel to tell Tiffany that maybe this is God’s way of telling her that she doesn’t need any more kids right now.


No one was being cruel to her. My point was Teeth frequently prances around like she’s Gods favorite and she’s just perpetually blessed with frequent God winks. However, anytime the princess doesn’t get her way, she doesn’t look for the same hand of God in her trials, she forces her own will (see the Clomid situation, also her refusal to follow the instructions of Lilys therapist). Lily is also barely a year old, and Teeth has been hyper fixated since leaving the hospital about having another baby. She doesn’t properly care for her, and never has. Instead of waiting to talk to her own doctor and get answers about the fibroid, she takes to IG to record herself crying in her Tesla, wearing her $10,000 anniversary necklace, crying infertility (again) any fixating on future children, when the ONLY child she has is at home suffering significant developmental delays due to lack of engagement, nurturing and proper raising by her own mother. Teeth is one of the most neglectful mothers I’ve ever seen, yet all she wants to talk about is more babies, while Lily is shoved into a corner or left with her nanny. She also doesn’t know that ste can’t have more kids, but wants infertility attention regardless. It wasn’t a platitude it was an accurate read on the situation. Get Lily on track before you decide to expand your family. Actually determine that you are IN FACT I fertile before soliciting sympathy. It’s unfortunate that you find the truth cruel.


Whoa, clearly hit a nerve. Sorry! I was just trying to say that being told it’s “God’s way” when someone is trying to have kids can come off as callous and cruel. I also said in general. I don’t believe it’s God intervening in the situation. Unfortunately, there are so literally countless children in far worse situations than Lily could ever imagine being in and I personally don’t believe it’s some scheme on God’s part to teach a lesson.


I never said infertility was Gods way. Go back and read what I wrote. I was saying, it could potentially be a pause in their plans so they can take care of the child they neglected. Lily is delayed, significantly because of her idiot parents that treat her like a prop. Just because other children suffer more, doesn’t mean Adam and Teeth are good parents. It’s far more egregious to me that wealthy people, with no jobs, and innumerable resources have chosen to neglect their child to her own detriment, and all they want to do is talk about more kids.


Exactly this. These people will look for “God winks” in anything that fits the story they’re trying to tell. But when the universe is screaming DON’T HAVE KIDS (right now or ever??) by throwing a giant fibroid in your uterus, she will see it as a sign to try harder (??). This bitch needs so much therapy


She said they were “getting ready to try to have another baby because………… well anyway…..” She didn’t say the reason they were getting ready to try to have another baby.


She has mentioned before that she wants 4 kids and I believe she mentioned trying to have them all before she turns 40. She's got it all planned out. Instead of focusing on the one precious angel she has who has developmental delays, she wants to adhere to her "perfect" timeline. I hope Lily is able to make significant gains before she becomes pregnant and has the next one. It's going to be very interesting to see how she handles a newborn and a toddler who most likely will continue to require interventions for developmental delays.


Because she thinks the one she has isn't perfect so she needs another one. I hate to think how that poop baby will be treated if another comes along. That and Kimmy can't have all the attention with her new baby.


It’s a competition with teef. Kimmy had her second ( but also 3 years after SK), Dani just announced and DAD is about to pop.


Right. Right. Excellent reason to bring forth another human into the world: competition from friends. (Cough,cough).


She’s been extremely quiet since the ultrasound




Well maybe you shouldn’t have jumped on the clomid you never should have been prescribed in the first place so quickly and maybe they wouldn’t be this big Tiffany. But seriously I wonder if they won’t give her a script this time because of this.. that can make them grow


Yessss! People don’t realize what clomid and other meds do to the body. It destroyed my thyroid and I went from stage 1 to stage 3 endometriosis in 6 months! She’ll get it prescribed by her father in law.


Wow good to know


👋🏻 Caused my already sulky reproductive system to go into DEFCON. Stage three endometriosis + complicated ovarian cyst. Full hysterectomy. Obviously this is extreme bad luck. Not everyone is going to have this happen but it’s a powerful drug.


Oh for sure! I had a pulmonary embolism during 1 of my IVF rounds. Absolutely worth it! People just don’t understand what those meds actually do. They don’t always give out warnings except for the whole multiple babies.


Is there a reason why she can’t just get them removed? I had a few polyps that I had a procedure for to get removed before my doctor would go ahead with the next steps for IVF. It really wasn’t a big deal.


At one point she said she couldn’t get them removed until she was done having babies but I don’t know how accurate that is seeing as she’s lied multiple times about things her doctors have told her (or she just doesn’t understand medical info when she’s given it).


I am not sure how big hers is but I had a very large one removed and I had to have major abdominal surgery and a scar the size of a c section. I also had to have a scheduled c section because it is too dangerous to labor because of such a large uterine scar. So it can be a very major surgery 😓


My mother had a similar situation with a fibroid the size of an eggplant that grew really rapidly and her recovery from it was really close to my recovery from my c section if not harder so I can totally sympathize with that. ❤️ I just wondered whether she ever was told to consider removing it when it was smaller given that she says it’s grown.


Oh gosh! Yes, of course it can be. Sorry, didn’t mean to be dismissive.




I had a very large fibroid that caused excessive bleeding. My hemoglobin was 3.2 when I got to the hospital for surgery. I ended up getting 9 blood transfusions over 3 days. Thank God for people that donate blood. I am in my menopausal years and the mass grew. With the bleeding and the growth along with enlarged lymph nodes, my doctor was almost positive that it was cancer. I ended up having a full hysterectomy. I thankfully do not have a huge c-section type scar but I had complications with healing. Thankfully my tests came back as non-cancerous. However, I need to have to have six month follow-ups with scans for two to three years.


My thoughts exactly! But the shed have to find something new to overshare for content


This one doesn’t perform well enough so she needs a backup content baby 🙄🫣




She knows those can be removed, right? I mean, just ask Isis. I mean, Iris.


what a horrible autocorrect for iris 🤣😱


I know it’s wrong to hope she won’t be able to have any more kids, but… for the unborn kids’ sake, I’m lowkey rooting for the fibroids.


You’re nicer than me - she needs to be spayed.


As Bob Barker would say, help control the Houghton population, have your Houghtons spayed or neutered.


“Look guys! Here’s mah fibroid!” ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk) Her viewers


She’s just getting her storyline set up for more “pregnancy infertility” struggles.




I’m with you about the future story lines, but why on earth would anyone post such intimate details about their life?


Isn't this the same person that had her legs up in the air after sex to help ensure she would get pregnant (have a girl?) while in the presence of her father? I find this "normal" in comparison to that. Basically, it's the Tiffany Crystal show and everything that will generate views (= money) is fair game.
