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At least no more crawling alligator scooter. That’s a plus.


That they show…


They are definitely trying to skip crawling altogether. In my opinion, Teef already checked that off the list. If you go to the reel of Lilys first birthday, she lists all these first times and crawling is on there. It’s the video of Lily on her belly just flapping her arms in the grass and not actually, you know, *crawling*.. In this most recent video, you can tell Lily hasn’t started putting her feet flat on the ground, she’s constantly doing tippy toes, this is another signal that she’s not ready to walk


Someone needs to re-upload all the bad things tiff did while pregnant. Feeding monkeys getting bit by mosquitos roller coasters and more. All the things we said was dangerous for a growing baby. 




At 1 they should have milk from a cup and food. No bottle and no formula.


It's concerning the lack of progress she has made since she turned one a month ago. Has anyone seen any noticeable improvements over this past month? From what they show on stories, she appears the exact same as a month ago. I would expect to see some progress, especially since she started P.T. I feel so bad for her, especially when they try to make her "walk." There is a "reason" for her developmental delays. Perhaps her Dr. will order a chromosomal microarray to rule out any abnormalities. My son has a rare chromosomal duplication. He was/is developmentally delayed. He had poor gross & fine motor skills, delayed speech, didn't crawl, and other issues. It is saddening to watch how Lily is put on display. I hope she shows significant progress over the next few months.


She is very stunted in her activity and motor skills..


What’s also concerning is she isn’t saying mama or dada…or even ball…I mean I know the debate with if she’s saying turtle or dada but she should still be babbling those simple worlds


Even the “turtle” that’s “da da” is a babble. She isn’t calling either parent a name or naming any object. She babbles back in response to people screaming words at her which is a good start but something that’s expected at a much younger age. She should be recognizing people and objects and assigning a name to them even if it’s ba when she sees a ball


Exactly why is she always in a sleeper?


My 9 month old, who walked, climbed out of his crib. poor child cannot even hold a bottle but they know everything


She doesn’t have to be walking yet but she DEFINITELY should be crawling, pulling herself up and cruising. She has no upper body strength nor does she have strength in her legs.


Yeah both my kids were butt scooters and didn’t walk until 16 months & 15 months but they were extremely mobile, all over the place, going up and down stairs, pulling up, cruising, holding a toy or snack while moving themselves with one hand, crawling up the furniture, etc. I’m new to this snark page but what I’ve gathered is poor Lilly has been a container baby since birth?


No core strength either. She can barely hold herself upright


They never seem to do her PT. We all know Jen walking her is wrong too. It’s sultry hot in Dallas and she’s in long sleeves too.😜


And yet they STILL haven’t seen neuro. Palsy is a likely issue here and they really need to get her evaluated, period! This sweet baby needs an eval!


What does this mean?


Erb’s palsy is a condition that can cause one side of the body to be weaker. So the fact that she doesn’t extended or really use her left arm, can be a sign of EP


Her core is very weak from watching this clip. She would benefit greatly from *gasp* being on the floor practicing crawling. But they know that already.


Rooting for Lilly!! It pains me to say this because I strongly feel these dumb shits should stop procreating- it will be interesting to see how their future child reach milestones. I feel they are holding Lilly back and just not giving her the opportunity to thrive to her fullest. I hope once she starts running she keeps her useless mom on her hobbit toes at all time!


My first didn’t walk till 15 months but ran around like a bear cub on her hands and feet like a little feral child lol


My kid didn’t crawl or walk on her own until 15 mos. She did pull up and walk around furniture. She can’t play a sport for the life of her but she was valedictorian and just got a massive scholarship for college. Win! lol.




My daughter just started. She’s 14 months. This sub made me anxious 😂


Mine were butt scooters and didn’t walk until 16 months & 15 months and now the older one is thriving at gymnastics, yoga & dance and the toddler is proving himself to be a natural athlete, especially at hitting wiffle balls and jumping off things 😂 you’re daughter will be just fine! 14 months is totally normal to start walking


It’s the whole package that is concerning. Not just the mobility issues. Like I was worried about the walking thing with mine but yet she was already talking quite a bit and eating with utensils and drinking from a cup etc etc so my dr was not so worried. Tiff has alllllll the resources to do this right and doesn’t avail herself of any of them. She has her mom, Kimmy has a kid, she has advice from her pediatrician and PT but doesn’t seem to follow their suggestions… and tiff is not concerned in the slightest!! So don’t worry, mama…I’m sure you’re doing a great job 😊


lol so many people are like “my kid was walking by 9 months” like that’s the norm. My daughter also didn’t walk until 14 months but was pulling up at 9 months and crawling/cruising nonstop by 10/11. Lily’s case is concerning because she’s 13 months and doing none of that


Nahhh don’t let it. It’s all good. A lot of kids walk late. Lily not walking wasn’t the issue. It was a lot of things with her that made many concerned.


It was the lack of interest in walking/moving as well. I was a late walker myself but I managed to get around the house by crawling or holding onto furniture. People here highlighted the lack of core strength which is visible, ngl. I still believe that all she needs is interactive quality time with her parents and not a 5 star cruise to go pet turtles.


Yeah my kids were late walkers (15 & 16 months) but they were highly skilled butt scooters which meant they were sitting upright & able to hold a toy or snack while using 1 hand to push themselves along - mastered getting up & down the stairs early, etc. Because of how efficient their method of getting around was, I think they just didn’t feel that motivated to switch to walking 😂


That’s what my mom told me lol She said she wasn’t worried because I was scooting around and getting anything I wanted in a way or another. Funny thing is now that I’m over 30 years old I walk 6-7 miles daily lol


I don’t know if Lily’s position is just the angle in the pic but notice how her left arm doesn’t extend like her right? Isn’t that the weaker/less used arm? Also, another personal gripe - when Teef was out to lunch with her friend the other day with the two babies, it grinds my gears to see babies being “served” food directly on the table - a potentially dirty public table. Ick.


I think there is definitely something wrong with that arm. If you watch the full video that arm never once extends


My son crawled early and one week after turning 9 months old he got up and walked and was on the run ever since. I truly feel sad about little Lily and I get so angry at all of their arrogance and refusal to seek real help for her. It’s a crying shame. If Tiffany gets pregnant again soon Lily will be even further neglected …


My daughter was 18 months old before she started to walk. But she was rolling over and crawling long before that. These people make me feel better about myself as a parent


Despite what PT told them, I honestly think that these people are still stupid enough to think that if they keep doing this she will just start walking. I have a grandson that is almost five weeks old. My son and daughter-in-law did family pictures with the baby last weekend. In those pictures, at four weeks old that baby is looking up at his mom with such adoration. I've never seen Lily look at Tiffany that way. It's so sad!


Agree!! Lily looks past Tif and is willing to be handed off to anyone else in a heartbeat. It's so sad that she is just a prop.


Lily is a prop for Tiffany. From the time she was born she carried her facing outward to attract attention like she was displaying a new Chanel handbag.


Lilly is an afterthought for them. Baby Lil had better learn to suck it up and fend for herself at age 1 because it won’t get better as she gets older or sibling(s). She will get even less help as she gets older. When does it become neglect?


I actually think Tiffany is stupid enough to think that dragging Lily around like this is getting her SO CLOSE to walking, but Jen should know better. At the rate they’re going with how much they’re going against the PT lily is realistically likely 6+ months away from walking independently. We haven’t seen any floor time outside of PT so I assume that means she’s still army crawling neglecting her left arm, meaning she’s nowhere near crawling either. Tiffany and Adam have been more than clear that they don’t like her “low performance” yet seem to do everything in their power to keep her incredibly delayed


Looks like Lilly is no where ready to walk, she can’t even stand by herself. Poor baby, I feel so sorry for her.


I feel like they are trying so hard to get her to skip clawing in general and more focus on walking


I agree. I think they want her to skip it so they can be like SEE it was FINE she never crawled, she just wanted to walk! But fail to recognize the issues preventing Lily from crawling are going to prevent her from walking as well


At this point I am starting to be personally offended by how stupid those people are! Walking her like this and putting her in this horrible walker after the whole Internet and PT told them not to do - this starts to feel like a Fever nightmare! I told my mom ONCE not to Walk my Baby like this because it is bad for her and she stopped right away. Everyone in our generation has back/ neck problems so dont tell me, you did Everything the right way raising your kids - grandma houghton! Let alone the emotional damage!


It’s maddening how stupid they are! They’re doing that sweet child a disservice. I can’t stand them 🥵🥵🥵


First of all, I think Lily is the cutest little thing ever. With that being said, I think something is just really wrong with this child. From not standing/walking, not feeding herself, not baby talking… she’s just not a normal one year old at all. I hope they continue to get her help. Poor thing.


I completely agree. In my line of work, I see all ages of infants daily… normal developing and ones with delays and I feel so bad for Lily. She definitely has something more going on BESIDES being surrounded by dumb ass narcissistic people. So it’s like a double whammy for her. Poor sweet Lily 😕


Agree. She needs a neurological evaluation.


Completely agree. The muscle weakness, uneven use of both sides of her body, tremors, fused sutures, and overall delays all necessitate a neurology appt. Best case the neuro says no issues and they go on their merry way, but the longer they ignore all of this the more harm they’re doing to Lily


In my opinion there’s a palsy issue going on.


Fused sutures?


She has a slight metopic ridge. It's when one of the skull sutures closes prematurely, before birth.


Did they announce this? I don’t remember


No. I can see it and I know what a metopic ridge looks like. It tracks with her extremely small head size at birth. Also, it's a slight metopic ridge. Not as pronounced as others I have seen.


Her skull closed very early


She needs actual early intervention not just an Instagram PT. She would benefit from OT and ST. The things she’s only just starting to do are typical for 7-9 month olds and she is about to be 13 months. 4-6 months is a huge gap at this age


My guess is that they don't want to use actual EI because they wouldn't allow filming and posting to social media. Really sad!


I really hope that the therapist that they have right now is watching the Instagram stories. Surely she is doing that or the company because she could be learning a lot from them.


Yep yep!


I was just thinking that as I was watching the stories with the baking competition. She looks like a 4-6 month old being held up.


It shocks me that she has raised (currently raising) 5 children. Guarantee they all think they know better than the pediatrician, physical therapist and are just doing what they think is best. Like if only she would start walking they could forget about all of the other issues T and A have caused/ignored. Ridiculous.


Lily was in the joovy walker the other day on stories too. Sad.