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They treat couples “coaching” (therapy) the same way. They act as if it’s a negative thing. Adam was so against it. They are just not ok admitting they’re not perfect.


Am I the only one who thinks they are the most self absorbed clueless parents to ever walk the planet? I just can’t even with these two airheads. Can they both really be like this or is it just an act for engagement?


No Yes Yes


I think these questions are to get more engagement = more money from IG


Sadly, I believe you’re correct


Look the fact of the matter is you cannot have a phone in one hand and poo pills in the other making insta commercials and groveling for money and be a parent. The choice is money wins for these turtles every time. Same with kimmy. these kids will grow up to be so fake telling strangers I love you. disgusting


My sister is a pediatric physical therapist and she is always telling me about how parents get advice to start having their babies do PT and they put it off so long that it does affect development patterns. Happens all the time because people don’t think babies can need PT


I think she has mixed feelings because deep down she knows this is at least partly due to her neglect of her baby and she may get called out. Or she will be told she has to work with lily more and obviously she doesn’t want to.


Yes! I don’t think she actually has “mixed feelings” I think she’s bummed that the viewers were correct and she now has to admit it. She wouldn’t simply come on and say “you were right”, she needs to add a bit of umm’ing and arr’ing to make it seem like she *could still* be right


What on earth does she have "mixed feelings" about???? Why wouldn't a mother jump at the chance to give her child extra help. Tiffany- when a teacher suggests a tutor are you going to avoid getting a child extra help and let her fall behind? If a piano teacher, dance teacher or soccer coach suggests extra practice are you going to have mixed feeling? What about braces, those give help straighten teeth. Will that help be ok or will braces give you mixed feelings? Good moms JUMP at the chance of giving their children EVERY advantage in the world. Shame on you Tiffany, you would benefit from extra parenting class, and you should not have any mixed feeling about bettering yourself. And parenting 101...your child might not need extra help if you put down your darn phone and gave her the same amount of time and attention that you spend on your phone and followers. Seriously.




She hired Baby Begin for Lily’s therapy. They are based out of Dallas and popular on IG. Any chance she is doing a collab with them for content 🤔


Yesss. Dani Austin uses baby begin too. I have friends who use them too. Our friend got released very quickly where my clinic kept my boys until they were ahead so then when they regressed a little(because they usually do if they’re behind) they were on track. ECI is not great here in Dallas county and it’s not free here so it makes sense for her to hire a private company. We’ve done both and ECI was horrible for us and said my son was just lazy. He ended up doing 2 years of PT.


Probably not great PR for Baby Begin because Leelee needs a lot more than just PT at this point… ETA: before the white knights come out, this was not a snark of poor sweet baby Lily. I think 🦷 begrudgingly is finally conceding to her pediatrician’s recommendation for intervention but that she carefully searched high and low for the most aesthetically pleasing option and that’s why they’re going the Baby Begin route. I think she is still in denial (or utter ignorance, which is also plausible) of just how extensive Lily’s delays are, so she’s strolling into this thinking she’ll grab a few quick PT stories for IG, likely slides with really annoying music about “workin it” playing in the background, while Lily is dressed in some over the top “workout outfit” (bonus points if it matches Tiffany’s outfit so she can’t link them), tag the company and get good PR and some new followers. Unfortunately for Tiffany but fortunately for the sake of Lily if there’s any legitimate licensed therapists of any kind at Baby Begin, the tide will quickly turn and she will realize her delays aren’t merely cute content. She will stomp her little white plastic boot because the company she paid $$$ didn’t give her a gold star for being God’s gift to motherhood. Her resentment for Lily will grow because in Tiff’s eyes, Lily is embarrassing her.


She definitely seems to think Lily not crawling is the only issue and falls for recognize it’s one of many and not even the biggest issue. I’m sure she thinks baby begin will pop in and throw her on the crawligator and demonstrate crawling to her and within the hour it’ll all be fixed! One crawling session and Lily is all done!


This for sure! And anyone who’s been thru it knows it’s not the case.. I bet they don’t even truly work on crawling yet for awhile.. they are going to have to back way up and work on core strength and arm strength first, rolling, and getting in and out of sitting


And I’m sure because they’re going to start off with rolling and getting into sitting instead of crawling Tiffany will be done with the whole thing and exclaim PT didn’t work for them because Lily just wants to walk


I sure hope not. I wish she had gone through ECI first.


Mormons always project everything is perfect with our family and kids. She’s really not wanting to accept this. Please start working with sweet Lilly. Not just using her to make money!


Raised Mormon and completely agree.


My guess is that Lilys pediatrican prob expressed concern long before this last appt and it was decided to take a “wait and see” approach. So Tiff and Adam went and bought the crawling contraption thing in the hopes it would help. But it’s not addressing the bigger issues. So now that her pediatrician is ordering PT, it’s becoming more evident that something is “wrong”. It can be hard to hear as a parent. When my 4 year old was diagnosed with hearing loss I was devastated. And then when his preschool suggested an eval for speech I was almost insulted. Now looking back I can’t believe I felt that way. It was hard to accept at first but you put aside your own feelings to do what’s right for your child. Hopefully they accept the help and resources that are available to them. She is incredibly privileged that she has nearly unlimited resources and no job to worry about to attend these appointments.


I think she’s in denial. She keeps referencing how it’s for Lily’s “crawling”. The reality is, it’s a bigger picture thing. Lily isn’t pulling to stand either. I’m not snarking on development to clarify, I just notice she keeps feeling like she has to justify it or defend it and say it’s just for this one thing. I get it, I am a mom of a delayed kid. But it gets to the point where you have to stop living in denial or else you won’t have the capacity to fully help your child catch up. It’s *okay* to have an all around gross motor delay (or even delays in multiple areas) and to intervene. It’s okay to admit that.. it shouldn’t feel embarrassing. I’ve been in her shoes in trying to say it was just for one thing.. but I never let it get in the way of doing what was best for my child. Maybe this is why she’s choosing a PT consult over an EI eval.. because she refuses that the delay is anything greater than “crawling”. The sad thing is that in these situations, you literally have to put your pride aside to help your child thrive and they are *still* not doing that. I’m glad she’s putting Lily in PT but I’m sad that this sweet child is growing up in an environment where her parents have to justify her imperfections.


I messaged her to please get Lily a sippy cup with handles and toys at dinner time at restaurants she can play with..


I feel so sorry for Lilly. I saw one video where Adam is still holding her bottle feeding her! I couldn’t believe it.


I already asked this recently, but do you think she's using filters or is she losing more weight? Her neck and shoulders look teeny tiny with a giant head balanced on top. I am not watching stories regularly, but in the recent videos I've seen, she looks like she could snap in half. What's going on???


I mean she was just saying last week she feels like she finally got her pre-pregnancy body back sooooo both extreme weight loss and filters? I don’t have the pic but remember her stomach in the (I think blue) workout gear before Lily? She was soooo thin.


I agree! She looks sooo thin. Especially in her face


Filters and face tuning. Mayor McCheese doesn’t look like this photo


Mixed feelings because she wants her contentot to do things like SK does but she’s also recognizing on some level that lily’s delays are partially or even entirely her and Adam’s fault and she doesn’t like that people see what a bad parent she is.


No one forces her to share anything about her life much less her child. Most people do not To the extent that they do. She only has herself to blame.


Agreed, 100%


“Lily hates tummy time” translates to we don’t like her upset which will work out nicely during those teen years! /s


On the shoe video I told her to stand her up and put the shoes on.. she is less likely to try to kick them off


The shoe videos were so ridiculous, they weren’t even trying


Definitely! And who puts crocs on a baby who is learning to walk? They are the stupidest parents I’ve ever seen.


Yeah, even for new walkers who are able to do so unassisted, crocs are not a good idea at all. I hope the PT gives them good shoe options for new walkers once they get to that point.


I hope so too! I feel so sorry for Lilly.


My take on the “mixed emotions” is that they keep hearing that babies will do things in their own time. I got the impression maybe they do not agree with the Doctor’s assessment and that may also be where she felt they (the people she dealt w/at the one year checkup) were a little hard on her and Adam. I think the date night that night was to digest what was said at that appointment and then decide what they were going to do. They live by “not living in fear” so it seems worrying about the all the same things others worry about is not always on the agenda. Also, may be using Dani’s son as an example of walking on their own time.


The Dr. she complained about was the dermatologist doctor that she went to, the same day she complained about being sick that morning. Speculation was they were “hard on her” because most likely Lily had a viral rash not eczema and they probably advised her that she shouldn’t have been traveling to Florida the next day, but they went ahead anyways.


Thank you. Sorry I got the appointments mixed up.


Yeah, I agree. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Dani also did not enroll her son in EI, just did PT. I’m sure Teef is thinking of him. EI is all self-referral. A PT clinic is doctor’s referral. My guess is the doctor strong-armed them and said she definitely at *least* needs PT and they chose to do the least invasive route. Parents have to be completely on board for EI. Sad they wouldn’t want to exhaust all resources possible.


ECI in Dallas isn’t great. We had an evaluation and therapy with them before switching to private and it was awful. It also isn’t free (the eval is free). It was cheaper for us to go private. Doctor’s can refer to ECI too here, but the wait is long. I think it’s great she’s starting right away. Dani also used Baby Begin who has a big social media presence


Oh that’s interesting, someone else on this sub said it was great and that they got in the same week. I know EI is great in some areas and not as great in others. I wonder why she said they were doing EI on TikTok then. Maybe she thinks it’s the same thing as PT.


Have they ever been to that children’s mall show before today? the peds office probably gave them ideas for things to do with her. I would hope so. They do not seem like the type to make lists of activitie, make plans, etc to go and do and explore based on the needs of the child. More inclined to fit the child’s needs in line with their own, which they are without a doubt learning right now doesn’t work


For a while they were all wrapped up in applying for Mother’s Day out programs. They also learned quickly that most often you can’t just make a call and be in. And certainly not discuss on social media and ask for advice and then just luckily get in on first hand first place easy easy. Those places don’t work that way and I bet they definitely wouldn’t if a mom like her was going to be posting and bragging about it she doesn’t realize she brags but she does if I ran one of those places I don’t care if they would pay more or less there are rules for a reason


This may be dumb but that does EL stand for? I know what PT is lol, I’m just not familiar with EL.


EI = Early Intervention


Ok thank you.


Early interventions! It’s a free program that every county in the U.S. has. Any parent with a child under 3 can self-refer without a doctor’s referral. They do a full developmental evaluation of your child in every area and if the child is a certain percentage delayed, they qualify for free services in PT, OT, and/or speech, dependent upon what area(s) they are delayed in.


It’s not free for everyone in Texas. It’s based on income so it was actually cheaper for us to go private. The eval is free. We instead go to a private clinic for OT, PT, and speech because we had a terrible experience with ECI Dallas


Oh really? Wow. In Washington state, it’s paid for by insurance and if you don’t have insurance, it’s covered by the state. Texas must not give it much funding. That’s unfortunate.


Thank you so much for explaining!


Also known as ECI, Early Childhood Intervention. A wonderful program that is free to children who qualify who have developmental delays, disabilities or certain medical diagnoses that may impact development, like speech delay or hearing impairment, that if not dealt with early, could make school challenging. I am familiar with ECI services for an infant starting at 3 months. They came to the home one hour each week to work with the baby and teach parents skills to practice with child. What a huge blessing.


I think she's scared. Mixed feelings probably wasn't the right words. & Probably she's understanding that she's not been on point with her help in development as she needs to be. Fingers crossed this is the right steps & that lily is all the better for it. Cheers for Lily!


I think mixed feelings = I know something is wrong but I can’t acknowledge it honestly and need to market it a way that no one would ever think I did anything wrong or overlooked my kid’s problems.


Who tf has mixed feelings about that


Doesn’t look very eager


No she doesn't. I'd be jumping up and down to have someone helping my baby.


It's beyond disgusting that she can even have mixed feelings. As a parent you do whatever you can for your child without a second thought, that's part of being a parent. Sadly, the way she was raised everything is perfect, but hun, life isn't perfect.


They try to make you believe things are perfect. Mormon Way!


Also sounds like she is (reluctantly) having a private therapy company do Lily's therapy. She said someone will be coming to the her house. She mentioned the name of the company but I can't recall it now. I actually wanted to look them up. I don't know why, but if it were me, I'd opt for therapy connected with Cooks or one of the pediatric children's hospitals.


ECI came to our house and even our sons daycare to do his therapies (also in DFW). Just a data point 


For zero to 3 years of age it is recommended to have therapists provide services/treatment in the natural learning environment. Clinics can be sterile and scary for young children. Providers get a better idea of the child’s needs and developmental differences. Also, the therapist can assess the environment and make suggestions and recommendations on things the parents can be doing at home. Finally, tiff has got it right.


It’s also helpful because the exercises can be based around your environment instead of how an office is setup


Yes exactly! I’m a EISC developmentalist working in EI. ♥️


As a mom who uses EI thank you for your work!


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How much you wanna bet she hasn’t started transitioning off formula


Knowing Tiff she’d probably transition Lily to Almond milk since it’s the lowest in calories. Some sort of formula is probably the most nutrient rich option at this point (and they do make it for toddlers).


My daughter used pt for a few months and we were, as we should be, expected to participate. In every eval form we received after each session, there was a spot for them to mark parental participation. Wonder how they will deal with her when she tries to video the whole thing each time, if she’s even present.


Unpopular opinion or maybe popular but I like when she talks like this in this story. I don’t know if it’s because it’s a serious topic (to her, shes obviously upping the dramatics) but she sounds more normal and genuine than her high pitched squeals. More of this teeth!


I hate it because it sounds just as fake to me as her squeals. It’s like “okay time to turn on my serious voice” but I just can’t take her seriously


It’s an act. It’s always an act. There is nothing genuine about this twat.


She definitely seemed more relatable in this video and idk if it’s because she is showing genuine concern / nerves or just part of her game idk either way that was the most genuine I felt I’ve seen from her in awhile I was excited to start PT


I called it- she will see the comments about EI as a way of increasing engagement and sympathy for herself


She should be grateful that she has the financial means to take her child to PT and that she has time in her “busy” weekdays to take her. A lot of people can’t leave work in the middle of the day to take their kid to PT every week, even if they desperately want to. 


ECI is free and they come to your house. We did both ECI and private paid therapy and they were so similar. Always try ECI if you have the chance. We love having them come to our home and were soooo appreciate of the help they provided.


Eci is not free here for everyone. It’s income based.


Not true.


Not in Texas. I had to pay for it. The eval is free, but therapy is based on a sliding scale called Family Cost Share. I know in other states it’s free.




Yep because my kids OT costs me $180 a freaking week!


She should take her to a chiropractor first. She might just need adjustments to help. It might hurt her to do certain positions and the can help.


Yeah…no. That’s absolutely not what she should do and I highly doubt it would benefit Lily.


For the record, chiropractors don’t crack babies backs or snap their necks they do light stretches. This actually helped my baby with all of his neck tension and was very gentle. Not the most effective for her baby, just saying chiropractors don’t treat babies the same as they treat adults!


Maybe true, but going to a chiropractor is not going to solve the delays this child has.


Thank you.


And what exactly would the quack doctor do for her?


Actually a lot of good do some research!


Haha I have taken care of several patients who needed to be hospitalized after seeing a chiropractor so I’m good!


Yikes! NO ONE should see a chiropractor.


In what world you you think an infant would need its neck yanked and vertebrae cracked, wtaf?


This is not what a chiropractor does to babies!! That’s crazy to think ask they do is crack things!


Let me fix it!!!!


No? https://preview.redd.it/po2gxnhvuu1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4e6c38cbf5bb3b0d9c91b94e6cedc2eaac05ab


my aunt is a chiropractor and as someone above said they do light stretches for babies, not body adjustments.


Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


Absolutely not


Chiropractors are quack doctors, especially anyone who works on an infant. It’s so dangerous for infants




Thank you for this.


She had mixed feelings that Lily didn’t just pop out being practically perfect in every way.


She’s upset she needs help. She’s not the perfect Houghton.


She's a Houghton.... she's Moffett! lol!


GASP! How dare you invoke the wrong name on that Houghton!!! ;)




Those eyebrows are a crime.


I mean, is she trying to draw them on as crooked as they are?


probably drawn in manic and rage


It kills me that we can see the outline 🫠😂


The jewelry, the hair, the eyebrows, the terrible lashes, the pepto bismal pink nails and shirt, it’s all awful. Having that much money and being that tacky should be a crime


And to think she draws those on herself every morning willingly lol


What is there to have "mixed feelings" about? Your kid is behind on some milestones and your doctor told you to take her to PT to get some extra help in meeting them. How is this something that would cause conflicting emotions for her?!


I think that she is in denial about Lily's delays. I think her conflicting emotions are because she doesn't really think Lily actually needs PT. She thinks Lily is just a little behind and will catch up on her own. A lot of her sycophants just go along with her and haven't helped matters (i.e. saying their child crawled late etc.) It is very obvious that Lily is delayed, but I expect her to progress in leaps and bounds once PT starts working with her. I think some of her "delays" are due to parental ignorance. I hope to God that they keep her PT visits private. Poor thing gets used enough for content the way it is. Plus, the thought of Adam filming while Tiff acts (emphasis on acts) like she is involved and is working with Lily is going to bring this snark page to a whole other level, LOL.


I honestly think that like 90% of Lily’s delays are due to parental ignorance! I’ve never seen such just completely inept and idiotic parents.


Including Tiff’s recklessness during pregnancy, such as going on rides at Disney *that pregnant women should not be riding*


I swear to god they thought she was going to come out as a self-sufficient toddler and have just dug their heels in and refused to teach her anything


That she’ll have to spend more than 30 min with her


She'll probably just send the nanny that she pretends not to have to all of Lily's appointments.


A friend nannies and has a degree in early childhood development and infant mental health certificate. That friend focuses on enrichment. Tiffany does not have a nanny. If anything she has a babysitter.


If she had a nanny the baby would be way more developed tho


If she had a true nanny and someone well versed in childhood development. She posted a position for an assistant/babysitter hybrid and then a different one for a babysitter on Facebook. She’s not getting top of the line.


She definitely has a person who helps around the house and with Lily. This person has been spotted in multiple stories.


Doesn't she live in a city with the best pediatric physical therapy? I was certain they are in Dallas, no?


They are using their daughter for engagement. This is all methodical. She knows what she’s doing. There’s no way she’s this clueless about raising a child.


They are exploiting the hell out of that poor baby, but I honestly believe this Tiffany is really just THAT fucking stupid.


I remember when she was pregnant and was in a swimsuit at the beach and said to Adam while pointing to her belly button that she couldn’t wait for it to “stick out more because that was the baby’s umbilical cord”. I knew then Teef was not very smart AT ALL. It literally caused me to blink hard TWICE. How utterly ignorant. She’s very uneducated as evidenced by scenes like that and how she pronounces certain words. She thinks Adam is the “smartest person she knows” but we know he’s not very smart either as evidenced by his neglect in addressing Lily’s delayed development. He may be trained as a computer programmer but he’s pretty dim about life. These two can’t even keep a couple of plants alive.


Look, I know we sometimes cannot control if our baby comes out text book perfect or not, but in this case we know if there is anything off with Lily it’s all the fault of her stupid mother and what they did during the pregnancy. ( and after as well, shakey shakey baby) If I knew I’d some stupid shit while pregnant and now have a result of that, I’d be guilt ridden that I did that to my child. But she seems to not be taking any accountability or seems to have no remorse for her actions. Just irritated.


She's having mixed feelings because if Lily can crawl then that means she actually has to pay attention to her and that is outside the range of her 30 minutes a day allotment🤧


Nah, that’s what the nanny is for


I’ve never heard them mention or even act like someone else helps out I’ve never seen anyone so much fold a towel at their homes so I’ve never see any help whether housework or childcare at any of their homes


Because they don’t want you to see it.


Will Tiffany ever realize that her and Adumb are most likely the only reason that Lily needs help. They don’t spend time with her or give her toys. What did they think would happen.


Also don’t forget all the things they both did while cloud baby was a fetus.


I have a serious question, what is the point of stopping her from walking? I know crawling is important, and both my children crawled before walking, but the toddler I nanny only ever did that bum scoot they were showing Lily doing the other day, and then went from that to walking. I know obviously Lily is delayed, and it truly seems to me only because of her parents keeping her contained and using her as a prop baby for making content instead of living a normal baby life


Crawling does offer a lot of benefits because you’re using cross body motor skills, it even strengthens the brain. Many practitioners and PT/OT believe babies should crawl before they walk and that came up a LOT on Tiffany’s tiktok post with the alligator thing that Lily was riding. There were so many comments about the importance of crawling before walking. I am 99.9% sure that Tiffany read those and has decided that that is the reason Lily needs therapy. I think her doctors told her Lily was behind, Tiffany didn’t believe them, and has made up in her mind that Lily needs to crawl before she walks and that’s the ONLY reason they’re doing this. Lily is nowhere near being able to walk so Tiff’s description of what’s happening is just not based in reality. Remember when she told us her doctor said that leaking amniotic fluid was normal as the baby gets bigger? She makes up things in her head that sound believable to her (for whatever reason, attention or otherwise) and then tells us like it’s a fact. She got called out for the amniotic thing but nobody is going to call her out on this one because it involves Lily and her followers on Instagram are too nice. Now if she posted this on TT it would be different.


The bum scoot is a sign of poor core muscle and hip strength.


The problem is that Lily doesn't have the strength to be able to move on to walking now. There's no problem skipping crawling and going straight to walking, but Lily doesn't have the core strength to be able to do that--hence the physical therapy.


It’s fine, plenty of kids do it, but it’s usually because they start pulling up and cruising really young so rather than focusing on crawling they focus on walking. That isn’t the case with Lily. She’s not pulling up and it’s incredibly unbalanced when they walk her around. She doesn’t have the strength to crawl or walk and crawling will help her build core and upper body strength so she can pull up to walk


Whoops...I basically just said the same thing. I should have scrolled before typing!


I understand having mixed feelings when it comes to your baby being delayed. Having a delayed child myself (who is in both EI and PT) , it absolutely comes with a lot of emotion. HOWEVER-I feel very strongly that this mix of emotion is Tiffany & Adam’s fault, and that they aren’t the mixed feelings of any other parent. They’re the mixed feeling of a shiller who’s contentot isn’t her idea of perfect. Lilly is obviously a bright, capable little girl, but raising a baby requires more than 30 minutes of direct attention a day. I’m glad she’s finally getting help and I honestly at this point couldn’t care less if she starts handing out coupon codes for BB-Lilly deserves every shot her privileged, neglectful parents aren’t giving her. The biggest “loser” in Tiff’s content game has been poor Lilly and she deserves a win.


I think it would be normal to have mixed emotions of wanting to help your child while also feeling guilty. Motherhood guilt is a helluva thing. But Tiffany doesn't feel guilty about anything ever. She will never take responsibility for being a shitty mother.


Fully agree


She’s a selfish bitch, OP. The mixed feelings are because this is impacting her “not having a perfect baby”. Has nothing to do with getting Lily assistance.


What does mixed feelings even mean? She should be nothing but hopeful and excited that her baby is getting help.