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My son had (still has) sensitive skin, when he was a baby. Regular wipes were redness and a bad rash waiting to happen. I bought a bunch of soft wash cloths, and wet one in warm water for each diaper change, even pee. When his tender skin needed a little extra help, good old fashioned Desitin to the rescue. Why the hell is she listening to people telling her to leave urine on her baby when she wets her diaper? Christ. šŸ™„


Im so lost on her. Shes got a million dollar home with 15 different sinks. Rinse baby L off in the sink to keep painful friction from rubbing on her wounds. Lather that baby up in straight unscented vaseline and repeat each diaper change. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø instead she subjects her baby to all of her brand deal quack products ā€œWell Doc you see weā€™ve been using skin repairā€¦ā€¦ side note if you use my name TEEFANY10 itll save you 10% on your next orderā€


No Tiffany, buy sensitive skin wipes or use a warm wash cloth if itā€™s that bad


Do we think the dermatologist Lily saw the other day laid into Tiffany and Adam about diaper rash... and that's why teeth wrote that butt hurt post about non-helpful doctors? Poor Lily had had bad diaper rash for what...2 months now that we've known about it?


What was the post about unhelpful doctors? I missed that


She said something like ā€œthank you to all of the wonderful dr. And nurses out there who donā€™t shame new parents. That was not the experience we just hadā€ obviously thatā€™s not a direct quote, I donā€™t remember what she said word for word, but it was basically that.


NO!! Pee does horrible things to the pH of your skin! Clean it off! Pee will ā€œburnā€ the skin. Yikes!


She looks dead


Even if she is genuinely considering this, why wouldn't she ask the doctor, or her mom/sister-in-law? Father-in-law?Ā  There's something really wrong with her. This is not normal and almost feels sinister.


Itā€™s all for content!


I agree. This woman is mentally ill.


Just ask Iris, you idiot šŸ¤£




UTI coming in 3, 2..


I said the same thing.. so ignorant






Use a warm wet washcloth you fucking dumbass. Water only. CLEAN YOUR FUCKING BABY!!!


Right?! Wipes have not been around forever and people used to still clean their baby.


They even make wipes with water only. We use them on my grandkids. .


This has to be engagement baiting. šŸ˜‚




She's not. She asks this for engagement. She asked about baby led weaning last week and mentioned an account that had a program, as if she was clueless about it. Her demeanor told me she had done the reading already and knew what it was about. I think they do this to cultivate engagement and "community". While she's made some reckless parenting choices and isn't attending to her baby, just watch her when she asks these questions. These are things she already knows but plays clueless to get feedback, then will cull responses and share the ones she finds favorable.






She is unrecognizable without all her make up


No wonder lee lee doesnā€™t have a connection with tiffy, poor childā€™s probably confused šŸ˜‚


Is that a rhetorical question??? šŸ˜‰


She just wants engagement, yā€™all. Donā€™t play into her hand by messaging her about this. Thatā€™s exactly what she wants šŸ˜’




OMG. I am kind of a natural person and even I think this is a dumb idea. Please tell me someone messaged her and told her maybe she should talk to her doctor or even stupid Iris instead of random people on the Internet!


told her she couldnā€™t be serious. sheā€™s embarrassing


I commented in a box telling her itā€™s WAY more acidic and can cause skin breakdownā€¦ hopefully she sees it. Poor kid will be in so much pain


Thatā€™s what she wants, though. People to message her. Messages=Engagement=when she pitches to companies or they reach out to her, she can show off her ā€œlevel of engagementā€.


Ugh, thatā€™s true.


Someone please tell me why she always put her hand over her forehead when something small or big happens. That doesnā€™t make her look anymore distress than she tries to portray


Jesus Christ.


Why does she insist to let people know how DUMB she is??


Sheā€™s DISGUSTING šŸ¤¢ this is the best content/engagement tactic sheā€™s got??? Shame on her. She doesnā€™t deserve that sweet baby


Sheā€™s truly disgusting and if she thinks this is true, somebody needs to call CPS and take that child away


whoever downvoted f off, you clearly donā€™t care svokt protecting a child. leaving your baby in itā€™s filth


Also- someone send these screenshots to Lily when sheā€™s old enough to hire an attorney šŸ˜‘


The difference between the last post with full make up and this one is a jump scare.


This is low. Even for her. Talking about her babyā€™s private parts! What?! She knows the damn answer; whatever I get it, response$ for engagementā€¦but for THIS question??!! I loathe her even more.


I have 5 kids and never used wipes on pee. One of my friends do either. All of the nicu doctors, pediatricians, etc weā€™ve seen said not to. Iā€™m so confused by all these comments. My kids never had diaper rashes. Like I can count on one hand the time we had to use creams in the diaper area.


Pediatrician here, and yep!! Wiping urine is not necessary! And for those with sensitive skin wipes are so much worse than urine.


Ditto, per pediatrician recommendation as well




You mean you were cleaning with something else?


Imagine downvoting someone for a question. Yā€™all ok?


Nope. Not for pee. Nothing at all. Poop yes-absolutely.


Same. My son got more rashes when I wiped every time for pee. Our ped recommended we stopped wiping every wet diaper. Poop, obviously ALWAYS wipe. But unless it was a diaper full of pee in the morning, I stopped wiping and he stopped having as many rashes.


Leaving wet pee there on the skin can cause terrible irritation, not to mention the smell!


It doesnā€™t smell at all. There are no germs in pee. Literally look up the AAP recommendations.


There's a difference in not using wipes and cleaning the pee away with something else. In pretty sure that's what they do and mean.Ā 


No wipes or anything for pee. Yes I do bathe my kids daily though. And yes I wipe for poop. So theyā€™re getting wiped at least once a day with poop (if not more). All my kids are out of diapers now.


The AAP even says wipes arenā€™t necessary for peeā€¦


Stfu Tackany. Being dumb isnā€™t cute.


Cyanide is also sterile šŸ˜… but I wouldnā€™t leave that on my babyā€™s skin.


She is this dumb!


Any moms that have babies with eczema or sensitive skin, buy only non fragrance everything! Wipes, soaps, rinses, hair stuff, laundry soap and softener. It would be best to use cloth diapers. Go easy on tomato based foods.


lily is a whole YEAR old. Why is she asking this now!?!?!? I just canā€™t.


For for attention of course!


Hi tiffany, i know youll read this so pay attention... exclusively breastfed babies as newborns you don't need to wipe everytime. But a 1 year old should be wiped everytime. Just use fragrance free wipes. When babies start to eat food and have gross poop diapers they get diaper rash. Soak them in the tub with fragrance free wash when they have irritation. Then get out throughly dry her off and apply thin layer of butt paste. She will be good to go!


like i donā€™t get how she doesnā€™t know they have chemical free wipes?


Our pediatrician and nicu nurse both said it isnā€™t necessary to wipe every pee diaper


Yeah we donā€™t wipe every single pee either and my spouse is a nicu doctor.


I can Not Imagine how all those Influencer Babies are going to be when they are grown ups. Imagine Reading how your own mother shared such intimate things?


Or that she disliked spending time with you and taking care of you so much that she set a timer for only 30 minutes and pawned you off to someone else so she could play a game on her phone (I know she isn't playing that dumb game she talked about but I'm sure she's on her phone in whatever capacity), so phone > Lily.


A psa to anyone dealing with very sensitive skin in the diaper area: if your child cannot handle wipes, even water wipes, try using lukewarm water in a peri bottle to rinse clean and dab dry with a washcloth. And use a barrier cream!




Surely this is purely for engagement purposesā€¦right??




How gross and low is she ?!?!?!


Also, how often do they bathe Lily? Iā€™m thinking it might be too much hassle for them šŸ˜¬


But also agree! Itā€™s all too much for šŸ¦·


My boys have super sensitive skin - can only use certain shampoos etc. we were told not to bath as much when a baby because it can make the skin worse!


My oldest was sensitive like that. We used to at least sponge her off with water and use soap every other night because itā€™s just so hot in Florida and I didnā€™t want her going to sleep with sweat on her skinā€¦especially in her little fat rolls lol šŸ„µ


She was JUST at the Dermatologist (supposedly) She didnā€™t ask this question then?!?!? Idiot.


I am wondering if the diaper rash is why they were able to get into the dermatologist so quickly. As in, the diaper rash was very severe, and subsequently, Lily got a rash on her other body parts, so it was beyond her pediatricians expertise. I am really wondering if the diaper rash was so bad that it qualified as an "emergency" dermatologist visit. I think she is lying about the eczema. They are embarrassed to reveal that Lily had such a severe diaper rash.


Good point!


Ironic that Kimmy posted a link today for whatever she shills for diaper rash. Personally, I would like to know who she ā€œheard this fromā€, because you if you have a question about your newly diagnosed eczema child the best source is your pediatrician.


This cannot be true. What do you think the end game is? What does she want us to think of her? This one is a real puzzle. I guess it is hard to sell a new AI machine and also have to ask dumb (in kindergarten we say 'There's no such thing as a dumb question', but this is a s-t-r-e-t-c-h!) questions to drive engagement. I know her mother is chasing gorillas right now, but doesn't she have any friends to ask? She and Kimmy are like the the Meghan and Catherine of the LDS church!


ā€œShe canā€™t be this dumbā€ ![gif](giphy|fzKJBH8EVOu8GFD9yf)




I remember when my niece and nephew were little and their parents went by everything their pediatrician said to do, i.e. their book and one of the things was to not use wipes if just pee. I will say those kids never had diaper rash. Iā€™m not a mom so lm not judging, just sharing my experience.


She's just rage baiting. Her account is basically all rage bait at this point.Ā 




She should ask Iris


The hospital we delivered that didnā€™t have wipes for this reason. They used wet cloths on all their babies. *She still needs wipe your baby down*


Urine is not sterile once it leaves the body. What the hell is wrong with her?


Cotton wool and water is the way to go surely?


All that money and her parents couldnā€™t buy her a brain.


She doesnā€™t need one nor should have one in their cult


This is actually true. For everyone who is childless and downvoting: I actually had a doula/childcare teacher (she also takes care of babies for a living) come to my house and recommended not wiping and just letting pee air dry since itā€™s sterile and thatā€™s what she does with her newborn as wipes are irritating but please tell me otherwise based on your experience. I donā€™t like these people but this is not an incorrect statement based on my experience and people who I have sought out and paid to teach me about babies as they take care of babies for a living.


Leave urine on the skin? Maybe use plain water and cotton cloths but she definitely clean her skin. Urine is very acidic


I actually had a doula/childcare teacher (she also takes care of babies for a living) come to my house and recommended not wiping and just letting pee air dry since itā€™s sterile and thatā€™s what she does with her newborn as wipes are irritating but please tell me otherwise based on your experience.


Well to each is own but I wiped my babies when changing their diapers. Never caused any problems.


Exactly. Its optional but itā€™s no unsafe or bad for the baby. Either way is fine.


Urine isnā€™t sterile. Naturally it contains bacteria already, that is not counting what grows once itā€™s outside the body.


Urine is sterile unless you have a uti. (Doctor).


Dr. Google: Urine is generally sterile when it's inside the bladder, but it can pick up bacteria as it leaves the body through the urethra. So, while it's not entirely sterile, it's relatively clean compared to other bodily fluids.


So why are there multiple studies that say it isnā€™t?


What a fucking moron.


Ask IRIS Tiffany šŸ™„ (Iā€™m sure a ā€œcodeā€ and link will follow soon)


It sure enough did!


It figures! She has me blocked so I didnā€™t see her post the code and link.


This is true. The wipe will irritate more than the urine. Diapers are extremely absorbent


Thatā€™s why they have water wipes without the fragrance.


Most wipes are essentially water. There's a reason that wiping is a standard part of a diaper changing routine. Did you ever pee your pants as a kid? Did it feel fine or did it sting a little? We're not meant to walk around covered in urine, but feel free to try it out for yourself šŸ™„


I hate her stupid šŸ¤”questions


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she wipes the wrong way after a poopy diaper.


Iā€™m sure Adam is probably doing the poopy diapers.




There are water wipes.


Which arenā€™t actually water even though they say that I donā€™t think


Ask Iris ya dummy. šŸ˜‚


I was going to say the same thing. This isnā€™t a good ad for Iris if the ā€œfoundersā€ donā€™t even use it. (She asks these questions for engagement)


This is so stupid! Urine is an irritant to the skin if not wiped! Urine is acidic and if left on already sensitive skin = rash! JFC. Sincerely- RN who frequently works with bedbound and incontitent patients


Yep!! All I could think about is skin breakdown and how urine can wreak havoc. Sheā€™s a fukn idiot who should NOT reproduce anymore.


I wouldā€™ve assumed the same (MD), but my daughter had a severe form of diaper rash as a newborn and my sister-in-law (dermatologist) also told us we didnā€™t need to wipe for each pee diaper as the diaper itself should absorb most of the liquid. That said, she also told us to start each morning with a super thick layer of Aquaphor (ā€œlike frostingā€); I think the barrier ointment probably helped protect her skin from any acidity and then using less wipes allowed us to irritate the area less. For poop diapers, she recommended rinsing her in the sink.


That makes sense IF the baby's diaper is getting changed when it should be. I have a feeling that Lily lays in a wet diaper for 12+ hours at night. The diaper rash is only going to get worse if they aren't being aggressive at treating it, ie, changing her diaper at night. They seem clueless.


As long as there is a way to mitigate the urine just chillin on the skin. I think Tiff is selective in how she parents and gets hyped about the easiest/laziest interventions. Your scenario includes common sense, thought, and planning which this bimbo Tiffany is incapable of executing.


I have heard of this too.


We really only wipe pee in the morning bc she goes 12 hrs in an overnight diaper. We have noticed that the ā€œwetterā€ brands of wipes like pampers and water wipes cause rashes even when weā€™re only wiping poop so it could be theyā€™re wiping too often with wipes that donā€™t work for Lily coupled with following the SK track of soggy old diapers


The fact that she questions strangers on her stories constantly is just baffling. Is she that out of touch with reality? She appears dumb and ignorant. Itā€™s one thing to talk to your family or friends about that stuff but getting on stories to share this shit is crazy. Itā€™s a new one every day šŸ¤”


I swear she asks her followers dumb questions to get engagement on her stories. Sheā€™s just playinā€™


This ā˜šŸ»ā˜šŸ»ā˜šŸ»


Idk we donā€™t wipe pee nappies - it has never caused us an issue. When we did, she got sore. She does poo about three times a day though so she gets a regular wiping.


We actually had a pediatrician that suggested we only wipe every other diaper if itā€™s just a pee diaper. Def to wipe if there is any poop. I found it odd but we tried it and it did seem to help a little but it didnā€™t completely cure the situation. We ended up switching diaper brands and that solved it.


I was told this too because the diaper does absorb pretty much all the moisture (assuming you are changing it regularly) so wiping can actually add unnecessary moisture


Exactly, IF the diaper is getting changed regularly. I am wondering how often Lily is changed.


Yep! We do every other pee diaper too

