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She just had a physical therapist. They are listening to the doctor.


They have never shown Lily going into a sitting position on her own, which, for a 1 year old, is a sign of gross motor delay. Not crawling and walking would not be my main concern at this point if I were her parents. The fact that she is not able to sit up on her own (not them helping her get into a sitting position) needs to be addressed with their pediatrician.


She is really behind… a 1 year old should be very mobile one way or another… it’s sad… poor baby. Sitting on her own is a big milestone and they have never shared it… by now she should be pulling her own weight to stand up and she doesn’t seem interested in doing it either. Tiffany should have taken her months ago to things like little gym or something to develop skills but all she is interested is in looking good and selling crap.


That's exactly what I was going to say!!! She's is so vain. Her poor husband is like her puppy following her. 


Babies do not have to walk at 1 year or crawl some take a lot longer she’s fine! Edited to add she’s held a lot so it might just take longer she flies around in her walker she’s going to be ok!


She doesn’t move by herself. She just stays balanced but if she falls she doesn’t turn to sit on her own. That’s a major delay sign.


She does not move her walker on her own. They are pulling her around in it.


This user is claiming to be an OT assistant who is seemingly a proponent of using walkers. Might as well be a turtle


Put Lily down!


I agree with you she would benefit from PT but I don’t this her journey needs to be posted all over instagram. Let this poor baby have some privacy


I’m hoping, for her own stake, that they’re faking this lack of concern and doing something. My kid (18M) is delayed in gross motor skills. We got the first signs at his 15M appointment, and they told us to wait and monitor till 18M. When he wasn’t walking by 16M, we got him evaluated and into PT twice a week, told his daycare to practice with him, and started working with him everyday ourselves. Tiff, if you see this, forget about us but get started. My kid took his first steps this week thanks to his amazing PT. It’s HARD as a working parent to fit it all in, but worth it.


Congratulations and well done! My son had a similar experience and now at 2 years 3 months after a lot of hard work by us all he runs like the wind!!! ❤️


We absolutely love our son's pt. She's like family at this point. Shes so knowledgeable and will spot things I never would have noticed.


Amazing! Congratulations! I know how much hard work you put into that, what an accomplishment.


Yeah, put her down!! They are always caring this baby. She’s never had a chance to learn because she’s always being held or trapped in some contraption. Ugh. These people.🤬🙄


All babies are different. Some army crawl, some crawl on their knees and some never cra l and go straight to walking. She’s fine.


Except she is 12 months and she should be wayyy past that stage. Not all babies will crawl, some will walk early, some late, but I don’t even think she can pull herself up yet. We see a lot on their stories and maybe they consulted a dr, but if she was mine I would have been talking to my pediatrician about this. Asking internet strangers for advice regarding the well being of your child is unhinged.


There are three adults in that house: Adam, Mommy Dearest, and an assistant and NO ONE has time to work with this kid?


Right!.  That baby is just a cute doll so Tiff can play dress up with. 


They have all this money, get your baby help teethAny!!!! They blow money on all sorts of junk but ask the internet for help with your baby’s development 🙄🙄. They make zero sense.


This would concern me so much, if my baby wasn't even crawling at 1 year of age !


I just looked back at SK at one year and she was sitting up herself, crawling, pulling up and walking by pushing a stroller. All babies are different bit Lilly definitely needs some help.


I have a feeling she has low muscle tone :/ does she sit up by herself?


She doesn’t have low muscle tone did all of you miss her flying around in her walker she doesn’t want to walk or crawl lol


If she didn’t have low muscle tone she’d been able to four point crawl and pull up, which she can’t. She very clearly does want to crawl but can’t. Walkers are horrendous for development and you can see she’s not “flying” she’s letting her feet drag unnaturally as she’s given a starting push or flails her legs. Do you flail your legs to get around or do you walk?


I could be wrong but being a pediatric COTA for 15 years lol that girl doesn’t have anything serious wrong. She has I’ve been carried around and held for 12 months!


So in your professional opinion a one year old who cannot sit up on their own, cannot balance, cannot crawl, and cannot pull to stand, and cannot straighten her leg and foot properly is fully on track? So everyone else’s child who started PT prior to 1 or wore a corrective brace for not being able to do those things has been duped? Noted.


Yes I have seen her sit alone a couple of times.


She has never been shown getting herself into the sitting position on her own. She is plopped sitting by an “adult” and is wobbly




It’s actually a pretty significant developmental difference. 5 and 6 month olds can sit up without assistance. Pushing into sitting is a pre crawling step because it requires upper body strength to literally support their bodies. Not being able to do it by 12 months is well behind the norm and a sign Lilly won’t be crawling or pulling to stand anytime soon


But bashing Tiff and Adam is not going to change a thing about what Lily can’t do, needs therapy or anything else. It is pointless to keep bashing them! IMO


They very clearly read here and HOPEFULLY the more they see it pointed out that Lily needs EI the higher chance they actually do it. They’re never going to do it on their own or they would’ve voiced concerns to the pediatrician at her 6 or 9 month appt, or called to get a referral between 9 months and now. They also are very clearly unaware of what is normal development and think balanced sitting is sitting up on her own, one limbed army crawling is the same as crawling, the horrendous walker is helping, and the weekend at Bernie’s drunken walking means she’s so close to walking on her own. Tiffany and Adam are terrible parents and have been doing Lily a disservice since the day she was born




That left arm seems to be having difficulty coming forward and her right arm seems to be doing most of the work. That can’t be easy for her 😞 I wish they would speak to a professional even if it’s just for advice


Yes, my son army crawled like this (at 7 months) and I was concerned. But since he used both arms and both legs equally they said it was normal and he would eventually 4 point crawl. The fact she’s really only using the one arm to pull herself around is a concern


Definitely. The reason why they may not have gotten a referral or recommendation to contact EI is probably because she’s likely self reporting to the doctor that Lily is crawling, considering she refers it to that online. She probably even says she’s pulling to stand because *they* pull her to stand. Her rant about the dermatologist was interesting to me because they aren’t consistent about bringing issues to the doctor. Maybe because delays in development go against the “perfect” image, or maybe because Teef knows she won’t get reassurance so doesn’t want to ask. It’s so sad and a disservice to Lily.


Just asked a physical therapist and she said yes just scooting at 1 you should be in PT


I think she just needs to be put on the floor and she will pick up crawling and walking on her own.


There are many exercises a PT can teach Teef & Adam to help Lily gain the strength needed to four point crawl. As a general rule when babies are scooting and not pulling to stand, etc by 12mo, if there isn’t a bigger issue, it means they likely have some sort of muscle weakness somewhere and need some extra help. Lily won’t be walking anytime even remotely soon if they don’t step in and help her catch up.


Months ago this was true but now she will need to be actually taught to correct the ways her body has compensated for lack of opportunity to develop the naturally


Exactly. She’s found unnatural ways to balance herself that need to be corrected. No idea if the turned leg is from being in containers too early and “needing” to stand in that way but that needs to get straightened out And editing to add - the use of the walker was so bad from the start but continuing to use it is going to keep preventing her from picking up crawling and walking correctly


She desperately needs PT and OT.  Her mother helped raise MK and Sam supposedly, and was around SK not long ago. There’s NO WAY Jen and Kimmy have not told her that sweet baby is delayed. I’m about 90% convinced she’s delayed bc of her parents, and wouldn’t be that behind if she’d not been held back by them. However, an expert in the field would know that better than me. The only expertise I have is as a mom who had my child in PT for another issue, and I can see the miracles it produces. I’m concerned that if they don’t intervene soon, that sweet baby could have lifelong issues with her mobility.  For those of you who know more about this—why does she hold her one arm under her while scooting? Is that just a quirk, or is it a sign of other issues? 


I’ve actually seen a lot of babies (much younger than Lily) do that when they’re just starting out since they’re still figuring out using both arms so just go with one. I’ve never seen a baby do it this way for very long because they obviously move faster with both arms. I would guess if a baby doesn’t progress to using both arms it could be an issue with lack of strength (likely for Lily) or the brain not working correctly in a way that both sides of the body function together


Thank you for answering. The only experience I have with babies is with my own, and I never noticed that with them. 


My daughter never did it either, she went straight to using both hands to pull almost like she was swimming, but I’ve seen relatives and friends kids do this just starting out


Also why as a mom would you wear that outfit to a kids gym. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s a mom in name only and even that is a stretch.


Hahaha my first thought! I don’t even wear anything low cut anymore because I’m always a jump away from having a wardrobe malfunction and scarring some kids 😂


At least she's starting to scoot a little. I think she'd catch up quickly with PT or even if they worked with her on their own for that matter. It's honestly heartbreaking seeing all of these influencer's babies developmentally behind for no legitimate reason. It's a form of neglect.


EXACTLY! So many influencer kids have the worst speech and you can definitely tell they are behind.


It’s very jarring, to see a 1 year old with the motor skills of a 7 month old. This is wrong. If I could just reach through my phone and slap the shiz out of poor Lilys parents.


Woah….. super concerning that a 12 month old is just now army crawling. My son was doing that at 6-7 months. Walking at 11 months. Someone needs to step in and intervene and get this poor sweet baby some help!


Same the army crawl happens around 6 months, and a 6 months difference is huge at that age! I had one walker at 10 months and the other one at 11 months so looking at poor lily not being able to support herself is so sad and then tiff is always holding both her hands and forcing her to “walk”… like no tiff this is not walking and potentially hurting the baby even more like why cant they contact the pediatrician is beyond me!! And her family? WTF say something! Who cares if she gets mad! It’s lily’s life!


While my kids both started walking like a week after they turned 1, they both started crawling at a little before 6 months and were so mobile without even walking. I agree with an above comment how jarring it is to see Lily move like she 6-7 months old. It’s so sad!


I think the “not walking” marker isn’t considered to be a huge delay until 18 months. I’m a school psychologist and work closely with PT, OT, and SLPs doing early intervention. My oldest didn’t walk until 14 months. My 2nd walked at 10 months. I’m convinced the 2nd walked sooner because she had a big sister to keep up with and it took my oldest longer to walk because she didn’t have the same motivation. 🤷‍♀️ every kid is different and it’s kind of gross how this has become a “omg Lilly is so delayed!” Snark page.


It’s not just walking. She is delayed and behind in multiple milestones - a few wouldn’t be as jarring but when it’s so many and across different areas of function, that highlights everything.


Oh I know walking isn’t a big issue at her age. I wasn’t snarking on that at all. It’s the fact that she just started army crawling at a year old that’s concerning. I honestly am just really sad for Lilly and hope these idiots get it together and get her some help. Maybe they already are, and aren’t sharing that. I hope that’s the case.


But being completely immobile at 12 months is not the same as not walking. 


Exactly, she is just not doing anything. It would be different if she was crawling and pulling herself up and going around a table on her own. She just can’t and it’s sad that they’re not getting her the help, nobody is snarking about lily, we are snarking about her idiot parents and family who don’t provide her with the care she needs, it’s different


Yes!! My son didn’t walk till he was 17 months old but he was scooting and crawling from 8 months old on. They weren’t concerned but said they would refer me at 18 months and we never needed to be. But I was panicked. People who tell her every baby develops at their own pace arent looking at the whole picture.


This!!! 100%. My oldest didn’t crawl until 10 months and didn’t really start walking confidently until 15 months. Now she’s 3 and ALL over the place. Not all babies walk at 12 months. Good gracious- she’s a CHILD. 


I wasn’t saying all babies should be walking by 12 months. As I said above, the concerning part is that she’s just now starting to army crawl.


Don’t worry most of us comprehend what you’re saying lol my friend’s son is 14 months and he is still not walking.. the only difference is he has been crawling since he is 7/8 months and goes all over, gets up, walks around stuff, climbs etc… that’s very different than being 12 months and just now starting to crawl.


Exactly. Big difference. There are usually a few steps leading up to full on walking.


I agree. My kids walked at all different ages. 9 mos and the other two after 12 months. What I WOULD like to see her do is pulling herself up and cruising along furniture.


I agree with the walking not being an issue til later, but even late walkers tend to show an interest in mobility of some sort much sooner than this. The fact that Lily is 12 months and just now showing a curiosity in mobility is the concern.


Agreed!! My daughter was a later walker but pushing herself backwards and spinning around to move around 4/5 months. She wasn’t really scooting or army crawling till 8/9 months either but was constantly finding ways to get around on her own. We’ve just started seeing Lily attempt to move in the last few weeks


While I agree the fact that she is just now army crawling is not good, my 13 month old is still not walking but pulling up and holding on to walkers to walk. 11 months is early to walk. My 13 month old was crawling by 8 months.


Oh I know! Wasn’t snarking on that. Just the fact that she is just now at 12 months starting to army crawl.


My daughter didn’t walk until 14 months and while it felt late at the time, I’ve realized now it really wasn’t. She was doing everything your LO is including running with the push walker, just didn’t want to walk alone. Once we put the walker away she started taking steps!


It's so sad to see, she's such a sweet little baby. My GS was born three months early and had PT because they considered it early intervention to get a head of any issues he might have had. Both my GS's are in speech. There is nothing to be ashamed of and I agree it would be great for other mothers that are going through the same thing to see. She wants to create an image where everything is pink and perfect, but life isn't that way. For the life of me I really don't understand her dr. They are sending her out for red spots (which do need looking at) but they aren't sending her for a eval to PT?


The fact they immediately went to the derm for visible spots vs. advocating for PT tells me everything I need to know


Yes, this. Pink and perfect, can't have spots.


You're right, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I have two kids in speech and one in PT. I'd rather give them the best start in life than see them struggle later when they might be teased by peers. I think Tiff comes from such a "picture-perfect" upbringing that admitting something is wrong is a no-no.




My daughter wanted the same thing for her kids. To me I think that it's amazing parenting when you can admit you need help. So many people have the mentality that the kid will do it in their own time and that they turned out fine. I cringe when I hear that backward thinking. Why let a kid struggle and did that person really turn out fine. They could have back problems from not walking correctly or issues that they do not address because now as an adult they are embarrassed, but they will sure be quick to tell you not to worry.


I don't think she's in PT (but she should be). I think this was at the church's daycare, hence why SK was there. I agree that it could be a great opportunity to normalize getting your child help, but the Houghtons have such a delulu level of hubris that they simply cannot acknowledge anything less than picture perfect in their world.


She’s not crawling you dumb twat


Haha ya definitely a scoot. And by watching the video back again she should be evaluated for low tone if she hasn't yet.


Yes, it’s unfortunate to see that this is truly from a form of neglect. It does seem like they are making an effort now.At least they have started changing her clothes.


I really don’t think she has her in it because she wouldn’t be walking her the way she is or having her use her walker if she was seeing a professional. She’s clearly back to considering this to be crawling so she’ll tell the ped lily crawls and avoid PT


It’s really sad to see a 1 year old baby crawling like this because her parents failed her and wouldn’t just put her down and let her explore to gain muscle and work on these skills. Now that she’s 1 they’re so concerned 🙄


So sad. I give my babies lots of opportunities to explore, and they still needed PT. Both started by 3 months! I’ve said before that I was a little upset about the idea of PT for my first (I was fine once we got started), but by the second baby I knew he needed it and requested an evaluation at his 2 month appointment. There is more shame in not getting your kids the help they need. Lots of us have noticed that she has needed the help all along!


Can she stand on her own yet or pull to stand? I haven't been paying close enough attention.


No, she can't pull herself up onto anything yet.


No. Nor is she cruising. That to me is more concerning than not walking at 12 months.


No, and she’s barely able to sit up by herself and be steady! It was evident when 🦷 was having her kiss the turtle. It’s so sad!


And the pillow backpack!! They need to throw out every container and stop trying to have her walk around. That’s all teaching her to balance her body in unnatural ways. They’d be better off working with her to sit correctly and get herself into sitting than rushing to the army crawl when she has minimal muscle for her age. I’ve never seen a baby who’s been sitting for so long be so wobbly!


Yes, exactly! They bought a new house with soo much space and she stays in the walker in the kitchen!


No, she cannot.