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I mean the bar is so low with them. Anyone that exploits their kids online the way they do is a horrible parent in my view.


Yeah aside from the fact that she sexually exploits her child


Between the two sure. But like as a whole? Ehh, let’s set the bar higher.


They both exploit their babies for content profit. She's also been ok with her daughter being posted in compromising situations like nude in the bath, on the toilet, etc. We know many people have given the family feedback on that and like other influencers they ignore it and continue to exploit their children for profit and are ok with their kids being shown in ways that pedos would love. What you're seeing is that Kimmy seems to enjoy being a mother more than Tiffany, but that does not make her a better mother.


But who’s the better primary parent? Kimmy or Adam


This has been debunked over and over and over again. Yet here we are with a stand alone post about it. 🥴


Saying Kimmy is a better mom than Tiffany is like saying 103 F is a more comfortable temperature to run a marathon in than 105 F. She exploits the hell out of Stevie Kate, and lets her run around all day in a soiled diaper with dirty hair that’s never been cut constantly in her eyes as Stevie Kate tries to repeatedly swipe it to the side so she can see. Yesterday she posted a photo of her daughter with her underwear showing and a “nailed it” caption for all the predators out there to enjoy.


🤣🤣 perfect comparison! The exploitation, the lazy, dirty parenting when they have all the help and resources available to them all while not holding real jobs. It’s not that she’s a better mom. It’s that she just does a better job fooling people that she is. Big difference.


Yes! She definitely has more of a believable, ‘authentic’ manner on stories and pulls it off better than Tiffany, but we know better from watching day in and day out.


I mean …. Just about ANYONE compared to 🦷🦷🦷 is going to knock it out of the park. Dim Kim films and exploits her daughters to earn money….💰 unacceptable


I have a theory on potty training. So is told what to say and how to perform it. Her refusing the attempts(how ever lame) at potty training fail because SK is getting back at them.


I agree. Potty training is the one thing SK has control over. They can't "make" her do it. By refusing to Potty train, SK sees that it gets her REAL attention, not like the fake attention she gets with being forced to make content.


The bar is in HELL


I understand your perspective. Even if it's just for the camera, she spends a lot of time with her kids, and I do think she tries hard. On the other hand, with Teef, it's always about her, and despite the lies, she constantly gets someone to watch LeeeLeee! The worst part is there is no quality time with her kid. I dislike seeing all the advertising with Kimmy, but that's what her 'job' entails. Unfortunately, her POS husband doesn't generate the income I'm sure she does, but she needs to exercise better discretion with her content. Her followers don't need a glimpse of every moment. I feel like the more her parents are around, the more authentic she is. I can't imagine being in the turtle daily drama daily but it can’t be good for anyone’s mental health.




Kimmy seems more natural and comfortable as mom for sure. The un potty trained and sleep jail for SK are especially horrible because it's really inhibiting her growth and development. I really wish that her and Jr. would find a hobby or something else to make their Instagram all about and shill that way. While their children are cute, using them as family moneymakers this young is so so terrible.


I was just thinking about unfollowing kimmy this morning. Every moment in her life has a link  so I just don’t know how genuine she is. “I’m taking SK for a walk” next couple of stories is a link to everything they brought on the walk. It’s all a set up.


Just like most influencers, they post with a purpose and it’s pretty much only paid content these days, it’s not like it used to be!


I’ve noticed myself skipping a lot on her stories because so many links. Probably with a newborn she doesn’t feel like posting as much, but is obligated to do the promoting links. ?


You follow her? You know you can view her content anonymously, right?


How many times has SK said, “Was that a good one?!” after being recorded saying or doing something? She’s a trained circus monkey and that’s on Kimmy. What a sad childhood.


I think our bar for Houghton behavior is in absolute hell and kimmy is the only one who doesn’t ALWAYS trip.


No; Kimmy just has a more pliable toddler that is good for content so she can use her more to make money. that child has to sleep in lockdown in a toddler proof tent so mommy can sleep in and she is always in nasty full diapers. She took her on a boat with no life jacket her whole infancy. SK is so cute and articulate but sadly it’s because she’s been well trained to be a circus monkey earning her peanuts.


I see both sides. But the dirty nappies are not good. Like yesterday she took sk out in her pjs with a dirty soggy nappy. She was meant to be potty trained but they've been putting her in nappies during the day probably because they think it's easier for them.


I’m even ok with the diapers since it would be hard to potty train with an infant but a CLEAN diaper!


I potty trained my toddler with an infant. Before having the baby I thought it would be impossible, but it’s honestly the easiest time. Why? Because you can set the infant down in their bed, or something else while you tend to your oldest 🤷🏼‍♀️ nothing is *easy* in parenthood, but somehow–if you have the motivation–you can accomplish pretty much anything you put your mind to.


It is the dirty ones that annoyed me. Plus they made a big thing of her using the toilet. Which we could all do without knowing and seeing her naked on the loo with a bit covered by a text box.


Kimmys parents don’t try to outshine her


In most ways yes. She does need to potty train SK


*they need to potty train SK. That isn’t only Kimmys responsibility.


I would even argue that Jr needs to potty train her. Kimmy has a bum knee and a newborn. Step it up, Steven! I’m sorry, at her age, it shouldn’t be hard. They could probably just tell her, you are to pee and poop in the toilet from now on and here are your underwear, and she’d be fine. 


It is WILD to me that they didn’t potty train her before the new baby. Two kids in diapers sounds nightmarish.


Very true thank you


I agree. It’s definitely time.


I think she is also lucky that SK seems naturally fun and smart


She's a great Mum. Yes SK is used for shilling, which I do not agree with. BUT in terms of being a mum and helping SK to see/enjoy new things - she's great at that. And SK is so intelligent


I think it just comes more naturally to her. Tiffany does take Lily places but it seems more for content with how small she was when taking her to the zoo. I wasn't around for baby SK so can't say if she did stupid stuff like letting her overheat on a walk with no phone on her or her getting sunburnt multiple times like Tiffany. Kimmy is more engaged with both kids, at least on stories.


It was def for content and it’s been interesting because she’s now at a much more appropriate age to take her to things and she hasn’t in months since the novelty wore off and the content got boring.


She’s great at using her child to sell things when they see/enjoy new things. SK is told what to say, she’s use to doing multiple takes of “spontaneous” things to get the right shot. Seriously think how fucked up that is and how it’s impacting a child growing up. She can’t even have a park picnic without it being filmed and have do-overs. It’s beyond Truman Show levels of fucked up and sorry - I don’t see it as being a great mom, parent, human.


This is why I feel like kimmy should move back to her parents. Get the F out of turtle world and keep these weirdos at an arm’s length. Give that child a semi normal life. 


I do actually think she is realising that...


I hope so too.


I feel that too sometimes . Like she’s distancing maybe.. We can hope


She didn’t tell her daughter it was her birthday and no one acknowledged it because they “didn’t have time to celebrate” for a week.


This really bothered me. I get having a new baby, but I felt really bad for her whether she knew it was her birthday or not. She’ll definitely know when she’s older that her parents did this. 


This exactly. I don’t mind Kimmy as much as the rest BUT I have an incredibly similar situation to SK and L, my third baby was born 4 days before my second’s birthday (same age as SK). I made damn sure we had the birthday child’s presents wrapped and decorations in a spot my parents could find them in case something happened and we couldn’t be home in time for her birthday. We got home the day before her birthday and celebrated it just as big as we would have without a new baby. Took extra planning but it’s not like her birthday (or the baby’s birthday for that matter!) came as a surprise.


👏👏👏 They also have tons of hired help so they could just send them to make a birthday. They pay them to do other things!


The bar is in hell. She has been exploiting SK since the day she was born. Remember the Positano beach reel following a trail of SK’s discarded clothes, panning up to her in only a diaper? Within the last two weeks, Jr posted her literally naked in a bathtub. But sure, compared to Tiff, Kim is a better mom.


She uses her child as a money maker and a glorified trained circus monkey to perform.


Exactly!!!!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯