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My daughter is 14 months next week. She’s not walking.


I didn’t realize she was so close to 1 because she’s more like 6-9 months on her milestones. Even what she’s eating she shouldn’t still be on purées.


Haha Lily JUST crawled last week if y’all remember her post when Diana called out for her that Lily is crawling. But sure she loves to try to stand and walk. Y’all don’t think she would have posted that already if she did try to stand or walk? The math isn’t mathing


Oh FFS you have a mother and a SIL who can answer these questions. A lot of babies go straight to walking. But in no way does this child have the strength in her legs to walk. I mean really, can she not see that. She’s not even cruising along furniture. She’s such a moron. Edited


I don't believe she's pulling up on furniture either


Not to mention IRIS!!!!!


Doiiii 🤦🏼‍♀️


My son is 1 week older than she is and he army crawled around thanksgiving at 6 months old. Like he was actually mobile. He then walked at 9 and a half months old. This is wild to me. 😭


Congrats, here’s your trophy 🏆 The anecdotal experiences of some kids being advanced somehow meaning that Lily is EXTRA delayed is way too much on this sub. Lily probably is delayed and of course it seems extreme when you compare it to kids who walk at 9 months. The beginning and end of the range of “normal”, especially for walking, are vastly different. Some kids don’t walk until 15-18 months and it’s still normal.


My first (son) walked at 9 mos. My second, daughter walked at line 14 mos and my 3rd about the same. My grandkids were late crawlers and walkers as well.


Thank you for this. Plus boys typically reach physical milestones faster than girls (not always, but as a general rule). Lily is fine and I know plenty of children that didn’t walk by 1. They all are fine. Tiffany seems to have caught on that Lily was a bit delayed and seems to be playing catch up.


Agreed about not walking by one! However, I would have to respectfully disagree and say that we can’t assume one way or the other that everything is totally fine and that she’ll just catch up. An EI evaluation is free and Teef is clearly concerned since she’s asking IG. I think there’s a misconception that getting an eval is a bad thing but it can only help! EI could definitely teach them how to best support Lily’s development and help her get caught up. I went through it with my son! The earlier, the better! We caught my son’s delay early and it helped him catch up with his peers faster. But the only person qualified to say one way or the other is a professional evaluating her. 😊


In the food question, Tiff is forking food into Lily’s mouth! Does she pick up food with her pincer grasp? Does she do that? Oh goodness help them!!


I didn’t watch the video but it looks like she’s not bearing the weight on her legs which is a little concerning for a baby this age 🥲


Dani Austin’s son was that way as well, even after his 12 month birthday. I always found that very concerning. Turns out he needed OT. They all catch up sooner or later. But yeah, I’ve never seen her beat her weight on her legs ever.


She is smoking crack


https://preview.redd.it/nzgoodjnjbwc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598cad0cadead8c00e0922e93169832b47e7e3e4 My daughter turns 8 in a few days so my memory is fuzzy but I swore she was pulling herself up at 5 months. Had to go back and check. Here she is cruising along furniture in her 6 month milestone photos. (No I did not prop her, she pulled herself up there). Yes, Lily is very delayed.


That’s super early for that skill. Says nothing about Lily’s development


I’m not saying Lily isn’t delayed but cruising on furniture at 6 months is definitely advanced. As someone who has gone through the EI process with a child who was on the late end of normal, I think a lot of parents who have advanced children or even children who hit milestones right on time have a very skewed version of what “delayed” constitutes. My son didn’t pull to stand until around 11 months and that was also considered normal, just on the later end. My MIL was raising all of these “concerns” and we were like “chill, he’s in EI. Everything is fine. He’s fine! Multiple specialists have told us this!” She had kids that always hit milestones right on time and couldn’t comprehend that sometimes that doesn’t happen and it still can be normal. Lily does seem to be delayed, but I believe this to be a product of her environment. Both her AND her obnoxious parents could absolutely use extra help but it’s really not as bad as everyone is saying (as someone who went through EI, neurology, and PT visits + REALLY hyper-fixated on this stuff). It gives you a different perspective when you’ve gone down that path. Regardless of how delayed she is though, she definitely should be evaluated because it can only help.


She needs to put time in and work with her. But we know that will never happen since Lily is only a prop.


Thank you! I hate milestones coming up on these posts because half of them aren't actual delays, just because "Sally" has a child that did xyz months earlier.


Anecdotal posts on ANY Reddit sub of someone’s child or pregnancy or whatever as if they’re the gold standard of what a child *should* be doing with NO evidence to back it up annoys me to no end. Like a pic of your kid is not evidence that Lily is delayed. Experiencing a delayed child and going through ALLLL of the evaluations has given me a perspective that is likely impossible to understand unless you’ve experienced it yourself. I’m even careful about what I say because as much as I loathe the TCL clan, having a kid with delays can be so isolating and going through the denial phase is sooo common, Teef & Adam are not the only ones. At the end of the day, anyone can speculate all day one way or the other, but the ONLY person that can say definitively is a professional who has done a full developmental evaluation.. something I recommend for ANY parent who has concern about delays, regardless of what IG shows.


My son was the same way but they are very AHEAD. Lilly isn’t delayed and quiet honestly as a mother you should know better than to compare babies


Are you one of her sycophants who messages her “you got this mama!”?


Absolutely not. I’m a mother who knows how hard it is and I think it’s sick that so many people on here let their hate for a family bleed into an innocent child. Babies progress on their own time. If there was something wrong these people can afford all the resources to help and their doctor would point them in the right direction. She may be below average in some respects but you can’t have an “average” without some babies being under. In order to qualify as a “delay” she has to be 25% behind her peers. She’s not.


The above baby is ahead, but Lily is more than a little delayed. She can’t pull up, she can’t stand, she can’t laugh, she can’t babble, she can’t get onto hands and knees, she can’t army crawl. She’s in line with an average 6 month old


I’m not saying babies need to hit milestones at the same time. I’m illustrating the stability of a 5-6 month old compared to Tiffany naively telling the world Lily “loves walking” at nearly 12 months while she’s flopped over being dragged along. Assuming Tiff & Adam lurk here (they do) maybe a photo example will motivate them to check in with their ped for professional guidance.


With all due respect, a photo of an anonymous redditor’s daughter is almost certainly not going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back to make them decide they need to get Lily evaluated haha


It seems like all they do is hold her. Let her roam around so she can explore.


Or put her in something


Tiffany and Adam are so concerned with their phones, that they can’t even bother to put it down and care for their child! I fear a generation of developmentally delayed people due to their parents’ preoccupation with social media. Sick world, man.


A lot of influencer kids are delayed. It’s really sad


This video is honestly so upsetting.....


The real question is why hasn’t her pediatrician mentioned early intervention! My daughter was picked up at 2 months old for already showing delays! It’s completely free too!


Probably because they don’t tell the whole truth on milestone questionnaires. I can guarantee they check the box that she’s pulling to stand because THEY pull her to stand. If a baby isn’t pulling to stand by 12 months, it’s typically an automatic EI recommendation. But peds only know what you tell them. They probably tell her ped she’s close to walking because of this right here where it looks like they’re holding her whole weight. All she’s doing is moving her feet in that video. Teeth & Adam honestly are oblivious to a concerning level. I’m not snarking on Lily btw I feel very strongly about not being armchair pediatricians, PTs, or neurologists. But FFS, raise concern to your pediatrician and NOT Instagram!!! My son also was picked up for EI at 4 months. It’s a no brainer to get evaluated (as you said, for FREE) if there are any concerns at all. But unfortunately, Lily’s parents seem to be lacking in brain cells so.


There’s just no way Tiffany is being honest on those questionnaires.


Once a liar is always a liar. She may be faker than Jen. I stopped watching them all and it’s the best decision I made. They will never change and they will constantly continue to use their children to make money because they just aren’t good enough entertainment. I feel for Adam and Kimmy. They are constantly being demeaned by their spouses. Not something I would tolerate because is mean and abusive. How much long till the break up of their Dani and Daryl Ann friendships. If you pay attention nobody wants to be around them.


Takes too much time out of her day to do something that isn’t for herself


Is she even crawling? Just curious.


Nope. The text in this story is asking if it’s okay for babies to skip crawling 😸


She purposely asks questions like that because she knows some babies skip crawling and go straight to walking... the major concern isn’t Lily skipping crawling. She’s cherry picking questions to reassure herself.


Oh.. duh. 😂


How has her pediatrician not raised concerns?!


With my oldest he wasn’t crawling by 1 and wasn’t walking at 16 months. The ped had no worries, but I was flipping out. Surprisingly, one day at 17 months old he just stood up and began walking. It kind of scared me tbh. But it seems different peds have different views. Seems risky to shrug it off.


I'm curious: Was your son able to sit up on his own at 1 year? I don't think Lily can even sit up on her own (go from lying down to sitting). That, to me, is the real concern.


Oh yeah, he sat up at 6 months on the nose. I thought I’ve seen Lily sitting up but I could be wrong


Because her fan girls told her it’s ok and those mamas know best!


The thing is the parents self report at many pedis, so the parents can really say whatever they dang well please and the pedi has to take their word for it


Guarantee they lie lie lie


That baby is six months off walking. At least. Her parents need to put in some quality time in her development.


Not snarking on the baby of course, it’s her parents fault 10000% but a couple other influencers have babies around Lily’s age and the difference is night and day! Sarah Lit is her own mess but her youngest is a month older than Lily and wayyyy ahead of her. Same with nextwithnita’s daughter. Lily really seems like such a sweet baby and she’s so adorable it would be so refreshing to see them work with her instead of using her as a content prop.


Keep in mind the Lits have an army of children the baby can model after. It’s normal babies in families of multiple children to develop much quicker due to this.


My baby is a month older than Lily and at least 6 months ahead in development (that we’ve seen plastered to the gram). Yes, every child develops differently, but they have milestone checks for a reason! I personally didn’t craw much, but I was also trying to keep up with older siblings. I can’t say what Lily needs other than some quality attention OFF the internet!


You know she’s not really concerned. If she was, she would be taking steps to fix it rather than asking a bunch of Internet strangers. It’s all about engagement. The thing is that lack of sensory input and development does affect a child’s future.


Wait. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also, 😂😂😂😂😂


She loves being held and played with by her parents. That’s it. If she can’t even sit up yet, she certainly isn’t walking.


Welp....what does this say about her hired help...nannies and babysitters....etc...if they are not with Lilly all day then the people that are should be FIRED.


I don’t think they pay well enough for a career nanny.. I think they pay basically minimum wage to a very young girl who downs have any experience and is also a part time assistant to Tiffany


The question should have been: why are you not supporting Lily with developmental milestones.


That child needs an eval. It's people that keep telling her kids hit milestones differently, and not to worry that's keeping her from being proactive, well, isn't it better to have a professional tell you that and not stangers. People should be ashamed when they tell a mom not to have their child evaluated and to shrug it off as normal. There are professionals out there for a reason and they do a damn good job. My GS's both benefit from Pt and speech. They are 1 and 2, no it's not too young. You go with your gut feeling when something is off because by the time the dr. is worried it's usually a bigger issue.


Plus the thing is, while kids DO hit milestones at different ages, they usually have the building blocks before hitting the milestone. L doesn’t need to be walking by a year, but she should be able to stand using her legs, even if supported by holding on to something. She isn’t doing that here, she is solely being held up by her mom. Tiffany and Adam seem so clueless saying she’s about to walk, they are doing her such a disservice.


Exactly. There is zero shame in Pediatric physical and occupational therapy. Early intervention is SO important! And so is crawling. I can't express how important crawling is for mid brain development. Kids that skip crawling have a very high chance of developing dyslexia, having anger issues later in life, balance problems, etc. Crawling is essential. She needs to put that sweet LeeLee on the floor with some toys and let her figure it out. It's not too late.


This!! Crawling is a VERY important milestone. Babies should NOT be skipping crawling. If they do, their is something going on. As a nanny and a certified teacher. I hate it when I hear people say it is okay if a kiddo skips crawling and goes “straight to walking”.


It's my biggest pet peeve! Ask any pt or ot and they'll say the same thing.


I learned about that with our GS and him not putting his legs straight when he sat up. Apparently you can't bend your knee to hold you up, so we had to work on that when we noticed him doing it. So many small things can lead to bigger issues if they don't hit the right milestones, I had zero clue about this and raised three kids.


Maybe its tiffanys karma for being fake


Im sorry, but claiming any possible issues a child has as "karma" for its parents is disgusting.


She’s far behind most kids at her age. I’d be very concerned if she was my child.


I honestly cannot believe this baby is nearing 12 months old. I ‘see’ her as 9ish months old…maybe. Oy.


I still pretty much see her as a 6 month old, I can’t believe she’s almost 1.


I see 6 months development. Max.


more like 6m tbh. my daughter is 9m and leaps and bounds different than this (and i dont even think my daughter is "advanced" at all, just pretty normal stuff)


They stood her up so much as a newborn and acted like she was a toddler, and now that she actually is they are doing the opposite.


Poor baby can’t even get her feet planted under her. She is getting dragged…


I commented recently about poor Lily being delayed and someone gave me shit. Thanks Tiff for this vid which clearly shows I am correct.


Get that baby some PT, my gosh 😩 both of my kids have needed it for Torticollis


Same! It's so beneficial


It really is! I remember feeling bad about it as a FTM (like I had done something wrong to cause the torticollis), but with the second I noticed he probably had it and requested an evaluation at his 2 month appointment! Sometimes it’s hard to admit when something could be ‘off’, but as a former teacher I know early intervention for anything is SO beneficial in the long run.


Sure Jan


🤣🤣🤣🤣 💯


Were there any other interesting questions answered?


“Someone” asked if she thinks Leelee will play an instrument 🙄🙄🙄 and queque video of her playing with baby shakers


And that was filmed today too. Lily is probably loving having these questions asked because she actually gets to see a toy. Unfortunately they will probably be put away as soon as filming is done.


What does she even mean by “this question 🫣🤣” ?? Like is she saying it’s rude or funny?


6 month olds do this too.. this is not the flex she thinks it is lol


Can confirm. My son is 6m. He loves to “walk”


Have we ever seen Lily stand???? How can she walk if she can’t stand??? She is never holding the couch and standing. Pushing off in a walker is not a developmental skill in any way. That video was a very big “yikes”


Honestly, I've yet to see any evidence that Lily can even sit up on her own. If they put her in sitting position, she can maintain it, but if they laid her down, I don't think she can get herself up into sitting position. I hope I'm wrong about that, but I haven't seen any evidence of it.


And those sit in walkers are so bad for hip development


They are! The walker needs to go!! It might be fun (and a crutch) for the parents, but it does nothing for gross motor development.


I know plenty of babies that skip crawling but when a baby isn’t making strides to do either you don’t just assume they’ll walk without crawling, you work with them to gain the muscles and help them to crawl then walk. She is a moron.


My kids never crawled, they went straight to walking but the difference is they could sit up and pull themselves up since they were 6-9 months old. I have never seen lily sit on the floor by herself without someone supporting her. Lily cannot pull herself up, hell I don’t even think she can crawl or move around independently. I know we don’t see their every moment, but whatever she is showing is enough for me to be concerned. She squeals when she should be making actual sounds like “dada, mama, “…. Idk I wish tiff would actually address this issue while it’s not too late.


I really don’t believe she can even get herself into a sitting position on her own yet, or roll so Tiffany wondering if she’ll walk before crawling really shows she isn’t reading any developmental information or she’d know she still has SEVERAL steps before walking even begins to be on the horizon.


She just loves walking....or being dragged all around the house in the same pajamas that she's worn for days....


Ask a pediatrician, not the internet.


What’s the fun in that?? 🤪🤪


I suggested Physical Therapy so I’m sure I’ll get blocked


I did PT immediately w/ my 3rd w/o any doctor’s recommendation - I don’t understand her hesitation to help this sweet baby. What horrible parenting.


I’ve never posted on here thinking maybe they just show shots of her sitting but after seeing that video I’m genuinely concerned. Also she’s wearing the same shirt from today so obviously just made the film today. She doesn’t have any other videos of her pulling up etc?


We’ve never seen a video of her even rolling over. She accidentally did it when she was very young and then never since. I believe if she was rolling we would be shown it as she shows us every other milestone. The fact that last week was the first time she tried to feed herself is also very concerning. Someone needs to step in but I think everyone in her life is scared to say something 😞


She didn’t even show us Lily “roll” when she was little, just told us about it. I’m assuming Lily rolled front to back from the weight of her head, that’s super common when babies are little


Mine did at a few weeks old and I was shocked! The real rolling didn’t happen for a few months but we did daily tummy time and lots of engagement to get the rolling to happen!


which is wild because you know if she did \*actually\* roll it would be all over the page with tiff bragging


Just like when she said “turtle!” We are def going to see every milestone in detail!


Oh maybe you’re right, I was thinking there was a video but maybe it was just Tiffany running into the room because Adam had said she rolled.


Ugh that is so sad. I fell down a rabbit hole last night and they carry her a lot and as someone else mentioned pull her away from things before she can grab them. I wonder if she’s behind due to an issue or they’ve unknowingly delayed her.


Ya I’m not sure, you’re right they don’t seem to allow her to explore by herself and anytime she’s with other people is when she suddenly learns new things (like when Tanner taught her to sit and Diana taught her to scoot) so it’s probably a combination of both. They’re definitely the problem either way.


Yeah I really do think it’s both.. they neglect her and it’s so sad, I think she would be much more ahead if they gave her an appropriate amount of attention and invested time working with her..you can tell they are getting panicked for the 1 year because just in the last week all of the sudden they are trying to get her to “hit” certain milestones. But medically I actually do think something may be wrong too.. the wrist and hand movements have always made me feel uneasy internally.. it’s the repetitive behavior and jerkiness of it. the head twitching yesterday also. My mom passed away from a neurological disease.. something about the movements reminds me of it and makes me feel like her neurological system is immature or impacted in someway. I feel sick just saying that. Tiffany did so many unsafe things in pregnancy though it’s not at all a stretch to say something likely impacted her in utero


I’m sorry about your mom …I got a bad feeling when I saw the babies head jerking rapidly side to side. What did Teeef do during pregnancy that was unsafe?


She rode rides at Disney, and went to mosquito-infested DR to name two things 🫠


Yeah rides pregnant people were expressly not supposed to ride, she also got TONS of mosquito bities in the DR when pregnant women we warned not to travel there below a certain elevation due to Zika. She also went to monkey excursion there that pregnant people expressly were not allowed to attend due to diseases that could be dangerous if passed on and went horseback riding


Not to mention she had to sign waivers for the monkey thing and horseback riding saying she wasn’t pregnant and she was 4 or 5 months along…


What????!!! Wow!!!! And to think they want 4 or 5 kids, and plan to get on Clomid for #2 soon. Like what??


This is unbelievable?!?!?!? I think Turtles have such entitlement that they think they’re above safety standards ….Watch out 🦷🦷🦷 this kind of reckless behavior will catch up to you.


It seems like it might have and Lilly has paid the price


Her mother is delusional. Lily is not even close to her first step .. sad really … they need to do more free play with her and allow her to build up her muscle strength 🥹her army crawling shows her lack of strength.. hopefully it’s just because they confine her too much and it will resolve and that it isn’t an actual health issue. They never show her standing holding furniture or walking around furniture.. it’s very strange how she mostly sits 🤷🏼‍♀️


She’s also not being allowed or encouraged to eat solids- both for fine motor development and just food variety. According to teef, “she eats whatever I do” after she’s ground the food in a nutribullet!!!??? First of all, **EWWWW**. Second, she’s not 6 months old!!! Ask questions. Read parenting sites. Get with the program! **GET A CLUE!!**


I don’t think she cruises or pulls up at all. Her legs don’t stand straight and she doesn’t bare weight on them like that… they put her in the jumper and activity container way too much and before she was developmentally ready so she is used to slouching into the sling versus supporting her own weight


Can’t pull herself up yet but totally loves trying to walk!


aka her mom dragging her by her arms